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Android: 64 bit Build with Physics.Processing runs at a very low FPS (1186295)
Asset Bundles: Loading.LockPersistentManager object lock impacts performance during AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync operation (827299)
Mobile: [Android] Input.GetKey returns false when S-Pen is being used on Samsung device (1185531)
iOS: Apps with UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend in info.plist failing to pass Apple Store validation (1160614)
uGUI: RectTransofrm resets it's coordinates to zero when selecting "Apply" on prefab even if no changes were made (964111)
Android: Fixed Android 10 video player bug when playing local, external files. (1168329)
Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue with throwing BuildFailedException from a build callback not failing the build (1097286)
iOS: Gave proxy drawable textures names and made them not be backed by memory if they're not in use. (1167629)
macOS: Fixed a rare crash issue with the Editor build when creating or closing new windows (1151695)
Windows: Multi-display: Fix non-primary display aspect ratio in windowed mode (1134231)
Windows: Windows: Fix Multi-display always reverting to native resolution on primary display (1040726)
Changeset: c663def8414c