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macOS: Fixes an issue with macOS Catalina that causes Unity to request permission to receive keyboard input when using other apps in both the editor and standalone player. (1172758)
Android: Application.Quit will correctly quit the application process, previously it would only destroy Unity runtime, keeping activity alive, that lead to incorrect application resume. (1171368, 1172043)
Android: Fixed a Vulkan video playback crash. (1170411, 1174468)
Apple TV: Fixed regression, where clicking B on gamepad would show "JoystickButton0" as pressed. (1151006, 1172037)
Apple TV: GetKeyDown and GetKeyUp will work correctly with Siri Remote buttons. Due platform limitation, GetKeyDown, GetKeyUp will work with delay when receiving events from keyboard, see documentation for more info. (1143342, 1172039)
Apple TV: Pressing menu button on Siri remote will correctly exit to home screen, if tvOS.Remote.allowExitToHome is set to true. (1134856, 1171972)
Asset Import: Local fileIDs of FBX meshes are correctly upgraded from Unity 2018 and previous version when multiple meshes share the same name. (1169597, 1173704)
Editor: Fix incorrect colorspace for IMGUI in GameView. (1168191, 1173822)
Editor: MacEditor: "Unsupported image when converting for NSImage" log is now a DebugAssert, which will prevent the assert from being logged on build machines (1171194, 1172797)
Editor: Project Settings Window fails to appear after installing the Ryder Editor package. (1168648, 1173051)
Graphics: Fixed crash in the Editor that could be caused by having optimization enabled on meshes with empty sub-objects (1166419, 1174412)
Graphics: Fixed rare deadlock in CreateGpuProgram when multithreaded rendering is enabled on mobile devices. (1164492, 1174042)
IL2CPP: Fixed a crash when accessing the LocalEndpoint property of a socket using an IPV6 connection. (1167971, 1170304)
IL2CPP: Fixed an issue with nested type metadata being re-initialized without checking for previous initialization, which caused a memory leak in certain situations. (1167380, 1171265)
Kernel: Fixed player crash due to stack overflow in Loading.PreloadManager thread (1162496, 1174959)
Package Manager: Fix OSX - Package Manifest is not editable due to permission errors. (1174911, 1175426)
Particles: Fix a case where particle trails could flicker if their owning system used ParticleSystem.SetParticles in script during LateUpdate. (1155826, 1171470)
Particles: Fix a crash if using a non-read-write mesh from an Asset Bundle in the Particle System Shape Module. (1167081, 1171473)
Particles: Fix case where trails sometiems did not disappear. (1162394, 1171477)
Particles: Fix erroneous GetTransformInfoExpectUpToDate message. (1098990, 1171479)
Particles: Fixed case where Auto Random Seed was ignored for the Emission Rate property. (1166733, 1171468)
Physics: Fixed an issue when reparenting a GameObject with multiple static Collider2D which resulted in them not being correctly attached to the parent Rigidbody2D. (1174519, 1174697)
Physics: Fixed crash when changing Collider2D rigidbody while contacts are still active. (1065886, 1174064)
Physics: Fixed incorrect use of initial rotation of Rigidbody2D connected via a HingeJoint2D. (1160213, 1174067)
Prefabs: Added GameObjects and components with a DontSave flag (specifically DontSaveInEditor) will no longer show up in the Prefab overrides dropdown since they don't get applied or reverted anyway. (1173465, 1175218)
Profiler: Fixed crash when profiler runs out of memory budget on Job threads. (1169456, 1172233)
ps4: Fix camera HDR textures (1161961, 1173670)
Scripting: ClampBlendShapes are now set to false by default when loading a 3D template. (1148638, 1154002)
Scripting: Editor: Added missing 2018_4_OR_NEWER C# preprocessor directive when compiling C# scripts (1169225, 1171407)
Serialization: Editor: Fixed issue with SerializedProperty.objectReferenceInstanceIDValue emitting asserts to the console (1169801, 1171719)
Shaders: Improved generation of GLSL Tessellation shaders in more situations. (1134172, 1166876)
Terrain: Brush inspector no longer spams Undo events, preventing Undo from working while it was open. (1170735, 1176667)
Windows: Allow P/Invoke calls where the library extension is included in the library file name in the [DllImport] attribute. (1132730, 1148202)
Animation: Absence of root motion when gameobject is loaded from assest bundle and override controller is in use (1165817)
Animation: Error is thrown when calling Animator.keepAnimatorControllerStateOnDisable on an inactive GameObject (1168475)
Assets Management: Scene files are being opened with Sublime text editor instead of being opened by Unity editor, opened scripts appear empty (1177543)
Graphics - General: SRP causes crashes 100% when running with Graphics Jobs enabled (1159200)
IL2CPP: Build fails when compiling a struct with a long array inside it (1173310)
MacOS: Unity Editor crashes in dispatch_release when running Tests in Batch Mode (1169988)
Mobile: [Android][IL2CPP] App crashes on 2019.1.0a12 and up on launch if old IL2CPP files from 2019.1.0a11 and below are backuped (1170543)
Package Manager: The Package Manager UI does not refresh when you install or remove packages. (1148329, 1152868)
Physics: Crash on block_remove when changing mesh to Plane in Skinned Mesh Renderer while cloth component attached (1162918)
Scene Management: 2019.3 and 2019.1 Unity versions are significantly slower when entering the play mode (1161373)
Scripting: Handles.Disc function performance is very slow in Scene View (1165684)
Scripting: [Android][Mono][IL2CPP] "Unable to find libc" error thrown when executing certain SslStream constructor (1022228)
Scripting: [Mac] Crashes on __pthread_kill when opening a Script when there's no Visual Studio installed (1173314)
Shuriken: WorldCollision crashes when spawning particles with World Collision enabled (1168859)
Windows: Editor stuck on import when importing "GameAnalytics Unity SDK" package (1167747)
Windows: [Windows 7] GfxDeviceD3D11Base::DrawQuad crash when using Camera with Clear Flags set to "Don't Clear" and Linear rendering (1157730)
XR: Cardboard projects default to 30 frames per second unless targetFrameRate
is set to 60.
(1143799, 1144492)
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)
CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.
iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.
Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK
Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:
iOS player requires iOS 9.0 or higher.
Android: OS 4.1 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support or Atom CPU; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
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