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AI Navigation Core: NavMesh::Raycast freezes the whole editor in an infinite loop on Application.UpdateScene (UUM-2496)
AI Navigation Core: Trigger volumes are included in nav mesh generation for NavMeshSurface when geometry is set to Physics Colliders (UUM-10109)
Android: Crash when accessing transform component after calling Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() (UUM-11111)
Customer QA Onboarding: [M1] Crash on System.Object:__icall_wrapper_ves_icall_array_new_specific when launching a project (UUM-3207)
Linux: [Backport] [Linux] Editor crashes at "GfxDeviceGLES::DrawBuffersBatchMode" when entering Play Mode in the LEGO tutorial (UUM-971)
MacOS: [Mac] Editor performance drops on macOS when clicking and dragging on Position, Rotation and Scale values in Transform component (UUM-7457)
Mono: Crash with ScanAssemblyForAttributesAndInterfaceImplementations when opening a project (1376858)
Scene Management: Scene causes Editor crash when specific Lighting Data Asset is used (UUM-9319)
uGUI: Broken mouse pointer input coordinates in GraphicRaycaster for certain window sizes in Build when run in windowed mode (UUM-7893)
Player: Improved performance when loading scenes with a high number of light probes. (UUM-7568)
UI: The TextureImporterInspector will now disable the "sRGB (Color Texture)" toggle for HDR targets instead of silently overriding. (reflected in API docs) (UUM-7553)
IAP: # Changelog
## [4.3.0] - 2022-06-16
### Added
called when Unity IAP fails to query product details. The Action
will be called on each query product details failure with the retry count. See documentation "Store Guides" > "Google Play" for a sample usage.URP: Updated Burst dependency to 1.7.3.
2D: Fix asset previews for Tilemap Prefabs by not stripping away the Grid Component when generating the asset preview. (UUM-2503)
Android: Fix crash with Vulkan when putting app into background during startup. (UUM-915)
Android: Fix overflow of MotionEvent global references. (UUM-8438)
Android: Fixed building exported Unity project in Android Studio. (UUM-520)
Asset Pipeline: Asset Pipeline: Increasing the default import worker connect timeout, to avoid import worker client processes shutting down unnecessarily, when working with larger projects. (UUM-2502)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed intermittent Accelerator disconnection caused by interrupt signals raised by Mono. (UUM-3655)
Build Pipeline: Fix crash when using -standaloneBuilSubtarget option. (1354140)
Editor: Fixed custom editor GUI support for the BuiltIn ShaderGraph Target. (1380485)
Editor: Fixed performance issue for looping small clip with root motion extraction. (UUM-6515)
Editor: Fixing a bug where changing the selection with a locked inspector and an active EditorToolContext was throwing errors. (UUM-5836)
Editor: Replace Premium Expert Help link in Editor Help Menu with a link to Unity Learn. (UUM-8297)
Editor: [SpeedTree] Fixed an exception when the user backs off form the 'Search and Remap' dialog in the SpeedTree Material Editor.
Graphics: Fixed AssetPreviews + texture preview window for ASTCnm/Plain normal maps. (UUM-7833)
Graphics: Fixed numerous cases where mini-thumbnails would not match the expected visual look when using linear project color space. (UUM-7833)
Graphics: Fixed Single Channel Red mini-thumbnails not actually being red-only. (UUM-7833)
Graphics: Fixed undefined behaviour occurring with AssetPreview for Single Channel Alpha texture types. (UUM-7833)
Graphics: Graphics: 2D Textures with multiple faces or images now correctly update their hash values when any face/image is changed and not just the first one. (UUM-2506)
Graphics: The generated mini-thumbnail of TextureGenerationOutput will now properly set its expected stored color space. (UUM-7833)
iOS: Fixed forcing jobified metal rendering. (UUM-7195)
Scripting: Fixed issues with operation on invalid gc handles. As part of this 2 new asserts are introduced that are triggered when invalid gc handle operations are detected. The operations are skipped when detected to avoid scripting domain / memory corruption. (UUM-906)
Scripting: Improved diagnostic message and do not enter in safe-mode on some unsupported ApiUpdater scenarios involving .asmref adding code into .asmdef. (UUM-3564)
Shaders: Fixed a surface shader error when multiple uv sets were being used on the same texture. (UUM-929)
UI Toolkit: Fixed broken highlight when hovering selectors with Runtime theme which references an invalid path. (UI Builder) (UUM-937)
UI Toolkit: Fixed wrong focus grabbing when refreshing BaseVerticalCollectionView. (UUM-5440)
UI Toolkit: Fixes focus in the list view when navigating with arrow keys or scrolling. (UUM-5443)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed a crash when entering a composition string longer than 64 characters into the IME. (UUM-928)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Build & Run picking the wrong instance of Visual Studio which potentially doesn't have required components installed to deploy the application. (UUM-931)
WebGL: Fixed bug where the rendering canvas wasn't resizing when changing orientation. (UUM-1135)
WebGL: Fixed connection between the WebGL player and the profiler. (UUM-798)
WebGL: Fixed player connection used when running PlayMode tests on WebGL. (UUM-1170)
Windows: Fixes topmost region of Popup windows not receiving mouse messages. (UUM-5783)
Changeset: b30333d56e81