Released: 14. October 2021
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Asset Bundles: Building process of the AssetBundles is slow when the file count is huge (1358059)
Asset Importers: Instantiated FBX through code throws error after leaving Play Mode (1363573)
Audio: Loud clicking sound starts playing when selecting more than one audio clip in Project window (1049785)
Bugreporter: Bug reporter upload of report fails consistently with non actionable error message (1358568)
Customer QA Onboarding: Game Object after Collisions goes through another Game object with a collider (1370706)
Customer QA Onboarding: [General] Prefab mismatch error causes data loss in nested prefabs (1361986)
Editor: Fixed jumping scroll-bar when working with arrays
Fixed in 2022.1.0a13.
Editor: Saving a C# script in Visual Studio or Rider on Windows was sometimes popping up the editor progress dialog in front of the IDE.
Fixed in 2022.1.0a13.
Global Illumination: [CPU PLM] Major performance regression introduced in 2022.1.0a5 (1369204)
Global Illumination: [GPU PLM] Fallback to CPU PLM in CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT after switching light color only and rebaking GI (1356714)
Global Illumination: [LightProbes] Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled (1052045)
HD RP: HDRP Template fills the Console with "Shader error...couldn't open include file" messages after building the project (1342989)
HDRP: Fixed corruption in player with lightmap uv when Optimize Mesh Data is enabled.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Fixed in 2022.1.0a13.
Hub: [HUB] Android tools are not expanded by default in the "Add Modules" window (1310236)
MacOS: MacOS editor fails to load platform editor extensions (1322945)
Metal: Game View glitches with Apple Silicon Editor (1368374)
Metal: [OSX][Metal] Editor randomly crashes in MetalWindow::EndRendering when Player Settings window is repainted/opened (1371276)
Profiling: Profiler's timeline view loses context frames when frames go out of Frame Count bounds (1367470)
Scene Management: Redoing Apply nestee prefab crashes Editor (1348899)
Scene/Game View: Editor freezes when selecting GameObjects in a Scene that contains a lot of GameObjects and has gizmos enabled (1350835)
Scripting: Increased Script Assembly reload time (1323490)
Scripting: Unity does not execute code weavers when the project is opened for the first time (1350116)
Shadergraph: Fixed unhandled exception when loading a subgraph with duplicate slots.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Fixed in 2022.1.0a13.
Templates: Crash when quickly duplicating prefab with Behaviour Brick attached and undoing duplicate in LEGO Microgame (1362660)
Terrain: Fixed memory leak when painting with terrain tools.
Fixed in 2022.1.0a13.
uGUI: Poor performance when loading or unloading a large Scene (1360901)
UI Builder: Changes in UI Builder are lost when editing a 2D sprite (1357086)
UI Toolkit: Fixed issue where stylesheets added to a UIBuilder document were not cleared after created a new document.
Fixed in 2022.1.0a13.
WebGL: Profiler does not autoconnect on WebGL builds (1360399)
WebGL: WebGL fails building on Windows 7 (1340260)
Windows: Old input system misses some mouse movement if the new input system is also enabled (1368808)
2D: Added Sortpoint for SpriteShapeRenderer that determines the position for sorting.
Animation: Added DiscreteEvaluation attribute that allows allows a property to be evaluated as a discrete value during animation playback where the values in between key frames will not be interpolated nor will the value be blended between clips.
Editor: Device Simulator now allows switching between different screens for devices with multiple screens.
Mono: Enabled Brotli compression for Windows with the Mono runtime.
Version Control: Added horizontal scroll bar to Changesets list for easier viewing
Added auto-login for SSO credentials handler
Added metrics for changeset tab usage
Added metrics for checkin actions
Added new Undo icon
Added missing API documentation
Added ability to modify assets without checkout
Added ability to allow empty checkin messages
Added empty checking message localization
Added Plastic toolbar button to Unity editor
Added notification icon for incoming changes to Plastic toolbar button.
Version Control: Workspace migration from Collab to Plastic which can be done with or without Plastic installed
Added notification status icons
Added light and dark mode versions of avatar icon.
