Release notes

Known Issues in 2019.3.8f1

  • 2D: Editor crashes during Sprite Atlas baking when not enough disk space is available (1228614)

  • Ads: Verified and default Ads package should be 3.3.x instead of 2.0.8 (1206332)

  • Animation: Crash on Animator::CreateInternalControllerPlayable when entering Play Mode (1227838)

  • Animation: Crash on mecanim::CreateValueArray when setting Animator's Controller to Override Controller with no controller to override (1229421)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Editor crashes when importing prefab referencing scripts from precompiled libraries (1217707)

  • Audio: Crash on StackAllocator::WalkAllocations when there's a memory leak in Play mode (1225987)

  • Audio: [Windows] Editor uses one CPU Logical Processor at 100% while the game is in Pause Mode (1219619)

  • Camera: Crash on Umbra::TileTraverseTree::init when entering Play mode or selecting Camera GameObject (1228835)

  • Global Illumination: Unity crashing when baking lights and generating light UV (1118524)

  • Global Illumination: [GPU PLM] GPU baking does not match CPU (1206157)

  • Global Illumination: [OSX][GPUPLM]OS Kernel Panic crash with 'Thread may have been prematurely finalized' after baking the scene with AMD GPU (1160419)

  • Global Illumination: [PLM] Baking stalls after disabling/enabling static gameobject (1144403)

  • Global Illumination: gi::InitializeManagers() takes 0.6s during Editor startup (1162775)

  • Graphics - General: 'task.rasterData.vertexBuffer == NULL' errors when using a Particle System (1226357)

  • Graphics - General: SkinnedMeshRenderer not being rendered in Build (1229548)

  • IAP: Disabling and re-enabling IAP in services window throws multiple errors about failing to find assemblies (1193774)

  • Linux: [Android] ETC1 and ETC2 compression fails when importing textures (1222219)

  • MacOS: [Mac] Build support modules fail to install when downloading them using "Open Download Page" button in Builds Settings (1219284)

  • MacOS: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Mobile: [Android] Loading assets from AssetBundles takes significantly more time when the project is built as an AAB (1153358)

  • Mobile: [iOS] Debug .pdb files are added to iOS release builds (1232798)

  • Package: Errors are Constantly thrown when Active Input Handling is set to Input System Package (1176974)

  • Profiling: Editor crashes when loading profiler file with memcpy stacktrace (1131782)

  • Profiling: Intermittant editor crash when using the profilercrash with deep profilign and call stacks enabled (1203222)

  • Profiling: Missing Profiler.EndSample errors appear after switching profiling target (1181306)

  • Profiling: [Profiler] Any dropdown list in Profiler Window doesn't expand the second time once collapsed until the mouse cursor is moved (1223087)

  • Profiling: [Ubuntu]Unity hangs when Deep Profiling and Call Stacks are enabled. (918779)

  • Project Browser: Parent and child nested Scriptable Object Assets switch places when parent Scriptable Object Asset is renamed (1189089)

  • Scene Management: Editor crashes while assigning prefab variant to a reference on its base (1225758)

  • Scene Management: Prefabs lose their values if scripts are removed then reintroduced (1216914)

  • Scene Management: Unity Editor freezes/crashes when opening a specific Scene (1228147)

  • Shuriken: Crash on CreateDirect3D11SurfaceFromDXGISurface when calling DrawRenderer with a Trail Renderer (1216216)

  • Windows: Crash on GfxDeviceD3D11Base::SkinOnGPU when importing or reimporting a broken prefab (1230188)

2019.3.8f1 Release Notes


  • 2D: Handle user exceptions properly from Tilemap.tilemapTileChanged callback (1215834)

  • Android: Fix crash when using GraphicsJobs with Vulkan on Adreno 5xx (1167283)

  • Android: Fix issue causing minimum and target API levels UI to get stuck at "Getting API levels..." (1214796)

  • Android: Fix screen rotation when new input system is enabled and old one is disabled. Under the hood OrientationEventListener is used to determine which screen orientation to use for the application. (1224389)

  • Android: Fixed the issue that 'Symlink Sources' doesn't work on Android with gradle. (1223012)

  • Asset Pipeline: Fixing sorting problem that was causing indeterminism in Content Update Pipeline. (1197035)

  • Asset Pipeline: Importer that is not allowed to cache results on cache server now can also not cache locally

  • Build Pipeline: Fix bug preventing mesh compression on iphone when building with the scriptable build pipeline (1222846)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixes an issue where upon BuildPipeline functions cause a re-execution of the last Async task when called in an Async function (1213602)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where leaving a game object in a scene with a DontSaveInEditor hideFlags would result in an error on cleanup. (1136883)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where running a test fixture would also run other fixtures with the same full name (namespace plus classname) in other assemblies. (1197385)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where the grid color does not change upon updating the grid color from preferences window. (1216918)

  • Editor: Fixed performance regression with custom inspector property fields (1224555)

  • Editor: Fixed Test execution timed out. No activity received from the player in 600 seconds error when player is not supposed to start. (1225147)

  • Editor: Fixed the editor application main thread tick timer throttling causing unwanted spikes and delays. (1211383)

