Released: 9. March 2021
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Editor: Fix menubar not appearing on launch when loading an existing project in the Linux Editor
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a5 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
Graphics: Fixed exception when changing the current render pipeline to from HDRP to universal
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
Graphics: Fixed Quality Level set to the last one of the list after a Build
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
Particles: Fix crash when using a Stop Action set to Disable.
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
Profiler: Fixed sample names of samples in surrounding frames disappearing in Timeline view.
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
Shaders: Fix ShaderCache.db growing in size after each build.
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
Universal: Fixed an issue where the scene view camera was not correctly cleared for the 2D Renderer.
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
Universal: Removed Custom.meta which was causing warnings.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
VFX Graph: Fixed shader compilation errors with textures in shader graph
Fixed in 2021.2.0a9.
Packman: PackageManager.Client.SearchAll(offlineMode: true) returns an error if user offline (1319585)
Packman: Package Manager incorrectly shows that there are no packages in a new project (1319205)
Serialization: Crash in SerializedProperty::IsValid when reordering a SerializedProperty list (1320319)
Shuriken: Crash on ParticleSystem_ShapeModule_CUSTOM_set_sprite_Injected when changing the shape.sprite of a null ParticleSystem (1319658)
IL2CPP: Building projects with IL2CPP scripting backend on Windows fail due to fatal error C1083 (1319442)
Shader System: Crash on PAL_LocalIPC_IsConnected when IPC fails on launch (1319336)
Cloth: Cloth is broken when parent GameObject scale is lower than 1 and Surface Penetration constraints are set 0 (1319488)
Packman: Post Processing 3.0.3 package can't be found when installing from Package Manager (1317088)
Templates: Editor Crashes when performing Undo and Redo after duplicating Game Object with LEGO Model Asset component (1298503)
Build Pipeline: [Cache Server] Building process freezes on compiling shader variants when connected to Accelerator (1296800)
Profiling: [Profiler] ArgumentNullException is thrown on maximizing Profiler window when Editor Record Mode is set (1315755)
Global Illumination: [GPUPLM] Crash in RadeonRaysMeshManager::RemoveGeometry while baking Terrain game object with 4k lightmaps on certain GPU (1255993)
iOS: [WebGL] [iOS] video is not playing on iOS (1288692)
Linux: Linux Editor gets stuck in a "Compiling Scripts" and "Reloading Assemblies" loop when "Project Settings" window is open (1315432)
MacOS: [Metal][Editor] Memory grows continuously until Editor crashes when importing 100k materials (1214197)
Asset Importers: [Performance Regression] Importing an fbx model is noticeably slower when the model contains Animations (1265275)
Project Browser: Basic primitive Meshes are not shown in Select Mesh window (1314696)
Serialization: Editor crashes on RaiseException when allocating huge amount of memory (1313492)
Linux: Black screen after switching from Fullscreen to Windowed on a Linux build (1314460)
Universal RP: [URP] Unable to add "Overrides" in "Volume Profile" (1318535)
Mono: Crash on System.Net.Sockets.Socket:QueueIOSelectorJob when using a VPN and opening a project that uses Visual Studio (1308797)
Shuriken: Particle System is not rendering properly in the Scene view (1316083)
Terrain: Terrain Lit Opacity as Density option causes alpha'd areas on the 5th layer or greater to appear with artifacts (1283124)
WebGL: [Audio] "Cannot create FMOD" Error when importing 3D Game Kit project on webGL (1293595)
Templates: [Linux] Missing library causes crash when entering Playmode for the second time or closing the Editor (1237642)
Metal: [Apple M1] Crash on MTLGetEnvCase on startup when 'm_Automatic' is set to 0 in the ProjectSettings (1306688)
UI Builder: Visual Studio opens up instead of UI Builder on double-clicking on uXML file in the Project window (1298297)
MacOS: [Mac OS] Building Standalone project for Mac when Generate Xcode project is enabled generates both a folder and .xcodeproj (1288729)
2D: Create Physics2DMaterial menu item will be available when Physics2D module is enabled. (1300647)
2D: Fix crash when loading a scene with a GameObject with an invalid Tilemap and a TilemapCollider2D. (1314326)
2D: Fix issue with the Sorting Group where the sorted renderers are not in hierarchical order when their sorting criteria are the same. (1309075)
2D: Fixed offset placement of Tile placed when dragging in a single Sprite or Tiles onto the Tile Palette window.
