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日本語__2020.3.21_Release Notes (.PDF)
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Asset Bundles: Building process of the AssetBundles is slow when the file count is huge (1358059)
Global Illumination: [Enlighten] Fatal Error when closing the Editor while Generating Lighting (1354238)
Global Illumination: [LightProbes] Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled (1052045)
Input: Input.GetKey does not trigger when the mouse cursor is outside the Game window (1358134)
Mono: Crash on "(KERNELBASE) RaiseException" when reloading Mono assemblies for play mode (1289744)
Profiling: Profiler's timeline view loses context frames when frames go out of Frame Count bounds (1367470)
Scene Management: Instantiated FBX through code throws error after leaving Play Mode (1363573)
Scripting: Unity does not execute code weavers when the project is opened for the first time (1350116)
Shader System: Shaders are ignored when executing Build Asset Bundles method from console with -nographics argument (1369645)
Templates: Crash when quickly duplicating prefab with Behaviour Brick attached and undoing duplicate in LEGO Microgame (1362660)
Templates: Editor Crashes when performing Undo and Redo after duplicating Game Object with LEGO Model Asset component (1298503)
uGUI: Poor performance when loading or unloading a large Scene (1360901)
Video: Crash on WindowsVideoMedia::StepAllStreams when reimporting a .m4v file (1340340)
Window Management: Broken layout stops panels located in the top left corner of the Editor from rendering in the Karting Microgame project (1367783)
Windows: Editor crashes when exiting and keeping a tutorial project (1338299)
Version Control: Added light and dark mode versions of avatar icon.
Version Control: Added notification status icons.
Version Control: Workspace migration from Collab to Plastic which can be done with or without Plastic installed.
Graphics: Warnings for non-native compressed formats with decompressor support are now muted in the editor. (1329157)
Mono: Avoid padding classes/structs with an explicit size.
Package: com.unity.purchasing updated to 4.0.3. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
Package: Update Addressables to 1.18.16. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
Package: Update ScriptableBuildPipeline to 1.19.2. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
Scripting: Add GameObject link to Warning message: "SendMessage cannot be called during Awake, CheckConsistency, or OnValidate.".
Version Control: Improved usage analytics around Editor and Plugin version.
Version Control: Workspace Migration Adjustments.
2D: Fixed an issue where an error would show up when destroying a Sprite Skin component while deep profiling. (1364910)
2D: Fixed an issue where colliders do not extend to the end of the sprite texture when Sprite Borders are enabled. (1348701)
2D: Fixed an issue where copying mesh and bone data from a .psb containing a single sprite would throw an exception. (1351543)
2D: Fixed an issue where Edge and Polygon colliders had missing edges on certain open-ended shapes. (1362440)
2D: Fixed an issue where enabling Fill Tessellation and setting profile's fill offset to positive caused errors. (1363215)
2D: Fixed an issue where IK Solvers would not be updated when previewing an animation clip. (1354389)
2D: Fixed an issue where Sprite outline in the Skinning Editor was not rendered based on Sprite's geometry. (1335586)
2D: Fixed render texture size error in the Skinning Editor. (1357552)
2D: Improved the steps on how to install the optional performance boost, in the documentation.
Android: Fixed an issue where AMD drivers on Chrome OS have a faulty EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace implementation, sRGB will be disabled in that case. (1359181)
Android: Fixed an issue where Resource.Load woult not works when running universal.apk created from AAB which were built with Split Application Binary option enabled. Note: In universal.apk, Bundletool includes only install-time delivered asset packs, so resource loading can still fail if Unity creates fast-follow delivered core data asset pack. (1363907)
Android: When Input.compensateSensors is set to true, give 45 degree slack for overtilt before changing compass heading. (1186040)
Animation: Fixed an issue where an assert was triggered upon rebuilding an animation legacy component (1330001)
Asset Import: Fixed Reset not working for the 'Bake Axis conversion' setting in ModelImporter. (1228920)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the Editor could crash while entering play mode with an AssetImporter displayed in the Inspector window. (1353925)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed out-of-sync collection bug when multiple inspectors were opened (1353678)
Audio: Fixed an issue where exposing multiple send levels in the audio mixer were not working correctly. Previously created mixers with exposed send levels will cause a warning to be logged on editor startup and the send levels will have to be re-exposed. (1285638)
Audio: Fixed audio source filters resetting on unrelated parameter changes such as audio source volume or pitch and not responding to component reordering. (1361636)
Audio: Increased stack size of audio streaming and async threads to avoid overflows when using managed read callbacks. (1352803)
Documentation: Fixed incorrect measurement units for ArticulationDrive.forceLimit. (1369825)
Editor: Fixed a crash while picking a color. (1355078)
Editor: Fixed a disappearing ReorderableList elements isseu when reordering. (1353883)
Editor: Fixed a null reference exception when opening a popup window in some cases (when a previous popup window got somehow saved into a window layout). (1295445)
Editor: Fixed an issue where Avatar Stage editing closed on clicking anywhere in the Scene view or Hierarchy when using two Inspector windows. (1330120)
Editor: Fixed an issue where Reorderable list null item were not displayed correctly. (1339759)
Editor: Fixed an issue where Time.unscaledTime and Time.fixedUnscaledTime do not update when stepping through frames (1294730, 1360931)