  • Editor: Fixes custom property drawer layouting and height computation (1169149)

  • Editor: Now ITestPlayerBuildModifier.ModifyOptions is called as expected when running tests on a device. (1213845)

  • Editor: Orphaned Unity processes will now be cleaned up (1205394)

  • Editor: Running a playmode tests with "Maximize on Play" will now correctly show the result of the tests in the test runner window. (1014908)

  • Editor: Running tests with the same full name, with a domain reload in-between, will no longer fail to initialize the fixture of the second class. (1205240)

  • Graphics: Fix crash when cleaning up intermediate renderers. (1176131)

  • Graphics: Fix issue where game UI would not be visible in preview camera. (1215590)

  • Graphics: Fix material.mainTextureOffset by adding [MainTexture] shader property attribute. (1210509)

  • Graphics: Fix sporadic crash when using GraphicsJobs with Vulkan (1215661)

  • Graphics: Fixed issue with DX11 blit operations crashing when shader recompilation is triggered (1221358)

  • Graphics: Shaders matrix properties and colors are incorrect with SG + Hybrid v1 (1227416)

  • Graphics: This function goal is to access the texture target. Avoid rebinding the texture and polute state if the texture target is unknown. (1199990)

  • IL2CPP: Fixes issue where the editor installer did not ensure we had a minimum of .Net 4.7.2 installed which we now require (1205210)

  • IMGUI: PR fixes the size of the rect used to render Warning icon in the Import package window (1201891)

  • Licenses: Backport fix for the issue when Editor cannot talk to the Licensing Client, if the username has Unicode/UTF-8 characters into Unity 2019.3. (1220634)

  • Particles: Fixed crash when using disable stop action, with pause-and-catchup cull mode, and system is culled when it ends. (1221265)

  • Particles: Fixed FPS mode when using sprites. (1222513)

  • Physics: Ensure that a child Kinematic Rigidbody2D driven by a parent Rigidbody2D stays in-sync with the parent pose. (1213343)

  • Physics: Ensure we don't report OnCollision/OnTrigger Exit for 2D colliders when they are disabled/inactive when the "Physics2D.callbacksOnDisable" is off. (1212896)

  • Physics: Fix a crash in "PhysicsContacts2D::PreSolve" during 2D collision when hundreds of contacts are involved. This also lifts the limit of Collider2D/Collider2D contact count from 64 to an unlimited amount. (1219286)

  • Physics: Fix rare console warning of "RigidBody2D has an invalid movement state index during removal". (1216772)

  • Player: Fixed "Default Is Native Resolution" setting change being ignored in the Standalone player after changing default fullscreen mode to fullscreen from windowed when not changing any other setting. (1216508)

  • Prefabs: Fixed issue where the Hierarchy window Create ([+]) dropdown menu item "Create Empty Child" would, in Prefab Mode, place the created child under the Prefab root rather than under the selected object. (1185434)

  • Scripting: Renaming a type used by SerializeReference and renaming back to its original name will preserve the instance data. (1222851)

  • Serialization: Ensure to fix errors about read size mismatching write size when entering Play mode in case there is an empty collection of a type containing a Serialized Reference object (1215642)

  • Serialization: Fix for field marked as [SerializeReference] and having a static types of System.Object that were not being serialized. (1191992)

  • Shaders: Fix Metal compute shaders stripping unused constant buffer vars, therefore messing up the data layout. (1210547)

  • Shaders: Fixed shaders not always compiling properly on include changes (1215034)

  • Shaders: Fixing missing local keywords, if shaders in asset bundle do not contains serialized shader snippets. (1209147)

  • Shaders: Fixing missing shader keyword error. (1168898)

  • Timeline: Updated default Timeline package version to 1.2.14.

  • Version Control: Fixed Checkout inspector button not shown in some cases (1185127) (1183689)

  • Video: Unity hangs on quit after failing to load large number of Video Clips from URL at once (1197716)

  • WebGL: The main loop is never scheduled when build starts in background (1223062)

  • Windows: CorsorLockMode.Confined now locks to window client area instead of the whole window rect on Windows Standalone player. (978868)

  • Windows: Fixed Windows Standalone player executable name not matching Product Name player setting when using keyboard shortcut to Build & Run. (1208041)

  • XR: Fixed a case where the camera does not respect near/far clipping plane settings (1212234)

API Changes

  • 2D: Added: Add GridPaintingState.brushes to allow users to get a collection of all available Grid Brushes

  • 2D: Added: Add GridPaintingState.paletteChanged to allow users to add callbacks when the active palette has changed

  • 2D: Added: Add GridPaintingState.palettes to allow users to get a collection of all available Palettes


  • 2D: Make Tilemap.tilemapTileChanged and Tilemap.SyncTile public

  • Graphics: Changed default scripting backend of the Universal RP template to il2cpp


  • Android: Update Android Logcat package version to 1.1.1

  • Graphics: Updated embedded graphics packages to version 7.3.0.

  • iOS: Backbuffer depth is discarded at frame end. In case of MSAA backbuffer color is simply resolved (instead of store+resolve)

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

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