Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above.
Install using the Unity Hub (requires Hub to be installed).
New to Unity? Get started
Minimum macOS version raised to 10.12
Minimum Xcode version raised to 9.4
Package Manager UI (com.unity.package-manager-ui) is now a core package.
Timeline (com.unity.timeline) is now a core package.
Lightweight RP (com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight) is now a verified package.
ShaderGraph (com.unity.shadergraph) is now a verified package.
PostProcessing (com.unity.postprocessing) is now a verified package.
Android: Added Android notch/cut-out support to Screen.safeArea
Android: Added OpenGL ES 3.2 support
Android: Added Script Only Patching functionality, which sends only script-related changes to the device instead of repackaging the APK file.
Android: Added support for ASTC HDR texture formats
Android: Added AndroidDevice.SetSustainedPerformanceMode
to the API to enable/disable sustained performance mode in runtime
Android: Enabled redistributing Android NDK and SDK components with Android Build Support
Editor: Added a new Scene view Camera settings menu to control field of view (FOV), Camera speed, and Camera easing while moving and zooming. In Flythrough mode, the mouse scroll wheel adjusts the Camera speed.
Editor: Added a new Shortcuts Manager window for managing keyboard shortcuts.
Editor: Added a search field to the Console for filtering output by keyword.
Editor: Added checkboxes to the Gizmos menu for selecting/deselecting all gizmos in a given section (Built-in Components, Scripts, and so on).
Editor: Added new EditorTools API for creating custom tools that behave like native tools. The Available Custom Editor Tools button in the Scene view toolbar opens a custom tools menu. The Component Editor Tools panel in the Scene view shows available custom tools for the current selection.
Editor: Added pre-checkout and pre-submit user-specified callbacks for VCS integration. Allows users to create callbacks that can modify Asset lists and changeset selections/descriptions at checkout and submit time.
Pre-checkout callback can:
Pre-submit callback can:
Editor: Added Scene visibility controls to the Hierarchy window for controlling the visibility of GameObjects in the Scene view. Users can toggle visibility for individual GameObjects, or GameObjects and their children. A global visibility toggle hides/shows everything in the scene.
Editor: Added support for referencing Assembly Definitions with GUIDs instead of assembly names. Users can enable this setting via the Use GUIDs property in the Assembly Definition Inspector. This is now the default setting for new Assembly Definition files.
Editor: Added CSHARP_7_3_OR_NEWER
preprocessor directive when compiling C# 7.3 on .NET 4.x scripting runtime.
Editor: Exposed AdvancedDropdown
API for implementing searchable AddComponent
style dropdowns.
Editor: Made editor on-demand shader compilation asynchronous, not blocking the editor while compiling the shader on the first time usage. Rendering happens with a replacement shader until the actual shader variant is available. To enable or disable this feature, go to Project Settings > Editor > Asynchronous Shader Compilation.
Editor: Made links clickable in the Console stack trace log. Clicking a link opens the source code at the line for any function calls listed in the stack.
Editor: Rewriting C# project files (.csproj
) to disk now logs messages prefixed with [C# Project]
to Editor.log
. This makes it easier to determine why projects get reloaded in C# IDE's.
Editor: Script recompiles triggered by internal Unity systems now log messages prefixed with [ScriptCompilation]
to Editor.log
GI: Added an option to limit the number of generated lightmaps for a group of GameObjects.
GI: Added multiple importance sampling of environments to the progressive CPU lightmapper
GI: Added support for the NVIDIA OptiX AI-Accelerated Denoiser. The Optix AI-Accelerated Denoiser is a deep learning based denoiser trained on a library of path-traced images. It yields a substantial improvement over existing filter options, especially on low sample counts, and it is resilient to leaking. It is currently only available on Windows and only runs on compatible NVIDIA GPUs.
GI: GPU Lightmapper: Added support for double-sided GI flag on Materials.
GI: GPU Lightmapper: Added support for shadow casting and receiving on Meshes.
Graphics: Added an interface to pass camera buffers from SRP to VFX Graph, so that screen space behaviours can be used, for example depth collision.
Graphics: Added API support for setting entire constant buffer contents at once: [[Material.SetConstantBuffer]] and [[Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer]]
Graphics: Added experimental support of any GPU formats for RenderTexture.
Graphics: Added initial sparse texture support for Vulkan.
Graphics: Added internal support for lossless texture compression in Apple’s Metal API, which is a new feature on iOS 12 with A12+ GPU hardware.
Graphics: Added native rendering plugin support for Vulkan.
Graphics: Added PreWarm features to Visual Effect Graph, which you can use to run several frames of simulation before the first render.
Graphics: Added SpeedTree hooks for the Scriptable Render Pipeline.
Graphics: Added SRP batcher instanced rendering support on Vulkan.
Graphics: Added support for the Dynamic Resolution feature for Metal on macOS.
Graphics: Frame Debugger now supports SRP batcher.
Graphics: Handle animation of exposed integer and NamedObject (Texture or Mesh) in VisualEffect
Graphics: OpenGL Core and OpenGL ES 3.1+ now have full support for CBUFFERs in shaders.
Graphics: SRP batcher is now supported on OpenGL Core 4.2+ and OpenGL ES 3.1+.
iOS: Enabled rendering over the native UI and added support to preserve framebuffer alpha for iOS and tvOS
Mobile: Added wide Color Gamut support for Vulkan and OpenGLES
Package Manager: Added Package Manifest Inspector:
Particles: Added experimental support for using the C# Job System to manipulate particle data.
Physics: Added a seperate gravity setting for cloth simulation.
Physics: Added methods to determine the closest point to a Collider2D. Added Physics2D.ClosestPoint, Rigidbody2D.ClosestPoint and Collider2D.ClosestPoint.
Profiler: Added UnityEditor.Experimental.Networking.PlayerConnection.EditorGUILayout.AttachToPlayerDropdown to public API to offer a one-stop solution to display and change the player that the Editor is attached to.
Scripting: Added experimental support for incremental garbage collection to avoid garbage collection spikes.
Scripting: Enabled incremental Garbage Collector on Universal Windows Platform.
Shaders: Added support for BLENDWEIGHTS and BLENDINDICES semantics in vertex shaders.
Shaders: Added user variant directives (shader_feature_local and multi_compile_local) that do not contribute towards the global keyword count.
Timeline: Added API support creating and manipulating animation curves on tracks.
Timeline: Added Signals and Markers to Timeline.
Timeline: Timeline has become a built-in Package.
UI Elements: Added progress bar control.
UI Elements: Added USS support for styling the background image.
UI Elements: Moved UIElements API out of experimental and into full release.
Universal Windows Platform: Added support for building ARM64 applications.
Video: Added video support for H.265 transcode.
WebGL: Added experimental multi-threading support.
WebGL: Added WebAssembly streaming instantiation support.
2D: Grid Cell Size's z-value for 'Isometric Z as Y' Grids now affects the local z-coordinates of all cells in the Grid.
2D: The Grid Cell Size's default z-value is set to 1 when creating new Isometric Tilemaps or Tile Palettes.
Android: Increased required Android build tools version to 28.0.3
Android: Made blit mode force to "Never blit" when SRP is active.
Android: Removed the internal build system
Android: Updated Android Gradle plugin to version 3.2
Android: Updated bluetooth headset detection on Android 6+ to avoid using deprecated method
Android: Updated Bundletool to version 0.6.0
Asset Import: Removed normal calculation options in the Sketchup Importer Inspector.
Asset Import: Generate Back Faces is now enabled by default in the Sketchup Importer Inspector.
Asset Pipeline: The Model importer mesh read/write setting is now disabled by default.
Editor: Changed default shortcut for "Stage/Go Back" from O to H to avoid shortcut conflict in project templates.
Editor: Merged the Shortcut Profile drop-down and the Shortcut Profile options cog into a single dropdown.
Editor: Removed support for compiling UnityScript and Boo scripts.
Editor: Unity no longer tries to attach to a console in the Editor when using batch mode on Windows. Instead, it redirects to stdout. Unity only provides logging if you launch the Editor in such a way that it has a valid stdout handle. As a result, Unity no longer tramples your command window output in batchmode.
Editor: Updated Editor so that Shortcut Profiles can no longer start or end with spaces. Also disallowed some special characters. (1103117)
Editor: Usage of DescriptionAttribute to change the display name of enum values in the inspector has been removed. (1115381, 1130991)
GI: Moved tetrahedralization code to the player.
GI: Reduced the frequency with which Unity issues LightmapSettings warnings.
GI: Stitching and probe deringing are now turned on by default.
Graphics: Added override for LightmapEmissionFlagsProperty to allow the display of emission GI options without checking for an emissision color property (_EmissionColor
Graphics: Attempting to use recursive rendering in SRP now yields an error
Graphics: CommandBuffer.IssuePluginCustomBlit now passes the depth UnityRenderBuffer to the native plugin if 'dest' is a depth texture.
Graphics: Disabled support for rendering projectors in Scriptable Render Pipelines.
Graphics: Dynamic batching checkbox is now hidden if a Scriptable Render Pipeline is active.
Graphics: LODGroup.ForceLODMask now allows int.MaxValue to force cull the whole LODGroup.
Graphics: Removed graphics emulation from Editor.
Graphics: Texture Mipmap streaming in the Unity Editor's Edit Mode now defaults to enabled when Texture Streaming is enabled in Quality Settings.
Graphics: The ASTC compressor quality options "fast" and "best" are now different from "normal".
Graphics: Updated graphics packages (LWRP, HDRP, and Shader Graph) to 5.2.3 and tweaked Scenes inside accordingly.
Graphics: [Metal] Debug groups are now visible in Release builds.
iOS: Updated Game View resolution options with iPhone XR/XS/XS Max
iOS: UnityWebRequest
uses a new backend based on NSURLSession
. The old NSURLConnection
backend is still available and has been commented out in Trampoline.
Linux: Deprecated Linux x86 and Universal targets. These are due to be removed in future Unity versions.
Mobile: Changed minimum iOS version to 9.0
Multiplayer: Moved the multiplayer high level API from an extension DLL to a package. Projects should automatically update with a reference to the package the first time they open in 2019.1.
Physics: Increased the default maximum angular velocity to 50 radian per second, because the default value was too low.
Scripting: Added support for serialisation for struct UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2
Universal Windows Platform: Removed the .NET scripting backend.
WebGL: Removed asm.js PreBuilt Engine option.
WebGL: Removed Memory Size and Linker Target options from Editor.
WebGL: Renamed gameInstance
to unityInstance
WebGL: Set default compression to Brotli.
WebGL: Updated Emscripten to version 1.38.11.
Windows: Changed logfile names to be more consistent with other platforms: Player.log
and Player-prev.log
. The actual path is the same.
Windows: Disabled cursor locking and confinement in batch mode.
XR: Changed Oculus (Standalone) and OpenVR (Standalone) package names to Oculus (Desktop) and OpenVR (Desktop), respectively.
XR: Oculus Dash and Shared Depth Buffer options are now enabled by default in the Oculus XR settings.
2D: Added GridPaintSortingAttribute to allow users to specify the sorting of GameObjects listed in the Active Tilemaps list of the Tile Palette
Android: Add keystores dedicated location option
Android: Added Symlink Sources in the Build Settings window. This enables Java and Kotlin files to be directly referenced from Unity projects in an exported Gradle project.
Android: Added a check for Vulkan device compatibility on Build and Run
Android: Added Vulkan renderer compatibility to the Unity video player
Android: Disabled various Adreno Vulkan driver workarounds for latest drivers
Android: Enumerated all Android audio input device options, including the lowest-latency option, which can be selected via the name Android voice recognition input
Android: Implemented Native Systrace profiling support
Android: Improved IL2CPP player startup by ~200ms for second and later launches.
Android: Made the number of worker threads adjust dynamically according to the number of online cores.
Android: Made the Proguard mapping file save at the same location after building the APK
Android: More devices can use OpenSL instead of AudioTrack.This reduces audio input and output latency.
Animation: Added Experimental methods to AnimationPlay.
