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macOS: If the Android Tools are not installed through the Hub, macOS 10.15 (Catalina) default security settings will prevent the Android NDK binaries being executed. These settings have to be changed or a signed Android NDK (r16b) will be needed to build Android. More information here:
Package Manager: Immutable packages altered by the API Updater are reverted to their original state when packages are resolved, which can lead to slower import performance in that context.
Packman: User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache (1317232)
Windows: The Cursor is visible when Cursor.visible is set to false and new InputSystem package is used (1273522)
Packman: Package Manager doesn't show available updates (1304459)
Polybrush: [PolyBrush] Something went wrong saving brush settings Warning is thrown when Saving a Brush after opening the PolyBrush Window (1315475)
Android: Fixed freeze when using blend shapes with compute skinning on some devices with Mali G78 GPU. (1298373)
Editor: Fixed such that tooltips are now passed through into PropertyDrawers as part of the label. (885341)
GI: Fixed a crash in progressive lightmapper seam stitching when adding a mesh containing NaNs. (1263058)
GI: Fixed a null pointer bug in graphics bindings. (1310875)
GI: Fixed crash when baking with Enlighten on a system with more than 64 threads. (1229259)
IL2CPP: Fixed crash due to race condition allocating memory in MetadataCache::GetGenericInst. (1323462)
IL2CPP: Fixed crash in il2cpp::vm::LivenessState::AddProcessObject. (1315058)
Linux: Reduced log spam when loading lots of assets. (1320406)
Prefabs: Fixed issue where adding and applying new events to a deeper level Prefab when there is an event already corrupts the newly added events. (1292519)
Scripting: Fixed "PrecompiledAssemblyException" errors when using ForceReserializeAssets on TMP. (1307672)
Scripting: Fixed identical DLL files targeting different builds with Define Constraints conflicting with each other when building a project. (1143118)
Text: Fixed GetPathsToOSFonts() not returning all system font files.
Text: Fixed potential crash when using FontEngine.LoadFontFace(Font font) when the font object was previously unloaded.
Video: Fixed crash when calling PausePlayback after VideoPlayer has been destroyed. (1241848)
XR: Fixed clipping planes for photo and video cameras in WMR applications.
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