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日本語_2019.4.19_Release Notes (.PDF)
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Asset Import Pipeline: UnobservedTaskException:System.Exception: Failed to load an internal asset stored when using LoadInternalResource (1296212)
Graphics Device Backends: [Mac] Editor crashes on MTLGetEnvCase on startup when metalEditorSupport is set to 0 in the ProjectSettings (1298617)
Audio: [editor][fmod][macOS] Editor is preventing Mac OS from entering sleep mode automatically (995866)
Asset Import Pipeline: Prefabs are reimporting every time a code change is made (1294785)
Android: Crash with GenericRemote::CheckAndroidSDKPath when entering play mode (1302221)
Mobile Rendering: [Android][URP][OpenGLES] Only RenderQueue Transparent GameObjects are rendered if Opaque Texture is enabled and MSAA is 4x or 8x (1303685)
iOS: UnityWebRequest doesn't work when using a 14.2+ iOS device (1299873)
Global Illumination: gi::InitializeManagers() takes 0.6s during Editor startup (1162775)
Global Illumination: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)
Texture: uGUI in Texture2D is different than in the Game view when calling ToTexture2D() method on a RenderTexture (1301378)
Global Illumination: [URP] Transparencies are ignored because URP uses _BaseMap as main texture identifier (1246262)
Linux: InputSystem's Mouse delta values do not change when the Cursor lockState is set to Locked (1248389)
Shadows/Lights: Skybox lighting is not rendered after creating gameobjects in the new scene until the lighting is rebaked (1250293)
Profiling: [Profiler] playerLoop call is automatically expanded in Raw Hierarchy when Profiler.CollectEditorStats is expanded in Hierarchy (1242253)
UI Toolkit: [UIR] Rendering is broken with UIToolkit with many Intel GPUs (driver-bug) (1309555)
XR: [XR SDK][Oculus] EarlyUpdate.XRUpdate spikes inconsistently (1262597)
Shader System: Freeze or crash with various stack traces when opening a project while connected to a VPN service (1025558)
Profiling: Once paused, the Profiler does not resume recording when profiling WebGL player (1271012)
Window Management: A second blank editor window is opened and may cause a crash when opening a project (1286251)
Scene/Game View: [Wild Crash] Editor crashes on mono_aot_get_cached_class_info when GizmoSetup has cached an outdated data (1259765)
2D: Fix TilemapRenderer in Individual mode not rendering Tiles with Tilemap Color (1295449)
AI: Fixed exception when requesting a path with a negative agent type ID. (1278829)
Android: Fix Application.targetFrameRate and Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate on some variable refresh rate displays (1297149)
Android: Fix regression in 180 degree rotation reporting. (1273594)
Android: SafeArea size not being correctly calculated when resolution is changed. (1285223)
Animation: Fixed crash caused by AnimationState using invalid reference. (1256962)
Asset Pipeline: 'Verify Saving Assets' option causes a NullReferenceException to be thrown when saving certain Assets (1257929)
Asset Pipeline: Fix for bug where the main object would change after renaming a native asset (1189089)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where an inconsistency can be introduced in the asset database when duplicating folders - affects ADBv1 only. (1292015)
Audio: Fix certain audio clips encoded to Vorbis or for WebGL builds from failing playback despite completing import without errors. (1293595)
Build Pipeline: Fix Unity command line player build failing due to invalid path argument to '-buildLinux64Player' (1285375)
Build Pipeline: Fixed a case where calling GetImplicitAssetBundleName or GetImplicitAssetBundleVariantName on a deleted asset would throw an incorrect exception and return invalid values. (913864)
Build Pipeline: Fixed a case where IOrderedCallback returning int.Max or int.Min could be called in incorrect order. (1282571)
Build Pipeline: Fixed a case where selecting a dll while the Build Window was open could throw exceptions. (1137088)
Build Pipeline: Fixes instability in Lzma compressor where a complete signal could be fired and the compressor will exit before processing all data. (1170712)
Editor: added missing keycode mappings for special characters (e.g. ^, ~, |) (1281473)
Editor: Fixed issue where scene visiblity/picking didn't work with objects in the DontDestroyOnLoad scene. (1234777)
GI: Increase numerical stability in tetrahedralization code. (1287878)
Graphics: Fix Particle System incorrect rendering order when using 'Sorting Fudge'. (1256788)
Graphics: Fixed cascaded shadows from directional lights suddenly disappearing under certain nearplane/shadow distance constellations. This error was occurring when Stable Fit shadow cascades were used. (1225499)
Graphics: fixed metal/vulkan shaders sometimes referencing inputs omitted by the compiler. (1277144)
Graphics: fixed metal/vulkan shaders sometimes referencing outputs omitted by the compiler. (1290551)
Graphics: Fixed missing support for coarse/fine derivatives in shader code.