Animation: Added property Avatar.humanDescription.
Animation: Aligned all Animator StateMachine nodes on the grid.
Animation: Changed default StateMachine node width so that all nodes align vertically.
Animation: Implemented shift-click and right-click context menu to add properties in animation window without closing popup window.
Animation: Improved performance for AvatarBuilder.
Animation: Unity now adds TransformStreamHandle
bound to the Transform dynamically at run time. This improves support for animation jobs.
Animation: Upgraded the animation window preview/playback engine to use the Playable API.
Asset Import: Added support for cameras in Sketchup Importer.
Asset Import: Extended the Optimize Mesh option on Model Asset import settings, to allow you to independently control optimization of Vertex Order and Polygon Order, rather than using the same flag for both. NOTE: Performance improvements to the underlying Mesh optimization code might cause Unity to generate vertices in a different order than in previous Unity versions. If you rely on vertex ordering in the optimized Mesh data (such as for vertex painting), be aware that you may need to re-generate this data.
Asset Import: Improved performance of DXT1/BC1 and DXT5/BC3 Texture compression This does not affect compression quality, but it does probably produce subtly different compression results.
Asset Pipeline: Scriptable objects that are loaded before a refresh/import, will after a refresh/import be reloaded, if the underlying asset had been modified before the refresh/import. This means that after the refresh/import scriptables objects will have the modified values from modified assets. Before this change, the scriptable object would get "null" value (when using operator==) after the refresh/import.
Compute: * Added new functionality to allow Unity to use more of the scripting CommandBuffer
utility functions with command buffers executed on async compute (such as getting temporary render targets).
to describe how they should execute and allow for better error handling when those command buffers are built in script. This allows for generating exceptions when adding commands not valid for async compute.Editor: Added a confirmation prompt when you delete a Shortcut Profile through the Shortcut Manager.
Editor: Added a keyboard shortcut for the submit button on the changeset submission window, and for some commonly used VCS operations. (1069130)
Editor: Added Field Of View axis selection drop-down in Camera Inspector.
Editor: Added Clear on Build option in Console.
Editor: Assembly Definition File inspector: Assembly Definition References, Assembly References and Define Constraints lists are now reorderable when editing a single Assembly Definition File.
Editor: Improved detecting of Visual Studio for Mac detecting when "Visual" filename contains suffixes.
Editor: Improved performance of the Model Importer Inspector Material remapping section.
Editor: Improved performance when interacting with Model Inspector with some large Meshes.
Editor: Improved the performance of the UIElements renderer.
Editor: Made columns resizable in the Shortcuts Manager Command list.
Editor: Metal: Added Texture type validation to built-in Metal API validation feature.
Editor: Moved Camera Easing options to Camera Settings in SceneView from Preferences
Editor: Reworked Android keystore and key creation UI.
GI: Added support for shadow mask for rectangular area lights in the progressive lightmappers (available via HDRP).
GI: Added support for user defined range for area lights.
GI: Enabled the GPU lightmapper (preview) for macOS and Linux.
GI: GPU lightmapper now dumps a memory report to Editor.log when it falls back to CPU lightmapper.
GI: Lightprobe Gizmos are now affected by post-processing.
GI: Optimized baking of low occupancy lightmaps when using the GPU Lightmapper.
Graphics: Added filtering for sorting layers to the ScriptableRenderContext.
Graphics: Added fix to remove stalling on the render thread when loading large Textures.
Graphics: Added mixed area lights to cull results. This enables mixed rectangular lights in HDRP.
Graphics: Added Rendering.GraphicsSettings.realtimeDirectRectangularAreaLights to Scriptable Render Pipelines. This provides direct realtime area lighting.
Graphics: Added SRP hooks for detail rendering Shaders.
Graphics: Added support for Dynamic Resolution Scaling to the Lightweight Render Pipeline.
Graphics: Changed the Motion Vector behavior when the exclude motion vector flag is on: 1 - Motion Vector no longer skips nodes that only have Camera Motion 2 - Motion Vector now only skips submeshes with an explicit motion vector pass
Graphics: Emabled import and skinning of models with up to 32 bone weights for each vertex.
Graphics: Frame debugger now displays Shader properties for compute Shader dispatches.
Graphics: GraphicsFences are now available on Vulkan, Metal, D3D11, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES rendering backends.
Graphics: Made changes so that mesh creation is performed for Terrain details (such as grass) on parallel threads.
Graphics: Metal/iOS: Fixed Dynamic Resolution render surfaces to use heap allocation with aliasing to improve performance and memory usage.
Graphics: Metal/macOS: Moved immutable buffers and most Textures from using managed storage into private memory storage, to improve performance and CPU memory utilization.
Graphics: Metal: Applied a second iteration on the Metal heap allocation management to make it more fine-grained.
Graphics: Metal: Unity now defers creation of command buffers and render encoders until it actually needs them.
Graphics: Moved creation of Textures during async load on PC DX11 and Mac Metal off render thread into a job, to minimise problems during load.
Graphics: Not evaluating the light rectangles for oblique projection matrices
Graphics: Replaced Shader selection dropdown in Material Asset editor with a searchable drop-down.
Graphics: Revamped the DrawProcedural script API:
Graphics: Unity now supports Texture Mipmap streaming in Edit Mode when Texture Streaming is enabled in the Editor Settings.
Graphics: Updated the ASTC texture compressor with faster multi-core compression.
Graphics: Graphics.Blit
and CommandBuffer.Blit
methods now support blitting to and from Texture arrays.
IL2CPP: Improve run time performance when script debugging is enabled.
IL2CPP: Improved the performance of code generated by IL2CPP by up to 20%.
IL2CPP: Setting IL2CPP compiler config to "Master" will now enable Link Time Optimization on Mac, Android and WebGL
iOS: Added Access WiFi Capability to the Xcode API (availabe from iOS 12/Xcode 10)
iOS: Added device generation enums for the 2018 iPad Pro
iOS: Added launch screen image fields for iPhone XS and XS Max.
iOS: Added support for the iPhone XS/XS Max (DPI and device detection)
iOS: Refactored iOS device generation parsing
Mobile: Added support for RGBM and native HDR lightmaps
OSX: Made V-sync handling in macOS standalone players more stable.
Package Manager: Editor.log now logs project load time.
Package Manager: Added enablePackageManagerTraces command argument functionality, so you can use it to increase the logging level of the UPM process (and increase the verbosity of the upm.log file).
Package Manager: Introducing scoped registry feature. This empower users to host their own package in a local private registry. This is experimental. The package manager UI was not updated for this feature.
Package Manager: Released Package Manager UI v2.1.0-preview-1:
Package Manager: Removed reference to "package" or "package manager" in the extension manager logs to avoid confusion with the new Package Manager system.
Package Manager: The Package Manager now displays dependent packages and corresponding assemblies in Object Picker.
Particles: Added a new mode to the Texture Sheet Animation Module that allows animations to be specific to each mesh a particle is using.
Particles: Added missing script API for External Forces influencers list.
Particles: Exposed missing External Forces module properties to script API.
Particles: Exposed particle mesh indices to script, so you can get and set which mesh each particle is using.
Particles: Exposed particle mesh indices to shaders, so you know which mesh each particle is using.
Physics: Added "Collision.contactCount" to retrieve the number of contacts.
Physics: Added "Collision.GetContact(index)" to retrieve a specific contact.
Physics: Added "Collision.GetContacts(array)" to retrieve all contacts.
Physics: Added an Info section to the Rigidbody Inspector view that let's you examine the current velocities, centre of mass and inertia tensor of the Rigidbody.
Physics: Added an overload of Rigidbody2D.MoveRotation
that accepts a Quaternion.
Physics: OnCollisionEnter, OnCollisionStay & OnCollisionExit no longer create any GC allocations.
Physics: OnCollisionEnter2D, OnCollisionStay2D & OnCollisionExit2D no longer create any GC allocations.
Physics: The Inspector Info sections for the Rigidbody2D and Collider2D components now remain expanded when entering and exiting Play mode or moving between components.
Plugins: Preloading is now supported for any native plug-in. Added PluginImporter.isPreloaded.
Plugins: When you double-click a plug-in in your Unity project, an associated IDE now opens.
Prefabs: Added method PrefabUtility.HasPrefabInstanceAnyOverrides to quickly check if there's any override on a Prefab instance.
Prefabs: Show a "Auto Saving..." badge next to the 'Auto Save' toggle button when saving duration is over 1 second.
Prefabs: You can now edit the root GameObject of a Prefab directly from the Project browser, without going into Prefab Mode. This supports multi-GameObject editing as well. (1120805, 1120807)
Profiler: Added "Semaphore.WaitForSignal" profiler marker.
Profiler: Added Mono.JIT and Mono.DomainUnload profiler markers.
Profiler: Added profiler markers for static constructors.
Profiler: Enabled automatic scripting threads profiling for ILC2PP.
Profiler: Increased minimum memory usage for profiler to 4MB in Players and 64MB in the Editor.
Profiler: The Unity Profiler now shows the amount of time until the next frame consistently accross all player platforms, regardless of how V-sync is implemented.
ps4: Added PS4Input.touchpadMouseSensitivity
to provide sensitivity support for touchpad pointer emulation.
Scripting: Added ability to create NativeArrays
of bool and char and types
containing bool and char.
(1127499, 1129523)
Scripting: Added support for Visual Studio 2019 code editor.
Scripting Upgrade: Support C# 7.3 when targeting .NET 4.x Equivalent Scripting Runtime.
in HlslSupport.cginc
for platforms capable of separate texture and sampler objects.
Shaders: Improve shader debugging. Unity now disables the optimiser when it generates debug shaders (i.e. #pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols).
Shaders: Moved 38 built-in keywords to local keywords. The Shaders inspector now displays global/local keywords by shader.
Shaders: Shaders can now include files from packages directly like this: #include "Packages/packagename/IncludeFile.cginc"
Terrain: Added a direction bias to the Terrain smoothing Brush for increasing and decreasing blur.
Terrain: Added hotkeys to adjust Terrain tool brush size and opacity.
Terrain: Made changes to allow the setting of shadowCastingMode
on Terrain.
Timeline: Added Volume, Pan and Spatial Blend controls to Audio Tracks, and volume controls to Audio Track Clips.
Timeline: Improved performance and reduced allocations when playing a Timeline
Timeline: Made performance improvements to the Timeline Editor Window display.
UI: Adding ability to modify the ui Dropdowns alpha fade when showing and hiding.
UI: Adding the ability to to use Sprite Tight mesh inside Unity UI
UI: Removing option for spritePacking tag in TextureImporter (sprites) when not using the legacy packing mode.
Universal Windows Platform: Added support for building player with Visual Studio 2019.
Universal Windows Platform: Added ExecutableOnly
build type, which allows you to build without creating a Visual Studio project. This enables quicker iteration when using Build & Run. See documentation for UnityEditor.WSAUWPBuildType
for more information
Video: Improved the platform strings documentation for the Set, Get, and ClearTargetSettings methods, in the VideoClipImporter class.
Web: Added support to write to file in append mode in DownloadHandlerFile
Web: UnityWebRequest now reports Content-Length to DownloadHandlerScript
as 64-bit. 32-bit method is now deprecated.
WebGL: Added multi-threading compatibility check.
WebGL: Added Quit()
function support to the Unity instance.
WebGL: Added UnityLoader.instantiateAsync()
, which returns a JavaScript Promise
XR: Enable depthBufferSharing by default for Windows Mixed Reality.
XR: Fixed linear color space on Oculus Go and Quest. For Gear VR, driver issues might prevent linear color space from working with S7 Adreno phones on Android 7.0.
XR: Fixed wireframe shader in single-pass instancing stereo rendering mode.
XR: Update Vuforia to version 7.5.20
XR: Updated Google VR to version 1.18.0.
XR: Updated Oculus's minimum supported version to 1.28.0.
XR: Updated Vuforia to version 8.0.10.
XR: Updated Vuforia to version 8.1.7.
