Unity 2018.2.17f1

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Release notes


  • XR: Update Vuforia to version 7.5.26.


  • Asset Bundles: Fixed Changing addressableNames doesn't trigger bundle rebuild. (996380)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the camera frustum gizmo would always draw the near clipping plane at world origin. (1084269)

  • iOS: Fixed a crash when using using static const std::string in Xcode 9. (1050875, 1096815)

  • Licenses: Fixed an issue where licence activation didn't work when using the -nographics command line flag. (1043511, 1090055)

  • Package Manager: Added a warning message if you disable a package and that causes dependencies to also be disabled.

  • Package Manager: Added information to compiler errors explaining if a package has been disabled as a dependency of another package.

  • Package Manager: Added information to info messages for disabled components in the inspector explaining if a package has been disabled as a dependency of another package.

  • Package Manager: Fixed compiler errors having information about missing types from disabled built-in packages when using implicit namespaces and the new scripting runtime. (1084240)

  • Physics: Improved performance when baking meshes offline. (1075709, 1091429)

  • Scripting: Fixed an issue where DLL references in mcs.rsp were not processed correctly in Visual Studio. (1085634, 1089141)

  • Unity Test Runner: Fixed an issue where TearDown and UnityTearDown are skipped for tests that fail due to errors logged with UnityEngine.Log.Error. (1077871)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed ENABLE_MANAGED_JOBS not being defined when building scripts on IL2CPP scripting backend. (1085045)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed memory corruption when using burst jobs. (1094198)

  • Windows: Fixed standalone player crashing on startup on machines where Citrix Workstation is installed. (1082241)

Revision: 88933597c842

Changeset: 88933597c842