Animation: Fixed Animation Window selection of nested Animation component hierarchies children of Animator component hierarchies. (1089015)
Animation: Fixed Animation Window selection of nested Animation component hierarchies children of Animator component hierarchies. (1089015, 1096352)
Build Pipeline: Fixed "Couldn't call method ShowProfilerWindow" error during Build & Run with the Autoconnect Profiler option set. (1059763)
Build Pipeline: Fixed Build & Run with Autoconnect Profiler. (1059763)
Editor: Fixed this issue by restricting the insertion of menu items into a given submenu to a prescribed limit of 1000 items and displays a warning about the same. (1039181)
GI: Fixed an ordering issue with textures when baking in auto mode. (1064388)
Graphics: Fixed crash if a shader attempts to access a ComputeBuffer that is not set. (1083323)
IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build failing if Visual Studio 2019 is installed on the machine.
IL2CPP: Fixed non-zero based arrays via Array.CreateInstance not being correctly created. (1099608)
IL2CPP: Fixed string fields of types marked with CharSet.Auto as Unicode not being properly marshalled. (1087594)
Networking: Fixed syncvar variables sequential refreshing issue. (1085466, 1102859)
Physics: Fixed RaycastHit.textureCoord performance issue, was internally copying whole mesh index buffer for no good reason. (1065218)
Scripting: Fixed an issue where SynchronizationContext.Current.CreateCopy would return a default SynchronizationContext and not a UnitySynchronizationContext. (1096869)
Scripting: Fixed scripting runtime version not changing when modifing it on ProjectSettings.asset from any external tool like version control / overwriting the file / etc. (1010811)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an assert that is triggered when Xbox gamepads are disconnected in some situations. (1080114)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed crash on app start when using LWRP. (1064175)
Changeset: 06990f28ba00