XR: UpdateVuforia to version 7.5.26
XR: XR LWRP improvements:
2D: Added a new property TextureGenerationSettings.secondarySpriteTextures, which lets you assign secondary textures to the Sprite texture asset that is being generated.
2D: Added a new property TextureImporter.secondarySpriteTextures, which lets you assgin secondary textures to a texture asset imported as Sprite.
2D: Added a new struct UnityEngine.SecondarySpriteTexture, which encapsulates a Texture2D and its shader property name to give Sprite-based renderers access to a secondary texture, in addition to the main Sprite texture.
Android: Added Android API 28 (Pie)
Android: Added AndroidJNI methods which use sbyte parameters or return sbyte values (1069247)
Android: Deprecated AndroidJNI methods which use byte parameters or return byte values (1069247)
Android: Removed public API for setting the JVM Max heap size
Animation: Added AnimationStream.GetInputWeight(int index)
Animation: Added Animator.BindCustomStreamProperty(string propertyName, PropertyType type)
to UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.
Animation: Made Playable delay features obsolete (Playable.Set/GetDelay).
Animation: Made writing to a scene handle obsolete (experimental API).
Asset Import: Added AssetImporter.SupportsRemappedAssetType
to inform the user if the importer supports remapping certain Asset types (such as Materials).
Asset Import: Added MaterialEditorExtensions.PerformBumpMapCheck
. This iterates over all Material properties with the Normal flag and checks that Unity imports the Textures they reference as normal maps.
Editor: Added more API points for TransformHandle
to provide granular control over which handles appear.
Editor: Added new API to detect & control async shader compilation better in the Editor.
Editor: Added AssemblyBuilder.referencesOptions
to allow building assemblies using UnityEngine
module .dlls instead of the default monolithic UnityEngine.dll.
Editor: Added CompilationPipeline.compilationStarted
and CompilationPipeline.compilationFinished
events for when compilation starts and finishes in the Editor.
Editor: Added CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblyDefinitionFilePathFromAssemblyReference
, CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblyDefinitionReferenceType
, CompilationPipeline.GUIDToAssemblyDefinitionReferenceGUID
, and CompilationPipeline.AssemblyDefinitionReferenceGUIDToGUID
APIs for dealing with Assembly Definition File references that can be either a GUID or assembly name.
Editor: Added EditorApplication.EnterPlayMode()
and EditorApplication.ExitPlayMode()
Editor: Added EditorUtility.GetDirtyCount()
, which returns how many times SetDirty
is invoked on the specified Asset. The counter is reset to zero when the Asset is saved.
Editor: Added EditorUtility.IsDirty()
, which returns true
if SetDirty
is invoked on the specified Asset.
Editor: Added GameObjectUtility.GetMonoBehavioursWithMissingScriptCount
and GameObjectUtility.RemoveMonoBehavioursWithMissingScript
to be able to remove MonoBehaviours with a missing script from a GameObject.
Editor: Added Handles.TransformHandle()
Editor: Added UnityEditor.ShortcutManagement
API for managing keyboard shortcuts in the editor.
Editor: Blocked illegal commands for Editor and PlayMode tests when in Play mode. (1093572)
Editor: Exposed IShortcutManager.IsProfileIdValid
method for checking if a Shortcuts Manager profile ID is valid.
Editor: Exposed ProjectWindowUtil.CreateScriptAssetFromTemplateFile
, which allows Editor scripts to create new text-based assets from template files. This is similar to how the built-in C# script template is used.
Editor: Fixed input fields for sliders that have a width lower than 150 with no label. (1078003)
Editor: Renamed SceneView.SceneViewCameraSettings
API to SceneView.CameraSettings
GI: Added Gizmos.exposure
texture which, when set, is read back to determine exposure correction for LightProbe gizmos. This is the alternative to correcting them via Post-processing.
Graphics: Added a simulatation function to fast-forward a VisualEffect.
Graphics: Added a variant static function for ShaderUtil.UpdateShaderAsset & ShaderUtil.CreateShaderAsset to skip compilation of the initial variant. This can save compilation time for ShaderGraph and Visual Effect Graph but it doesn't log any early compilation errors.
Graphics: Added Graphics and CommandBuffer method overloads to allow blitting to and from a texture array in the corresponding blit methods.
Graphics: Added Texture2DArray property "allSlices". The "allSlices" property can be used instead of "-1" to indicate that all texture array slices should be bound for methods that support texture arrays.
Graphics: Added the Texture2D.normalTexture
property, which returns a small, neutral Normal Texture.
Graphics: Added UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFence class to replace GPUFence.
Graphics: Added Camera.HorizontalToVerticalFieldOfView(float horizontalFieldOfView, float aspectRatio)
and Camera.VerticalToHorizontalFieldOfView(float verticalFieldOfView, float aspectRatio)
Graphics: Added Material.ComputeCRC()
, which returns a CRC hash value of the Material Asset’s content.
Graphics: Added Shader.GetDependency()
for querying a dependent shader by name.
Graphics: Added SortingLayerRange
to FilterRenderSettings
to allow for the filtering of sorting layers by ScriptableRenderContext
Graphics: Changed the SRP signature of BeginCameraRendering
and BeginFrameRendering
to give access to the ScriptableRenderContext
. Added callbacks for end camera and end frame rendering.
Graphics: Exposed setting for a number of jobs used when using occlusion culling.
Graphics: UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence class has been deprecated and replaced with UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFence.
GraphView: Added a new constructor with OnResized
callback parameter to Resizer
GraphView: Added canAcceptDrop
callback to BlackBoardSection
GraphView: Added OnResized
callback to MiniMap
GraphView: Added Renamable
capability to GraphElement
GraphView: GraphView.GetElementByGuid()
now returns the first element with the given GUID, within all of GraphView, not just elements contained in layers.
Kernel: Added a central cache for TypeTrees
Memory Profiler: Added Dispose
functionality to the PackedMemorySnapshot
class to prevent instances from locking the snapshot file for longer than necessary.
Memory Profiler: Added UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.PackedMemorySnapshot.Convert
to handle conversion from a MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorysnapshot
object to a UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.PackedMemorySnapshot
Multiplayer: Added NetworkTransport.SetMulticastLock
API to acquire/release multicast locks, which is required to receive broadcast packets on Android.
Package Manager: Exposed the type
property of PackageInfo
Physics: Added "Rigidbody2D.SetRotation(angle)" to allow you to set the Rigidbody2D z-axis rotation in degrees.
Physics: Added "Rigidbody2D.SetRotation(quaternion)" to allow you to set the Rigidbody2D rotation in quaternions.
Physics: Added Collider2D method overloads to provide List<> support for Raycast(), Cast(), GetContacts() and OverlapCollider().
Physics: Added CompositeCollider2D method overloads to provide List<> support for GetPath().
Physics: Added Physics2D method overloads to provide List<> support for LineCast(), RayCast(), BoxCast(), CapsuleCast(), CircleCast(), OverlapPoint, OverlapArea(), OverlapBox(), OverlapCapsule(), OverlapCircle(), OverlapCollider() and GetContacts().
Physics: Added PhysicsScene2D method overloads to provide List<> support for LineCast(), RayCast(), BoxCast(), CapsuleCast(), CircleCast(), OverlapPoint, OverlapArea(), OverlapBox(), OverlapCapsule(), OverlapCircle() and OverlapCollider().
Physics: Added PolygonCollider2D method overloads to provide List<> support for GetPath() and SetPath().
Physics: Added Rigidbody2D method overloads to provide List<> support for Cast(), GetContacts(), OverlapCollider() and GetAttachedColliders().
Physics: Added Collision.GetContact(List)
and Collision2D.GetContact(List)
Physics: Exposed additional query types in the PhysicsScene class. Note that only the non-allocating types are available.
Physics: Exposed Physics.GetIgnoreCollision
class for checking whether the collision detection system ignores all collisions/triggers between two colliders.
Playables: Added an editor only method, PlayableOutput.GetEditorName
, to get the PlayableOutput name.
Playables: Added FrameData.effectivePlayState
to pass the accumulated PlayState of a Playable.
Player: Deprecated ResolutionDialogSetting, PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog, and PlayerSettings.resolutionDialogBanner.
Profiler: Added Profiler.EmitFrameMetaData
API for saving arbitrary data to the Profiler stream and reading it in the Editor.
Profiler: Exposed the Editor UI used to connect to a player from the Profiler or Console Window. In UnityEditor.Experimental.Networking.PlayerConnection
, EditorGUIUtility.GetAttachToPlayerState(EditorWindow parentWindow)
gets the connection state, and EditorGUILayout/EditorGUI.AttachToPlayerDropdown
draws it.
Profiler: Exposed UnityEditor.Profiling.HierarchyFrameDataView
API for accessing CPU Profiler data in a hierarchical way.
Profiler: Extended HierarchyFrameDataView
profiling API with ResolveItemCallstack
(returns a sample callstack in the Editor) and GetItemMergedSamplesColumnDataAsFloats
(returns sample values for a merged sample).
Scripting: Added GarbageCollector.isIncremental
, GarbageCollector.incrementalTimeSliceNanoseconds
, and GarbageCollector.CollectIncremental
Shaders: Added functions to the ShaderUtil class to retrieve and clear errors/warnings from Shader compilation. Also added the ShaderMessage class to provide error/warning details.
Shaders: Added the Shader.FindPassTagValue
method for querying pass tag values.
Shaders: Added the Shader.passCount
property for retrieving the number of shader passes of the active SubShader.
Shaders: Made the [ShaderIncludePath] attribute obsolete. All shader header files must be under the Assets folder or in a package. To include shader headers directly from a package, use #include "Packages//
Terrain: Added a hotkey Terrain tool selection API, which lets you bind custom Terrain tools to hotkeys.
Terrain: Added a new version of the TerrainTools ShowBrushGUI()
callback with flags for choosing which controls to display.
Terrain: Added a non-allocating version overload to the new TerrainData.GetInterpolatedHeights
Terrain: Added new callback APIs to monitor changes to Terrain Textures.
These callbacks return both the rect region being changed, and whether the change is synchronized to the CPU or is GPU only.Terrain: Added new TerrainData APIs to modify Terrain Textures more easily.
Use the two above functions to copy content of the active RT into Terrain Textures, and optionally delay CPU synchronization, for instance, when a mousemove event occurs in the middle of painting.
Use these two functions instead of ones initially listed if the user directly changes the GPU resources through other means.
Use these two functions to perform a full synchronization from GPU to CPU, for instance, when a mouseup event occurs.Terrain: Added the TerrainData.GetInterpolatedHeights
method for querying interpolated Terrain height values over a grid of samples.
Terrain: Deprecated Terrain.ApplyDelayedHeightmapModification
. Use TerrainData.SyncHeightmap
Terrain: Improved the Terrain Stamp tool controls, and improved the tool’s behavior across Terrain of different height.
Terrain: Made the TerrainTools IOnPaint.RepaintAllInspectors()
function obsolete. Replaced it with Repaint(RepaintFlags)
, which is available in all Terrain Tool callback interfaces.
Timeline: Changed TrackAsset.CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph, GameObject, TimelineClip)
to virtual to match its behavior in 2018.1.
Timeline: Exposed methods for creating and manipulating animation curves on tracks.
Timeline: Exposed methods for working with infinite clips on Animation tracks.
Timeline: Exposed the FootIK property on Animation clips in Timeline. (1115652, 1121781)
XR: Added a command to set single-pass stereo mode with a command buffer. (1096603)
2D: "sprite.textureRect" returns values for master SpriteAtlas instead of SpriteAtlas Variant (1115285, 1125298)
2D: Added missing docs for TextureImportSettings.SpriteMeshType
2D: Crash in FitBlockMaskInBlockMaskUsingPadding when packing a Sprite Atlas with blockOffset value set to 0 (1121583, 1125296)
2D: Fix exception when trimming Sprite alpha on a texture that is downsized (1104094, 1113929)
2D: Fix Grid.GetCellCenterWorld returning an offset position when using an Isometric Grid layout (1116814, 1136013)
2D: Fix Sprite Editor Window module breakage when window is maximized and restore (1114929, 1114930)
2D: Fix Sprite Frame Inspector window overlaps the header and options when the window is shrunk diagonally (1113250, 1114470)
2D: Fix when entering negative values in width/height of Sprite Editor Window causes irregular sprite movement (1100307)
2D: Fixed an assertion message when SpriteRenderer
was selected with no Sprite with the Sprite Editor window open.
