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Android: Fixed accessibility warning when publishing to Google Play. (1094743)
Android: Fixed binary shaders not being cached on Android devices with Adreno GPUs. (1129357)
Editor: Fixed crash due to double Dispose call in a TextGenerator. (1129463)
Graphics: Fixed editor crash when illegal position is introduced to graphics engine. (1115965)
iOS: Fixed occasional crash when destroying WebCamTexture. (1090053)
Package Manager: Fixed missing Editor folder in PackageManager directory if installed through DownloadAssistant. (1133409)
Package Manager: Removed unnecessary files packaged with the Unity installer. (1131025)
Particles: Fixed a crash in the ParticleGeomWrite function. (1136510)
Scripting: Improved performance when calling GameObject.AddComponent for a nested MonoBehaviour class inside a namespace. (1085304, 1118038)
Shaders: Fixed shader compiler emitting the same struct definition each time it sees it, regardless of whether it was emitted already or not. (1099165)
UI: Fixed API inconsistency with no support of uv2 and uv3 inside the VertexHelper class. (1117237)
Changeset: 9cba1c3a94f1