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AI: Editor crashes on MemoryManager::GetAllocator when selecting NavMeshAgent Component in the Inspector window (1257220)
Asset Bundles: [Performance Regression] AssetBundleLoadAllAssets - Load_Prefabs_AllAssets is significantly slower than 18.4 (1203512)
Asset Bundles: [Performance Regression] AssetBundleLoadSingleAssets : LoadAsync_Prefabs_SingleAssets is significantly slower than 18.4 (1203511)
Asset Importers: [Performance Regression] Importing an fbx model is noticeably slower when the model contains Animations (1265275)
Global Illumination: Crash with empty stacktrace when starting bake in the new scene after baking previous scene with GPU PLM (1244384)
Global Illumination: [macOS] BugReporter doesn't get invoked when the project crashes (1219458)
Global Illumination: gi::InitializeManagers() takes 0.6s during Editor startup (1162775)
Graphics - General: AsyncGPUReadback.Request never releases unused allocated memory (1234193)
Graphics - LowLevel: AsyncGPUReadback can leak memory under certain circumstances. (1260624)
Graphics - LowLevel: Gfx.WaitForPresent / Gfx.WaitForPresentOnGfxThread huge spikes in Profiler when in Play Mode with vSync set to "Don't Sync" (1108469)
IAP: Unity purchasing gives error on project upgrade due to failing to find UnityEngine.UI assembly (1193773)
Inspector Framework: Crash on ActiveEditorTracker_CUSTOM_Internal_GetActiveEditorsNonAlloc when reloading Material preview floating window (1256213)
Inspector Framework: Crash on mono_method_signature_checked when selecting a Context Menu option that has been removed from code (1263906)
Linux: Linux Editor returns the "O" key's KeyCode when the Space key is being pressed (1263921)
Linux: Selection frame drawn in Scene view when a GameObject is selected while Alt and left mouse buttons are pressed (1239227)
Linux: [Editor] Color picker does not work (1174814)
MacOS: [Mac] Many artifacts can be seen in Scene View when Scene Light is enabled and HDR is on with Metal API and Mac OS X 10.15.4 (1240265)
MacOS: [macOS] Unity kernel crashes Mac with OpenGL when only Intel Graphics are present (1232673)
Metal: Metal Editor view repaint causes geometry explosion randomly (1267126)
Mono: Crash with various stack traces when exiting Play Mode after recompiling scripts (1238859)
Package: [Reflect] Standalone build fails with package errors if Unity Reflect is installed (1266377)
Packman: Asset Store 'Complete Projects' overwriting Project Settings with no warning (1255256)
Profiling: Performance issue in "Profiler" UI with increasing number of events (967289)
Scene Management: Building project when two identical scenes are open crashes the editor (1266194)
Scripting: [SerializeReference] Polymorphic instances are always recreated when applying any inspector value change (1193322)
Scripting: [SerializedField] fields produce "Field is never assigned to..." warning (1080427)
Shadows/Lights: Skybox lighting is not rendered after creating gameobjects in the new scene until the lighting is rebaked (1250293)
Themes: Editor does not recognize the correct values in the interactive tutorial levels when non-English locale is being used (1109625)
WebGL: Using XElement.Load(string uri) causes an uncaught abort exception when using dlopen() dynamic linking in Emscripten (1192963)
Window Management: Crash on block_remove when initiating a drag and closing the window from which the drag originated (1221016)
Window Management: ReloadAssembly -> EndReloadAssembly processing freezes Editor for minutes (1253165)
Android: Fixed an issue when using blend shapes with GPU skinning on older Adreno devices with OpenGL ES. (1253349)
Android: Fixed Application.targetFrameRate when Optimized Frame Pacing is enabled and VSync is off. (1261973)
Animation: Fixed an issue where the animator would be invalid when setting a runtime animator controller to null then assign it a value. (1253155)
Asset Import: Scenes do not loose references to Model transform after updating a project with Presets being applied during import. (1261935)
Asset Pipeline: Changed behavior in Refresh
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an imported asset dependency on a source asset could lead to a wrong import. (1220619)
Asset Pipeline: Prevented PluginImporter importing from root folders in registered asset folders. (1193341)
Audio: Set override sample settings sets override for incorrect platform when passing a string. (1237576)
Build Pipeline: Fixed build never finishing when there is a large number of assets in the StreamingAssets folder. (1260359)
Editor: Fixed an issue where a MissingReferenceException was thrown when undo operation is performed with a Particle System object selected. (1254599)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the newly added menu item under GameObject context menu is always displayed as enabled inappropriately, irrespective of the validation function being verified. (1247020)
Editor: Fixed application freezes when it is out of focus. (1247435)
Editor: Fixed freeze when Time.timeScale is set to NaN. (1216135)
Editor: Fixed rare Editor hang on OSX when building to player. (1251001)
Editor: Improved Mesh triangulation warnings to display the path to the asset where they originate. (1252773)
Editor: Made shortcuts value based instead of location based in the Linux editor thereby making shortcuts consistent for all keyboard layouts. (1186110)
Editor: Xcode projects generated for MacOS standalone builds will now correctly copy native plugins. (1237217)
Graphics: Added correct usage flag in VFX mesh stripping : avoid lost of actually used channel. (1261152)
Graphics: Fixed a potential crash in VFX when effect was updated out of frustum in indirect mode.