Android: Native Input Backend will send less Move Events to the input system package. It will ignore Move Events which position didn't change from previous event. This should improve performance when touching screen with multiple fingers.
Build Pipeline: iOS and tvOS now use the new incremental build pipeline.
Editor: Improved performance of scrolling the scene hierarchy with large numbers of game objects when some objects are hidden or unpickable.
Editor: Optimized Inspector.InitOrRebuild - shaves several seconds when working with large selections in large scene.
Editor: Optimized SavePrefab_Internal, cutting time in this code for a large prefab from 20 seconds to 20 milliseconds.
Editor: Optimized StripPrefabObjectsWhichAreNotUsed, representing up to a 28% speedup for large scenes.
Editor: Updated the Unity logo in anticipation of the brand identity refresh scheduled for October 5th.
GI: Bake performance section shows "Infinity mrays/sec" when baking the first lightmap on macOS.
GI: Multiple Importance Sampling naming was misleading.
GI: UI change consolidating min bounces and max bounces into single row.
Graphics: Improved error messages in the Console Window when building a RayTracingAccelerationStructure and using invalid Mesh data.
IL2CPP: Improved the performance of invoking delegates.
IL2CPP: Switch IL2CPP densehash map and set to sparsehash map and set for lower runtime memory usage.
Networking: Player loop callback was optimized for server builds.
Scripting: Added GameObject link to Warning message: "SendMessage cannot be called during Awake, CheckConsistency, or OnValidate.".
Scripting: Improved AssemblyUpdater to not try to connect to VCS unless there assemblies under VCS that needs updating.
Scripting: Rename ".NET Standard" to ".NET Standard 2.1" in the Api Compatibility Level options to be more precise.
Serialization: Added more reference documentation and examples for SerializedObject and SerializedProperty.
Serialization: Improved performance of StreamedBinaryWrite in specific scenarios.
Shaders: Some GLSL reserved words are now usable in shaders. (937467)
UI Toolkit: Removed unnecessary calls to HandleEvent when no associated callbacks are present for the corresponding event.
VFX Graph: Improved the following issues with the Bounds recording in the VFX Graph
Graphics: Added: A field to the CullingParameters structure to allow for adjustment to the near clipping plane for shadow clipping - this is independent of the rendering camera near clipping plane.
Graphics: Added: Added AMD FidelityFX shaders which were originally in HDRP.
Graphics: Added: Added new RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances Scripting API for populating acceleration structures.
Graphics: Added: New IVolumeDebugSettings interface and VolumeDebugSettings<T> class that stores the information for the Volumes Debug Panel.
Particles: Added: Added ParticleSystem.totalTime API, to return the playback time plus any start delay.
Physics: Added: Expose linear and angular velocity of both of the bodies in a contact modification pair (see ModifiableContactPair.bodyLinearVelocity for example).
Physics: Added: Exposed the forces applied to the articulation body by the articulation drives.
Physics: Added: Rigidbody.Move method for moving and rotating a kinematic Rigidbody at the same time.
Serialization: Added: Added SerializedProperty.gradientValue to the public API.
Serialization: Added: SerializedProperty.numericType that exposes the precise type of a numeric property (for example float versus double).
Serialization: Added: UintValue and ulongValue to SerializedProperty API.
Shadergraph: Added: Added control of anisotropic settings on inline Sampler state nodes in ShaderGraph.
Shaders: Added: It is now possible to query tags on each subshader and pass. (1363534)
URP: Added: Terrain grass shader alpha changed to always write 1 to alpha. Enabled alpha channel write mask.
Graph Tool Foundation: Graph Tools Foundation edges drawing was changed from Bezier curves to Z-lines.
HDRP: Fixed minor readability issues in the ray tracing code.
HDRP: Improved sampling of overlapping point/area lights in path-traced volumetric scattering. (1358777)
HDRP: Improved the DynamicArray class by adding several utility APIs.
HDRP: Moved AMD FidelityFX shaders to core.
HDRP: Path-traced volumetric scattering now takes fog color into account, adding scattered contribution on top of the non-scattered result (case 1346105, 1358783). (1346105, 1358783)
HDRP: Surface ReflectionTypeLoadExceptions in HDUtils.GetRenderPipelineMaterialList(). Without surfacing these exceptions, developers cannot act on any underlying reflection errors in the HDRP assembly.