(1122260, 1122262)
2D: Fixed an issue where a Sprite was not generated from a texture when user selected the Apply action at the Unapplied import settings popup. (1117274, 1122263)
2D: Fixed an issue where the Editor crashed on clicking Pack Preview when same atlas was added in Packables in Debug View. (1107235)
2D: Fixed an issue where the side of a Sprite was cut off when its Max Size property was changed. (1101500)
2D: Fixed issue where Sorting Groups did not update in Play Mode when Play Mode was paused in the Editor.
2D: Fixed issue where Sprites referenced both the original Sprite assets and Sprite Atlas, which resulted in increased memory usage. (1071494)
2D: Fixed issue where Sprites rendered through Command Buffers were not displayed until they were rendered once with a default Renderer. (1097465)
2D: Fixed issue where SpriteShapeRenderer passed an invalid
2D: Fixed the offset of the TilemapCollider2D collider for Isometric Tilemaps.
2D: Made a Sprite that is not packed into a Sprite Atlas remain invisible. (1083304)
2D: Made changes so that when you click and drag on an unselected Sprite, the Sprite Editor Window shows a normal cursor to indicate dragging a Sprite, instead of the resize cursor used for resizing a border. (1077700)
2D: Made changes to allow users to reset the Sorting Layer and Sorting Order settings of Renderer components from the Inspector Settings (cog button). (1096375)
2D: PSB files do not get packed when added to Sprite Atlas (1114959, 1121775)
AI: Unity crashes when repathing agent destination (1104500)
Analytics: Fixed a bug that resulted in performance data still being sent from mobile devices when a developer disabled Analytics at runtime. (1105108)
Android: Added a fix in the new input system so Deadzoning is not performed in the native backend for game controller axes.
Android: Added a fix in the new input system so mouse delta is correctly calculated.
Android: Added detection for when the Editor does not manage to install the application to the device (1086410)
Android: Added the ability to opt-out from stopping Gradle daemons upon Editor exit. (1098578, 1138085)
Android: Added StreamingAssets
folders starting with an underscore in Gradle builds
Android: Enabled EGL sRGB backbuffer in Android 9.0
Android: Fix black screen when PlayerSetting "Use 32-bit Display Buffer" is disabled (1103404)
Android: Fixed a crash on startup in Development Builds on older Android devices
Android: Fixed a problem with exceptions when exporting an Android Gradle project (1089510)
Android: Fixed a Vulkan shader compile error when using SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex
in the vertex shader output
Android: Fixed an issue where a black screen appears when trying to use linear rendering with 16bit backbuffer
Android: Fixed an issue where Android quickly changing screen orientation twice stretches the view (1098327)
Android: Fixed an issue where Gradle builds fail when using quotes and backslashes in keystore passwords and aliases (996504, 1071288)
Android: Fixed an issue where redundant render pass was created for clear when using Vulkan
Android: Fixed an issue where the application froze when displaying the Android ProgressBar (1053736)
Android: Fixed an issue where the il2cpp library was relinked when building to Android (1089122)
Android: Fixed an issue where the CrashReportint
module was not stripped on il2cpp when not used.
Android: Fixed an issue where s_MainWindowRenderingOffscreen == false
and CurrentThread::IsMainThread()
was firing on Android when using SRP.
(1120743, 1133156)
Android: Fixed an OpenGL ES 3.0 shader compile error when generated code requires bitfieldInsert
Android: Fixed Android touch input scale when changing screen orientation with a custom resolution (1085580)
Android: Fixed automatic resolution scaling when using Vulkan (1108491, 1118293)
Android: Fixed dynamic resolution on some older Mali GPUs on Vulkan (1065227)
Android: Fixed HDR rendering when using Vulkan on older Mali drivers (1105065, 1115919)
Android: Fixed missing draws when using Vulkan on Adreno (1094348)
Android: Fixed shader compiler errors with Mali 450 drivers
Android: Fixed Terrain rendering when Vulkan on Adreno is used (1102440)
Android: Fixed the Bluetooth related crash on Android 5 devices when no headset is connected (1089471)
Android: Fixed the load failure of il2cpp player using OBB files (1124777, 1130918)
Android: Fixed the wrong \
on Windows
Android: Fixed Activity has leaked ServiceConnection
errors when calling Application.Unload
Android: Fixed Android Screen.safeArea
coordinate system to be in screen space.
Android: Fixed Application.Unload
sometimes crashing on Android
Android: Fixed GrabPass
when using linear rendering on Android
Android: Fixed RenderTextureFormat ARGB2101010
when using Vulkan on Adreno
Android: GPU Instanced mesh renders with artifacts on Adreno 630 devices (1079627)
Android: Improved performance of Cubemap convolution on Mali GPUs (989820)
Android: Linker errors print to console when using il2cpp.
Android: Refactored and improved Android device detection and selection during builds (1102133)
Android: Touch and mouse position's y-value is inverted in the native backend instead of managed code in the new input system
Android: Keyboard.onTextInput
and Keyboard.onIMECompositionChange
correctly calls for physical and virtual keyboard events
Animation: Fixed a crash in the avatar configurator when a faulty bone was selected after AutoMap. (1075651)
Animation: Fixed a crash when a cycle occurs in an animation graph. (792020)
Animation: Fixed a crash when opening the Animator window from a bad Animator Controller setup. (1080436)
Animation: Fixed a crash when the Animation window previewed a disabled GameObject. (1125266, 1127071)
Animation: Fixed a crash when the animator changed the bindings of the next animator. (1099988)
Animation: Fixed an issue where additive animations would build up values when other layers were not writing (1094706, 1127817)
Animation: Fixed an issue where AnimationClip.empty always returns true when Animation Type is set to Legacy. (1061700)
Animation: Fixed an issue where querying clips in partially-loaded Override Controllers would crash (1118196, 1127823)
Animation: Fixed an issue where the Animation window opened when an AnimationClip was double-clicked. (1058422)
Animation: Fixed an issue with AnimationStreamSource.PreviousInputs when used with humanoid characters. (1102231)
Animation: Fixed an issue with frame rounding in the Animation window. (1101186)
Animation: Fixed an issue with the animator that occurred after instantiation. (995978)
Animation: Fixed an issue with [burstcompile] not working on animation jobs.
Animation: Fixed erroneous range when changing orders of sprite keyframes in AnimationClip (1076068)
Asset Import: Added a fix to properly assign the Diffuse Color when a HDRP/Lit materical is generated froma FBX standard material in HDRP projects. (1087977, 1114076)
Asset Import: Changed the icon of the Assets generated using ScriptedImporters to match the icon of other model files.
Asset Import: Clamped the global scale in ModelImporter to at most 10 digits. (1082327)
Asset Import: Fix Missing Avatar assignement in older projects (1107242)
Asset Import: Fixed an issue where importing FBX files with skinned meshes and with Index Format set to 16-bit produced corrupt data and/or errors. (1126943, 1139690)
Asset Import: Fixed an issue with ModelImporter
where imported materials had no textures assigned in HDRP projects.
Asset Import: Fixed error when selecting multiple fbx with different Material settings. Multi-selection is not supported on this panel. (1118475, 1121738)
Asset Import: Fixed import of Blender files with Blender 2.80. (1115353, 1140789)
Asset Import: Fixed issue where the Model Importer Use File Scale property did not display the multiple different values checkbox in multiple selection.
Asset Import: Fixed Sprite asset references are missing after upgrading (1102809)
Asset Import: Made changes so that ProjectBrowser icons refresh correctly when the Model Importer is applied.
Asset Import: Made changes to prevent the use of a previously created avatar in the AvatarCopy field of the ModelImporter Rig panel.
Audio: Added a slider for Cutoff Frequency in the Audio High Pass Filter component. (818332, 1131466)
Audio: Fixed an issue in the profiler where the time spent collecting audio data depended on the number of audio clips with loaded audio data. (1086988)
Audio: Fixed an issue where the Edit key option displayed incorrect parameters in the Curve editor. (713681)
Audio: Fixed an issue with calling AudioSource.GetSpatializerFloat or AudioSource.SetSpatializerFloat before an AudioSource was played.
Audio: Fixed an issue with importing short audio files that caused importer errors. (882227)
Audio: Fixed the tree view for Audio Mixer groups in the Output object selector. (1010156, 1131468)
Build Pipeline: Added a fix so failed builds are not treated as "successful".
Build Pipeline: Added a fix to unload asset bundles before building a player or other asset bundles. (1081760)
Build Pipeline: Added a fixed to allow the Scripting Define Symbols line in Player Settings to be reverted with the Undo command. (1083481)
Build Pipeline: Fix rare data corruption when building asset bundles with LZMA compression.
Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier
would not return the identifier for the active build target when editing settings for a different build target.
Build Pipeline: Fixed an object ordering indeterminism issue in the results returned by ContentBuildInterface.PrepareScene
Build Pipeline: Removed duplicate mono folder in Mac standalone builds. Also removed around 500 kb of unnecessary data from builds.
Compute: Vulkan/Metal/OpenGL: compute shader compilation optimizations (1022026)
DX12: Fixed crash related to memory allocation issues when using a camera with the Depth or Don't Clear flags. (969582)
DX12: Fixed exclusive fullscreen always reverting to windowed fullscreen.
DX12: Fixed issue where test runner crashed while running tests containing RenderTexture instantiation from the command prompt. (1015725)
Editor: Added Main Menu/ prefix to main menu commands displayed in the Shortcuts Manager Command list with Category set to All Unity Commands.
Editor: Added a fix for consistent logfile option handling for all desktop platforms, the Editor, and the Player. This improves the handling of edge cases and scenarios with logfile parameter. (900754, 960012, 1068907)
Editor: Added a fix so that items can be activated with space bar input in the Linux Editor inspector. (1061975)
Editor: Added a fix so that selecting Open on the Context Menu performs actions on folders. (1079852)
Editor: Added a fix to disallow naming Assembly definitions as predefined assembly names. (1081704)
Editor: Added a fix to improve performance when deserializing uint64 values from text serialized assets.
Editor: Added a fix to stop Android release builds from forwarding network traffic to device. (1090170)
Editor: Added a horizontal scrollbar to Preset Manager settings. (1087969)
Editor: Added button to clear binding in Keys preferences.
Editor: Added diagnostic warning icon under text. (1093938)
Editor: Added missing size and style to CacheFontForText
Editor: Added null protection when iterating using ExtendVisibleAsChild
Editor: Bring back Imported Header for AssetImporter component (1104131)
Editor: Corrected a typo in the tooltip for the 2D/3D switch in the Scene view control bar. (1048139)
Editor: Creating a new material while an item is selected in scene could yield "IndexOutOfRange" errors (1128724, 1131937)
Editor: Debug Internal inspector no displays all properties (1109531, 1118915)
Editor: EditorWindow notification is rendered behind UI elements when the elements are instantiated from UXML (1116944, 1131498)
Editor: Enabled editing a script field when the script is missing. (1117624, 1126282)
Editor: Fix a crash when using hyperlink tag without the closing tag. (1113075, 1135091)
Editor: Fix an issue where asset store window could turn blank when redocking (1100443)
Editor: Fix an issue where custom editors with scrollviews would be squashed in the inspector window (1103342)
Editor: Fix Crash on dragging Script to component in inspector (1124734, 1131934)
Editor: Fix crash on editor window destruction
Editor: Fix crash while setting version control mode to visible meta files (1128867, 1132704)
Editor: Fix editor crash while saving a scene with missing script. (1111432, 1115552)
Editor: Fix Exceptions raised and Inspector is broken after user removes a component from multiselected GameObjects (1126938, 1131936)
Editor: Fix extra shift being present in some contextual menu shortcuts in Timeline.
