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AI: Performance of NavMeshBuilder.UpdateNavMeshData spike up to 10 times (1183826)
Asset Importers: Crash on Marshalling::OutMarshaller when TextureImporter.ReadTextureSettings argument is null (1187147)
Graphics - General: Editor crashes at MaterialScripting::Lerp when Renderer.material.Lerp() has a null material (1117775)
Physics: Crash in physics PhysicsManager::Simulate (1122684)
Profiling: "Other" category is not shown in the player Profiler graph if a sample is not selected (1165477)
Scene Management: Duplicated child nested prefab is not created in the same position (1157320)
Scene Management: Enabled Prefab is disabled after upgrading to Improved Prefabs (1138224)
Scene Management: Transform::GetWorldToLocalMatrix crash during first import when accessing Components in Prefabs (1159905)
Scripting: [IL2CPP] Development build fails with "il2cpp.exe didn't catch exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException" (1131053)
Serialization: Kaydara FBX Binary becomes a YAML file when Editor serializes changes (1169079)
iOS: [iOS 13] UnityWebRequest.SendWebRequest() crashes when opening local file with "file:///" prefix (1183600)
Android: Fixed application crash when application is installed on SD card, and was built using app bundles, will contain new entry 'android.bundle.enableUncompressedNativeLibs=false'. (1181365, 1186613)
Asset Import: Fixed issue where curves and metaballs are not imported from .blend files. (1173931, 1176203)
Asset Import: Fixed Produce a warning and prevent warnings spamming when trying to insert menu item when the insertion limit is reached. (1181898, 1186710)
Audio: Fixed audio playing even when there is no Audio Listener in the scene. (1087981, 1188163)
Cache Server: Fixed video clip failing to upload to Cache Server when upgrading an old project to a newer version of Unity. (1087082, 1172067)
Editor: Added a mechanism for displaying an error message when any of the recent projects contain an invalid or missing Project Version file. (1002683, 1173320)
Graphics: Ensure correct topology is set before rendering HDR split. (1178259, 1186864)
Graphics: Fixed shader compiler crash on some tessellation shaders without proper target pragma. (1162342, 1175187)
IL2CPP: Support the latest Xcode version installed on the host computer when a Standalone OSX player is built. (1188330)
Scripting: Fixed bug where editor would fail to load correctly when an invalid or missing timezone was set in the windows registry. (1169719, 1185237)
Scripting: Fixed file handle/memory leak when loading Asset Bundles through UnityWebRequest. (1152567, 1186935)
UI: Fixed dragging when using multiple displays for Sliders, Scrollbars and InputField. (1146233, 1183705)
UI: Fixed Input Field not functioning after restoring app with Win+D shortcut. (1165961, 1189841)
UTR: In PlayerConnection and EditionConnection added TrySend(...) and changed Send(...) so it always deliver data. (1160182, 1181134)
WebGL: Fixed WebGL Brotli compression subdirectory "python" lacking permissions for Group and Other. (1042108, 1162668)
XR: Added device name for HoloLens 2. (1161756, 1188263)
XR: Fixed an issue that was causing the depth buffer to lag the color buffer in Windows MR. (1191487, 1191494)
XR: Fixed SPI shader issue that was causing the right depth buffer to have the left depth buffer data. (1190927)
Changeset: 59ddc4c59b4f