Release notes

Known Issues in 2019.3.6f1

  • Ads: Verified and default Ads package for 2019.3 should be 3.3.x instead of 2.0.8 (1206332)

  • Animation: Crash on Animator::CreateInternalControllerPlayable when entering Play Mode (1227838)

  • Animation: Crash on PreOrderPlayableTraverser::Traverse when entering Play mode in a scene where every GameObject calls OnValidate method (1220788)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Crash on mdb_cursor_put when a project in a Google Drive File Stream is upgraded using Asset Import Pipeline V2 (1220517)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Editor crashes when importing prefab referencing scripts from precompiled libraries (1217707)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: [Asset Database V2] GameObjects and Prefabs lose references to Assets when Assets are moved to a different folder (1226928)

  • Audio: Crash on StackAllocator::WalkAllocations when there's a memory leak in Play mode (1225987)

  • Audio: [Windows] Editor uses one CPU Logical Processor at 100% while the game is in Pause Mode (1219619)

  • Global Illumination: Crash in PVRTransmissionTextureData::PVRTransmissionTextureData when exiting Play Mode after loading another Scene (1221209)

  • Global Illumination: Unity crashing when baking lights and generating light UV (1118524)

  • Global Illumination: [GPU PLM] GPU baking does not match CPU (1206157)

  • Global Illumination: [OSX][GPUPLM]OS Kernel Panic crash with 'Thread may have been prematurely finalized' after baking the scene with AMD GPU (1160419)

  • Global Illumination: [PLM] Baking stalls after disabling/enabling static gameobject (1144403)

  • Global Illumination: gi::InitializeManagers() takes 0.6s during Editor startup (1162775)

  • Graphics - General: Editor crashes on ComputeShader::GatherProperties when enabling Frame Debugger (1221374)

  • Graphics - General: Memory is not deallocated immediately after Texture2D object was deleted (1217907)

  • IAP: Disabling and re-enabling IAP in services window throws multiple errors about failing to find assemblies (1193774)

  • IAP: Unity purchasing fails to load due to failing to find UnityEngine.UI assembly (1193773)

  • Linux: [Android] ETC1 and ETC2 compression fails when importing textures (1222219)

  • MacOS: [Mac] Build support modules fail to install when downloading them using "Open Download Page" button in Builds Settings (1219284)

  • MacOS: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Mobile: [Android] Loading assets from AssetBundles takes significantly more time when the project is built as an AAB (1153358)

  • Mobile: [Android] [Gles3] [URP] Darker UI when using Gles3, Linear and URP (1219635)

  • Package: Errors are Constantly thrown when Active Input Handling is set to Input System Package (1176974)

  • Profiling: Editor crashes when loading profiler file with memcpy stacktrace (1131782)

  • Profiling: Intermittant editor crash when using the profilercrash with deep profilign and call stacks enabled (1203222)

  • Profiling: Missing Profiler.EndSample errors appear after switching profiling target (1181306)

  • Profiling: PVRContextManager Thread has no data and occupies important area in Profiler Timeline View (1223636)

  • Profiling: Performance decrease in EditorOverhead using Deep Profile (1051094)

  • Profiling: [Ubuntu]Unity hangs when Deep Profiling and Call Stacks are enabled. (918779)

  • Project Browser: Parent and child nested Scriptable Object Assets switch places when parent Scriptable Object Asset is renamed (1189089)

  • Scene Management: Editor crashes while assigning prefab variant to a reference on its base (1225758)

  • Scene Management: Prefabs lose their values if scripts are removed then reintroduced (1216914)

  • Scene Management: Unity Editor freezes/crashes when opening a specific Scene (1228147)

  • Shaders: Change in included hlsl file does not always trigger recompilation (1215034)

  • Shuriken: Crash on CreateDirect3D11SurfaceFromDXGISurface when calling DrawRenderer with a Trail Renderer (1216216)

  • Shuriken: Off Camera ParticleSystem crashes Editor when particles are disabled with Culling set to Pause (1221265)

  • Shuriken: Particle System that has a Stop Action gets cleared after being paused for a while (1213288)

  • Terrain: [Performance Regression] GameObject.ActivateAwakeRecursively noticeably slower when rendering trees on terrain (1225501)

  • Timeline: Crash on ScriptingGetComponentsOfTypeFromGameObjectFastPath when overriding prefab with Playable Director (1224184)

  • Universal RP: [URP] "Render Object" asset does not create in project window when added in "Render Features" field in the Inspector (1214779)

  • Visual Effects: [UIR] Lots of small visual regressions within the VFX Graph UI. (1222517)

2019.3.6f1 Release Notes


  • AI: Fixed path-finding bug in which floating point errors would cause agents to take potentially large, spurious detours. (977653)

  • Android: On screen keyboard is closed when focusing different InputField (1180393)

  • Animation: Fix for Go to Previous keyframe button/shortcut does not work in the Animation Window. (1220385)

  • Asset Import: BumpMap check window does not flag textures as possible NormalMap when they are not used in the Material. (1213579)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixes AssetBundle Recompression not verifying the CRC of bundle contents when requested (1195075)

  • Audio: Fix applying lowpass filter custom cutoff curve from scripts (1202437)

  • Audio: Fix hang after failing to load audio assets from asset bundles. (1184883)

  • Audio: Fix SpatialBlend application when AudioSource and Rigidbody are attached to the same game object. (1206115)

  • Audio: Fixed an issue where audio sources failed to play when there are more than 250 sources playing or previously playing sources in the scene.

