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Android: Editor is unable to find JAVA when building an application (UUM-2106)
Asset - Database: Texture size increased on first build when 'Compress Textures/Assets on Import' is enabled (1397965)
Asset Bundles: Textures are not compressed when building bundles (1412557)
Graphics Device Features: Random-write to UAV texture from shadowcaster shader causes GPU hang when filtering Scene Hierarchy objects (1417589)
HD RP: [HDRP][DXR] Temporal denoising is broken up to 2021.3 in punctuals raytraced shadows (UUM-2140)
IL2CPP: [Android] Build fails when building an exported project with Script Debugging enabled (1373278)
IMGUI: Impossible to change the Gradient's location value in the Visual Effects Graph when using the keyboard (1420954)
Inspector Framework: First array element expansion is broken for arrays that use Custom Property Drawers (1409773)
Kernel: Unity crashes on StackWalker::GetCurrentCallstack when rest-certificate.pem is corrupted (1423569)
Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)
Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)
Mono: Editor crashes intermittently on mono_object_isinst when closing it in batch mode or when building (1418292)
Package: Empty "StreamingAssets" folder gets created after building an empty project (1423325)
Physics: Crash on internalABP::ABP_PairManager::addPair when switching to ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint during runtime (1418715)
Quality of Life: [Mac] ShortcutManager ignores Shift modifier (1424655)
Shader System: Editor crashes in Play mode when Groupshared memory and a constant buffer value is used in a compute shader on OpenGLES3 (1413012)
Android: Added the AssetBundle extension to the list of exceptions for gradle compression of StreamingAssets. (1405245)
Documentation: Added code snippet for Physics.ContactModifyEvent.
Services: Opting out of analytics within the editor is now available to all customers and will sync the settings with the Unity backend.
2D: Fixed case where Lighting is incorrect when Sprite Atlas uses secondary Texture Normal Maps in Linear Color Space. (1378322)
2D: Fixed Tile Palette window incorrectly preventing selection in Scene View when Tilemap Tools are inactive. (1365564)
Android: Fixed an issue to allow 2 segment package names. (1425979)
Android: Fixed app-freezing when an application changes into multi-window(split-screen) on Chrome OS tablet mode. (1361131)
Android: Fixed Screen.resolutions to return all supported refresh rates, not only 60Hz. (1426366)
Animation: Fixed an issue where the parameter preview of the animator did not work anymore. (1388833)
Editor: Sped up drag & drop in the Project view on large projects. (1314065)
GI: Strip shader variants with DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED keyword enabled when both LIGHTMAP_ON and DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON are disabled when building the player. Directional lightmap logic is always enclosed in the more general baked or dynamic lightmap blocks. (1307896)
Graphics: Fixed a crash when calling Graphics.RenderMesh for a Mesh that was destroyed. (1404273)
Graphics: Fixed flickering of particle system when using Vulkan. (1417289)
IL2CPP: Fixed a crash during liveness processing when asynchronous delegate invocation is used. (1417730)
IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where calls to GetHashCode on value types with no instance fields would not return a stable value. (1411455)
IL2CPP: Fixed builds failures when doing .NET Framework API builds and referencing types in System.Drawing. (1413051)
IL2CPP: Fixed code generation for Enum.HasFlag when its second argument is a System.Enum type. (1420369)
IL2CPP: Fixed function pointer bugs with integer casting and signature comparisons. (1391567)
IL2CPP: Fixed invalid C++ code for unmanged function pointer call in shared generic code. (1417082)
IMGUI: Removed hard-coded color space of the gradient picker. (1383095)
Input: Fixed keyboard not working on iOS 15. (1376970)
Kernel: Fixed VirtualFileSystem tests failing in the case of short paths being returned. (1402346)
Linux: Fixed a crash at the launch on systems that does not support Vulkan and OpenGL3.2. (1372651)
Linux: Fixed input system package drop down is a blank square issue. (1391850)
macOS: Enabled the Build and Run button for Apple Silicon builds in the Silicon Editor. (1415688)
Mono: Fixed a bug where the SmtpClient would ignore the ServicePointManager's SecurityProtocol level. (1389326)
Mono: Fixed a crash when de-serializing managed objects that have changed field types. (1378713)
Mono: Fixed a rare incremental GC crash on Windows. (1411601)
Mono: Fixed an incorrect exception being thrown via Process.Start when windows path contains '. (1387637)
Mono: Fixed an issue where callstacks would not be reported on OSX. (1411374)
Mono: Fixed default interface method crash when using mismatched generic arguments. (1394314)
Mono: Fixed PlatformNotSupportedException when calling System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Protect. (1397970)
Mono: Implemented ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList which was introduced in .Net Standard 2.1. (1396842)
Mono: Improved error handling to throw a MarshalDirectiveException when marshaling generic instances as return types from pinvoke callbacks. (1390445)
Mono: Removed handling SIGINT when Mono is embedded in Unity and the Player. (1376434)
Physics 2D: Fixed an issue in the CustomCollider2D where a shapes bounds were not updating when replacing existing shapes with different vertices only. This resulted in an incorrect collision detection for that shape. (1425289)
Scene/Game View: Fixed possible argument exception when using Scene Visibility API. (1288443)
Scripting: Fixed a case where the type of generic fields inside generic classes would fail to get resolved when building the project. (1415422)
Scripting: Fixed filtering of assemblies by platform constraints not working and by defines. (1373388)
Serialization: Fixed a crash when deserializing a Prefab instance containing a resize on an array containing a nested type with a Fixed Buffer. (1400774)
Shaders: Fixed a crash when warming up a shader variant collection that had a shader with UsePass. (1407692)
Shaders: Fixed include dependencies being reported incorrectly when guarded by defines that depend on keywords. (1401580)
Shaders: Fixed redundant shader variant recompilation after Editor relaunch. (1425799)
Shaders: Fixed ShaderKeywordSet.Disable not disabling keywords. (1417644)
uGUI: Fixed RectMask2D using the wrong Canvas for calculations after it was reparented. (1395695)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the preview texture of linear gradients in gamma projects. (1369425)
Universal: Fixed an issue that preview cameras no longer spam errors on the first frame of rendering. (1393818)
URP: Fixed an issue of Renderer2D using the incorrect render path when lights are out of the scene view. (1400566)
URP: Fixed errors when using Native RenderPass and Render Objects feature after Post Processing.
URP: Fixed smooth material lighting banding issues on mobile platforms. (1375791)
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that in Output Particle
blocks, shader graph exposed properties order is now consistent with shader graph blackboard.
Video: Fixed an issue that Video's Alpha not transparent when built with WebGL. (1397499)
WebGL: Fixed WebGL build in the Linux editor to include default resources. (1411380)
XR: Fixed Unity VR Splash screen not showing up on UWP.
Packages added
Pre-release packages added
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