Unity 2017.2.1

The next public release of Unity 2017.2.1 brings you a few improvements and a large number of fixes. Please read the release notes below for details.

For more information about the previous main release, see the Unity 2017.2.0 Release Notes.

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Release notes


  • 2D - Exposed methods to set and retrieve Physics Shape from a Sprite.
  • 2D - Improved the name for the packed texture generated by a Sprite Atlas.
  • 2D - Sprites created by importing a texture now have a default Physics Shape generated.
  • Android - Changed "Bundle Identifier" to "Package Name" in associated error messages.
  • Android - Improved error messages from android sdk tools.
  • Android: Proguard is no longer enabled by default for gradle release builds.
  • Android: Release gradle builds now signed with a debug key instead of failing to build.
  • Apple TV - Added support for attitude data coming from new AppleTV remote.
  • Editor - Fix labels for LZ4 compression to be less confusing
  • GI: Various lightmap seam stitching improvements for Progressive Lightmapper.
  • Graphics - Added APIs to retrieve areas safe for UI rendering. Currently supported on iOS and tvOS only.
  • IL2CPP: Improved incremental build performance on OSX.
  • iOS - Added identification enums for iPhone 8, 8+ and X.
  • iOS - Added player setting to specify whether the home button should be hidden on iPhone X.
  • iOS - Added player setting to specify which device edges defer system gestures to the second swipe.
  • iOS - Added support for iPhone X launch images.
  • Linux - Improved native plugin lookup.
  • Playables: Updated Playable.ConnectInput to take take an optional weight parameter.
  • Playables: Updated the Playable API documentation.
  • Scripting: Added command line option "overrideMonoSearchPath" for desktop standalone players (OSX, Windows).
  • Shaders - Concatenated matrix macros (e.g. UNITY_MATRIX_MVP) are now changed to static variables to avoid repeated calculations.
  • tvOS - Implemented support for 4K AppleTV icons and splashscreens.
  • Video - Removed audio glitches that follow seek/underruns in VideoPlayer.
  • XR - Improved performance on Windows Mixed Reality by removing a potential thread stall that would occur whenever beginning a new frame while the previous frame had not completed presenting.
  • XR - Updated Vuforia to version 6.5.23.
  • XR: Added PlayerSettings Get/SetVirtualRealitySupported, Get/SetVirtualRealitySDKs, and GetAvailableVirtualRealitySDKs for aquiring and setting the XR Settings on Virtual Reality Supported toggle and Virtual Reality SDKs list.
  • XR: Enabled single-pass stereo rendering for Windows MR.


  • XR: Fixed background rendering in ARCore apps running on Pixel XL no longer appearing stretched.
  • XR: Fixed issues with using values other than 1.0 for eyeTextureResolutionScale on Windows MR.
  • 2D: Fixed crash when Sprite Atlas scale results in a non-power-of-two texture and Crunch Compression is enabled. (960808, 953058)
  • 2D: Fixed ReflectionTypeLoadException from TilePalette when TilePalette is opened with 4.6 .Net and a user assembly cannot be loaded. (952556)
  • 2D: Fixed SetMinMax for Bounds/RectInt.
  • 2D: Fixed SortingGroup not applying sorting changes when child objects are duplicated or added dynamically.
  • 2D: Fixed switching platform and building project without making any changes will not cause Sprite Atlas asset to change. (968721)
  • 2D: Fixed the generation of Sprite Physics Shape for Sprites when the Texture is set to multiple Sprites mode, has no user Sprite Physics Shape set and does not generate a tight mesh for the Sprite.
  • 2D: Fixed tiled sprite renderer crash when a sprite is being packed in a Sprite Atlas which is not included in the build. (960807, 954812)
  • 2D: Fixed Tilemap Move to show correct Move preview. (952529)
  • 2D: Fixed TilemapRenderer showing tiles when Tilemap.ClearAllTiles() is called. (951514)
  • 2D: Fixed updating an active Tilemap palette prefab not exposing it into the SceneView. (947462)
  • AI: Fixed NavMesh.SamplePoint failing for meshes in range when another navmesh was below the point and out of range. (935433)
  • AI: Fixed unwanted gap in the NavMesh produced by a concave edge crossing a tile boundary. (930830)(959526)
  • Android: Disable GPU fences for two Android 6 devices which have been found to have compatibility issues causing performance loss: HTC 10 and LG G5 SE. (924891)
  • Android: Fixed a player crash caused by enabling GPU profiling when the selected graphics API was not OpenGL ES 3. (946913, 944118)
  • Android: Fixed android build failing with target SDKs 21-23. (956658)
  • Android: Fixed android video player playback starting to lag after activating input field. (934841)
  • Android: Fixed android video player stuttering and dropping frames. (931038)
  • Android: Fixed crash on some Adreno devices. (961094)
  • Android: Fixed crash while processing input during destruction. (934782)
  • Android: Fixed loading player data for very specific file sizes/content. (959908)
  • Android: Fixed plugin importer architecture selection. (963291)
  • Android: Fixed project export overwriting res/ directory when exporting to keep local changes to layouts etc. intact.