Package: Released Localization package 1.0.3.
Package: Updated Addressables to 1.19.6.
Package: Updated Sequences to 1.0.3.
URP: Removed experimental tile deferred code.
URP: VFX: New shadergraph support directly on Universal target.
Version Control: Migration tests
Improved usage analytics around Editor and Plugin version
Workspace Migration Adjustments.
Version Control: Removed the unneeded refresh button from History Tab
Moved search bar to the top right global icon section in all tabs
Updated capitalization of options in the Settings context menu
Updated tab button styling to be consistent with Unity Editor conventions
Status bar visible across all tabs
Moved refresh button to the toolbar at the top right corner of the window
Moved changesets time period selector to the right corner of the window
Removed "Changes of changeset" header on the Changesets tab
Moved number of selected items next to "Item" metadata title on the Pending Changes tab
Improved refresh icon resolution
Changed changesets detail to appear in vertical column
Reduced default number of columns in changesets tab
The number of changesets is no longer displayed in changesets tab
Changed Launch branch explorer into an icon with tooltip
Removed the hide changes button in changesets tab
Moved incoming change prompt and button into a status bar
Changed "Launch Plastic" to "Launch Plastic SCM" in options menu
Wording change for plastic installation
Updated file status icons.
2D: Fixed Tile Palette window incorrectly preventing selection in Scene View when Tilemap Tools are inactive. (1365564)
AI: Fixed crash caused by the Navigation system on editor shutdown. (1367374)
Android: Fixed a bug related to using a touchpad with Unity UI scroll rects. Touchpad scrolling is much more sensitive now on Android and Chrome OS. (1364582)
Android: Resource.Load now works when running universal.apk created from AAB which was built with Split Application Binary option enabled. Note: In universal.apk, Bundletool includes only install-time delivered asset packs, so resource loading can still fail if Unity creates fast-follow delivered core data asset pack. (1363907)
Animation: Fixed an issue where large int would lose precision in the animation clip. (1278866)
Asset Import: Fixed for Failing Importer Performance Tests on Linux. (1364226)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed exception that Rider would catch when Disposing instances of the ArtifactInfo class. (1359723)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed issue with asset reference getting lost, if asset is modified and domain reload is done in the same refresh.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Asset Pipeline: Fixed issue with missing domain reload when entering play mode and LockReloadAssemblies is set.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Documentation: Fixed incorrect measurement units for ArticulationDrive.forceLimit.
DX12: Fixed crash copying block compressed textures. (1360034)
Editor: Added information entry when player data is rebuilt with Development checkbox off, the message will be 'Rebuilding Data files because BuildOptions.Development is not set.'. (1364982)
Editor: Ensure no SearchReportWindow are created when using old OverlayPresets.asset. (1368837)
Editor: Fixed a performance issue with Prefab object selection.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed assert throwing when instantiating a new scene from a modal window. (1355520)
Editor: Fixed crash when calling GUIClip.SetMatrix early in the domain reload. (1332043)
Editor: Fixed GUIClip errors are shown after deleting all objects from multiple loaded Scenes in the Hierarchy. (1363623)
Editor: Fixed how the drop sequence is handled in Sceneview to allow dropping of material on a model.
First seen in 2022.1.0a10.