2D: Prevent Tile Palette Prefabs from showing as a Active Target for the Tile Palette window when selected.
2D: Remove border visual from 2D default Sprite textures. (1299684)
2D: Removes GC.Alloc when Tilemap.HasSyncTileCallback is called which is internally called for each SetTile/s.
Ads: Fixed issue where fetching the game ids in the Ads service window resulted in HTTP error 400 (1308010)
AI: Improved NavMeshAgent creation failure log, to help select the source object (1274983)
Android: Fix high memory usage for textures when uploading textures at runtime using Vulkan (1300900)
Android: Fix rendering errors when trying to use Particle Systems with instancing on devices that don't support it (1312433)
Android: Fixed autorotation not working on dual screen devices (1259295)
Android: Fixed two crashes, an Android debug build startup crash and an Android custom cursors crash.
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a6 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Android: Fixes selection highlight appearing above keyboard when "Hide Mobile Input" enabled (1313620)
Android: Resolved an issue that prevented features such as tessellation and geometry shaders from being marked as supported on Android devices whose driver supports OpenGL ES 3.1 with AEP but not 3.2.
Animation: Fixed an animation performance test failing on specific device (iOS/android/ps4) (1307702)
Animation: Fixed an issue where warnings would appear while typing the first numbers of the time in blend tree before confirming the value. (1250904)
Animation: Fixed Animator MatchTarget to work correctly with longer time. (1052600)
Asset Import: Adding a ScriptedImporter attribute to a non-ScriptedImporter class no longer crashes the editor. (1308671)
Asset Import: Assembly Ref / Definition files now have padding.
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a4 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Asset Import: SearchAndRemap now functions as expected in packages. (1218857)
Asset Import: Updated Log Warning to include name / object reference (1304432)
Asset Pipeline: Crash/assert when building and uploading shaders. (1314042)
Asset Pipeline: Editor crashes when downloading corrupted metadata.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Asset Pipeline: Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a project with a meta file conflict. (1310334)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed a very rare bug causing directory monitor not pick up all the changes that happened before a Refresh.
Asset Pipeline: Made description for Assertion failed on expression: 'ins.second || ins.first->second... more descriptive (1274912)
Asset Pipeline: Objects loaded during import in initial script refresh, are now unloaded. (1296506)
Audio: Work around DSPGraph/Burst player crash regression
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Build Pipeline: Fix issue where generating a build including script using serializable nested type deriving from type nesting it, could lead to a build at runtime. (1310970)
Burst: Added PreserveAttribute to prevent the internal log from being stripped in il2cpp builds.
Burst: Corrected 'Enable safety checks tooltip`.
Burst: Fixed a bug where eager-compilation could pick up out-of-date global Burst menu options for compiling.
Burst: Fixed a bug where the Burst post-processing for direct call would cause duplicate function pointers to be compiled, wasting compile time in the editor and caused an Editor launch stall.
Burst: Fixed a bug where the progress bar would report double the amount of pending compile jobs if a user changed the Burst options while background compilation was going on.
Burst: Fixed a very obscure bug where if you had a function-pointer that was called from another function-pointer of job, and that function-pointer happened to be compiled in a player build in the same bucket as the caller, and the no-alias cloning analysis identified that it could clone the original function-pointer to enable more aliasing optimizations, it could create a duplicate symbol error.
Burst: Fixed compilation errors when targeting Arm CPUs and using some of the Intel intrinsics
Burst: Fixed compilation errors when targeting Intel CPUs and using some of the Arm Neon intrinsics
Burst: IL Function Pointer Invoke Transformation now uses correct runtime library for dots runtime.
Burst: IL Function Pointer Invoke Transformation updated to handle transforms that affect instructions that are the destination of a branch.
Burst: String interpolation issues when using Dots / Tiny runtime.
DX12: DX12 Standalone Player crashes at startup when using 32-bit player support. (1315964)
Editor: Allow hierarchy search to find scripts which share names of internal types. (1252479)
Editor: correct keymapping on linux for quote/backquote/doublequote keycodes
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Create default index when opening the index manager if it was never created before.