  • Android: Fixed realtime HDR reflection probes being black on older Android devices. (776875)
  • Android: Fixed setting multiple response headers with same name in UnityWebRequest. (944091)
  • Android: Fixed shader compile error on devices not supporting GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH.(945953)
  • Android: Fixed symbols.zip not including symbols file. (942625)
  • Animation: Fixed an issue where PrepareFrame was called at the wrong moment in the frame. (927919)
  • Animation: Fixed assert in play mode when Culling Type is set to "Based on Renderers". (943954)
  • Animation: Fixed assert when loading AnimationClip asynchronously in AssetBundles. (964932, 943438)
  • Animation: Fixed being unable to set the transition time in Animator.CrossFade(). (941945)
  • Animation: Fixed bool property not properly restored to initial value when exiting animation window. (948768, 947491)
  • Animation: Fixed case where sprite and material reference were not animatable at the same time in the SpriteRenderer. (945292)
  • Animation: Fixed case where transition between animations makes GetIKRotation and GetIKPosition returned incorrect value. (945035)
  • Animation: Fixed CurveField not updating animation curve when reference changes from render to render. (952170)
  • Asset Import: Fixed psd import issue where a psd looked different from a png. (931359, 931267)
  • AssetDatabase: Fixed an issue where AssetDatabase.GetSubFolders() didn't return any results, and updated the manual to reflect that this method only accepts relative paths. (931944)
  • Build Pipeline: Fixed a crash in BuildReporting::BuildReport::BeginBuildStep caused when BuildAssetBundles was being called from an OnPreprocessBuild callback. (941192, 958237)
  • Build: Exceptions in OnPreProcessBuild will now halt the build process correctly. (942296)
  • Collab: Fixed project manifest not being tracked in Collab. (951350)
  • DirectX 12: Fixed a crash when running on Windows 7 machine with first API in the list being DX12 and Graphics Jobs enabled. (964073)
  • DX12: Fixed memory leak when rendering procedurally generated meshes while using the Direct3D12 graphics API in the Windows Standalone build. (956272)
  • Editor: Fixed an issue where lightmaps are generated even though the scene does not contain any baked light contribution. (926559)
  • Editor: Fixed crash when dragging component without managed instance to hierarchy. (950172)
  • Editor: Fixed crash while processing input during destruction. (946958)
  • Editor: Fixed curve WrapModeIcon drawing when the Curve window is embedded into another window. (947024)
  • Editor: Fixed editor restart prompt when selecting the same Active Input Handling option. (968535)
  • Editor: Fixed importing a cubemap with invalid metafile crashing. (905397, 918819)
  • Editor: Fixed incorrect framing of GameObject hierarchies in Scene View. (957525)
  • Editor: Fixed incorrect tool placement when pivot mode was set to Center. (962721)
  • Editor: Fixed incorrect wrap icon button in particle curve editor window. (947024)
  • Editor: Fixed issue where performing a drag and drop operation to a GameObject that is being edited in the Preview window of Timeline would apply changes to its associated Prefab that cannot be reverted. (961428, 925381)
  • Editor: Fixed player settings not using the default icon if non are specified. (953161)
  • Editor: Fixed Plugin Inspector showing only one option in Framework Dependencies when switching to iOS platform and .NET 4.6. (948326, 930624)
  • Editor: Fix random hangs during Editor startup. (945607)
  • Editor: Fixed Scene view picking sometimes not selecting the topmost object. (943051)
  • Editor: Fixed SceneView bounds calculations not taking multiple colliders and renderers into account when calculating the framing and centre - point. (953301)
  • Editor: Reduced size of LightingDataAsset when baking light probes with multiple scenes loaded. (913869)
  • GI: Fix a crash in ApplyMaterialPassWithCache when generating lighting and Lightmap Static option is enabled. (946517)
  • GI: Fixed 'Show Lightmap Resolution' checkbox not working. (956577)
  • GI: Fixed crash when deleting Speedtree asset files from project folder when in use by prefab.