Editor: Fix Inspector Window's uxml contains strings that are no longer localized (1122433, 1131929)
Editor: Fix issue where EditorApplication.quitting callbacks were not being called in batchmode
Editor: Fix keypad period and delete for input fields (Linux)
Editor: Fix menu shortcuts before first menu show on Linux
Editor: Fix selecting items with duplicate names in test hierarchy of Test Runner window (987587, 1140566)
Editor: Fix SettingsWindow layout breaks from 18.3 (1124696, 1129237)
Editor: Fix: Copying and pasting selected text copies an additional letter that is not selected (1107289, 1114040)
Editor: Fixed a Null Reference Exception thrown when multiple Assembly Definition Assets are added to the same folder. (1120826, 1120982)
Editor: Fixed an incorrect Input.keyCode
value when keyboard layout changes on macOS.
Editor: Fixed an incorrect Input.keyCode
value when using the Dvorak - QWERTY Command keyboard layout on macOS.
(1103558, 1131774)
Editor: Fixed an issue in the Shortcuts Manager Commmand list where right-clicking an entry did not select that entry, and displayed the context menu from the previously selected entry. (1110804, 1120069)
Editor: Fixed an issue in the Shortcuts Manager where changes were not saved to the profile when users unassigned shortcuts or reset shortcuts to their default settings.
Editor: Fixed an issue in the Shortcuts Manager where selecting a new category from the Category list did not reset the selected entry in the Command list. (1104559, 1120070)
Editor: Fixed an issue in the Shortcuts Manager where users could assign reserved modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl/Cmd, and so on) to commands. (1110790, 1120071)
Editor: Fixed an issue on Linux where the progress bar window changed size repeatedly while creating or opening a project. (1100653)
Editor: Fixed an issue on macOS where entering Unity keyboard shortcuts while a project was loading crashed Unity. (1004336)
Editor: Fixed an issue on macOS where launching the Editor with -batchmode
as the first argument caused a crash.
Editor: Fixed an issue on macOS where opening and closing utility windows caused a crash. (1046287)
Editor: Fixed an issue where artifacts appeared in Sprite sheets when users clicked drop-down menus in the Inspector. (1055868)
Editor: Fixed an issue where assets from Unity's built-in resources could not be loaded by AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath
Editor: Fixed an issue where calling RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary
twice for same texture caused a crash.
Editor: Fixed an issue where changing the shortcut for a main-menu item using the Shortcuts Manager would not update the menu with the new shortcut.
Editor: Fixed an issue where closing the Editor while the Asset Store or Services window was loading caused a crash. (1024048)
Editor: Fixed an issue where creating a parameter for an Animation condition after creating the condition sometimes threw a NullReferenceException. (1127789, 1131535)
Editor: Fixed an issue where drag and dropping a texture onto a GameObject in the Scene created a material with no texture in HDRP projects.
Editor: Fixed an issue where dragging a GameObject to the position directly after a child object in the Hierarchy window inserted the dragged object in the wrong position. (1069565)
Editor: Fixed an issue where empty Editor Settings password fields were returning asterisks for empty fields. (958884)
Editor: Fixed an issue where empty strings caused TextField
to crash.
Editor: Fixed an issue where having multiple GameObjects selected and using the Component context menu to call GameObject.DestroyImmediate
on Components crashed Unity.
Editor: Fixed an issue where keyboard shortcuts for main menu commands would not work if the key combination included the Space key. (1106151, 1120068)
Editor: Fixed an issue where layouts were saved and loaded incorrectly. (1078964)
Editor: Fixed an issue where lines were not drawn when using Handles.DrawDottedLine
in a custom inspector.
Editor: Fixed an issue where modifying an Avatar's Per-Muscle Settings caused a NullReferenceException. (1068870)
Editor: Fixed an issue where searching for an asset in the Project window, and then renaming it via the context menu would not work if the Project widow was using the one-column layout. (1073306)
Editor: Fixed an issue where selecting assets in the last row of the Project window made the scroll bar blink. (1076266)
Editor: Fixed an issue where SerializedProperty children were not visible when put in a horizontal group. (1068811)
Editor: Fixed an issue where switching platforms and recompiling scripts did not clear compile errors from the Console. (1078935)
Editor: Fixed an issue where Test Runner console messages could overlap the test menu. (1094277)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the Add Component menu is not displayed in some cases. (1104169)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the Undo command did not work after setting/resetting the layout to Default. (1068662)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the color picker ignored copied hex codes when they included the number sign (#) prefix. (804231)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the Editor recommended updating to an earlier version.
Editor: Fixed an issue where the Editor used the OS locale. (1089361)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the Game view layout was not changing when the application was paused. (1104417)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the IME input was causing text duplication in the Editor. (1117859, 1117878)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the Inspector did not display GUI label tooltips. (1057359)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the Layers drop-down menu in the Inspector did not list grouped Layers properly. (1068422)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the mouse position was offset in the Game view when using IMGUI. (1097051)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the preview icon for the Material Preset flickered. (1099296)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute was ignored inside player-only code blocks (such as when using #if !UNITY_EDITOR) and inside player-only assemblies created with an Assembly Definition. (922692, 1071599)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the Scene icon was not updated after the png file was changed. (1084630)
Editor: Fixed an issue where LoadSceneAsync
would not trigger subscribed callbacks on load.
Editor: Fixed an issue with overriden main menu shortcuts.
Editor: Fixed an issue with project update from 2017.4 to 2019.1. (1099240)
Editor: Fixed arrow keys logging errors in editor log slowing down editor.
Editor: Fixed button style is not correct in texture inspector.
Editor: Fixed clutch shortcut stuck if key is released while editor is not in focus.
Editor: Fixed crash when building player with Services enabled, and using .NET 3.5. (1103349)
Editor: Fixed custom layout menu items getting out of sync with Shortcut Manager. (1097041)
Editor: Fixed CustomEditorAttributes scanning order (1108536)
Editor: Fixed default shortcuts for Cut/Copy/Paste/Select All/Undo/Redo menu items not usable for other commands in Shortcuts window.
Editor: Fixed Editor crashes on HomeWindowHandler::LearnTabOpenedCallback
while opening Project or entering Play Mode.
Editor: Fixed game view dimensions to address issue where Camera.ScreenPointToRay
returned slightly offset coordinates when drawing the Ray from the main camera to the mouse position.
Editor: Fixed generic menu issue related to incorrect grouping of child menu item's when parent menu item contains space(" ") as its last character. (1116792, 1129941)
Editor: Fixed Hiding objects in the scene view does not work with SRP (1105161)
Editor: Fixed Hierarchy view hover issues (1131017, 1131031)
Editor: Fixed invalid screen parameters when multiple game views instances are active. (1110671, 1131010)
Editor: Fixed issue where holding arrow keys sometimes caused editor to stop redrawing.
Editor: Fixed issue where Unity would crash when the Save Assets dialog box displayed before exiting the Editor. (1062146)
Editor: Fixed key down events dispatched twice if not used.
Editor: Fixed menu items forgetting their default shortcut bindings.
Editor: Fixed performance issues when using the Test Runner for Projects with many assemblies.
Editor: Fixed performance regressions related to UIElements moving out of experimental (1103391)
Editor: Fixed scene visibility column hiding the search path of the hierarchy (1114645, 1122512)
Editor: Fixed serialization issue in which MonoBehaviours with no script would cause a crash while saving the Scene. (925313)
Editor: Fixed standard macOS text editing key bindings inside web views.
Editor: Fixed state propagation when a VisualElement is added to a hierarchy. (1093728)
Editor: Fixed strip debug info from release editor. (1070559, 1126323)
Editor: Fixed text fields in Save Scenes dialog window not being navigable using arrow keys.
Editor: Fixed the Verify Save Assets option to work in the Linux Editor. (957853)
Editor: Fixed unhideable material's render queue for Scriptable Render Pipelines using Shader Graph. (1108637)
Editor: Generated for mcs.rsp
Editor: Made changes so that Unity Test Runner won't execute the PrebuildSetup code for ignored playmode tests or tests disabled on the selected platform.
Editor: Made the VisualElementAsset
id field deterministic.
Editor: Made MinMaxslider
position absolute. Previously it was relative, which broke layouts.
Editor: Make sure that modules depeding on disabled modules are also disabled
Editor: Make sure that we bail out immediately when dragging a preset on a UnityObject that already has the dragged component (1074291)
Editor: Minimize button("-") does not work for Scene, Game, Hierarchy etc. windows on Mac. (1117896, 1118033)
Editor: Null reference fix for semversion (1129026, 1141029)
Editor: Prefab Component overrides now remain visible in the Inspector after a domain reload. (1102487)
Editor: Recover from modal window being closed using the X button (windows)
Editor: Removed an extra separator from the context menu in the Hierarchy window. (1080882)
Editor: Removed cursor warning when calling Cursor.SetCursor
on a texture loaded from an asset bundle.
Editor: Removed duplicate for Rider path discovery on Linux.
Editor: Renamed the Child Controls Size property to Control Child Size in the Horizontal Layout Group and Vertical Layout Group components. (1090329)
Editor: Renamed the UI Transparency Priority to Renderer Priority in the MeshRenderer component.
Editor: Show imported components on Model asset prefabs again (was hidden because we don't want to show components for normal prefab assets)
Editor: The Strip Engine Code setting is now available only in Player pettings for platforms that support stripping unused code.
Editor: The number of available glyphs is now a criterion in fallback font selection. The falback font system selects the matching font with the most available glyphs. (1090134)
Editor: Unity now displays an error message when recent projects contain an invalid or missing ProjectSettings.txt
Editor: Update OSX container window floating window icons (1102525)
Editor: Update toolbox handling for rider path detection
Editor: Updated Windows splash screen.
GI: Fix crash on application exit when GPU lightmapper openCL context is lost.
GI: Fixed a bug where a probeset with completely overlapping positions would cause the deringing settings array to become shifted.
GI: Fixed an issue in the GPU Lightmapper that stabilizes noise when iterating on lighting.
GI: Fixed an issue where GICache errors were thrown when baking Terrain with trees having deringing enabled on the light probes. (1100362)
GI: Fixed an issue where running UpdateMaterials
was causing performance issues.
GI: Fixed an issue where supersampling was introducing interdeterministic results with direct samples. It now uses round-robin sampling between supersamples. (936693)
GI: Fixed an issue where the bake could split out "Assertion failed on expression: 'm_NumInstanceTransforms == m_NumInstanceLODGroups'" and produce incorrect results for Scenes with LODs in them. It could occur when entering avatar configuration when baking or making sweeping changes to instances contained in the Scene. (1102752)
GI: Fixed an issue where the lightmap preview window didn't get cleared when lightmaps were removed. (1082621)
GI: Fixed an issue where the Reflection Probes progress bar didn't get cleared when cancelling.
GI: Fixed an issue where Unity would try to load incompatible serialized lighting data from cache and print out "Failed to load '***' because it was serialized with a newer version of Unity. (Has a higher SerializedFile version).". (1112513, 1129760)
GI: Fixed file reading errors with hashID.ghd while baking lighting. (1047087)
GI: Fixed hashing issue when writing out AO textures for PLM.
GI: Fixed issue where the UV Overlap preview didn't display after a manual bake. (1087688)
GI: Fixed the API documentation for Lightmapping.Clear
and Lightmapping.ClearLightingDataAsset
GI: Fixed the Baked UV Charts debug lightmap. (1078533)
GI: Fixed the Editor log outputs ''d3d11: failed to lock buffer [HASH].'' while baking using CPU PLM. (1095976)
GI: Fixed the indirect intensity slider in the Progressive Lightmapper so that it now also affects indirect probe lighting. (1060939)
GI: GPU Lightmapper, fix number of bounces (was doing two extra).
GI: GPU Lightmapper, use interpolated vertex normal when shading bounce light, rather than plane normal.
GI: GPU Lightmapper: Ensure OpenCL kernel are recompiled on Nvidia even when only the include files changes.