Graphics: Fixed an incorrect clamping of ASTC HDR lightmaps. (1256699)
Graphics: Fixed an incorrect cubemap convolution of ASTC HDR cubemaps. (1256696)
Graphics: Fixed CustomRenderTexture not using depth for camera rendering. (1226411)
Graphics: Fixed Hybrid renderer + builtin unity + custom material vars rendering order issue. (1260245)
Graphics: Fixed incorrect reported "WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'shadername' - All passes" for HDRP/Lit shader. (1242643)
Graphics: Fixed issue where the Vulkan pipeline cache data was not getting saved on Stadia. (1244925)
Graphics: Fixed SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex on Vulkan. (1246988)
Graphics: Fixed SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex with tessellation shaders on Vulkan. (1257093)
Graphics: Fixed viewport clear when using texture array on Vulkan. (1249430)
Graphics: Fixed Vulkan shaders on desktop not working like they do in Metal with half precision disabled in most cases except explicit min16float in shader. (1200917)
Graphics: Game view Statistics tab reports false values when using SRP. (1209185)
Graphics: Image conversion into a NativeArray is supported.
Graphics: Improved Hybrid Renderer V2 error handling when incompatible shaders are detected. (1240162)
Graphics: Solved performance issues with reflection probe anchors when reloading scenes.
IL2CPP: Fixed ArgumentException thrown in Socket constructor when using Windows SDK 10.0.19041.0. (1251011)
IL2CPP: Fixed ARM64 release build failure that could occur in some circumstances. (1251628)
IL2CPP: Fixed GC performance regression on Android and Linux.
IL2CPP: Fixed managed stacktrace resolving on old Android devices (5.0 and lower), previously stacktrace resolving would fail and would show zero frames, now it should show proper managed stacktrace. (1242285)
IL2CPP: Generate less source code for managed debugging. (1205136)
iOS: Fixed occasional crash on exit pointing to ViewInfo_OnDisplayCutoutsChanged. (1252463)
iOS: Fixed Xcode archive validation error when using custom storyboard. (1264496)
Linux: Fixed chains of editor windows not remaining open when clicking the x button. (1222605)
macOS: Fixed popup stays open after closing window. (1235872)
Package Manager: Disabled Cancel button in the Package Manager progress pop-up. (1253133)
Package Manager: Fixed case 1239910, delay display of labels. (1239910)
Package Manager: Fixed case 1245090 close filtersWindow if already open (dbl-click). (1245090)
Package Manager: Fixed loading spinner rotation speed. (1248718)
Particles: Fixed crash when using ParticleSystemRenderer.BakeMesh with Mesh particles and GPU instancing. (1262125)
Particles: Fixed exception being thrown when Texture Sheet Animation module is multi-editing a large list of sprites. (1222515)
Particles: Fixed trying to use GPU Instancing on devices that can't do Structure Buffer reads in Vertex Shaders. (1255008)
Physics: Fixed an Editor crash on "Collider2D::Cleanup" when changing Scene and disabling a GameObject at the same time. (1231211)
Physics: Fixed an Editor crash on "PhysicsContacts2D::EndContact" when exiting Play mode after Assertion failed on expression: "GetShape() == NULL". (1262936)
Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody.immovable property setter to have effect when set during runtime.
Physics: Fixed collision detection of kinematic Rigidbody with non-convex mesh collider. (1262418)
Profiler: Fixed an issue where CPU texture memory would no longer be reported. (1261859)
Profiler: Fixed outn of memory crash when saving large frame in Profiler. (1253117)
SceneManager: Fixed SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex returns a blank Scene object when 'Reload Scene' is disabled. (1250452)
Scripting: Fixed engine code stripping bug when a user assembly was named InputModule.dll
or matched any of the other engine module names.
Scripting: Sort ILPostProcessors by name
Serialization: Fixed crash when using SerializedProperty::SetManagedReferenceValue with object instance containing boolean serialized field. (1256438)
Serialization: Fixed crash with recursive generic instance containing field of the generic instance type. (1255177)
Serialization: Fixed serialization layout errors when using classes with arrays of structs containing SerializeReference fields. (1239667)
Shaders: Fixed an issue which would causes shader requirements not to be serialised correctly.
Shaders: Fixed Caching preprocessor output when encountering an unknown preprocessor directive. (1254674)
Shaders: Shaders with GrabPass can now be added to ShaderVariantCollection. (1264467)
Text: Fixed for GetPathsToOSFonts() not returning any valid font file paths on iOS. (1262883)
TextCore: Fixed potential marshalling array resize issue. (1262879)
UI Toolkit: Fixed allocating TextInfo inside TextHandle when not necessary. (1249096)
UI Toolkit: Improved performance for elements using star rule by removing duplicates in StyleVariable list. (1250638)
WebGL: Fixed "Constant Physical Size" UI scale mode on WebGL. (1221561)
Windows: Fixed visual artefacts that can appear when the window is minimized and restored after previously running the standalone player in fullscreen. (1201766)
XR: Added a pre-init flag to request an offscreen Vulkan swapchain. (1253274)
XR: Projects targeting ARCore (Android only) can now use any Gradle version up to 3.6.0. (1245185)
Editor: Scene view "Shaded Wireframe" mode can work with SRPs now, via ScriptableRenderContext.DrawWireOverlay.
Editor: Vertex snapping is many times faster on large scenes, and it's easier to snap to vertices that are close/visible, without accidentally snapping to some far away occluded objects. (1255176)
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.12+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)
CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.
iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.12.6 and Xcode 9.0 or higher.
Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK
Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:
iOS player requires iOS 10.0 or higher.
Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build
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