Graphics: properly warn about double usage in shaders on metal. (1281502)
Graphics: Texture2D.PackTextured changes so that compressed textures with mips and a padding greater than zero are now decompressed (see documentation for details) (1063640)
IMGUI: Fixed the text cursor becoming invisible if an exception was thrown from inside of SelectableLabel. (1293370)
iOS: Added iPhone SE 2nd Generation to DeviceGeneration (1280059)
iOS: Fixed game crashing after using Social.LoadUsers and then changing scene (1270230)
Kernel: Print info about which allocator Unity engine is using. (1296992)
Linux: Fixed crash on startup if the layout file is corrupted. (1275287)
Networking: UnityWebRequest: DownloadHandler.text will handle exception if encoding is not supported (fallback to UTF-8) (1288445)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where missing localhost
in the hosts file configuration could prevent Unity from connecting to the Unity Package Manager.
Package Manager: Fixed issues when using Unity Package Manager on Intel's 10th generation processor. (1238432)
Package Manager: Fixed issues where updates to outdated Assets does not show up in the Package Manager UI (1304459)
Prefabs: Fix distorted UI for Prefab override comparison window when a changed component is selected. (1069062)
Profiler: Fixed "Show Calls" view not counting Calls correctly for the "Called From" section in Profiler Window (1180144)
Profiler: Prevent the chart separator lines from disappearing when resizing or scrolling in the Profiler window. (1293049)
Scene Manager: Fix GetManagerFromContext crash when unloading a Scene while loading another Scene asynchronously with allowSceneActivation = false (1092438)
Serialization: Fix crash reordering array of struct, containing SerializeReference fields and non SerializeReference fields as well under certain circumstances. (1302360)
Serialization: FormerlySerializedAs attribute now correctly new value instead of old value if both are present. (1296458)
Serialization: ProjectSettings will now get re-serialized as text instead of as binary. (1289736)
Shaders: Exposed Render Queue control on the Standard shader (1287934)
Shaders: fixed handling of the scalar after the matrix that is not 4xN (1242345)
SpeedTree: A Fix button now will appear in Mesh Renderer and LOD Group component inspector if Unity detects wrong SpeedTree shader is used (for instance Nature/SpeedTree8 shader is used for meshes that come from SpeedTree 7 assets, and vice versa), and will correct them if clicked. (1237736)
UI: Add option to not activate the inputfield on selection. Helpful for controller based platforms where navigating to items is required to navigate UI. (1268708)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixes a rare crash within TouchScreenKeyboard caused by a race condition (1286442)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixes old TouchScreenKeyboard and XAML forms from being used in XAML HoloLens apps (1256386)
Video: VideoPlayer.frameReady not invoked for some frames. (1187256)
WebGL: Fix a memory error crash when using the "Convert To Entity" component. (1254779)
Windows: Fix Cursor not updating in the Player when using NewInput (1238158)
Windows: We now log the full Windows 10 version including edition, build (with UTR) Version, and architecture when running the editor for better diagnosis. (1251004)
Shaders: Increased the global shader keyword limit to 384.
XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 1.7.0.
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)
CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.
iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.
Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK
Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:
iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.
Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build
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