Editor: Fixed launching a Linux standalone player whose folder is in $PATH. (1339398)
Editor: Fixed plugin path detection to be case insensitive.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Fixed Project Browser ping effect is misaligned in grid view. (1367601)
Editor: Fixed that selecting "Name" or "Type" in Hierarchy search bar dropdown does not change the search filter.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Editor: Properly restore Settings Window splitter position when domain reload happens. (1359479)
Editor: SerializedProperty.tooltip now contains Tooltip attribute values when available. (1359356)
GI: Environment lighting should no longer be affected by the Cast Shadows flag on the Mesh Renderer. (1348581)
GI: Exposed API for environmentMIS property in LightingSettings. (1338804)
GI: Fixed an issue to prevent the GPULM from falling back to CPULM when toggling lights during a bake. (1343313)
GI: Fixed issue with GPU Lightmapper falling back to CPU Lightmapper upon a rebake. (1356714)
GI: Fixed missing indirect lighting when using Enlighten Realtime GI in HDRP Player.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
GI: Normalized normals in the meshes is now passed to the progressive lightmappers. (1356670)
Graphics: Attempting to draw with disposed argument buffer with DrawProceduralNow functions now issues an error to the log instead of a crash. (1356448)
Graphics: Fixed a case where resource fence was decreased instead of increased. (1359177)
Graphics: Fixed a crash when calling GetSize() on a RayTracingAccelerationStructure before calling the initial Build() on it.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Graphics: Fixed black pixel issue in AMD FidelityFX RCAS implementation.
Graphics: Fixed incorrect compression of 8k ETC textures using the Crunch compressor. (1346908)
Graphics: Fixed issue with resolution change when using renderFrameInterval. (1355972)
Graphics: Fixed race condition deadlock when loading textures synchronously.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Graphics: Fixed read/write access on NativeArray after an AsyncGPUReadback request is fulfilled. (1295472)
Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture with randomWrite (UAV) that has dynamic resolution enabled with Vulkan. (1366269)
Graphics: Fixed the Mac Standalone Player memory leak that came with the change to presenting with CVDisplayLink.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Graphics: Fixed to RenderTexture.format not returning correct values in the case of RenderTextureFormat.Depth and RenderTextureFormat.Shadow.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when creating a 3D RenderTexture with mip maps. (1367999)
Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when using dynamic resolution with Vulkan on some drivers. (1367535)
Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when using texelFetch with images that don't support linear filtering. (1367541)
Graphics: Frames were being unnecessarily dropped before presenting on Metal OSX when using CVDisplayLink; this is now fixed.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Graphics: Inspector repaint lag was due to repainting being delayed to when the display calls for frames - this was changed back to painting immediately for the first couple of frames on resize.
First seen in 2022.1.0a7.
Graphics: Reset asset now works on RenderTexture and CustomRenderTexture assets. (1285064)
Graphics: Workaround for immediate vertices getting split up. (1353549)
HDRP: Fixed a null ref exception when no opaque objects are rendered.
HDRP: Fixed a regression that broke punctual and directional raytraced shadows temporal denoiser.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
HDRP: Fixed a warning when enabling tile/cluster debug.
HDRP: Fixed artifacts in volumetric cloud shadows.
HDRP: Fixed diffusion profile being reset to default on SpeedTree8 materials with subsurface scattering enabled during import.
HDRP: Fixed disabled menu item for volume additional properties.
HDRP: Fixed Dof, would sometimes get corrupted when DLSS was on caused by TAA logic accidentally being on for DOF.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
HDRP: Fixed double camera preview.
HDRP: Fixed double contribution from the clear coat when having SSR or RTR on the Lit and StackLit shaders.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
HDRP: Fixed EmissiveLighting Debug Light mode not managing correctly emissive for unlit.
HDRP: Fixed error when disabling opaque objects on a camera with MSAA.
HDRP: Fixed issue with depth slope scale depth bias when a material uses depth offset.
HDRP: Fixed issue with fading in SSR applying fade factor twice, resulting in darkening of the image in the transition areas.
HDRP: Fixed lens flare occlusion issues with transparent depth. It had the wrong depth bound.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
HDRP: Fixed memory leak with XR combined occlusion meshes.
HDRP: Fixed missing context menu for 'Post Anti-Aliasing' in Camera.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
HDRP: Fixed path traced subsurface scattering for transmissive surfaces.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
HDRP: Fixed Realtime lightmap not working correctly in player with various lit shader.
HDRP: Fixed recursive rendering transmittance over the sky.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
HDRP: Fixed regression in the ambient probe intensity for volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Fixed regression in the clouds presets.
HDRP: Fixed remove of the Additional Camera Data when removing the Camera Component.
HDRP: Fixed remove of the Additional Light Data when removing the Light Component.
HDRP: Fixed Shader advanced options for lit shaders.