  • GI: Fixed Enlighten not generating lightmaps for meshes imported without UVs and with Generate Lightmap UVs option enabled. (854349)
  • GI: Fixed MaterialPropertyBlock values for Meta pass when using on terrain mesh with Realtime GI. (935149)
  • GI: Fixed navigating in scene view restarting baking when trees are painted on terrain. (955739, 955667)
  • GI: Fixed shadows when shadow prepare job is not run. (930221)
  • GI: Fixed terrain artifacts caused by Enlighten terrain mesh triangulation being different from the original mesh triangulation. (754298)
  • GI: Fixed terrain trees do not casting shadows into baked lightmaps. (685764)
  • GI: Fixed the UI in inspector not correctly showing light mode when multiple lights are selected. (851817, 929875)
  • Graphics: Added error message for graphics APIs that do not support texture wrap mode "mirror once" (Android Vulkan, Android GLES3 and WebGL). (912323)
  • Graphics: Emit error messages instead of assert when the screen position is out of view frustum.(947342)
  • Graphics: Fix Vulkan validation layer errors (on Windows) when switching to fullscreen. (941149)
  • Graphics: Fix Vulkan validation layer errors associated with image barriers.
  • Graphics: Fixed a crash in 'RenderTexture::DiscardContents' when opening the scene. (935328)
  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where an off-screen SkinnedMeshRenderer with 'update when off-screen' enabled was not being skinned. (939897)
  • Graphics: Fixed asserts when animations disable newly visible renderers. (950215)
  • Graphics: Fixed atlased ETC1 textures with split alpha rendering in editor outside of play mode. (942923)
  • Graphics: Fixed batching with unused stencil bit in G-Buffer pass. (962696)
  • Graphics: Fixed crash when certain variables of CustomRenderTexture are used in script. (942563)
  • Graphics: Fixed crash when creating sprite with unsupported texture format. (944413)
  • Graphics: Fixed culling of projectors not matching Editor scene cameras. (954828)
  • Graphics: Fixed D3D11 driver assert message and potential crash "Invalid mask passed to GetVertexDeclaration() when using post-effect". (932940)
  • Graphics: Fixed exception being thrown when the backgroung color of a Reflection Probe is changed. (939947)
  • Graphics: Fixed GL_INVALID_ENUM error with OpenGL ES when using point primitives.
  • Graphics: Fixed incorrect calculation of the Umbra occlusion culling near plane from the camera settings. (840098)
  • Graphics: Fixed incorrect definition of _ShadowCoord in AutoLight.cginc leading to unexpected compilation errors or extra useless interpolator. (924464)
  • Graphics: Fixed issue where some user shader keywords were handled incorrectly leading to compilation errors when building for standalone. (944334)
  • Graphics: Fixed not being able to set any Mesh on a Skinned Mesh Renderer. (946068)
  • Graphics: Fixed object with "Dynamic Occludee" property being disabled rendering in Preview window when selecting a different object. (944223)
  • Graphics: Fixed potential hang with DirectX11 or DirectX12 when using different sized render targets and multiple cameras. (950907)
  • Graphics: Fixed project build errors when Reflection Probes Projection setting in Tier1(Graphics Settings) is unchecked. (925552)
  • Graphics: Fixed specific case where not all requested shader variants ending up in an asset bundle. (948053)
  • Graphics: Fixed Tree shadows being culled when zoomed in on Occlusion Visualization mode. (941334)
  • Graphics: Fixed updating of bounding boxes for SkinnedMeshRenderers with 'Update When Offscreen' set. (935463)
  • Graphics: MeshRenderers with disabled "Dynamic Occluded" property were not being frustum culled. (956877)
  • IL2CPP: Added support in IL2CPP for Module.ScopeName property, which is used by Assembly.GetModule() to find a module in an assembly by name. (947807)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed an exception that would occur during conversion when processing an exception filter that calls a method. (944157)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed ArgumentException when accessing Socket.LocalEndPoint. (943671)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed calling DateTime.Parse() in IL2CPP builds for UWP throwing IndexOutOfRangeException. (948887)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed calling native ICommand interface methods on managed and native objects.