Editor: If Adb is not able to make the file editable, we make it writable using OS function (1353760)
Editor: There is now a prompt to save changes if the layout is changed. (1318376)
GI: Fixed a crash occurring while sculpting terrain and baking. (1266511)
GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten Post Update would take up CPU time in the Editor when it was not the active lightmapping backend (1248311)
GI: Fixed crash on baking GI, moving reflection probe, baking only reflection probe. (1310112)
Graphics: Descriptor sets were not validated properly under certain circumstances for Vulkan. (1300203)
Graphics: Fix sporadic crash when closing BuildSettings (and maybe other) windows when using Editor with Vulkan (1362844)
Graphics: Fixed a crash when loading really large (think more than 2GB size) meshes. (1319594)
Graphics: Fixed a RenderToCubemap offsets shadows isseu when the material on the mesh has GPU Instancing was enabled by adding support for STEREO_CUBEMAP_RENDER_ON for instanced .rendering. (1086548)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where frames were being unnecessarily dropped before presenting on Metal OSX when using CVDisplayLink; this is now fixed. (1363963)
Graphics: Fixed an unwrap crash when automatic margin calculation results in very small margin. (1330830)
Graphics: Fixed Meshes having incorrect skin weights in builds due to faulty normalization after limiting the number of weights per vertex. (1319068)
Graphics: Fixed the Mac Standalone Player memory leak that came with the change to presenting with CVDisplayLink. (1365570)
IL2CPP: Fix conversion issues on methods with ref readonly return values. (1367462)
IL2CPP: Fixed build issue with Linux player on Windows where builds would fail when the logged in user has a space in their username. (1336012)
IL2CPP: Fixed conversion error that can occur with generic types that have a static constructor. (1362583)
IL2CPP: Hash parameter info and generic arguments to avoid long method names that lead to compiler errors. (1362768)
IL2CPP: Prevent a possible crash in the GC code when the mark stack overflows while script debugging is enabled if many threads are created. (1361799)
iOS: Fixed incorrect "Plugins colliding with each other" errors when using certain framework combinations. (1287862)
macOS: Fixed an inverted Y position of mouse cursor issue wgeb using New Input's Warp mouse. (1311064)
macOS: Fixed Xbox wireless gamepad triggers and DPAD not working in Old Input. (1342338)
Particles: Ensure smooth size updates when doing slow-mo scrubbing of the particle playback time. (1224857)
Particles: Fixed an issue where there was stuttering slow-motion preview when Custom Data was used. (1365360)
Particles: Fixed Texture Alpha clipping in the Shape module. (1349714)
Prefabs: Fixed Prefab sorting issue that re-arranged order of prefabs due to AddedComponents not being handled properly (1252436)
Profiler: Fixed Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong reporting increasing values while loading and unloading the same scene. (1364643)
Scripting: Fixed an issue related to player builds failing sometimes or not including the correct precompiled DLLs when those have define constraints.
Scripting: Fixed Debug.LogFormat(LogType, LogOption, Object, string, params object[]) overload to respect logEnabled and filterLogType logger settings. (1354586)
Scripting: Fixed GetScriptingDefineSymbols functions to not contain empty string entries in the returned defines array. (1350561)
Scripting: Fixed player build errors due to ApiUpdater eagerly trying to connect to VCS.
Serialization: Arrays that contain SerializeReferences are now resized properly with null references.
Serialization: Fixed a case where reading a corrupted binary file when corruption is within the header could lead to editor freezing. (1357823)
Services: For some time the validation endpoint has been disabled, and the editor still incorrectly shows that the user must wait for this validation to succeed. leading to a lot of confusion from our users. this change simply removes this panel to avoid further confusion (1210052)
uGUI: Missing shader property warnings will no longer be produced when running in batchmode. (1350059)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed DevicePortal deployment to handle both .appx and .msix packages (1269676)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed symbol file packaging failing when using the 'MasterWithLTCG' build configuration. (1345403)
Version Control: Renamed the CoreServices namespace so it doesn't conflict.
Fixed some situations where the history window would be blank.
Fixed missing Enterprise login link.
Fixed low resolution icons in light theme
WebGL: Added more detailed information when a page load fails due to misconfiguration in server hosting settings. Note that Firefox does not currently support Brotli compression for local development ( (1283658)
WebGL: Fixed a crash on Oculus Browser when the EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture extension is enabled. (1370782)
WebGL: Fixed a mouse wheel scrolling issue with the new input system on WebGL. (1264545)
Windows: Fixed an issue where Physics simulations and FixedUpdate ran while the splashscreen was being displayed on Windows Standlaone and Universal Windows Platform. (1362362)
Windows: Fixed player icon being missing from the title after, if the game was first launched in fullscreen mode and then later changed to windowed mode. (1361016)
Windows: Removed error.log generation for crash uploads in favor of editor.log and dmp files. (1278602)
XR: Fixed soft particles shaders for XR single-pass. (1332105)
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)
CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.
iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.
Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK
Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:
iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.
Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build
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