GI: GPU Lightmapper: For baking default is to select the same graphic hardware as the editor.
GI: Improved sampling when baking lightmaps in scenes with translucent objects. (1132640, 1133463)
GI: Renamed "Auto Bake On/Off" to "Auto Generate Lighting On/Off" in the app bar.
Graphics: Added a fix so HDR Mode in Graphics Settings is respected in LWRP. (1104140)
Graphics: Added extra validation for RT volumeDepth. (1096019)
Graphics: Assert '0 == m_CurrentBuiltInBindMask' in HDRP test when Async Shader Compilation is ON (1117989, 1122369)
Graphics: Choose the correct occlusion camera when occlusion visualization is turned on
Graphics: Do not render the skybox in the scene view if using an SRP as the SRP will handle the skybox render.
Graphics: DX11: Fix for not being able to bind a a 2D Render Texture with a slice index of -1.
Graphics: Fix crash when stripping Umbra module on platforms supporting native code stripping. (1116487, 1118313)
Graphics: Fix crash when usign DrawMeshInsted with SRP batcher enabled (1122017, 1122357)
Graphics: Fix for postprocessing and instanced stereo rendering only a white screen in LWRP (1100898)
Graphics: Fix issue with argument buffer not being bound properly (only a subset of the view was bound)
Graphics: Fix memory leak in Mac threaded texture creation (1126615, 1127347)
Graphics: Fixed a crash that happened when creating a Texture2DArray
with a YUY2 TextureFormat
Graphics: Fixed a Frame Debugger texture tooltip, so it shows correct dimension info for 3D textures.
Graphics: Fixed a performance issue that prevented GPU drivers from utilizing internal texture compression. (Not applicable to RenderTexture.)
Graphics: Fixed a warning message in the Editor for Mac OS with an Android build target, where a warning would show up for decompressing ETC textures. (1115543, 1120074)
Graphics: Fixed an issue that would deplete memory when trying to compile Shaders that uses a self-referencing macro. (1104217)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where activated second display is not rendering when running the project in Standalone (1099190)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where copying raw depth buffers caused a crash. (1040591)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where Frame Debugger was showing bad keywords when connected to a standalone Player. (1070614)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where Inspector Previews were using black cubemaps for environment reflection. (1039018)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where MeshTopology.Quads generated a draw call that uses 3 point patches instead of 4. (1078885)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where Reflection Probes weren't rebaking in the Editor after changes were made to the Shader code of the renderers used in the baked Reflection Probes. (1020358)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where the Package Manager UI was not rendering correctly on GLES2. (1108286, 1117897)
Graphics: Fixed an issue with Animator preview not rendering grids in Sciptable Render Pipelines. (1044281)
Graphics: Fixed async readback when using Vulkan.
Graphics: Fixed blicking when rendering at native resolution in fullscreen with OpenGL on Windows (1039035)
Graphics: Fixed crash that infrequently occurred when instancing properties were absent from the MaterialPropertyBlock object sent to DrawMeshInstanced calls. (1115627, 1124733)
Graphics: Fixed Crash when calling Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer() if CommandBuffer.SetShadowSamplingMode() is used before it (1102773, 1124728)
Graphics: Fixed crash when user-created RT has an unsupported sample count. (1095433)
Graphics: Fixed Fog settings not being preserved for the additively loaded Scenes. (1024864)
Graphics: Fixed graphics format that should support random writes. (1096000)
Graphics: Fixed loading of compressed textures with incomplete mipmap chains. (1045189, 1115580)
Graphics: Fixed memory leak in metal threaded texture creation (1126615, 1127347)
Graphics: Fixed memory overwrites in the DX11 render target setting code.
Graphics: Fixed problem so that the correct SubShader is selected when rendering with the Editor Camera.
Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture asset UI preventing to select the color format (1115203, 1115204)
Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture asset UI to lose selected format data when the selected format is not supported. (1116500, 1116501)
Graphics: Fixed scene view rendering default skybox when SRP is enabled (1076246)
Graphics: Fixed scissor/viewport handling when used with Dynamic Resolution feature.
Graphics: Fixed sRGB RenderTexture failing to be created when enableRandomWrite is on (1115223, 1115226)
Graphics: Fixed support for 32 bit vertex index buffer sub-mesh on dx11 during SRP batching. (1117383, 1120326)
Graphics: Fixed Texture.allowThreadedTextureCreation to correctly allow control of which thread textures are created on. (1131041, 1132127)
Graphics: Fixed Vulkan-Enabled GPU skinning for blend shapes. (1134323, 1138973)
Graphics: Improved RenderTexture asset UI to store the user requested format (1115203, 1115204)
Graphics: Made changes to explicitly disallow the destroying of temporary render textures. (1070564)
Graphics: Made changes to skip shadow lights and shadow casters culling when shadows are disabled. (1072624)
Graphics: Optimizes single-colored ambient probe updates. (1115645, 1136076)
Graphics: Reinstated support for reading Terrain Brush Textures. (1102243)
Graphics: Renamed Renderer Priority to Priority in the Mesh Renderer component.
Graphics: Vulkan: Disabled error messages when attempting to draw with missing bindings
Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed a race condition between updating ComputeBuffers from script and rendering from them within Graphics jobs.
Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed crash when rendering reflection probes on Android
Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed crash with certain shaders
Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed debug marker locations in RenderDoc trace
Graphics: Vulkan: Fixed various issues with FPS Samplegame
Graphics: (1086957)
IL2CPP: Add support for building with Xcode 10 and the macOS 10.14 SDK.
IL2CPP: Avoid using managed exceptions during time zone initialization. This cause cause crashes on some platforms. (1100856, 1117453)
IL2CPP: Correct a build error when script debugging is enabled for a project with no user scripts. (1082185)
IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build failing if Visual Studio 2019 is installed on the machine.
IL2CPP: Fixed invoking IEnumerable.GetEnumerator method on COM objects that implemenet Windows.Foundation.Collections.IIterable interface. (878766, 1127105)
IL2CPP: Fixes a compilation error that can occur when the debugger is enabled but there are no source files specified in the symbol data. (1078027)
IL2CPP: Fixes an issue with UnsafeUtility.SizeOf() crashing IL2CPP when called with an enum type.
IL2CPP: Fixing an unhandled exception in IL2CPP. Adding support for pointer types when executing an initobj instruction.
IL2CPP: Prevent a compilation error in generated C++ code when the ldtoken opcode is used in some cases.
IL2CPP: Prevent a possible crash when a list of generic or nullable types with a field that is a struct with explicit layout is reallocated. (1121969, 1122739)
IL2CPP: Prevent finalizer from being incorrect injected for COM types.
IL2CPP: Support the AttributeType property of of the TypeInfo object.
Input: Added a fix in the new input system to correctly set and get sampling frequencies for sensors on iOS and Android platforms.
does not create a warning on iOS 12 devices.
iOS: Added a fixed so Screen.allowedOrientations
is not updated every frame.
iOS: Fix warnings related to launch image when building for iOS in Xcode 10 (1085602)
iOS: Fixed a Lighweight Render Pipeline crash on several SoCs (1098913)
iOS: Fixed an issue where a full screen movie reset after the app was minimized (840951)
iOS: Fixed an issue where changing Screen.Orientation
on some iOS devices would not update the variable that holds the current orientation state
iOS: Fixed an issue where particles were being rendered over non-transparent objects in a Low Poly Strategy Prototyper project (1107546, 1122520)
iOS: Fixed crash on startup on 32bit devices using oldish iOS (1109610, 1117891)
iOS: Fixed DiscardContents and GrabIntoRenderTexture interop on Metal (1082159)
iOS: Fixed incorrect Screen.safeArea
on plus sized iPhones
iOS: Fixed issues with reporting orientation when autorotating and tweaked enabled orientations (1075839, 1075855)
iOS: Fixed UnauthorizedAccessException when building for iOS (1108549)
iOS: Uncoupled the accelerometer from the gyroscope (1085244)
iOS: Gamepad.startButton
works correctly. The iOS startButton
(or Menu button) only reports a down event and an up event is simulated immediately after to simulate a click.
(1093829, 1132630)
iOS: Keyboard.onTextInput
and Keyboard.onIMECompositionChange
correctly calls for physical and virtual keyboard events.
iOS: Pen.tilt
values are correctly returned in the new input system
(1093816, 1132629)
Kernel: Fixed a temp job warning in C# jobs when the job was executing for longer than one frame.
Linux: Added a fix for touchpad sced an issue where touchpad scrolling was too sensitive in the Linux Editor. (1073152)
Linux: Added a fix to allow Linux and Mac launch the BugReport crash handler when a SIGABRT is sent. (1074324)
Linux: Fix crash on Editor startup when using -force-vulkan (1109529, 1123925)
Linux: Fix using multiple identical webcams on Linux (1115884, 1123759)
Linux: Fixed an Editor windows repaint bug in Ubuntu 16.04. (1107716)
Linux: Fixed an issue where tabs were incorrectly processed twice. (1080441)
Linux: Fixed annoying "'Unity' is not responding" message on Linux. (1072712, 1122090)
Linux: Fixed issue with keyboard input not being captured by the Game view when in Play mode (1109908, 1118063)
Linux: Fixed Linux Editor executable being much larger than it used to be (1.2GB instead of ~350MB)
Linux: Fixed progress bar freeze when sprite assets have invalid names (1106232, 1115875)
Linux: Strong Input lag when locking cursor and using mouse with 1000hz polling rate (1023587, 1118295)
Linux: Unity Editor and Build dips in Frame count when scrolling with the Mouse Wheel (1066760, 1117507)
Linux: [Linux][Editor]Fixed Shift+tab selects previous window instead of previous tabbed element. (1107323, 1117698)
Lumin: Fixed an issue where the minimum platform API level in a custom manifest was not being respected.
LWRP: Fixed RenderTexture sRGB flag set incorrectly. (1133874, 1136097)
Mobile: Added support for Bluetooth headphones' microphone for both Android and iOS (946201)
Mobile: Fixed Ambient Occlusion in PostProcessing v2 (1059893)
Mobile: Fixed an issue where reflection was distorted when using baked reflection probes (1114605, 1117116)
Mobile: Fixed an issue where the TargetFPS
and vSyncCount
has no effect on the FPS
(1078663, 1136554)
Mobile: Fixed Standard shader artifacts on mobiles
Mobile: Fixed the Crunch decoder to avoid access out of vector boundaries (983436, 1140135)
Multiplayer: Fixed issue where the unet hlapi package was not being automatically added to old projects opened in 2019.1, bumped version in editor manifest to 1.0.1 as well
OSX: Fix Empty Project builds for Mac/Win/Linux Standalone contain extra ~4MB of doc .xml files (1112215, 1125589)
OSX: Fixed an issue building the Mac Editor using customer source code distributions
OSX: Fixed an issue where Unity would crash if the resolution was set to invalid values via script. (1070915)
OSX: Fixed GPU selector always being disabled. (1055634)
OSX: Fixed issue where the option "Use Metal Editor" did not display on some versions of Unity. (1094058)
OSX: Fixed occasional crash when using Camera (be it FaceTime or coming from UnityRemote) (1101944, 1110670, 1115830, 1116526)
OSX: Fixed the icon at 128x128 being corrupt in macOS build (1038984, 1132657)
OSX: Metal: Unity applications now correctly reported as "Requires High Perf GPU" in Activity Monitor (1055912)
Package Manager: A "Failed to fetch versions information" error would be displayed in Package Manager window for all unknown packages.
Package Manager: Add a warning message if you disable a package and that causes dependencies to also be disabled.
Package Manager: Add information to compiler errors explaining if a package has been disabled as a dependency of another package
Package Manager: Add information to info messages for disabled components in the inspector explaining if a package has been disabled as a dependency of another package
Package Manager: Added opening offline documentation when the online documentation is not accessible.
Package Manager: Fix an issue that prevented specific native plugins to be correctly identified the second time a project was loaded.
Package Manager: Fix an issue where packages would not be found because the project configured registry URL ended with an extraneous slash.