  • IL2CPP: Fixed calling System.Collections.Generic.IList`1 methods on managed and native objects.
  • IL2CPP: Fixed crash in thread pool during shutdown. (966623)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed crash when calling Socket.GetSocketOption using latest scripting runtime. (952043)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed marshaling System.DateTimeOffset to Windows.Foundation.DateTime when passing it to Windows Runtime APIs. (950465)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed SetSocketOption not working properly for add membership and remove membership with IPv6. (944939)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed stack overflow from occurring in Unity liveness logic (asset GC). (935563)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed unimplemented COM related internal calls in System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal class. (930386)
  • IL2CPP: Implemented a previously unimplemented internal call method to support System.Environment.HashShutDownStarted property. (947420)
  • IL2CPP: Improved stack traces for NullReferenceException cases on iOS when Xcode 8.3.1 or later is used with release builds. (950637)
  • IL2CPP: Prevented an intermittent crash in the GC for on PS4. (955991)
  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the development team ID was not written to the Xcode project in manual signing mode. (966830)
  • iOS: Fixed crash in Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie when playback ends. (949361)
  • iOS: Fixed screen not always automatically rotating correctly after disabling and enabling auto-rotation. (942401)
  • iOS: Fixed support for fonts of Tibetan, Armenian, Braille, Georgian and Thai languages in iOS 10 and iOS 11. (951089, 949036)
  • iOS: Fixed support of wide colors on new devices. (955685)
  • iOS: Fixed SystemInfo.supportedRenderTargetCount not correctly returning 8 for devices that support it. (949032)
  • iOS: Fixed the Screen.dpi() method in the Trampoline code not returning the correct number of DPI in iPhone 8, iPhone 8+ and iPhone X. (962793, 960914)
  • Lighting: Fixed asset bundles not working correctly with global illumination data. (924597)
  • Lighting: Fixed issue where Progressive Lightmapper was not transmitting indirect rays through translucent objects. (887019)
  • Lighting: Fixed maximum lightmap import size. (847499)
  • Multiplayer: Fixed reliable message being delivered twice.
  • OSX: Fixed Editor crash when using GLCore on High Sierra with Intel 6xxx series GPU. (963865)
  • OSX: Fixed High Sierra OS freeze while using Local Cache Server. (954747)
  • OSX: Fixed incorrect mouse position when running in full screen and non-native aspect ratio. (944450) (964731)
  • OSX: Metal: Fix hang when using MSAA on OSX 10.11 on Nvidia GPUs. (963059)
  • Package Manager: Fixed creation of empty folder named 'etc'.
  • Package Manager: Fixed error/crash if there is a comma symbol in the project name. (957436)
  • Package Manager: Fixed initialisation failure when host file is missing or empty. (957000)
  • Particles: Fixed Birth SubEmitter not always firing when using random between two constants lifetime. (941076)
  • Particles: Fixed burst curves on new particle systems not being initialized. (956592)
  • Particles: Fixed issue with incorrect bounds calculation causing incorrect culling in rare cases. (956753)
  • Particles: Fixed scripted emission emitting particles in the wrong direction, if transform was moving/rotating. (957633)
  • Physics: Ensure that we correctly match enter/exit collision/trigger callbacks when a single simulation step causes a contact to stop then start again. (932044)
  • Physics: Ensured that 'Collision2D.GetContacts()' returns a single contact when passing a single element array. (967740)
  • Physics: Ensured that loading a scene with a Rigidbody2D with simulation off allows interpolation when simulation is subsequently turned on. (965605)
  • Physics: Ensured that manual transform sync correctly updates the Rigidbody2D pose correctly. (963200)
  • Physics: Fixed cloth pointer not being set to null to null in SkinnedMeshRenderer when deactivating causing attempted use of deallocated object. (946356)
  • Physics: Fixed Collider2D crashing when disabled by an animation. (957044)
  • Physics: Fixed Collider2D material changes not being propagated to existing contacts. (953653)
  • Physics: Fixed colliders missing pose updates when they were inactive during the scene load. (945332)
  • Physics: Fixed physics settings being always marked as dirty on the editor start, even when nothing was changed. (948866)
  • Physics: Fixed PlatformEffector2D not ignoring contacts involving trigger colliders. (950833)
  • Physics: Fixed previously ignored collision not being ignored when recreating 2D physics contacts. (960530)