Editor: Do not save empty Roots/Includes/Excludes in the index settings file. (1307800)
Editor: Fix so that touch input in the gameview is processed. (1258785)
Editor: Fix typo in PlayableScript template that created an error when Menu.GetEnabled was called on it
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a4 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed "On demand scheduler requested to import while stopped" errors logged in some cases while an editor is showing a progress bar
This is a change to a 2021.2.0 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed an issue to display proper LayerMask properties value on selection. (1308984)
Editor: Fixed an issue where custom inspector preview of serialized objects was not getting refreshed when its values are changed from script
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed error is thrown on performing undo operation on a gameobject after adding 'New Script' component. (1312440)
Editor: Fixed ExitGUI exception after closing modal editor window
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a4 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed game view flickering on resize
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a7 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed GUIToScreenpoint being inconsistent between play mode and standalone. (1305557)
Editor: Fixed Play mode button presses not always registering if done during script compilation. (1300377)
Editor: Fixed ReorderableList GC problems due to registry usage
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed ReorderableList not respecting "includeChildren" bool of EditorGUI.PropertyField
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed Terrain dependency cloning.
Editor: Improved Editor rendering performance.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Paste as Child should paste GO relative to parent instead of keeping world transform
Editor: Prevent popup windows from closing in the Linux Editor when child popups are not yet focused (1309702)
Editor: Remove unchecked character from menu provider item name since it looks like a display error
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a4 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Scene view Move and Scale tool handle cone & cube end caps are no longer visibly rendered "behind" their axis line parts, in some view directions. (1312636)
Editor: Search groups update correctly when going into playmode (1314316)
Editor: Show disable index in the index manager. (1307781)
Editor: support Hungarian (and other) unicode characters in editor (1184456)
Editor: The Roots object field is changed for a TextField to allow selection of folders outside of Assets. (1307793)
Editor: Updated the style of some buttons and button groups when hovered, pressed and focused (1314662)
Editor: Work around ASTC texture compressor crash on some HDR format textures.
This is a change to a 2021.2.0 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
GI: Fix a playmode editor freeze when viewing the inspector for an instantiated GI-contributing object marked as DontDestroyOnLoad. (1094243)
GI: Fix the available memory tracker when using multiple nvidia GPUs and the GPU Lightmapper. (1313094)
GI: Fixed crash when baking with Enlighten on a system with more than 64 threads. (1229259)
GI: Fixed unused return value during remapping of scene object id's. (1300323)
Graphics: Add control to independently clear stencil buffer in CommandBuffer api.
Clearing depth does not implicitly clear stencil anymore.
Graphics: Fix CPU performance issue when light probes and ray tracing effects are used together.
Graphics: Fix shadow normal bias slider getting clamped at 3. (1213200)
Graphics: Fix Simplify button clipping in the LineRenderer Inspector when the window was narrow. (1308478)
Graphics: Fix stack overflow exception when compressing Texture to EXR with PIZ compression (1312104)
Graphics: Fixed a bug in SRPs where models appeared white in the preview window. (1297670)
Graphics: Fixed frame debugger crash when using the RenderPass API with MSAA enabled. (1317665)
Graphics: Fixed gizmo rendering in SRP when wireframe mode is selected (1251022)
Graphics: Fixed RenderPass API MSAA and clear action issues when writing to the backbuffer on Android (1315433)
Graphics: GUIView.GrabPixels() on Metal will now fill the RenderTexture with valid content (1223120)
Graphics: Renderer data being out of sync after the OnBecameVisible callback in SRP. (1311717)
Graphics: StencilSampling wrongly reported as supported due to incorrect mappings of FormatUsage between C# and C++.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Graphics: VFX Assets getting dirtied without touching them (1307562)
