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AI: NavMesh Agent can not pass through passable area between carving NavMesh Obstacles (1346325)
Android: 'Not enough storage space to install required resources' error when building App Bundle with Split Application Binary (1372558)
Android: Sometimes text is not rendered when using OpengLES3 on a Xiaomi Redmi9A device. (1347186)
Asset Bundles: Building process of the AssetBundles is slow when there is a huge filecount. (1358059)
Linux: Editor crashes at "__assert_fail_base.cold" when opening a project (1375312)
Progressive Lightmapper: [LightProbes] Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled (1052045)
Progressive Lightmapper: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)
Scene Management: Instantiated FBX through code throws error after leaving Play Mode (1363573)
Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)
WebGL: [iOS] Video is not playing (1288692)
AI: Improved NavMeshAgent creation failure log to help select the source object. (1274983)
iOS: ProMotion support on ios15 and new devices (iphone13 family). (1374612)
iOS: Support for iPhones, iPads and Apple TV released in 2021. (1367775)
Package: Com.unity.purchasing has been updated to 4.1.1. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
Package: Updated com.unity.cinemachine to 2.6.11. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
Windows: Improved SystemInfo.operatingSystem. It now recognizes Windows 11. (1372750)
XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 1.11.0. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
XR: Updated XR Management to 4.2.0. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
Apple TV: Added: Identifier for 2nd generation Apple TV 4K.
Apple TV: Changed: Identifiers for Apple TV HD and first generation Apple TV 4K.
iOS: Added: Identifiers for all iPhone 13 models, 6th generation iPad Minis, 9th generation iPads.
2D: Fixed a render texture size error in the Skinning Editor. (1357552)
2D: Fixed an issue where an error would show up when destroying a Sprite Skin component while deep profiling. (1364910)
2D: Fixed an issue where copying mesh and bone data from a .psb containing a single sprite would throw an exception. (1351543)
2D: Fixed an issue where Unity would freeze when importing certain PSD files. (1338690)
Android: Disabled cut/copy/paste popup that was appearing on the hidden Android inputfield. (1317688)
Android: Fixed an issue that causes the app to not get launched when building and running App Bundle on Android 4.x. (1355198)
Android: Fixed an issue where android:exported atribute was not set to true for Uniy library activity when target API level is 31 or higher. (1356676)
Android: When Input.compensateSensors is set to true, give 45 degree slack for overtilt before changing compass heading. (1186040)
Android: Workaround a problem where using logcat would leak pipes on OSX. The underlying problem seems to be with C# Process class, when redirecting streams and dispose process, the pipes would remain open. (1303618)
Animation: Fixed a potential crash when generating asset previews if destructive methods are called in user callbacks. (1343886)
Asset Bundles: Fixed AssetBundle.Unload now it waits for all asset bundle async operations to complete to avoid a potential crash. (1150164)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an asset matching inconsistency issue with 'Compress Assets on Import' preference setting. This fix can cause textures to get reimported. (1353343)
Audio: Fix a crash caused by leaking memory allocators caused by built-in audio device suspension in the editor. (1351004)
Editor: Fixed an issue that the Unity Package Manager diagnostic tool fails to run when started via the launch script.
Editor: Fixed error "Cannot find mono image in MonoManager for assembly x" during assembly reload when calling ContentBuildInterface:GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInAsset
GI: Fixed a crash when generating lighting which calls print function with incorrect parameters. (1368383)
GI: Fixed the sky ambient probe and skybox reflection probe when reloading a scene in playmode. (1331427)
GI: Prevent tetrahedralization errors by removing duplicate data from additive probesets. If anything is left, append the rest. (1263524)
Graphics: Fixed a missing object issue when highly static batched scene + SRP Batcher. (1294742)
Graphics: Fixed a rare crash in shadow rendering. (1350950)
Graphics: Fixed an issue on Metal that depth clearing is enforced now when "Don't care" load action is used. (1330613)
Graphics: Fixed Meshes having incorrect skin weights in builds due to faulty normalization after limiting the number of weights per vertex. (1319068)
IL2CPP: Fixed build issue with Linux player on Windows where builds would fail when the logged in user has a space in their username. (1336012)
IL2CPP: Fixed conversion errors that can occur with generic types that have a static constructor. (1362583)
IL2CPP: Fixed possible complier errors by hashing parameter info and generic arguments to avoid long method names. (1362768)
IL2CPP: Prevent a possible crash in the GC code when the mark stack overflows while script debugging is enabled if many threads are created. (1361799)
iOS: Fixed an issue that stopped the dark mode native mobile input's background from going transparent when it was empty. (1367091)
iOS: Fixed video becoming unplayable after resuming an app when video's audio output mode is set to API Only. (1330901)
macOS: Fixed arm64 architecture errors when archiving the generated macOS project in Xcode by limiting the valid build architectures to x86_64 only. (1339180)
Package: Fixed property drawing of Unity.Mathematics vector types when manually drawing a property that was hidden with [HideInInspector]. (1298368)
Package Manager: Fixed the package manager toolbar display and now it is active during refresh operations.
Package Manager: Implement asset's Re-Download button to fix issue when using multiple Unity versions and have one asset version cached. (1371056)
Player: Fixed a player error and a memory leak when player window is hidden. (1361670)
Prefabs: Fixed an Editor crash when making changes to the Script field of a Prefab instance with a missing script. Changing the missing script should be done in Prefab Mode instead so the Prefab Asset is updated. (1255454)
Profiler: Fixed Profiler thread drop-down getting locked when it is left on a transient thread. (1369890)
Profiler: Fixed Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong reporting increasing values while loading and unloading the same scene. (1364643)
Scripting: Fixed the exceptions thrown from custom attributes' .ctor. (1321144)
Shaders: Fixed an issue with Editor using some default data until a shader is imported or compiled. (1369645)
Shaders: Fixed building so it is cancelled properly now when Exceptions in IPreprocessShaders are present. (1357383)
Shaders: Fixed uintBitsToFloat not doing a conversion from bool argument to uint. (1334240)
Terrain: Fixed a clearing issue and now Neighbors set with Terrain.SetNeighbors are properly kept. (1337420)
Timeline: Fixed an issue where audio tracks did not respect audio listener pause state. (1313186)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed generated Visual Studio project when building to Universal Windows Platform with Visual Studio 2022. (1378086)
Version Control: Fixed an issue that typing capital O in checkin comment would open the selected item.
Version Control: Fixed an issue with Plastic SCM installation and it no longer signs out the user from the plugin.
Version Control: Fixed an issue with the Plastic SCM menu and it is no longer missing from Project view context menu.
Version Control: Fixed inverted text for the force checkout option. (1340340)
Version Control: Fixed the loading indicator and now it is properly centered on Plastic SCM installation window.
Version Control: Fixed the missing Plastic SCM window option when user is not signed in on Unity Hub.
Version Control: Removed a meta file warning message for the deleted Beta folder.
Version Control: Removed an extra refresh button on Gluon's Incoming Changes tab.
Video: Fixed an importing unsupported video frame size crashing the Editor. (1340340)
WebGL: Fixed a crash on Oculus Browser when the EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture extension is enabled. (1370782)
WebGL: Fixed an issue where keyboard up events would be missed if WebGLInput.captureAllKeyboardInput was set to false while a key was being held down. (1195047)
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)
CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.
iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.4 or higher.
Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK
Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:
iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.
Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build
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