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Ads: [Android] Unity Ad return app to Lock screen (1281041)
AI: Crash with ComputeTileMeshJob when generating Navmesh (1329346)
Asset Import Pipeline: Editor crashes while exiting play mode (1328667)
Asset Importers: [MacOS] Second Unity instance in Activity Monitor is "not responding” after importing (1331736)
Audio: Crash on AudioMixer_CUSTOM_FindSnapshot when passing null as an argument to FindSnapshot() (1341752)
Global Illumination: Crash while sculpting Terrain and Baking Lightmaps (1266511)
Global Illumination: [LightProbes] Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled (1052045)
Graphics Device Backends: CommandBuffer native plugin events hang in the Editor (1308216)
IMGUI: Editor's Toolbar is sometimes replaced by a white bar when opening any Scene (1341951)
Input: Touch Input doesn't work in Play Mode when running an Editor on a Touchscreen device (1341159)
Linux: Editor crashes at 'GfxFramebufferGLES::SetBackBufferColorDepthSurface' or freezes when creating a new shortcut profile (1334874)
Linux: Linux Editor crashes at "_XFreeX11XCBStructure" when loading tutorials (1323204)
Metal: Performance in Game View is significantly impacted by Gfx.WaitForPresentOnGfxThread when a second monitor is connected (1327408)
Mobile: [Android] App stops due to OnPixelCopyFinishedListener not being supported on devices with lower than 24 SDK (1331290)
Mobile Graphics: [iOS] Player crashing when connecting external Display via USB-C port (1321153)
Packman: User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package local cache (1317232)
Quality of Life: Crash in SerializedProperty::IsValid when reordering a SerializedProperty list (1320319)
Scene Management: Crash on BuildPrefabInstanceCorrespondingObjectMap when overriding nested prefab inside AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing() block (1324978)
Scripting: Crashes on mono_class_init when entering Play Mode after recompiling scripts (1262671)
Scripting: DomainReloadTests performance tests have regressed due to removal of built-in support for Visual Studio as a code editor (1336648)
Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time (1323490)
Terrain: Terrain Lit Opacity as Density option causes alpha'd areas on the 5th layer or greater to appear with artifacts (1283124)
Video: Video player fails to start playing and null handle errors are thrown when running Unity Editor/Build with specific hardware (1237818)
Vulkan: Linux Editor using Vulkan crashes at " GfxDeviceVK::EnsureValidBackbuffer" when showing tooltips for ProBuilder buttons (1335846)
Windows: Editor crashes when exiting and keeping a tutorial project (1338299)
Physics: Added: Added a property for retrieving ArticulationBody components during a collision event. Articulation bodies can be retrieved by Collision.articulationBody
Physics: Added: Added a property for retrieving either ArticulationBody or Rigidbody components to collision events under Collision.body.
Android: Allow Android Player to use Vulkan on GPUs that are currently unknown to Unity on Android 11 or newer.
Package: Updated Code Coverage package to v1.0.1. This version includes improvements and fixes.
Asset Pipeline: Fixed problem with old script type dependencies. In some cases they could result in (incorrect) artifact match. (1340159)
Audio: Fixed OnAudioFilterRead not working as expected with respect to the component enable checkbox. (1338710)
Audio: One of two looping sounds sometimes disappears when removing High Pass Filter Component. (1323353)
Editor: Fixed async loading of SettingsWindow (this solves the current error being reported during layout loading. (1321185)
Editor: Fixed exception is thrown when right clicking on an object field without a valid serialized property. (1334268)
Graphics: D3D12 player will not crash/freeze when switching between full screen modes. (1318640)
Graphics: Fixed inconsistency in anisotropic level setting across temporary RenderTextures. (1319319)
IL2CPP: Prevent an crash in the runtime when a managed thread object that has been destroyed is used from a finalizer. (1341024)
iOS: Fixed crash when using several Application.RequestUserAuthorization in coroutine. (1323715)
iOS: Fixed input being swallowed input on native UITextField when using UaaL and Bluetooth keyboards. (1332925)
Networking: Fixed error in console when certificate handler is used. (1337750)
Networking: Updated UploadHandlerRaw to accept null, empty array or empty NativeArray payload. (1324331)
Particles: Fixed not correctly supportint 16-bit vertex attributes in CPU mesh particle rendering. (1340944)
Physics: Corrected contact event behavior for the ArticulationBody component so that it matches Rigidbody component behavior. (1339908)
Scripting: Fixed .Net Ping.Send() throwing NotSupportedException. (1329962)
Scripting: Fixed editor crash when a script has a never ending recursion (1339503)
UI: Backout an optimization of caching the change count where the layout is changed during a layout call. (1324089)
Video: FIxed video clip with unsupported audio track not usable. (1327470)
XR: Fixed an issue where custom XR packages would not get registered when running the Unity Editor using the -batchmode argument. (1334517)
Changeset: e767a7370072