Graphics: VFX Assets reverted after save (1315191)
Graphics: Visual effects will continue to cast shadows even when they are not visible in camera. (1279851)
IL2CPP: Avoid an error deleting build cache files when a native plugin is marked as read-only in the Unity project directory. (1313412)
IL2CPP: Correct the behavior of by-reference parameter for delegate async invocation when the by-reference parameter is after a non-by-reference parameter. (1313160)
IL2CPP: Fix exception when converting a method with a parameter that is an in generic parameter with a default value. (1313460)
IL2CPP: Fix nullable value being corrupted after a call to GetType() in generic code.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed issue with Switch builds where additional linker flags were not being passed correctly, leading to missing libraries that would cause the build to fail. (1309996)
IMGUI: Fixed an issue where the layers dropdown menu window is not closed while dragging the editor window. (1308381)
iOS: Fixed SystemInfo returning incorrect values for max compute buffer inputs on Metal (1299759)
Linux: Fixed inspector prefab overrides window from drawing beyond the usable workarea (1119679)
Linux: Fixed main editor window from scrolling when using larger Gnome font sizes. (1311302)
Linux: Keyboard API now correctly displays non-US keyboard displaynames when using Keyboard.current.<key>.displayName (1266943)
Linux: Package Manager's prompt keeps reappearing to resolve packages (1315014)
Linux: Updated from SDL 2.0.12 to 2.0.14
macOS: Fix crash when product name contains Unicode characters. (1296208)
macOS: Fixed exported macOS Standalone player builds refusing to launch (due to being "damaged") when they are downloaded from the internet.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Mobile: Ignore touch events in DeviceSimulator in notches and cutouts.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Mobile: No more MSAA and Pixel Light count warnings when building URP on Mobile platforms (1300605)
Networking: Fix possible division by zero in UploadHandlerFile.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Package: [VisualScripting] "Restore to Defaults" buttons in the Project Settings window
Package: [VisualScripting] Console errors when deleting a Prefab with a Visual Script
Package: [VisualScripting] Console errors when editing nested graphs during Play Mode
Package: [VisualScripting] Dropdown icon is not clipped with TextField under "Get Variable"
Package: [VisualScripting] Error message when custom inspectors are generated
Package: [VisualScripting] Error when executing "Fix Missing Scripts" in a HDRP project
Package: [VisualScripting] FlowMachine type is now back in usable types.
Package: [VisualScripting] Fuzzy finder no longer blinks when trying to add a node (BOLT-1157)
Package: [VisualScripting] Fuzzy finder search window no longer remains above all other windows (BOLT-1197)
Package: [VisualScripting] Fuzzy search no longer drops keyboard inputs and respond slowly (BOLT-1214)
Package: [VisualScripting] Graph getting corrupted when adding "Get Action Map" unit
Package: [VisualScripting] GraphPointerException occurs when nesting graph within itself (BOLT-1257)
Package: [VisualScripting] Help button in the visual scripting Assets and Behaviours inspector now link to the package documentation.
Package: [VisualScripting] Missing succession for Cooldown. Output of Cooldown completed is treated as unentered. (BOLT-725)
Package: [VisualScripting] Node description being sometimes clipped
Package: [VisualScripting] Object Variables tabs not updated when creating a Prefab
Package: [VisualScripting] Open the graph window no longer causes Unity UI stop processing mouse click (BOLT-1159)
Package: [VisualScripting] RenamedFrom attribute does not function correctly on array references to a renamed type (BOLT-1149)
Package: [VisualScripting] Rendering of inactive ObjectFields
Package: [VisualScripting] Resize cursor rect on group when graph window is zoomed
Package: [VisualScripting] ScalarAdd unit migration from 1.4.13 to 1.4.14 and above
Package: [VisualScripting] Scale groups when zoom is not at 1x
Package: [VisualScripting] Sidebar (graph inspector/blackboard) resize when a vertical scrollbar is needed
Package: [VisualScripting] ThreadAbortException when entering Play Mode while searching in the Fuzzy Finder
Package: [VisualScripting] Variable type reset to Enum when changing from Enum to GameObject when both Blackbaord and Variables inspector are displayed
Package: Visual Scripting Preferences being searchable (BOLT-1218)
Package: Visual Scripting Preferences spacing has been adjusted to avoid overlaps
Package: VisualScripting.Generated folder is removed when removing the VisualScripting package.