HDRP: Fixed shadow sampling artifact when using the spot light shadow option 'custom spot angle'.
HDRP: Fixed shadowmask editable when not supported.
HDRP: Fixed sorting for mesh decals.
HDRP: Fixed specular anti aliasing for layeredlit shader.
HDRP: Fixed support of directional light coloring from physical sky in path tracing.
HDRP: Fixed texture fields for volume parameters accepting textures with wrong dimensions.
HDRP: Fixed the emissive being overriden by ray traced sub-surface scattering.
HDRP: Fixed the missing parameter to control the sun light dimmer.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
HDRP: Fixed the performance of the volumetric clouds in non-local mode when large occluders are on screen.
HDRP: Fixed the sun leaking from behind fully opaque clouds.
HDRP: Fixed the volumetric clouds cloud map not being centered over the world origin.
HDRP: Fixed the way we are handling emissive for SSGI/RTGI/Mixed and APV and remove ForceForwardEmissive code.
HDRP: Fixed unexpectedly strong contribution from directional lights in path-traced volumetric scattering.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Added missing facade dlls (System.Memory System.Buffers...) to the Unity 4.8 reference profile. (1367105)
IL2CPP: Allow the debugger to grow the frame capacity on-demand.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Corrected BinaryFormatter serialization of a type with a field of type nullable struct where the struct has fields of type float and bool.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed "Unexpected generic parameter." exception when a generic method had a function pointer parameter.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed a potential crash in the GC code when the mark stack overflows while script debugging is enabled if many threads are created.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed an intermittent crash from happening during thread detach when many threads are calling reverse p/invoke wrappers at the same time.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed conversion error that can occur with generic types that have a static constructor.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed conversion issues on methods with ref readonly return values.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed conversion issues on methods with ref readonly return values.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed conversion issues on methods with ref readonly return values.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed crash in player when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled. (1365032)
IL2CPP: Fixed FileSystemWatcher support.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Fixed parsing of --custom-step command line argument to UnityLinker. (1351726)
IL2CPP: Hash parameter info and generic arguments to avoid long method names that lead to compiler errors.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: Prevent a crash in the player when deeply nested generics are used to create a value type object. The runtime will now cause a managed exception instead.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
IL2CPP: UnityLinker will now respect --unity-root-strategy if defined on the command line.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Installer: Removed unnecessary data from templates installed by the editor installer, making Unity installs smaller by over 800MB.
Kernel: Fixed an issue where Boot.config was not written when there was no data in the file.
Linux: Fixed main menu disappearing after certain layout change events.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Linux: Fixed undocking editor windows from causing the entire main window to scroll on Linux. (1359135)
Linux: Fixed versioned Linux libraries are ignored by the Editor when they are imported. (1345105)
Linux: Unity splash screen now responds to resize events. (1360542)
macOS: Dock is no longer ignored when exiting fullscreen and moving the window.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
macOS: Fixed inverted Y position of mouse cursor using New Input's Warp mouse.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
macOS: Fixed Unity shader compiler crashing on macOS Monterey when using Apple silicon editor.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
macOS: Fixed Xbox wireless gamepad triggers and DPAD not working in Old Input.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Mono: Added missing facade dlls for Unity profiles. (1367105)
Mono: Fixed FileSystemWatcher support on IL2CPP.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Mono: Fixed issue where not all gc handles were being released on domain unload.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Mono: Fixed issue where the timeout of a HttpClient handler was not being used for requests. (1365107)
Mono: Reenabled COM in classlibs for win32 unityjit and unityaot profiles.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Mono: Removed System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll from unity profiles.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Package Manager: Fixed issue where Package Manager GIT URL entry does not strip leading/trailing spaces. (1322420)
Package Manager: Fixed issue where Package Manager UI goes all black for a brief moment after an UPM resolve operation,. (1365389)
Package Manager: Fixed the issue where sync code is not unregistered when the Package Manager window is closed.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Particles: Fixed particle face-culling when rendering into Cubemaps. (1340494)
Particles: Fixed stuttering slow-motion preview when using Custom Data.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Physics: Fixed an issue where modifying the "Rigidbody2D.position" doesn't temporarily stop interpolation when called during the FixedUpdate callback.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Physics: Fixed Hinge Joint ignoring break force and break torque after using useSpring or useMotor. (1364352)
Physics: Fixed Hinge Joints not breaking after calling useSpring or useMotor on the Joint. (1361452)
Prefabs: Fixed Rect tool is enabled for root Prefab in Context mode. Now it behaves similar to the other Transform tools. (1367665)
Prefabs: Fixed Revert option is not available when right-clicking on the component's 'Enable' checkmark. (1364181)
Prefabs: Fixed undo across Prefab Mode : Child GameObject turned into a prefab on completely unpacking the root prefab. (1150192)
Profiler: Custom Profiler counters using a custom category or a category of Audio or Video now display correctly in the chart view. (1365365)
Profiler: Fixed Mesh buffers debug markup availability on vulkan.
