Release notes

Known Issues in 2018.4.22f1

  • Animation: Animator.Update CPU time spikes when multiple animations are playing (1184690)

  • Graphics - General: 'task.rasterData.vertexBuffer == NULL' errors when using a Particle System (1226357)

  • Package Manager: Immutable packages altered by the API Updater are reverted to their original state when packages are resolved, which can lead to slower import performance in that context.

  • Scene Management: Prefab Variant Transform fileId changes (1238280)

  • Scene Management: Unity Editor freezes/crashes when opening a specific Scene (1228147)

  • Shuriken: Crash on CreateDirect3D11SurfaceFromDXGISurface when calling DrawRenderer with a Trail Renderer (1216216)

  • macOS: If the Android Tools are not installed through the Hub, macOS 10.15 (Catalina) default security settings will prevent the Android NDK binaries being executed. These settings have to be changed or a signed Android NDK (r16b) will be needed to build Android. More information here:

2018.4.22f1 Release Notes


  • Android: Fixed a crash after executing Application.Quit() when using IL2CPP.
  • Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue which was preventing mesh compression on iphone when building with the scriptable build pipeline. (1222846)

  • Graphics: Removed some unnecessary warnings. (1193536)

  • iOS: Fixed an issue where a custom storyboard might not be found at runtime. (1225171)

  • MacOS: Fixed an issue that prevented the Game Center UI from showing on macOS. (1215479)

  • Profiler: Fixed an Editor crash when loading corrupted profiler data. (1131782)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Enabled the Lightmap Encoding options for UWP player settings. (1225842)

Changeset: 3362ffbb7aa1