  • Physics: Fixed RigidBody2Ds being woken when set to "StartAsleep" sleep mode. (941024)
  • Physics: Fixes GameObject which has a disabled cloth component not following parent's transform. (946307)
  • Playables: Fixed crash when setting an invalid source playable. (956316)
  • Plugins: Fixed warning messages about Audio spatializers in logs for applications that were not using spatializers. (869346, 835980)
  • Prefabs: Fixed issue where resetting SerializedProperty.prefabOverride for one property could incorrectly reset other properties. (960775)
  • Scripting: Fixed alignment of 64-bit types on iOS. (949127)
  • Scripting: Fixed Awake containing the wrong transform values when instantiated. (953068)
  • Scripting: Fixed crash if delegate is created on un-inflated generic type. (763091)
  • Scripting: Fixed crash in debugger when trying to stop while a single step operation is in progress. (951901)
  • Scripting: Fixed crash on OSX when socket error ENXIO is encountered. (944464)
  • Scripting: Fixed crash when closing Windows Standalone player with Alt-F4 using latest scripting runtime. (952292)
  • Scripting: Fixed crash when struct has array field of same type. (807575)
  • Scripting: Fixed startup-crash on macOS 10.13 when using multiple monitors. (958250, 955089)
  • Scripting: Fixed XMM registers being trampled in 64-bit mode. (952069)
  • Shaders: Disable instancing support when performing surface shader analysis. (935126l, 941827)
  • Shaders: Fixed HLSLcc shader conversion not handling F32TO16 and F16TO32 opcodes.
  • Shaders: Fixed importing a shader include file only clearing the include cache on a single shader compiler process leaving all the other processes with outdated include files in the cache.
  • Shaders: Fixed incorrect translation of shaders using resinfo with mask operators. (943340)
  • Shaders: Fixed incorrect translation to GLSL of compute shaders using bfi instructions with mask operators. (927339)
  • Shaders: Fixed shadow precision for mobile platforms. (951875, 899729)
  • Terrain: Fixed crash when loading a non read/write enabled texture from an asset bundle. Texture will not be shown unless it is marked as read/write. (951780)
  • Timeline: Fixed crash when deleting animation track which has a binding attached to an ActivationTrack. (956129)
  • Timeline: Fixed timeline window having a white background when running on .NET 4.6 depending on the set system language. (960039, 938534)
  • tvOS: Fixed icon asset catalog setup when certain multi-layer icons are missing. (959867)
  • UI: Fixed many bugs/performance problems caused by driven properties in uGUI by reverting to the 2017.1 driven property system.
  • UI: Fixed RectMask2D not masking when it's child has a child with Mask and Image components inside the RectMask2d area. (969932)
  • UI: Fixed 'd3d11: failed to create buffer' error in CanvasRenderer. (953270)
  • UWP: Fix building VS project after manually switching it to Windows SDK 15063 on .NET scripting backend. (940555)
  • UWP: Fixed "Run in Background" player setting not causing player to ignore minimize events. (759166)
  • UWP: Fixed an assert when trying to access missing material properties on debug builds. (945336)
  • UWP: Fixed issue where ComputeBuffer.SetData() and ComputeBuffer.GetData() returned empty result when running on .NET scripting backend and the array types weren't referenced from any parameters. (951036)
  • UWP: Fixed Reference Rewriter complaining about missing operators == and != on System.Type on .NET scripting backend. (955651)
  • UWP: Fixed StateMachineBehaviour not working on private fields before loading any scenes on .NET scripting backend. (937501)
  • UWP: Fixed Unity not referencing facade class libraries when targeting UWP and using IL2CPP with .NET 4.6 API Compatibility level. (949209)
  • Video: Fixed clip from asset bundle not played. (964652)
  • Video: Fixed crash in VideoPlayer when stopping and callbacks were pending.
  • Video: Fixed crashing RemoteWebCamTexture (when using the Unity Remote helper app) when marked DontDestroy. (973008)
  • Video: Fixed editor crash when previewing/playing video on older OSX version. (973005)
  • Video: Fixed erroneous stride crash on Windows. (966690)
  • Video: Fixed inspector preview not cropping title. (969299) (937173)
  • Video: Fixed muting game view does not mute video audio. (969297)
  • Video: Fixed video decoding errors due to bad file I/O for high res/bitrate video. (962204)
  • Video: Fixed video not playing in build when building for another platform. (969298)
  • Video: Fixed Video Player component rendering video with artifacts on OSX. (973009)
  • Video: Fixed VideoPlayer CameraNear/FarPlane RenderModes when used in conjunction with VR.