Scene/Game View: Fixed input field expanding to fit more digits and creating overflow in the snapping overlays. (1361083)
Scene/Game View: Improved performance when opening Scene View
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Scripting: Fixed issue where precompiled DLL with define constraints was not being included in a build when passing extra define constraints. (1330363)
Serialization: Fixed SerializeReference object missing in certain situation.
Shadergraph: Added more inputs to the Parallax Occlusion Mapping node to handle non-uniformly scaled UVs such as HDRP/Lit POM.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Shadergraph: Fixed an incorrect direction transform from view to world space.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where ShaderGraph 'view shader' commands were opening in individual windows, and blocking Unity from closing.
Shadergraph: Fixed bug where it was not possible to switch to Graph Settings tab in Inspector if multiple nodes and an edge was selected.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Shadergraph: Fixed noise nodes to use a deterministic integer hash, instead of platform dependent floating point hashes. (1156544)
Shadergraph: Fixed ShaderGraph HDRP master preview disappearing for a few seconds when graph is modified.
Shadergraph: Fixed the appearance (wrong text color, and not wrapped) of a warning in Node Settings.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Shadergraph: Fixed the node searcher results to prefer names over synonyms.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Shadergraph: Fixed the ordering of inputs on a SubGraph node to match the properties on the blackboard of the subgraph itself.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
Shadergraph: Fixed the wrong scaling of the main preview window. (1356719)
Shadergraph: Improved screenspace position accuracy in the fragment shader by using VPOS. (1352662)
Terrain: User can no longer create brushes so huge that the editor emits an error about not being able to create a RenderTexture that large. (1321932)
Timeline: Fixed crash regression when using an AudioPlayableOutput with no associated AudioSource in a timeline, and then pausing the AudioListener.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
uGUI: Fixed the canvas size not having the correct values when reopening the project. (1342677)
UI Toolkit: Added more asset conversion types to the Package Asset Converter tool. (1366279)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where externally editing a UI document would open the UI Builder window. (1365403)
UI Toolkit: Fixed element under pointer not updated when pointer position varies very slowly (subpixel amounts on each update). (1356041)
UI Toolkit: Fixed hover state not updated properly on Button when using touch-based pointer events to activate it. (1353921)
UI Toolkit: Fixed issue where the UI Builder would not suggest variables defined in a uss attached to a theme. (1369386)
UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit events not working after script recompilation during Play mode when using the EventSystem component as the source of events. (1324337)
UI Toolkit: Fixed VisualElement doesn't render instantly after setting display property to flex through C#.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
UI Toolkit: VisualElement's editor data bindings can not bind SerializedProperty of type "ulong" to "long" fields. (1303154)
URP: Added 'Conservative Enclosing Sphere' setting to fix shadow frustum culling issue where shadows are erroneously culled in corners of cascades. (1153151)
URP: Added warning for lit shader detailed abledo, if texture is not linear. (1342011)
URP: Fixed a bug with Sprite Targets in ShaderGraph not rendering correctly in game view.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
URP: Fixed an issue in where the current open scene didn't load after running the converters. (1365101)
URP: Fixed lit detail correctly upgraded from standard shader. (1323725)
URP: Fixed memory leak with XR combined occlusion meshes.
URP: URP asset can now use multi-edit.
First seen in 2022.1.0a8.