  • Audio: Fixed an issue where the audio clip UI prevented the compression quality slider to be set to to certain values. (1186565)

  • Audio: Fixed errors during project import when the project contains around 10000 audio assets. (1194658)

  • Audio: Fixed incorrect mix levels in audio mixer with adjacent effects that both use wet-mixing. (1185470)

  • DX12: Fix memory leaks caused by RayTracingAccelerationStructures when Mesh objects that were used to build the acceleration structure are deleted. (1214846)

  • Editor: Fix the search location of the CA store for CentOS (1188530)

  • Editor: Fixed crash when setting invalid Game resolution in the Editor (1221822)

  • Editor: Fixed Humanoid Configuration editor not drawing bone scene handles when Gizmos are disabled. (1194850)

  • Editor: Fixed New InputSystem not handling absolute mouse positions including those sent over RDP. (1224897)

  • Editor: Fixed the issue foldout icon under the Mesh renderer preset editor (1206125)

  • Editor: Fixing console search when closing and reopening the console window. (1180379)

  • Editor: Fixing console search when going in a maximized playmode (1197494)

  • Graphics: Add back immediate present mode to Stadia (1223800)

  • Graphics: Fix crash on VFXTextureGenerator::ComputeSignalCurve (1220947)

  • Graphics: Fix issue where motion vector texture would contain incorrect values for object that stopped moving. (1178468)

  • Graphics: Fix issue where skinned mesh renderers with custom bone weights and that contained unreferenced vertices would crash when optimizing the mesh and reordering the vertices. (1218598)

  • Graphics: Fixed AsyncGPUReadback on Vulkan (1197375)

  • Graphics: Fixed global texture properties to handle multisampling textures properly. (1154519)

  • Graphics: Fixed Metal editor text corruption issue that happened on some hardware but not all (1156105)

  • Graphics: Fixes incorrect gamma decoding at import of LDR textures that target a HDR graphics format in a gamma colorspace project (1195264)

  • Graphics: Fixes two issues related to counterbuffers in Vulkan

    • If one only uses the counter the buffer is now correctly bound
    • Updating the data on the buffer does not invalidate the counter (1215932)
  • Graphics: Metal: Disable Graphics Jobs support for Nvidia GPUs (1215105)

  • IL2CPP: Correct the behavior of the InitMessage icall. (1208473)

  • IL2CPP: Use the proper timeout unit for calls to Socket.Select. (1206057)

  • iOS: Fixes an issue that stopped emojis appearing on textfields with no limit (1214754)

  • macOS: IME works in both editor and player in the proper location

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the package version would not get updated when the version was changed in the package.json file. (1191723)

  • Particles: - Fixed Mesh that contains blend shapes sometimes not being marked as read/write enabled when it is used by a ParticleSystems ShapeModule.

    • Fixed crash when assigning a Mesh with blend shapes to a ParticleSystems ShapeModule through a script in a Player build. A warning will now be thrown to report that the Mesh must be read/write enabled. (1215645)
  • Particles: Fixed Sub Emitter fields having too much vertical separation and the Object Field selector button being too large. (1213457)

  • Physics: Rigidbody2D MovePosition/MoveRotation now result in the correct target position/rotation when using manual simulation with time-step that isn't Time.fixedDeltaTime. (1213003)

  • Playables: Fixed out of order evaluation of Control Tracks in Timeline when using multiple nested timelines. (1220657)

  • Profiler: Profiler: Fixed -profiler-maxusedmemory cmdline parameter for standalone players.
    Profiler: Increased maximum memory that can be used by profiler to 128MB. (1210322)

  • Scripting: Fixed editor freeze/crash when interacting with Native Audio Plugin SDK's Audio Mixers (1217898)

  • Shaders: Fixed Editor crash when calling ShaderUtil.ClearCachedData() while still async compiling shader variants. (1184636)

  • Timeline: Fix issues related to recursive control tracks. (1178423)

  • Timeline: Fixed adjacent recording clips highlighting the wrong clip. (1210312)

  • Timeline: Fixed avatar mask reassignment not causing immediate re-evaluation. (1219326)

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where changes to a Signal Receiver component in a prefab were reverted. (1210883)

  • Timeline: Fixed issue where using the HideInMenu attribute in combination with a class inheriting from Marker would not hide the marker from the Timeline context menus. (1221054)

  • Timeline: Fixed Performance issue where Control Tracks would resimulate during the tail of a non-looping particle clip. (1216702)

  • Timeline: Fixed SignalReceiver.ChangeSignalAtIndex incorrectly throwing exception when multiple entries are set to null. (1210877)

  • Timeline: Fixed timescale drawing to only draw visible lines which avoids a hang with very large clips. (1213189)

  • UI: IME properly works and is in the correct location (1178930)

  • UI Elements: Fixed bug making docked EditorWindow hard to resize if their content near the borders react to MouseDownEvent. (1209863)

  • UnityLinker: Prevent engine code stripping from removing the legacy input system module when any input magic methods are defined on MonoBehaviours. (1189110)

  • Video: [Mac] Video-heavy project does not get successfully imported when launching the project in batchmode (1172957)

  • Windows: Fix race condition in plugin loading code when P/Invoking into libraries from multiple threads at once. (1192915)

  • Windows: Fix VSync breaking when changing it from OnApplicationFocus handler. (1132488)

  • Windows: Fixes incorrect parsing of Application name from command-line arguments (1215557)

  • Windows: GPU Performance Markers are no longer absent in the Nvidia NSight range profiler view when launching the Unity editor, using DX12, from Nsight. (1203035)

  • XR: Fix crash when you connect to a Hololens 2 using the HolographicRemoting scripting api and then enable Windows Mixed Reality.

API Changes

  • Particles: Added: Added NativeArray overloads to SetParticles and GetParticles

  • XR: Added: Exposed XRSDK znear, zfar, srgb to script.


  • XR: Temporarily disabling runtime MSAA level changes if running with Vulkan and XR Management.


  • 2D: Update 2D Template to include 2D verified packages

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

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