Release notes

Known Issues in 2019.4.17f1

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Parent and child nested Scriptable Object Assets switch places when parent Scriptable Object Asset is renamed (1189089)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Prefabs are reimporting every time a code change is made (1294785)

  • Global Illumination: [URP] Transparencies are ignored because URP uses _BaseMap as main texture identifier (1246262)

  • Global Illumination: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Global Illumination: gi::InitializeManagers() takes 0.6s during Editor startup (1162775)

  • IL2CPP: UnityLinker strips classes used with the SerializeReference attribute (1232785)

  • Linux: InputSystem's Mouse delta values do not change when the Cursor lockState is set to Locked (1248389)

  • Profiling: Once paused, the Profiler does not resume recording when profiling WebGL player (1271012)

  • Profiling: [Profiler] Hierarchy randomly hides parts of the sample hierarchy if Editor Only Samples are present and set to be Collapsed (1297955)

  • Shader System: Freeze or crash with various stack traces when opening a project while connected to a VPN service (1025558)

  • Shadows/Lights: Skybox lighting is not rendered after creating gameobjects in the new scene until the lighting is rebaked (1250293)

  • WebGL: [Audio] "Cannot create FMOD" Error when importing 3D Game Kit project on webGL (1293595)

  • XR: [XR SDK][Oculus] EarlyUpdate.XRUpdate spikes inconsistently (1262597)

  • iOS: Crash on il2cpp::vm::LivenessState::AddProcessObject when using Social.LoadUsers and then changing scenes (1270230)

  • iOS: [UaaL] UnityFramework with 3rd party plugins triggers watchdog termination after launch (1262272)

  • iOS: [iOS 14] VideoPlayer crashes on EXC_BAD_ACCESS or signal SIGABRT when audioOutputMode is set to APIOnly or Audio Source (1274837)

2019.4.17f1 Release Notes


  • 2D: Added missing tooltips in the Sprite Skin inspector (1285255)

  • 2D: Added missing UIElement dependency for 2d common package

  • 2D: Fixed 2D Animation Package doesn't reflect its dependency to the com.unity.modules.animation package

  • 2D: Fixed vertical slider handle is not aligned and placed slightly to the right side in the Bone Influence wind (1260568)

  • Android: Export gradle project failing when using custom base build.gradle only the first time. (1245249)

  • Android: Fix bug where draws after indirect draw result in corrupt geometry on Adreno (1271258)

  • Android: Fixed issue when Unity Remote system is unable to connect to Android devices due to incorrect adb executable file path. (1251622)

  • Android: When running external tools, print error messages as two items in Editor console instead of item per line. (1269685)

  • Animation: Fixed a Playmode crash in the Editor that happens after modifying scripts while animating certain UI Components using the Animation Component. (1238859)

  • Asset Import: Import Fixed issue with ModelImporter not using rotation pivots as centers during pivot conversion when resampleCurves is disabled. (1283884)

  • Audio: Fixed audio in timeline preview not pausing/resuming when changing focus between the editor and other applications. (1016423)

  • Core: Fixes crash when IME Strings got too long. (1226610)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue that would result in the Unity Editor Update Check window opened in an incorrect state followed by the Editor crashing. (1285668)

  • Editor: Fixed an issue where clicking the right edge of textures icon in material inspector would open a asset selection window. (1248553)

  • Editor: Fixed exception when deleting folder in Favorite (1229937)

  • Editor: Reverted fontRenderingMode from FontRenderingMode.Smooth back to FontRenderingMode.OSDefault (1262281)

  • Editor: The Linux editor main window now correctly remembers saved window layout (1258663)

  • GI: Make GPU lightmapper work on Apple Silicon

  • GI: Prevent user from assigning realtimeTexture to a customProbe, and show a warning if he tries. (1243849)

  • Graphics: Correct priority for the vfx assets (1284439)

  • Graphics: CPU optimisation for graphics memory allocation/deallocations.

  • Graphics: Fix missing type check from VFX component sheet, error possible if (1258022)

  • Graphics: Fix targetTexture rendering black screen when changing it in OnPreRender(). (1274376)

  • Graphics: Fixed corruption that can occur in font characters texture on some iOS 14 devices when using RequestCharactersInTexture. (1290509)

  • Graphics: Fixed frame debugger not showing correct keywords when stage-specific shader features are used (1261620)

  • Graphics: Fixed GLES device leaking texture IDs in some circumstances (1261513)

  • Graphics: Fixed issue where speedtree textures were becoming unbound after clicking "Regenerate materials". (1231184)

  • Graphics: Player crashes with Size overflow in allocator from AllocAndFillInstancedData (hybrid v1) (1289613)

  • Graphics: terrain tree imposters transparency fix on GLES (1287879)

  • Graphics: Texture2D arrays will no longer crash when using the metal renderer if the color format is invalid.