Package Manager: Fix Closing the 'Reset Packages to Defaults' confirmation window still resets the Packages. (1134754, 1137060)
Package Manager: Fix for upgraded projects that use XR or Timeline and have disabled modules (1111566, 1115043)
Package Manager: Fix imcompatible packages showing up in the list of packages to install (1066979)
Package Manager: Fix incorrect text with the update button when a package is being installed (1124632, 1139328)
Package Manager: Fix Package Manager timeouts when opening a project inside a closed network.
Package Manager: Fix Package Manager UI refreshes the package list when entering play mode (1135815, 1135840)
Package Manager: Fixed a Package Manager error displaying "Input string was not in a correct format" when using Locales with the ,
number separator
(1131566, 1139270)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where an error message appeared when dragging the Packages folder in to the Favorites section. (1084176)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where native plugins inside a package would not get resolved on OSX
Package Manager: Made changes so packages that aren't installed are shown in package manager window. (1098870)
Package Manager: Made changes so that packages, which are imported as dependencies for other packages, are not shown in Package Manager UI. (1057210)
Package Manager: The Asset Database refresh could hang when removing or updating the version of an installed package.
Package Manager: Use SemVer in core packages instead of 0.0.0-builtin
Particles: Apply collisions during the initial simulation step of newly spawned particles. (1082981, 1120773)
Particles: Apply the Simulation Speed modifier to the initial simulation step when spawning new particles (1111729, 1122166)
Particles: Fixed Prefabs with Sub emitters that have emit probability of 0 by default.
Particles: Opening a legacy Prefab with a ParticleSystem in Prefab Mode: ParticleSystemRenderer component is now correctly hidden in the Inspector.
Particles: Recompute particle bounds after executing a C# Job. (1116569, 1120793)
Physics: CharacterController will now ignore Rigidbodies that have their collision detection turned off. (984035)
Physics: Ensured that 2D trigger/collision exit callbacks occur when destroying a GameObject inside a 2D trigger/collision callback. (1057320)
Physics: Ensured that 2D trigger/collision exit callbacks occur when disabling a GameObject or 2D collider component. (1071700)
Physics: Fixed a crash in the 2D physics manager on iOS upon start-up when Physics2D package is disabled. (1080899)
Physics: Fixed a crash that occurred when adding a MeshCollider without CookingOptions.CookForFasterSimulation. Fixed by PhysX 3.4 Upgrade. (1041838)
Physics: Fixed a spelling issue in the Physics settings (renamed Default Max Angular Speed). (1104527, 1127096)
Physics: Fixed an issue that occurred when copying and pasting cloth component values. (975495)
Physics: Fixed PhysicsScene.SphereCast having a set of default parameters that's inconsistent with the other queries. (1096382)
Physics: Fixed poor performance of self and inter collision gizmos for cloth. (963985)
Physics: Fixed Rigidbody.AddExplosionForce
docs that were out of sync with code.
(1108989, 1140551)
Physics: Made the bodies connected by ConfigurableJoint
wake up when changing parameters, to match what happens when doing this in the Editor.
(1075514, 1140550)
Physics: Physics Fix "Selected Object Info" in Physics Debug View being expanded incorrectly (1122474, 1134269)
Physics: RelativeJoint2D now correctly handles rotation. (1103365)
Physics: Stopped NullReferenceException due to sprite-snapping when dragging a Joint2D anchor when the same GameObject contains a SpriteRenderer without an assigned Sprite. (1077680)
Prefabs: Added localization to Overrides window and PrefabUtility dialogs.
Prefabs: Do not block saving a Prefab in Prefab Mode to a new Prefab when in Animation Mode
Prefabs: Don't include Importer Error Log in source prefab file when saving from PrefabMode
Prefabs: Fix handling of Transform replacement in Prefab instances and assets
Prefabs: Fix loosing selection of Prefab root in Prefab Mode after draggging script to Inspector.
Prefabs: Fix memory leak when calculating prefab dependencies during import.
Prefabs: More robust throwing of exceptions for invalid input to PrefabUtility apply and revert methods. (1090918)
Prefabs: Prefab Mode: Fix automatic UI reparenting to leave out the prefab itself when looking for a Canvas to render with
Prefabs: PrefabMode: For broken prefabs use the root that the PrefabImporter has chosen when opening the prefab file in Prefab Mode, other dangling roots are deleted.
Prefabs: Support reparenting prefab root in Awake and OnEnable when opening Prefab Mode.
Profiler: Fix ArgumentNullException thrown by "Show Related Object" pane of Profiler Window. (1090876)
Profiler: Fixed an issue where Profiler stats was recording when profiling the Editor with runtime profiler API.
Profiler: Fixed issue with increased memory usage by the profiler for long-lasting background operations. (1094748)
SceneManager: Add 'Collapse All' functionality to the Hierarchy Window to easily collapse all rows in the Hierarchy. Added to the Hierarchy window context menu. (1137167, 1138476)
SceneManager: Fix SceneHierarchy throwing null ref exception in rare cases on LostFocus events. (1136536, 1138475)
SceneManager: Fix Unity hangs after dropping a parent transform into a SubScene below it. (1136535, 1138474)
Scripting: Added System.Data.dll
in the references.
Scripting: Assigning a custom Debug.logger.logHandler
now intercepts thrown exceptions.
Scripting: Enabled empty assembly definition references and relaxed the need for a reference on an assembly. (1130125, 1136092)
Scripting: Fix compiler error reporting in Editor.log (1115012, 1115994)
Scripting: Fix potential crash when calling Editor.CreateEditor with a type that does not derive from UnityEditor.Editor. (1119535, 1126301)
Scripting: Fixed a bug where building players with "using alias" directives pointing to types in other assemblies would fail, if those types were not actually used.
Scripting: Fixed a crash where a whole hierarchy was destroyed when GameObject
instantiated a new GameObject
on the parent during an OnDestroy
(1121506, 1125293)
Scripting: Fixed an issue where the originalProjection
variable in the Camera.projectionMatrix
Scripting API example was not initialized.
Scripting: Fixed crash when adding multiple components of a disallowed type. (959136)
Scripting: Fixed invalid UTF8 characters from imported assets. (1086920, 1114945)
Scripting: Fixed issue where Unity couldn't stop Coroutine
via StopCoroutine()
if it had three or more nested yield return coroutines.
Scripting: Fixes potential crash when an exception is thrown during domain unload (879906, 1115911)
Scripting: Made changes to disallow modifications of serialized data in m_Component
on a GameObject.
(1022204, 1082089)
Scripting: Make exception errors appear in Editor console when they're received from player. (1103744, 1121783)
Scripting: NET_LEGACY is now only set when NET 2.0 or .NET 2.0 Subset profile is used.
Scripting: Small performance improvement to Renderer.bounds
. We were doing an unnecessary call to GetComponent()
Scripting Upgrade: Fix crash when debugging with Rider (1111226, 1118829)
Scripting Upgrade: Fix GC performing unnecessary full collections when incremental GC is enabled (1129037, 1132628)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed a crash from a method with too many variables. (1103205, 1128765)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed a crash in Marshal.PtrToStructure
with a generic struct.
(1106422, 1123902)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed a crash when a delegate constructor was invoked with the NULL method. (1091693, 1123904)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed a crash when the method has Task return type. (1111048, 1123903)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed a hang from race condition in C# sockets on Windows. (1028819, 1128764)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed a hang when using Photon networking on Windows. (1054137, 1128761)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed excessive garbage collection allocations when using TLS. (1084800, 1128767)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed random crash on x86 Linux with TLS connections ("GCHandle value belongs to a different domain")
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed sizes for System.Numerics
(1118631, 1123901)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed the use of DataContractJsonSerializer
with UseSimpleDictionaryFormat
option enabled.
(1070667, 1128766)
Scripting Upgrade: Fixed GetThreadContext failed
assertion message on Windows.
(1114668, 1131234)
Shaders: Added more clean and useful editor logs on shader compiler crashes. (1097215)
Shaders: Added zero-init appdata in the domain surface shader to avoid a compiler error about the out parameter not being fully initialized.
Shaders: Fixed issue where edge/inside tessellation factors were improperly handled by the metal shader compiler. (1065883)
Shaders: Fixed issue where the surface shader analysis step sometimes had missing inputs when keepalpha was specified. (864173)
Shaders: Made Particles StandardSurface shader support gles2 again (1103043)
Shaders: The XR wireframe shader now works correctly with OpenGL and DirectX. (1022184, 1131099)
SpeedTree: Fixed incorrect normal directionn on v7 assets.
SpeedTree: Fixed normal mapping on newly imported v8 assets.
SpeedTree: Fixed the import of collision objects from SpeedTree v8 Assets.
Terrain: Changed vertex/hull shader program translation into a tessellation compute kernel when there is no vertex input. (1087072)
Terrain: Fixed a rare crash loading in a corrupted Terrain Data asset. (1132798, 1139361)
Terrain: Fixed the Terrain selection outline so that it works from the back side as well. (1098438)
Terrain: Made changes so the Remove Light Probe Ringing setting can be serialized and undone. (1093751)
Terrain: Streamlined the experimental terrain tool API, to follow Unity conventions and reduce code complexity.
Timeline: Changed behaviour of the Timeline Window to apply modifications immediately during Playmode (922846, 1111908, 1120859, 1120870)
Timeline: Clip edit mode clutch keys will not get stuck when holding multiple keys at the same time (1097216, 1120865)
Timeline: Clip inspector will no longer throw exceptions when changing values when the inspector is locked (1115984, 1120863)
Timeline: Double separator in context menu of animation track (1102911, 1117193)
Timeline: Fixed a Notifications crash when creating an instance of GameObjects
(1129866, 1139320)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where a circular reference warning appeared in the Control Clip inspector even if there was no circular reference (1116520, 1121828)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where events were being sent twice near the end of a clip. (1017658, 1022016)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where it was difficult to select a marker at the edge of a clip. (1102591, 1120860)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where non-public custom tracks did not appear in the Add Track menu. (1122803, 1129914)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where Notifications with the Retroactive flag are triggered when the timeline loops. (1137266, 1141569)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where the Signal Receiver would throw exceptions if the Inspector was locked. (1114526, 1120867)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where the Track context menu did not appear when right-clicking on a track header after a copy operation. (1131095, 1141893)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where you were able to select clips and markers located under the Timeline ruler and the Marker Header track. (1102598, 1117925, 1118966, 1121827)
Timeline: Fixed appearance of muted tracks (1018643, 1120861)
Timeline: Fixed issue where performing undo after moving items on multiple tracks would not undo some items. (1131071, 1133964)
Timeline: Fixed Timeline Inspectors leaving EditorGUI.showMixedValue in the wrong state. (1123895, 1133951)
Timeline: Fixed Match Offsets commands causing improper animation defaults to be applied. (911678, 1133939)
Timeline: Inline curves dissappear from the timeline window. (1111871, 1117197)
Timeline: Marker Track shows up in the context menus. (1107586, 1117195)
Timeline: Pasted marker has "(Clone)" in its name. (1111899, 1117198)
Timeline: PlayableDirector.played event is now called after entering or exiting Playmode (1088918, 1120858)
Timeline: Remap default prev/next shortcuts on OSX to avoid conflict with system shortcut.
Timeline: Removed warning that appeared when creating a new project (1106556, 1117194)
Timeline: Signal is not triggered while playing when the time is manually set. (1111595, 1117196)
Timeline: Undoing a paste track operation in a group will no longer corrupt the timeline (1116052, 1120888)
UI: Added back-removed API for Selectable.allSelectables
and options for a non-allocating version.
(1126186, 1126525)
UI: Cached referencePixelsPerUnit
when the canvas parent is disabled.
UI: CanvasRenderer.SetMesh will now produce an error if a non-readable mesh is passed. (1101813, 1131495)
UI: Fix 4 split layout only showing perspective in scene views. (1112970, 1114618)
UI: Fixed a breaking API change in layoutGroup
where scaleFactor
was added and inserted in the middle of the parameter list.