Package: [VisualScripting] Warnings overflow in the console when deleting and adding a boolean variable in the blackboard
Package: [VisualScripting] Warnings when entering play mode when the "Script Changes While Playing" is set to Recompile And Continue Playing
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where either no submodules or the wrong submodules could be cloned when using a Git-based dependency with both a path and a revision.
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where files tracked by Git LFS were not retrieved when using a Git-based dependency with both a path and a revision. (1307682)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the packages-lock.json
file was overwritten with the same contents but considered modified by Unity, sometimes resulting in unnecessary operations.
Package Manager: Fixed confusing error message when 'View changelog' not available (1282094)
Package Manager: Fixed the issue where asset update icon does not show when there's an update.
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a6 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Package Manager: Fixed the UX issue where after a user installs a version of a package that does not match the version used after dependency resolution, it looks like the install did not happen. (1271576)
Package Manager: Implemented undo/redo in Scoped Registries Management. (1285075)
Package Manager: The expanded/collapsed state of Packages folder in Project Browser will now persist on Editor restart. (1307883)
Particles: Add texel size and mask interaction shader properties to particle system renderer. (1296392)
Particles: Apply Start Delay to Rate over Distance emission. (1314672)
Particles: Disable error dialog for incorrect Vertex Stream setup, because it is not possible to provide accurate information. (1304215)
Particles: Fix incorrect evaluation of the end of stepped curves in Particle Systems. (1314389)
Prefabs: Add support for multiselection 'Create Variant' in Project Browser (1313946)
Prefabs: Fixed Crash when Exiting Play mode with Multiple scenes loaded (1298007)
Profiler: Enabled GPU profiling in the Editor (1315474)
PS4: Fix startup crash in PS4 nondevelopment players
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Scene Manager: This change prevents unity to crash when the asset of the current opened scene has been deleted, a new scene asset is imported, with same GUID, and the user chooses "reload".
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Scene/Game View: Fixed Physics Debugger not selecting collider debug volumes first when clicking. (1309768)
Scripting: Fix crash on Stackoverflow, when instantiating infinitely in OnEnable (1263270)
Scripting: Fix not being able to select external script editors that don't have the '.app' extension on OSX. (1250634)
Scripting: Fixed issue when Application.quitting event is not raised when application is terminated from OS side.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Scripting: Fixes HttpUtility.UrlEncode runtime exceptions (1296177)
Scripting: Fixes native-to-managed callback fails with Apple Silicon (1305211)
Search: Fix editor stall when the asset worker try to resolve a message log with an UnityEngine.Object in a non-main thread. (1316768)
Search: Fixed hierarchy window search returns incorrect results when using ref in the search bar. (1311273)
Serialization: Binary2Text adding support for SerializeReference/ReferenceRegistry. (1284031)
Serialization: Fix issue where SerializedProperty.propertyPath would not return the same path when invoked multiple times with an array entry path which is no longer there. (1310571)
Services: Fixed issue where user could get stuck at "Please wait..." message. (1276184)
Shaders: Fixed incorrect code generated by HLSLcc for textureQueryLod GLSL function (1314040)
Shaders: Fixed shader compiler communication instability.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Shaders: Fixed the "end of shader compiler log" printing to the editor log at compiler crashes if the compiler log is very small.
Shaders: Prevent editor crash on unlucky timing when a shader compiler process is being killed.
Terrain: Nature/Tree Soft Occlusion Leaves
Shader correctly supports the render paths scene view mode.