  • Graphics: Tree billboards now rotate correctly while the camera is moving on mobile platforms (1242389)

  • Graphics: [VFX] SRP Batcher issues with VFX Shadow-casters (1296980)

  • IL2CPP: Fix a case where an interface could be incorrectly removed from a type when no .ctor for that type was marked. (1222808)

  • Linux: Fixed game controller and joystick serial numbers (1269974)

  • Mobile: Fix iOS 11+ motion API feature access generating warnings on iOS 10 builds

  • Package: Clean up bundled burst packages to reduce installer size

  • Package: Debug information for instance methods is now correctly scoped. This means instance variables can now be inspected correctly.

  • Package: Fixed a bug in LLVM that it would incorrectly convert some memset -> memcpy if both pointers derived from the same memory address, and where one indexed into the 0th element of the pointer.

  • Package: Fixed a bug whereby if you had an assembly that was guarded by UNITY_SERVER, Burst would be unable to find the assembly when Server Build was ticked.

  • Package: Fixed a failure on linux builds where cannot be found.

  • Package: Fixed alignment issues associated with xxHash3 on ArmV7 (case 1288992)

  • Package: Fixed issues with Intel intrinsics mm256_inserti128_si256, mm256_bslli_epi128, mm256_bsrli_epi128

  • Package: Fixed managed (reference) implementation of mm256_cvttps_epi32 (case 1288563)

  • Package: Fixed managed implementation of sub_ss intrinsic

  • Package: Made math.shuffle compile correctly when non-constant ShuffleComponent's are used.

  • Package: When "Enable Compilation" was unchecked in the Burst menu, Burst was incorrectly enabled after an Editor restart. This is now actually fixed.

  • Package Manager: Fixed the issue where PackageList have null ref errors when domain reload happens during Asset Store list request

  • Package Manager: Packages installed as a dependency are now listed in the 'In Project' tab of Package Manager Window.

  • Particles: Limit the rendering cache size to avoid using lots of memory when using multiple cameras. (1270438)

  • Playables: Fixed crash in playable graphs when multiple notification receivers callbacks exist and change the source playable graph in a destructive manner (1290690)

  • Profiler: Fix CPU Module Detailed view sorting when search field is active (1214785)

  • Profiler: Fixed a situation when Profiler remains active even with Profiler window closed in play mode. (1249581)

  • Profiler: Fixed visualization of a selected frame which is no longer available in Profiler hierarchy view to unify hierarchy and timeline view behavior (1242627)

  • Scripting: : Fixed crash during Domain Reloads after modifying scripts. (1262671)

  • Scripting: DEVELOPMENT_BUILD is included in Assembly define list when EditorUserBuildSettings.development is set to true (1294142)

  • Scripting: Fix generic mono array overwrite in bindings code. (1268308)

  • Serialization: Ensure that SerializedProperty.DataEquals works consistently even on fields prior to an alignment boundary. (1294238)

  • Serialization: SerializeReference reuse polymorphic instances when changing specific values in the inspector. (1193322)

  • Shaders: Fixed allocator errors due to orphaned memory when canceling a build during shader compilation. (1224325)

  • Shaders: Fixed incorrect shader code generated for Vulkan in some cases when tessellation is used (1256838)

  • Shaders: Fixed out of bounds access to static const arrays in generated GLSL code. (1276781)

  • Terrain: Undoing after removing terrain layer correctly restores alphamaps. (1276283)

  • UI: Fallback to non SRP when rendering uGUI's profiler rerender even if SRP is in use. (1275870)

  • UI: OnDrop callback not being called when using a TouchScreen (1279352)

  • WebGL: Added support for PVRTC and RG16 textures. Enable use of high-performance WebGL GPU powerPreference. (1187965)

  • WebGL: Fixed a bug with compressed single channel textures attempting to target unsupported BC4 compression format. (1274662)

  • XR: Fixed issue where attempting to launch a VR application when default rotation mode was set to autorotate would fail an assertion. (1275158)

API Changes

  • Editor: Added: Added EditorUtility.IsRunningUnderCPUEmulation to detect whether Unity is running under CPU emulation.


  • Package: Improved our hashing performance some more by re-using fixed-sized buffers in the compiler to improve eager-compilation / warm-cache costs by 1.25x.

  • Package: Improved the performance of in-compiler hashing by 1.2x.

  • Package: Preserve the frame pointer when debugging is enabled to aid debugging.

  • Package Manager: com.unity.purchasing updated to 2.2.1, adding full support for the implementation of GooglePlay Billing Library v3 library in the Asset Store In-App Purchasing module (includes an essential runtime hotfix over 2.2.0).

  • Shaders: Editor now skips warming up shaders from shader collections in the Preloaded shaders section of Graphics settings


  • Mobile: updated to 1.3.2

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

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