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Android: Added workaround for Adreno shader compiler issue with our VertexLit vertex shader. (949576, 1160807)
Android: Updated texture bundling in Android. (1137105, 1138693)
Editor: Fixed game view scale in play mode for mobile platforms. (1140742, 1153409)
Editor: Fixed the scale error by updating the scale once the platform is switched. (918311, 1153433)
Graphics: Fixed crash while unloading AssetBundles. (1160577)
Graphics: Fixed frame debugger sometimes showing bad shader keyword info when connected to a player. (1070614, 1159092)
Graphics: Fixed RenderUpdateManager Asserts when selecting an Object with a Rect Transform and a disabled Sprite Renderer in the Scene View. (1158558, 1161610)
Mobile: Fixed unconditional discarding of AA depth. (1009642, 1010464)
Particles: Fixed all of the sprite atlas being rendered in a particle system when using Mobile/Particles/Additive shader with a single sprite. (1151562)
Physics: Fixed an issue where kinematic bodies may not follow transform change after setting its position or rotation via transform component. (1162666)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed crash during Asset GC with large managed collections. (1137077, 1166460)
Shuriken: Fixed erroneous sub-emitter error message. (949522, 1164014)
Changeset: 9c8dbc3421cb