Release notes

Known Issues in 2020.1.15f1

  • Asset Import Pipeline: Texture Assets are reimported when the launched Editor is recovering from an unexpected close if there were compilation errors (1264055)

  • Asset Importers: [Performance Regression] Importing an fbx model is noticeably slower when the model contains Animations (1265275)

  • Global Illumination: [OSX] Crash on 'Preparing Bake' stage when rebaking GI after changing lighting settings and clearing baked data (1271626)

  • Global Illumination: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)

  • Global Illumination: gi::InitializeManagers() takes 0.6s during Editor startup (1162775)

  • IL2CPP: UnityLinker strips classes used with the SerializeReference attribute (1232785)

  • Linux: InputSystem's Mouse delta values do not change when the Cursor lockState is set to Locked (1248389)

  • Package: [Reflect] Standalone build fails with package errors if Unity Reflect is installed (1266377)

  • Shadows/Lights: Skybox lighting is not rendered after creating gameobjects in the new scene until the lighting is rebaked (1250293)

  • XR: [XR SDK][Oculus] EarlyUpdate.XRUpdate spikes inconsistently (1262597)

  • iOS: Crash on il2cpp::vm::LivenessState::AddProcessObject when using Social.LoadUsers and then changing scenes (1270230)

  • iOS: [UaaL] UnityFramework with 3rd party plugins triggers watchdog termination after launch (1262272)

  • iOS: [iOS 14] VideoPlayer crashes on EXC_BAD_ACCESS or signal SIGABRT when audioOutputMode is set to APIOnly or Audio Source (1274837)

2020.1.15f1 Release Notes

System Requirements Changes

For running Unity games
  • iOS: minimum version incremented to 10.0 (from 9.0).


  • 2D: Fixed issue where when using Safe or Smart slicing caused some sprite rects to become parented or unselectable. (1264701)

  • Asset Bundles: Fixed main thread hitching when loading an AssetBundle asynchronously while loading other assets in the background.

  • Asset Import: Fixed issue where FBX and Sketchup files with paths longer than 260 characters could not be imported on Windows. (1283359)

  • Asset Import: Fixed issue with OnAssignMaterialModel next methods not being called even when the first one returns a null object. (1280978)

  • Build Pipeline: Fixed such that 'Compress Assets on Import' setting no longer gets enabled each time a player is built. (1277242)

  • Editor: Fixed to make EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar visible, even for async/background tasks. (1285801)

  • Editor: Fixed to make it possible to alt-tab or click on main Windows Editor window while a modal progress is active. (1234674)

  • Editor: Fixed Windows Editor progress bar not displaying progress overlay in the taskbar icon when the progress dialog is focused. (1269517)

  • GI: Fixed broken shadow angles for GPU lightmapper. (1240991)

  • Graphics: Fixed crash with accessing invalid texture ID. (1277836)

  • Graphics: Fixed missing type check from VFX component sheet. (1258022)

  • Graphics: Fixed terrain trees showing both baked and realtime shadows when using a static prefab. (1122324)

  • IMGUI: Fixed an issue where Editor slowed down when ObjectSelector/ProjectBrowser had a large number of objects. (1285342)

  • Kernel: Fixed to improve memory management for storing object information. (1275751)

  • macOS: Fixed Mac editor/player hanging the whole OS on Apple silicon devices. (1285304)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an error being thrown when inspecting packages in the 'My Assets' section of Package Manager. (1265358)

  • Package Manager: Fixed to ensure that at Unity shutdown time, we do not crash if a user keeps sending progress report. (1282030)

  • Particles: Fixed an issue where procedural emission was being capped incorrectly leading to burst emission in excess of the Max Particles limit. (1285328)

  • Particles: Fixed to limit the rendering cache size to avoid using lots of memory when using multiple cameras. (1270438)

  • Serialization: Fixed such that SerializeReference reuses polymorphic instances when changing specific values in the inspector. (1193322)

  • Services: Fixed the parameter supplied to the request to enable analytics.

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed package version numbers flickering while resizing the Package Manager window when the display scaling is above 100%. (1268016)

  • Video: Fixed crash with videos that have rotation metadata on Windows. (1268145)

  • WebGL: Added support for PVRTC and RG16 textures. Enable use of high-performance WebGL GPU powerPreference. (1187965)

  • WebGL: Fixed a crash with Unity web loader on new macOS Big Sur.


  • XR: Updated the Oculus XR Plugin package to 1.6.1.


  • Editor: Improved mobile ETC/ETC2/EAC texture compression (about 1.4x speedup).

System Requirements

For development

OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)

CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.

GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.

Additional platform development requirements:
  • iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.0 or higher.

  • Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games

Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:

  • Desktop:

    • OS: Windows 7 SP1+, macOS 10.12+, Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
    • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
  • iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.

  • Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.

  • WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.

  • Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities

  • Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build

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