Timeline: Don't skip the first 2048 frames of an audio clip scheduled at the beginning of a timeline (1215183)
TLS: MacOS TLS/SSL verification now checks also against (un)trusted certificates that were manually added to the keychain. (1306147)
UI: Fix issue with disabled fonts getting added to tracking list and never removed. (1315573)
UI: Fixed error in console when toggling isOn in inspector during playmode. (1307257)
UI: Fixing a issue where adjusting the canvas rendering size to render a custom camera render would cause scaling issues
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI: Refixing a issue with resizing a renderTexture just before rendering the UI.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI Toolkit: - Brought back code that was removed by mistake during a code drop of the UI Toolkit package (code was moved to a different file between the time the initial fix was added and the code drop was performed)
UI Toolkit: Added missing styling definition for dropdown in runtime stylesheet. (1314322)
UI Toolkit: Drag and drop of class pills in stylesheet pane now also support reorder. (UI Builder)
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI Toolkit: Fixed "unsaved changes will be lost" popup when changing an uxml file using an external editor. (UI Builder) (1316730)
UI Toolkit: Fixed bug where runtime cursor should not be reset unless it was overridden. (1292577)
UI Toolkit: Fixed button text on the circular dependency dialog box. (UI Builder)
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI Toolkit: Fixed clipping with large rects when under a group transform. (1296815)
UI Toolkit: Fixed directional navigation bug where some elements could be skipped during horizontal navigation. Improved choice of next element when multiple candidates are valid. (1298017)
UI Toolkit: Fixed editor freeze when adding circular dependencies through the UI Builder and a external editor (1315612)
UI Toolkit: Fixed EventSystem using InputSystem package sometimes sending large amounts of PointerMoveEvents during a single frame. (1295751)
UI Toolkit: Fixed highlighter positioning and draw order. (1174816)
UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceException with using TrackPropertyValue on BindingExtensions for ExposedReference and Generic serialized property types (1312147)
UI Toolkit: Fixed SVG triangle clipping issue (1288416)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the hover and pressed color of buttons in the Runtime theme (1316380)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the inability to launch the editor in clamped GLES 3.0 and 3.1 mode. Also, it is now possible to use UIToolkit on GLES 3.0 and 3.1 devices that do not support float render textures.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI Toolkit: Fixed wrong runtime touch event coordinates on panels with scaling
UI Toolkit: Fixes silent crash that can be caused by recursive onSelectionChange callback in ListView
This is a change to a 2021.2.0a5 change, not seen in any released version, and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI Toolkit: Fixes [UI Builder] Saving a document that contains a one character name template fails. (1313509)
UI Toolkit: InputSystem fails to store ElementUnderPointer when a VisualElement is moving, creating flickering hover feedback. (1306526)
UI Toolkit: InputSystem pointer move doesn't properly trigger PointerEnterEvent and doesn't set ElementUnderPointer. (1288234)
UI Toolkit: KeyboardNavigationManipulator does not trigger the callback if operation is None.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI Toolkit: Not allowing text changes on text input field when they are disabled
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI Toolkit: Trying to move/rename nested uxml/uss files with an opened document in the Builder will prompt the invalid action dialog as it should. (UI Builder)
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Universal Windows Platform: Fixes Backspace deleting 2 characters from InputField and TextMeshPro
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Universal Windows Platform: Fixes IME composition text not displaying correctly within the focused InputField
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Universal Windows Platform: Fixes Tab key on the TouchScreenKeyboard not inserting a tab character
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Universal Windows Platform: Fixes TouchScreenKeyboard incorrectly selecting text when using the left/right arrows (1312317)
Video: Stereoscopic layout controls are missing in VideoPlayer and Skybox Panoramic shader. (1307239)
Video: VideoPlayer.frameReady does not get invoked after seeking a video to a frame (1302462)
WebGL: Fixed FMOD related error messages showing up in console when audio is played on Timeline. (1270635)
WebGL: Show warnings when an embedded VideoClip is used with WebGL builds. Use Video Player component's URL option instead. (1241263)
Windows: Fixed the built Windows Standalone player hanging after losing focus on some machines.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
XR: Check the value of maxMultiviewViewCount in VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties for better detection of Vulkan multiview support. (1308540)
XR: Fix phrase recognizer to not throw exception after multiple runs in editor. (1301363)
XR: Fixed URP Vulkan shows low perf on stress test when running development build.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
XR: Release resized XR eye textures for Vulkan. (1276514)
2D: Added: Add SetTile/s API using a TileChangeData struct to allow users to set a Tile at a position with color and transform at once instead of invoking 3 calls to do so.
2D: Added: Adds a Vector3Int constructor accepting two integers for x and y, with z set to 0.
Asset Import: Added: Added removeConstantScaleCurves in Model Importer. (1252606)
Asset Pipeline: Added: Added a method to the TextureImporter to get the source texture width and height.
