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2018.4.28 リリースノート (.PDF)
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AI: A NavMeshAgent GameObject teleports to a near NavMeshSurface when collided with a moving NavMeshObstacle (1072945)
Audio: Unity crashes in Play Mode at FMOD_Resampler_Linear (928576)
Linux: Focus cannot be properly gained on play mode, making keyboard input switch screens (1109908)
Mobile: [Android] Keyboard doesn't show up when trying to input text in an Input Field with Hide Mobile Input checked on Android 11 (1258071)
Package Manager: Immutable packages altered by the API Updater are reverted to their original state when packages are resolved, which can lead to slower import performance in that context.
Scene Management: Building project when two identical scenes are open crashes the editor (1266194)
Scene/Game View: Logging errors from background thread crashes the Editor when Error Pause is enabled (1173657)
Shadows/Lights: [Regression] Directional light shadow artefacts in 2020.2.0a21 (1271048)
Windows: Cannot activate license within a docker container (1193364)
macOS: If the Android Tools are not installed through the Hub, macOS 10.15 (Catalina) default security settings will prevent the Android NDK binaries being executed. These settings have to be changed or a signed Android NDK (r16b) will be needed to build Android. More information here:
Asset Bundles: Fixed an edge case with AssetBundle.Contains not returning true for case sensitive paths. (1253270)
Build Pipeline: Fixed regression crash with serialized PropertyName field. (1267271)
GI: Fixed the issue of progressive lightmapper leaks memory upon subsequent scene switches and bakes. (1178584)
Graphics: Fixed an issue with compilation errors for unsupported functions when switching to OpenGLES3. (1203708)
Graphics: Fixed to correctly fall back to CPU skinning on feature level D3D10.x. (1269149)
Licenses: Fixed an issue where Unity installers could display out-of-date terms of service on Windows. (1271930)
Particles: Fixed opaque particle lighting in deferred rendering. (1193339)
Profiler: Fixed issue with continuous clicking not working on the profiler timeline gui scroll bars. (1238871)
Shaders: Fixed HLSLcc doing bad precision downgrading on some cases. (1228687)
Video: Fixed WindowsVideoMedia errors being thrown on standalone builds. (1212382)
XR: Removed Android build step to check compatible APIs when ARCore is enabled.
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