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日本語__2018.4.32_Release Notes (.PDF)
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macOS: If the Android Tools are not installed through the Hub, macOS 10.15 (Catalina) default security settings will prevent the Android NDK binaries being executed. These settings have to be changed or a signed Android NDK (r16b) will be needed to build Android. More information here:
Package Manager: Immutable packages altered by the API Updater are reverted to their original state when packages are resolved, which can lead to slower import performance in that context.
Windows: The Cursor is visible when Cursor.visible is set to false and new InputSystem package is used (1273522)
Polybrush: [PolyBrush] Something went wrong saving brush settings Warning is thrown when Saving a Brush after opening the PolyBrush Window (1315475)
Shader System: Freeze or crash with various stack traces when opening a project while connected to a VPN service (1025558)
Audio: [editor][fmod][macOS] Editor is preventing Mac OS from entering sleep mode automatically (995866)
Packman: Package Manager doesn't show available updates (1304459)
Linux: Focus cannot be properly gained on play mode, making keyboard input switch screens (1109908)
Audio: Crash on AudioSource::Stop when exiting Play mode (1079263)
Build Pipeline: Fixed a case where IOrderedCallback returning int.Max or int.Min could be called in incorrect order. (1282571)
Build Pipeline: Fixed a case where selecting a dll while the Build Window was open could throw exceptions. (1137088)
Build Pipeline: Fixed instability in Lzma compressor where a complete signal could be fired and the compressor will exit before processing all data. (1170712)
Editor: Fixed audio clip preview playback position when clicking on the waveform. (1294273)
Editor: Fixed pop-up windows like Color Picker close upon clicking them when they are hovered on immediately after opening. (1239613)
iOS: Fixed GetKeyUp and GetKeyDown functions returning true on every frame. (1218784)
iOS: Fixed rare osver/device dependent crash on exit, when [UIViewController viewWillTransitionToSize:withTransitionCoordinator:] is called on killing unity view. (1278124)
iOS: Fixed UnityPause/UnityIsPaused to not crash when called with unity runtime not inited. (1278746)
iOS: Fixed UnityWebRequest sometimes getting stuck on iOS 14.2+ when using ARFoundation. (1299873)
Particles: Fixed material batching and shadow rendering by making the particle system trail material optional. (1264831)
Profiler: Fixed Hierarchy view expansion state not persisting properly across frames stemming from the same session and between Hierarchy and Raw Hierarchy views. Additionally this fixes a potential NullPointerException in ProfilerFrameDataTreeView.AddExpandedChildrenRecursively. (1242253)
Scene Manager: Fixed GetManagerFromContext crash when unloading a Scene while loading another Scene asynchronously with allowSceneActivation = false. (1092438)
Scripting: Fixed incorrect UTC offset during daylight savings time transitions. (1288231)
Scripting: Fixed issue where Editor could freeze when enabling play mode after building. (1300269)
Text: Fixed / added support for selecting which font face and style will be loaded from TrueType Collection (TTC) font files. (1309610)
Text: Fixed excessive memory overhead when loading font files from Font objects. (1309608)
Text: Fixed glyph positional adjustments sometimes returning a value of -Infinity. (1309609)
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