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Animation: 'Make transition' option is not displayed when right-clicking on the Animation State (1413918)
DirectX11: Random-write to UAV texture from shadowcaster shader causes GPU hang when filtering Scene Hierarchy objects (1417589)
DOTS: [Plaforms] Build Configuration General Settings only lets to change Major and Minor versions in 0.50 Platforms version (1415919)
GI: If a user is experience lighting coruption they be may required to reimport due to a fix to which correctly fixes a Uv unwrapping issue (1330830).
Inspector Framework: Tooltips are not shown when hovering over name of the value in the Inspector (1415921)
MacOS: [M1][Rosetta] Editor crashes on mono_arch_patch_callsite when opening the project (1390659)
Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)
Physics: Crash on internalABP::ABP_PairManager::addPair when switching to ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint during runtime (1418715)
Quality of Life: ReorderableList out of bounds exeception (1399803)
Quality of Life: [Mac] ShortcutManager ignores Shift modifier (1424655)
Scene/Game View: Game Object Material starts flickering when dragging new material over other Game Object that touches first Object (1423053)
Serialization: Editor crash when deserializing an array of a type with a nested fixed-size buffer field (1400774)
Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)
Texture: File could not be read error is thrown when a 16 bit .tif file is present in the project (1404047)
Editor: Removed: Made Il2CppEagerStaticClassConstructionAttribute internal to avoid conflicts with other definitions outside of the package.
iOS: Added: iPad Air 5 and iPhone SE 3 to devices.
AI: Fixed unidirectional NavMesh links creating erroneous connection between polygons. (1328727)
Core: Removed disposed NativeArray and NativeSlice check when iterating or accessing properties like Length due to a performance regression when collections checks are enabled. (1393315)
Editor: Fixed an issue where if the Gameview was a fixed size, upon opening the editor the the Gameview was in the background it wouldn't update its size value properly. (1378321)
Editor: Fixed NullReference when showing UnityEvent popup and the GameObject contained a component with a missing script. (1388739)
GI: Fixed NaN artifacts that were sometimes appearing in lightmap when sampling a rectangle light. (1360935)
Graphics: Fixed a setScissorRect crashing on metal when adjusting panels in editor. (1256241)
Graphics: Fixed build prints out (Can't delete buffers from graphics jobs) logs in the console. (1384840)
Graphics: Fixed overlay camera stacking is not working on MacOS when using OpenGLCore with MSAA. (1250331)
Graphics: Fixed shadow maps in frame debugger. (1278463)
IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of byte to integer conversions when they happen across basic blocks (e.g. inside the ternary operator). (1382752)
IL2CPP: Corrected the Socket SendTimeout and GetTimeout property getter implementations on Posix platforms. (1403251)
IL2CPP: Fixed an issiue to allow blittable, generic value types to be marshaled as delegate parameters. (1348863)
IL2CPP: Fixed an issue to ensure that exception handlers are properly sorted internally to avoid code conversion errors with System.Text.Json (and maybe other assemblies). (1400410)
License: Increased timeouts of license client and disable signature validation.
Networking: Fixed an issue that UnityTLS client API doesn't correctly validate certificates. (1413222)
Networking: Fixed UnityWebRequest: filter error display in players Developer console the same way as in Editor. (1413106)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue that in "My Assets" tab, some package thumbnails lead to wrong target URLs.
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where UPM would hang for five seconds when exiting. (1409591)
Package Manager: Fixed bug where Package Manager window In Project list would be empty for a newly created project. (1350368)
Particles: Fixed a particle flickering. (1415307)
Physics: Fixed an issue with cloth interpolation where tabbing in/out of an application on Windows Players would cause the component to behave erratically. (1380001)
Scripting: Fixed filtering of assemblies by platform constraints not working and by defines. (1373388)
Shaders: Added missing eye index setup macro in surface shader. (1406798)
Shaders: Fixed a bug where HLSLcc was not using half precision temps when multiple half precision sample instructions targeted the same temp register. (1383901)
uGUI: Fixed issue in TimeManager that led to unscaledDeltaTime to be 0, cascading to other areas such as the ScrollRect code that produced a NaN in resulting calculations. (1375087)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed development builds not starting up on Windows 10 versions prior to build 15063.
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed games sometimes running on integrated GPU on certain laptops. UWP player will now behave like Windows Standalone and will always try to run on the dedicated GPU. (1394866)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed SystemInfo.operatingSystem returning wrong Windows version on some versions of Windows (notably builds 18363, 19042, 19043 and 19044). (1400786)
WebGL: Fixed video playback in Firefox to loop seamlessly. For more information, see (1267333)
WebGL: Reduced memory usage on dual Intel integrated + NVidia GPU Windows laptops when using URP in a large scene with many individual objects. (1225254)
Windows: Fixed "-monitor" argument incorrectly affecting the target display when desired window bounds exceed the resolution of the target display. (1401606)
XR: Fixed issue where duplicate UnitySubsystemsManifest.json files were added while building XR app for Android with Build App Bundle option. This removes duplicates for OpenXR, Oculus, and MockHMD. (1411616)
XR: Fixed occlusion mesh showing up when stereo is disabled. (1307273)
XR: Fixed Oculus Quest software keyboard not showing up on InputField interaction. (1417991)
OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 10, 64-bit versions only; macOS 10.13+. (Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.)
CPU: SSE2 instruction set support.
GPU: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.
iOS: Mac computer running minimum macOS 10.13+ and Xcode 9.0 or higher.
Android: Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK
Generally content developed with Unity can run pretty much everywhere. How well it runs is dependent on the complexity of your project. More detailed requirements:
iOS player requires iOS 11.0 or higher.
Android: OS 4.4 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
Exported Android Gradle projects require Android Studio 3.4 and later to build
Packages added
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