Release notes

Known Issues in 2020.1.12f1

  • AI: A NavMeshAgent GameObject teleports to a near NavMeshSurface when collided with a moving NavMeshObstacle (1072945)

  • Animation: The Inspector is empty when selecting the Blend Tree that has been copied and pasted of other Blend Tree (1274572)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Crash on mdb_txn_begin when SourceAssetDB has a lock on it from another process (1208749)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Project Startup time slow due to unmatched Custom Dependencies (1276078)

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Texture Assets are reimported when the launched Editor is recovering from an unexpected close if there were compilation errors (1264055)

  • Asset Importers: [Performance Regression] Importing an fbx model is noticeably slower when the model contains Animations (1265275)

  • Collab: Collab crashes on clicking Update calling ConflictsManager::AddConflict (913690)

  • Global Illumination: Crashing with progressive GPU when baking lighting with the AZURE Nature demo scene (1277383)

  • Global Illumination: [OSX] Crash on 'Preparing Bake' stage when rebaking GI after changing lighting settings and clearing baked data (1271626)

  • Global Illumination: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Global Illumination: gi::InitializeManagers() takes 0.6s during Editor startup (1162775)

  • IL2CPP: UnityLinker strips classes used with the SerializeReference attribute (1232785)

  • IMGUI: Editor performance loss when selecting an object in the Select Object window (1285342)

  • Linux: InputSystem's Mouse delta values do not change when the Cursor lockState is set to Locked (1248389)

  • Mobile: [Android][IL2CPP] App crashes during launch with "Using memoryadresses from more than 16GB of memory" messages on Android 11 (1284525)

  • Package: [Reflect] Standalone build fails with package errors if Unity Reflect is installed (1266377)

  • Profiling: Profiler - RawFrameDataIterator ThreadID will always return 0 for profiler frame data loaded from .data files (1279213)

  • Scene Management: Allocated memory is not cleared when loading and unloading scenes (1275751)

  • Scene/Game View: Editor locks up when applying a material to a prefab in isolation mode after renaming the prefab (1284799)

  • Serialization: [SerializeReference] Polymorphic instances are always recreated when applying any inspector value change (1193322)

  • Shadows/Lights: Skybox lighting is not rendered after creating gameobjects in the new scene until the lighting is rebaked (1250293)

  • WebGL: [Linux] WebGL build always fails and throws a FileNotFoundException (1268262)

  • Window Management: [window layout] cannot load editor layout, stuck in infinite loop of "failed to load window layout" (1275270)

  • iOS: Crash on il2cpp::vm::LivenessState::AddProcessObject when using Social.LoadUsers and then changing scenes (1270230)

  • iOS: [UaaL] UnityFramework with 3rd party plugins triggers watchdog termination after launch (1262272)

  • iOS: [iOS 14] VideoPlayer crashes on EXC_BAD_ACCESS or signal SIGABRT when audioOutputMode is set to APIOnly or Audio Source (1274837)

2020.1.12f1 Release Notes

System Requirements Changes

For running Unity games
  • iOS: minimum version incremented to 10.0 (from 9.0).


  • 2D: Fixed dynamic batching for TilemapRenderer in Individual mode with SpriteRenderers when Sprites have secondary textures set. (1277223)

  • 2D: Fixed totalSpriteSurfaceArea to get reserialized when switching build platforms. (1273235)

  • AI: Fixed an issue where CreateLocation does not return correct projection of an input point on an OffMeshLink. (1246726)

  • Android: Fixed to enable Unity perform Android SDK update with elevated privileges on Windows. Previously if Android SDK/NDK would be installed in folder like Program Files, Unity wouldn't be able to update Android SDK. With new behavior user will be prompted with a dialog where Unity will ask - if it can run sdkmanager.bat with elevated privileges. (1281951)

  • Asset Import: Fixed such that substance files do not display an import warning anymore when the substance plugin is correctly set up in a new project. (1221240)

  • Audio: Fixed to synchronize audio source playing state with timeline clip playing state. (1146694)

  • Audio: Fixed to unblock streaming mp3 on supported platforms. (1224487)

  • Editor: Fixed -api-profile flag causing editor to write to ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset using binary serialization mode despite ForceText being configured in ProjectSettings/EditorSettings.asset.

  • Editor: Fixed a crash that could occur when Burst compilation was scheduled before Burst had been initialized.

  • Editor: Fixed incorrect error message in audio importer. (1279810)

  • Editor: Fixed incorrect key values being passed to the new input system on Linux. (1275964)

  • Editor: Fixed to unblock streaming mp3 when targeting webgl. (1252868)

  • GI: Fixed an error log message in the light conversion script that could occur when light colors produced denormalized floats. Light without any color channel exceeding 1e-20 will be treated as completely black (0,0,0). (1275179)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten would run on build despite being disabled. (1258154)

  • Graphics: Fixed an issue where in some cases, Custom Render Textures would not be rendered (generally with asset bundles or in a standalone build). (1281400)

  • Package Manager: FIxed the Assets > Properties window to display a selected package's display name instead of the id in the title tab. (1217758)

  • Package Manager: Fixed the crash due to a corrupted ProjectCache.bin that could occur when opening a project last opened in a different Unity Editor version. (1276565)

  • Package Manager: Fixed VW being unable to see Unity packages since they access them from a server that is not on domain. (1274555)

  • Particles: Fixed missing Trail Material slot in the Inspector. (1284719)

  • Prefabs: Fixed crashes caused by broken scenes, where missing prefabs have been serialized badly into the scene file. (1280054)

  • Prefabs: Fixed editor crashes caused by prefabs instance with missing assets. (1219109)

  • Prefabs: Fixed Editor crashes/hangs when using PrefabUtillity.SetPropertyModifications() where some are invalid (null). (1276769)

  • Prefabs: Fixed such that managed field types in prefabs containing Arrays are now serialized correctly to allow field to be initialized before Array.size is set. (1255012)

  • Profiler: Fixed such that the UI System Preview Window in the UI Profiler module now has its title set correctly. (1238881)

  • Serialization: Fixed to make sure that when objects are created as part of a deserialization process the class default initializers are called. (1253433)

  • Services: Added a fix for the removal of CEF from the editor causing an exception when a tracker is added to a game object.
    The removal of CEF meant that when analytics is not enabled, and you add an analytics tracker to a game object, the library
    required to create the "go to service menu and enable analytics" button didn't exist, and thus would throw an exception. The solution was
    to have a seperate class initialised on load that would override this functionality for all editors that don't have this library. (1277664)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed a crash which happens when rapidly switching between input fields with text in them. (1278859)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed excessive memory usage when application gets suspended. (1279629)

  • Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Y coordinate on new input system when running on non-100% scaled display. (1278638)

  • Version Control: Fixed an issue where duplicate keys could cause empty data to be output, and improved transform mapping to work with a wider range of Unity versions. (1258865)

  • Video: Fixed to use 2d spatial blending when playing audio in direct mode. (1276611)


  • Package Manager: Fixed such that the Package Manager no longer discards the existing package state in case of critical errors such as failure to parse the project manifest.

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

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