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Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)
Asset Bundles: Textures are not compressed when building bundles (1412557)
Asset Bundles: Spaces and symbols of the Project name are changed to hyphens causing "Invalid characters" warning in the Bundle Identifier (1412412)
Editor: Tooltips are not shown when hovering over name of the value in the Inspector (1415921)
Dedicated Server: Data from mesh colliders are stripped in dedicated server builds (1399961)
DirectX11: Crash on GfxDeviceD3D11Base::ResolveDepthIntoTexture when opening the project (1408785)
Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)
Mono: [Android] "Found plugins with same names" error is thrown when building on Android with duplicate .dll files (1373388)
Scene/Game View: Camera resolution is set to default when opening the Editor (1378321)
Serialization: Editor crash when deserializing an array of a type with a nested fixed-size buffer field (1400774)
Shader System: Editor crashes in Play mode when Groupshared memory and a constant buffer value is used in a compute shader on OpenGLES3 (1413012)
Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)
uGUI: Prefab is glitchy while editing in Prefab Mode when parent Canvas Render Mode is set to Screen Space - Camera (1394756)
Vulkan: [HDRP] [Vulkan] Crash on vk::DataBuffer::CreateResource on opening Shader Graph Sample Project with Vulkan API (1225488)
WebGL: WebGL Input System interactions are delayed or played preemptively when the project is built (1405517)
Changeset: 6eacc8284459