Version Control: Fixed a bug where the Texture2D error would pop up after downloading a project
Fixed a bug when context menu would sometimes disappear
Fixed small textbox on checkin dialog when launched from context menu
Fixed a workspace NullReferenceException bug
Fixed notification icon not showing on Plastic window
Fixed auto login errors not showing up for users
Fixed unexpected error message after user switched workspace to a label.
Version Control: Renamed the CoreServices namespace so it doesn't conflict
Fixed some situations where the history window would be blank
Fixed missing Enterprise login link
Fixed low resolution icons in light theme.
VFX Graph: Added a missing paste option in the context menu for VFX contexts. Also the paste options is now disabled when uneffective.
VFX Graph: Fixed a compile issue when using new SG integration and SampleTexture/SampleMesh.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
VFX Graph: Fixed a vector truncation error in HDRP Decal template.
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with Eye dropper in the color fields updating after pressing the Esc key.
VFX Graph: Fixed an unexpected compilation error while modifying ShaderGraph exposed properties.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
VFX Graph: Fixed out of sync serialization of VFX assets that could cause the asset to be dirtied for no reason.
VFX Graph: Fixed potential infinite compilation when using subgraphs.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
VFX Graph: Fixed undetermitism in space with LocalToWorld and WorldToLocal operators.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
VFX Graph: Prevent VFX Graph compilation each time a property's min/max value is changed.
VFX Graph: Prevent VFX re-compilation in some cases when a value has not changed.
Video: Fixed importing unsupported video frame size crashing the Editor. (1340340)
WebGL: Fixed a regression that prevented users from building .jspre plugins in Release mode. (1369085)
WebGL: Fixed a regression with building WebGL on Windows 7. (1340260)
WebGL: Fixed clearing of user template variables when template is switched. (1328657)
WebGL: Fixed for URP being washed out when Size Code Optimization is used in the Build Settings. (1309878)
WebGL: Fixed iOS touch events crashing UI Toolkit. (1365436)
WebGL: Fixed the denoising of shadowmask with the GPULM. (1361651)
WebGL: Removed the assertion with touch events that assumes that browser would create new Touch event objects for each generated touch event. This does not hold at least for Firefox for Android. This fix takes into account that TouchEvent.changedTouches and TouchEvent.targetTouches are not subsets of the "full" TouchEvent.touches array in Firefox when updating the touch list. (1354245)
Windows: Physics simulations and FixedUpdate no longer run while the splashscreen is being displayed on Windows Standlaone and Universal Windows Platform.
This has already been backported to older releases and will not be mentioned in final notes.
XR: Fixed depth/stencil discards not working on Quest GLES. (1350657)
2D: Added Sortpoint for SpriteShapeRenderer that determines the position for sorting.
2D: Added support for Color channel in SpriteShape so usage of Vertex Colors is possible in SpriteShape.
Android: Users can include custom asset packs into the build, by adding assets to the directory ending with '.androidpack'.
Android: When building Android App Bundle with Split App Binary enabled, Unity will create asset packs.
Animation: Added DiscreteEvaluation attribute that allows allows a property to be evaluated as a discrete value during animation playback where the values in between key frames will not be interpolated nor will the value be blended between clips.
Editor: Added new menu entry under Help to display Third Party Notices for the Unity Package Manager.
Editor: Device Simulator now allows switching between different screens for devices with multiple screens.
Graphics: Added a new Texture Mode called Static to the LineRenderer, TrailRenderer and ParticleSystem Trails.
Graphics: Added a new Texture Scale option to the LineRenderer, TrailRenderer, and ParticleSystem Trails.
Graphics: Added MSAA depth resolve Vulkan support.
Graphics: Added RayTracingAccelerationStructure.ClearInstances C# API.
Mobile: Adaptive view distance scaler - A new scaler was added to change the Camera.main view distance automatically.
Mobile: Boost mode - Boost CPU and GPU for short periods of time.
Mobile: Cluster info - Request cluster info to have details which and how many cores are available on the device.
Mobile: Feature API - Check which Adaptive Performance feature is available on the current platform.