(1129157, 1133937)
UI: Fixed a bug where changing the Constraint Count for a Grid Layout Component caused a Division by Zero error. (1075194)
UI: Fixed a bug where the drop-down menu sometimes didn’t close when clicking outside it. (1064466)
UI: Fixed an issue where the Canvas was enabled and RectTransform
data was polled in awake, it started returning incorrect values for root RectTransform
UI: Fixed an issue where Undo would break in the Image component when a Sprite is replaced. (1114240, 1119502)
UI: Fixed an issue where IndexedSet
didn't return -1
when the element is not found in the dictionary.
UI: Fixed an issue with UI Scrollbar blocking Prefab mode. (1115796, 1115799)
UI: Fixed issue where creating a ui element under a disabled canvas would create a new canvas (1089472)
UI: Fixed issue where loading a Scene with an orphaned UI component caused a crash. (1085469)
UI: Fixed issue where nested canvases with canvas groups and custom alphas didn’t work properly. (1084745)
UI: Fixed issue where nested canvases with canvas scalers didn’t work properly. (1033895)
UI: Fixed issue where the input field cursor wasn’t positioned properly. (1083649)
UI: Fixed issue where UI filtering in Scene view didn't function properly. (1064210)
UI: Fixed issue where ListView.Refresh
computed an incorrect offset for the first row when an item source changed.
UI: Fixed memory from being allocated every frame in CanvasScaler.Update()
(1105332, 1118317)
UI: Fixed PopupField text overflow.
UI Elements: Fix GraphView badges behavior on zoom in/out
UI Elements: Fixed : Setting a TextField's "Password" attribute via C# doesn't work. (1109699, 1115308)
UI Elements: Fixed : Setting a TextField's "Password" attribute via UXML doesn't work. (1109697, 1115309)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue where closing a window from a scheduler callback gave errors. (1098721)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue where pressing delete did not clear the contents of the ObjectField. (1062184)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue where the List View selection was not dimmed when unfocused. (1085251)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue where the position of text elements was reset during layout. (1106914)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue where the UIElements scheduler ran expired items. (1138634, 1140174)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue where UIElements did not respond to the Return key, Enter key, and the spacebar with fields such as Toggle, GradientField, CurveField, ObjectField, EnumField, and popup-related fields.
UI Elements: Fixed an issue with GraphView where the group title name was not visible during editing. (1106992)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue with measuring text elements that were not added to a hierarchy. (1108699)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue with setting the showVertical and showHorizontal properties of a Scrollview with a callback. (1137340, 1139666)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue with text and numeric fields where pressing Enter did not end editing. (1096200)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue with text and numeric fields where pressing Escape did not end editing and restore the previous value. (1096199)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue with UXML template instances where they always appeared at the end of their parent. (1104566)
UI Elements: Fixed an issue with VectorXXFields when the window is resized. (1049285)
UI Elements: Fixed GraphView getting blurred when reframing the view (1114357, 1117687)
UI Elements: Fixed inconsistent border width at non integer scaling. (1131952, 1136268)
UI Elements: Fixed incorrectly displayed selection state in Graphview (1136637, 1137863)
UI Elements: Fixed Line and Trail Renderers throw errors in the console when Inspector window is of certain dimensions (1121685, 1131006)
UI Elements: Fixed missing GraphView nodes on OpenGL (macOS) (1117681, 1117689)
UI Elements: Fixed Null Reference exception thrown on changing scale factor of the screen from Window's display settings (1104793, 1123854)
UI Elements: Fixed NullReferenceExceptions in GraphView when displaying elements with empty sizes (1111567, 1117688)
UI Elements: Fixed the delayed behaviour when mouse dragger is used on numeric input field. (1117379, 1131767)
UI Elements: Fixed the foldout visual triangle that changed to checkmark. (1116011, 1118229)
UI Elements: Fixed the GradientField not showing the alpha checker (1118985, 1123838)
UI Elements: Fixed the indentation of custom scripts variables into the Inspector Window (1114055, 1137231)
UI Elements: Fixed the Inspector Window not redrawing when switching from Normal to Debug and vice-versa (1125071, 1133805)
UI Elements: Fixed the layout struggling when opening a prefab in the window hierarchy (1120821, 1131003)
UI Elements: Fixed the multiline TextField not supporting Tab character (984808, 1115525)
UI Elements: Fixed the multiselection of animation clip showing debug output in the inspector (1115027, 1132587)
UI Elements: Fixed the ObjectPicker setting none in ObjectField when cancelling. (1123688, 1131001)
UI Elements: Fixed the preview of UXML files in the Inspector. (1111250, 1128632)
UI Elements: Fixed the shortcutmanager where long names are not displayed correctly in the profile selector. (1099039, 1118262)
UI Elements: Fixed the Toolbar search cancel button not showing correctly. (1115354, 1124647)
UI Elements: Fixed the value not being in synch when doing a Cut or Paste action from contextual menu in TextFields (1120588, 1124654)
UI Elements: Fixed the visual output of the CurveField (1118999, 1131858)
UI Elements: Fixed the yoga layout not rounding values correctly. (1105567, 1123832)
UI Elements: Properly dirty repaint on nested VisualElement view-transforms (1117229, 1117951)
UI Elements: Reduced recurrent memory allocations performed by UIElements. (1135055, 1136266)
UI Elements: UIElements Debugger splitter resets after entering Play Mode (1113790, 1131497)
UI Elements: UIR: fix broken edge expansion system and tesselation (1125408, 1125417)
Unity Test Runner: Fixed issue where the test runner would not reopen the original scene after running playmode tests. (1118111, 1123900)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed "Open Download Page" button navigating to non-existent file (1106517)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed build failure in generated VS project due to duplicate Extension nodes in the appx manifest (1123172, 1124732)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Enter and Tab keys not working in multiline InputField UI (1108599, 1131081)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed IL2CPP crashing when using certain new types (like Windows.Foundation.GuidHelper.Equals) in Windows SDK 17763 or newer.
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed InputField text selection so that it works on Windows 10 touch-enabled devices. (1002834)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed issue where WebCamTexture failed to play in certain rare situations. (1044635)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed the Visual Studio warning from generated UWP projects concerning a missing VS2015 toolset. (1091279)
Universal Windows Platform: Made builds fail if the certificate is expired. (1022794)
Video: Added VR single-pass instancing mode to the VideoPlayer component. (950205)
Video: Fix for multiple GameViews, Camera Preview, and manual Camera Render. (1109551, 1114623)
Video: Fixed a crash on iOS when switching between videos with 6 audio channels. (935497)
Video: Fixed a crash that occurred while importing the ARCore SDK for Unity 1.7.0 package. (1133177, 1139365)
Video: Fixed a crash with "-[AVFoundationMediaLoader GetNumAudioChannels:]" when entering Play Mode. (1104510, 1139367)
Video: Fixed an issue where the Editor crashes on skipping transcoding twice for video. (1104507, 1139450)
Video: Fixed an issue with the "LZ4" or "LZ4HC" compression methods when viewing a video in the Standalone Player. (1092265, 1139366)
Video: Fixed crash on specific AVI video files on Windows. (1088203)
Video: Fixed crash on specific MPEG2 video files on Windows. (1082071)
Video: Fixed issue where the frame rate dropped drastically when using Movie Recorder to record as WebM. (1052060)
Video: Improved VideoPlayer network error handling on Windows. (1051461)
Video: Made changes so that VideoPlayer Camera Plane targets are visible in the SRP. (1024877)
Video: Made changes to disregard unsupported streams on Windows. (1065499)
Video: [WINDOWS 7] Imported Video File cannot be played in 2019.1 (1133061, 1133666)
VR: [Lumin] Fixed an issue where including TrackedPoseDriver in a scene would produce incorrect headpose results (1105315, 1118305)
WebGL: Fixed an issue where the Editor prevented builds for WebGL when linear color space was enabled. (1103083)
WebGL: Fixed an issue where WebGL froze when switching to full-screen. (1106442, 1144828)
WebGL: Fixed the Build window Linear Color Space compatibility check. (1105479)
WebGL: Fixed the Performance Reporting integer overflow in WebAssembly development builds.
WebGL: Fixed WebGL build failure when python is already installed (938826)
WebGL: Fixed Application.Quit()
and memory cleanup.
WebGL: WebGL: Fix build&run with wasm streaming enabled. (1104514, 1125367)
Windows: Fixed an issue where the Editor froze when certain devices (Steinberg UR 22 mk II, Cronus MAX) were connected to the computer. (917526)
Windows: Fixed cursor confinement to window not matching window bounds visually
Windows: Fixed headless build crashing if closed via the "X" button in the console
Windows: Fixed WinPixEventRuntime.dll deployed with non-development builds (1118833, 1131483)
Windows: Improved error messages after failing to load native plugins on Windows Standalone and UWP if one of their dependencies is missing. (1083178, 1116537)
XR: Fix invalid return when using XRDevice.GetNativePointer with Oculus
XR: Fix white flash before splash screen on Gear VR applications (893599)
XR: Fixed a regression where Android based VR was locked to 30fps. (1135328, 1140824)
XR: Fixed head-tracking and rendering for in-editor remoting to HoloLens devices (1138473, 1140716)
XR: Fixed issue that caused the player to crash when using Google Cardboard API with both GLES3 and Vulkan included in the graphics APIs. (1102049)
XR: Fixed issue where VR Billboarded trees were improperly lit on macOS if VR was enabled. (1025108)
XR: Fixed issue where VR tree shader used alpha to coverage multi-sampling when multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA) was disabled. (1074421)
Animation: Animator does not work when object component references are animated (1143168)
Animation: No Key Frames are added to Animation Track when Recording changes made to Particle Systems Material parameters (1144614)
Animation: The Sorting Orders of Animated SkinnedMeshRenderers are not Animated in Play mode (1079856)
Asset Importers: ".Meta" files with a "UTF-8" BOM can cause the YAML parser to freeze Unity (1140957)
Global Illumination: [Realtime GI] Toggling between additively loaded scenes quickly leads to a crash (1124660)
Input: [Windows] High Input Polling rates can impact Editor performance (1117360)
Scene/Game View: GameView's Scale lower limit depends on the Windows Scale setting with High DPI displays (1099270)
XR: Cardboard projects default to 30fps unless targetFrameRate
is set to 60.
(1143799, 1144491)
XR: Linear color space has driver issues on Gear VR with S7 Adreno-based phones running Android 7.0.
XR: Particle systems and other effects may crash when using MultiView. (1145324)
Prefabs: You can now edit the root GameObject of a Prefab directly from the Project browser, without going into Prefab Mode. This supports multi-GameObject editing as well. (1120805, 1120807)
XR: Updated Vuforia to version 8.1.7.
Asset Import: Fixed an issue where importing FBX files with skinned meshes and with Index Format set to 16-bit produced corrupt data and/or errors. (1126943, 1139690)
Editor: Updated Windows splash screen.
Graphics: Fixed Editor crashes on GfxDevice::ApplyBlendShape when playing animation preview.
(1131617, 1142926)
This is a 2019.1 issue, not seen in any released version.
IL2CPP: Fix error when using float.Infinity in an attribute
(1139579, 1141559)
This is a new issue, not seen in any released version.
Mobile: Fixed Application.Unload
crashing on il2cpp
(1135018, 1141970)
This has already been backported to older releases.
Scripting: Enabled empty assembly definition references and relaxed the need for a reference on an assembly. (1130125, 1136092)
Scripting: Fixed an issue where the execution order was not preserved in the Editor under domain reload.
(1036602, 1130156)
This is a 2019.1 issue, not seen in any released version.
WebGL: Fixed an issue where WebGL froze when switching to full-screen. (1106442, 1144828)
XR: Fixed a regression where Android based VR was locked to 30fps. (1135328, 1140824)
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)
CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.
iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.
Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK
Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:
iOS player requires iOS 9.0 or higher.
Android: OS 4.1 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support or Atom CPU; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
Revision: 292b93d75a2c
Generated: 2019-04-16 10:07
Changeset: 292b93d75a2c