  • VR: Fixed incorrect stereo eye offsets in Windows Mixed Reality.
  • Web: Fixed POST key/value dictionary containing very long values in UnityWebRequest. (946124)
  • Web: Fixed WWW.responseHeaders returning null. (949038)
  • WebGL - Fixed missing logo/progress bar during loading screen. (900105)
  • WebGL: Fixed divide by zero when AudioSource.pitch is zero. (946393)
  • WebGL: Fixed missing slash in WebRequest formatted blob url when using https. (940942)
  • WebGL: Fixed MS Edge detection. (943241)
  • WebGL: Fixed Timeline crash on missing DSPConnection::setMix(). (949858)
  • Windows: Fixed DictationRecognizer asserting when stopping or starting the speech recognition twice in a row. (918146)
  • Windows: Fixed loading animation on cursor continuing to play after the game is loaded. (860330)
  • Windows: Fixed ProcessMouseInWindow causing CPU spikes up to 4ms on Standalone builds. (931829)
  • Windows: Fixed Windows touch input events being out of sync from positioning events. (899209)
  • WWW: Fixed reading of local files not working in UWP with UnityWebRequest. (910488)
  • WWW: Fixed WWW class regressions related to throwing NullReferenceException (949418)
  • XR: Added back Stereo Display (non head-mounted).
  • XR: Camera transform changes during and after tracking loss now mimics other platforms' behavior. (949193)
  • XR: Eliminated errors and warnings showing per frame in console during Holographic Emulation. (943109)
  • XR: Fix Podfile version to reflect correct version. (962253)
  • XR: Fixed a performance regression on Microsoft HoloLens. (959749)
  • XR: Fixed a rendering issue on Windows Mixed Reality when using multiple cameras with different depth ranges. (927404, 953255)
  • XR: Fixed an issue with blitting between VR and non-VR render textures.
  • XR: Fixed Assert when playing Mixed Reality applications in Editor without Mixed Reality Portal running. (950519)
  • XR: Fixed black screen on startup on Cardboard when GLES2 or GLES3 is used. (931397)
  • XR: Fixed camera aspect ratio not being preserved when switching from VR to non-VR. (892084)
  • XR: Fixed crash in Editor when toggling play mode aftering blooming to shell on Windows Mixed Reality. (948814)
  • XR: Fixed Daydream applications hanging before quiting to Android home when calling Application.Quit. (966173)
  • XR: Fixed forcing LandscapeLeft default Orientation on all mobile VR applications.
  • XR: Fixed Holographic Simulation not working in Editor. (952039)
  • XR: Fixed incorrect culling when using multiple cameras with Windows Mixed Reality. (927404)
  • XR: Fixed issue with "Unsupported texture format .." warnings appearing when XR is enabled. (956693)
  • XR: Fixed issue with being able to set tracking space type to Stationary. (946714)
  • XR: Fixed landscape left being forced when landscape right is disabled. (946829)
  • XR: Fixed stereo separation regression on Oculus HMDs.
  • XR: Fixed stretched background image for ARCore apps running on Samsung S8.
  • XR: Fixed Windows Mixed Reality applications not reporting an updated boundary if it has been reconfigured while the app was running.
  • XR: Fixed Windows Mixed Reality apps rendering with incorrect eye offsets. (963878)
  • XR: Fixed Windows Mixed Reality XAML apps launching to a black screen. (954629)
  • XR: Fixed Windows Mixed Reality XAML apps not able to get back to exclusive mode after blooming to the shell. (953314)
  • XR: Fixed Windows Mixed Reality XAML apps not rendering on desktop. (922492)
  • XR: InputTracking.Recenter is now hooked up properly on Windows Mixed Reality. (909869)
  • XR: Removed some unnecessary graphics API state resets.
  • XR: Tracking loss screen no longer appears on WindowsMR headsets, now mimics the behavior of other platforms during tracking loss. (942154)
  • XR: Tracking space type now falls back to Stationary when boundary hasn't been configured. (945163)
  • XR: Updated the code to invalidate the eye texture's depth and stencil in one call.
  • XR: Updated messaging in XR Settings for Android applications attempting to use Daydream and Oculus.

Revision: 94bf3f9e6b5e

Changeset: 94bf3f9e6b5e