Plugins: Added: New IUnityLog interface for message logging to Unity console and log in native plugins
Plugins: Added: New IUnityProfilerV2 interface with Profiler Counters API in native plugins
Search: Added: Add SearchService.ShowPicker API to pick any search item result.
Services: Changed: Updating analytics dashboard to point to new location
UI Toolkit: Added: Added visualTreeAssetSource property to VisualElement to allow identifying the VisualTreeAsset a visual tree was cloned from
UI Toolkit: Deprecated: Deprecated OnKeyDown method in ListView. Use the event system instead, see SendEvent.
XR: Added: Update XR Plug-in Management to 4.0.1
Android: Auto Graphics API does no longer include OpenGL ES 2.0, the preferred API is not Vulkan
Burst: DOTS Runtime shares the logging code path with the general case
Editor: Add a Search Field to support dependency filtering.
Editor: Asset importing & cache server related preferences are now all under "Asset Pipeline" preferences window page.
Editor: Default Parent Object will no longer be displayed for all loaded scenes at once. The scene to which the object belongs will bet set as active when using Set Default Parent Object.
Editor: Removed dependencies help box.
Graphics: Removed postprocessing package from core packages list.
Graphics: Update postprocessing package to 3.0.3
Package: Updated Code Coverage package to v1.0.0-pre.4
Package: Updated com.unity.cinemachine to 2.7.2
Package: Updated com.unity.purchasing to 3.0.0-pre.6
Particles: Ensure Force Field Components behave the same regardless of framerate.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Search: ref:<asset_path> should only search results that has a direct dependency to <asset path>
UI Toolkit: Optimized some data access for Live Reload feature.
WebGL: Eliminate the Python dependency from the Brotli compressor.
2D: Better placements of Tiles generated from Sprites whose Texture was Isometric Sliced in the Sprite Editor.
Asset Import: Improve Model Importing performance for files that contain lots of curves.
DX12: Optimize uniform setup in ray tracing shaders. Added a special case for UnityPerMaterial cbuffer.
Editor: Improved model importing performance.
Editor: Improved performance of model importer by a small amount, by multi-threading the mesh triangulation step.
Editor: Multiple objects can now be dragged to the Project Window to have multiple prefabs created at once.
Editor: Popup Menu does now trigger a GUI.changed event only if it has changed.
Editor: Removed Enable Code Coverage option from Preferences/General and moved inside the Code Coverage package
GI: Add support for rectangular area lights to Enlighten precomputed Realtime GI. Will address a HDRP 4.1 to 10.0 upgrade regression because rectangular lights were represented by a point light in 4.1 and when upgrading to 10.0 bounce from the light disappeared.
GI: Reword Enlighten bounce warning in Light inspector because HDRP supports additional light shapes.
Graphics: Added an error message when a custom render texture is using a material with an invalid or unsupported shader. (1304355)
IL2CPP: Changed il2cpp's internal buildsystem on Windows & Mac to prepare for improved player build performance.
IL2CPP: Reduce some internal metadata allocations related to array method naming.
Package: [VisualScripting] A warning is raised when adding more than one Input unit in a SuperUnit
Package: [VisualScripting] Open inspector button and double clicking a graph in the project browser now opens the visual scripting editor
Package: [VisualScripting] Warn the user when an Input System Package event is referencing an action of the wrong type for that event
Package Manager: Added new labels to package versions to clarify when a package is installed as a dependency.
Package Manager: Added support for opt-in caching of Git LFS files when downloading Git packages. Caching is enabled by setting either of the following environment variables: UPM_ENABLE_GIT_LFS_CACHE
. The latter allows overriding the default cache location.
Package Manager: Increased the amount of information logged to upm.log at various levels.
Package Manager: Optimized Git package download times, most notably for repositories with a larger history.
XR: Update AR Foundation package dependencies to XR Management 4.0
XR: Update Magicleap XR Plugin package to 6.2.2
XR: Update Oculus XR Plugin package to 1.8.1
XR: Update WindowsMR to version 5.2.1
Graphics: Enabled Virtual Texturing for PS5
macOS: Added support to link RE2 with the Apple Silicon Editor
Search: Added search expression language to evaluate multiple search queries and apply set operations, transformation or other user defined operation.
XR: Release OpenXR 1.0.0-pre.1