Mobile: Profiler Integration - Profile Adaptive Performance easily from the Unity Profiler.
Mobile: Scaler profiles - Easily define and change Adaptive Performance Scalers with predefined profiles.
Mobile: Startup Boost mode - Enables boost mode during engine startup.
Mono: Enabled Brotli compression for Windows with the Mono runtime.
Package: Ability for clients of searcher window to filter and prioritize search results as they need.
Package Manager: Added documentation links to feature's included packages when it's customized or manually modified.
Package Manager: See an error message when I don't have the proper rights to use an entitled package.
Package Manager: User will be able to see the packages' supported platforms once this is implemented in the backend.
Package Manager: We want to see the E icon in the package item when the license is Granted or Not granted in a closed network.
Package Manager: When dismissing the experimental packages in use button, button won't reappear in the project the button was dismissed.
Package Manager: When importing a package from the Asset Store, the import window will now display the project settings separately from the rest of the package content.
Physics: Added highlights for physics layers when hovering over them in the Physics settings inter-collision matrix.
Physics: Added the ability to generate Delaunay meshes for specific 2D Colliders. This option will generally produce simpler meshes with fewer primitive physics shapes for better overall performance. Added "PolygonCollider2D.useDelaunayMesh", "TilemapCollider2D.useDelaunayMesh" & "CompositeCollider2D.useDelaunayMesh".
Shaders: Added an option to use strict shader variant matching in the player.
Shaders: Opt-out from using the Caching preprocessor is no longer available.
Shaders: Ray tracing shaders now use the Caching preprocessor.
Undo System: Explorable undo history UI.
Version Control: - Plastic: Added support for inviting other members. This option is available from the gear / settings icon.
Version Control: Added auto sign in when logged into Unity account.
Version Control: Added horizontal scroll bar to Changesets list for easier viewing
Added auto-login for SSO credentials handler
Added metrics for changeset tab usage
Added metrics for checkin actions
Added new Undo icon
Added missing API documentation
Added ability to modify assets without checkout
Added ability to allow empty checkin messages
Added empty checking message localization
Added Plastic toolbar button to Unity editor
Added notification icon for incoming changes to Plastic toolbar button.
Version Control: Workspace migration from Collab to Plastic which can be done with or without Plastic installed
Added notification status icons
Added light and dark mode versions of avatar icon.
2D: Added support for Build Only SpritePacking in SpriteAtlas V2.
2D: Cache internal reflection to speed up Sprite editing data access.
2D: Improved Console log to display all affected Sprites.
2D: Improved performance of RuleTile caching.
2D: Sprite Dynamic Batching Vertex Limit is now configurable through PlayerSettings.
2D: Sprite outline shape calculation is faster now (Sprite.Create, or importing sprite textures), especially for large textures.
2D: SpriteAtlas Cache max Size should be Project Settings instead of Preferences.
2D: Updated 2D URP template starting folder structure for better clarification of usage.
2D: Updated Skinning Editor tooltips text.
Android: Added boot-config/command-line switch "platform-android-cpucapacity-threshold" that can be used to specify which CPU cores are treated as big cores. The cpu capacity is a value in the range between 0 and 1024. A capacity value of 870 yields the same behavior as before the fix for case 1349057.
Android: Added support for HDR display output.
Android: Builds will fail early and with a human readable error message, when Unity project is located in path with Non ASCII characters. Android Tools like clang don't work correctly when operating in paths with non ascii characters and the error is not very clear, thus Unity will provide a better error message. (1340631)
Android: Bump Android Logcat package to 1.2.3.
Android: Improved VideoPlayer performance on Android when using Vulkan on devices that support VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer.
Android: Improved WebCamTexture when using Vulkan on Android devices that support VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer.
Android: Native Input Backend will send less Move Events to the input system package. It will ignore Move Events which position didn't change from previous event. This should improve performance when touching screen with multiple fingers.
Asset Pipeline: Clarified the behaviour of Resources.Load() in the Scripting API documentation.
Asset Pipeline: Do not assert on race when receiving import worker results for a deleted asset.
Asset Pipeline: Improved opening time of Import Activity Window. (1343709)
Asset Pipeline: Improved upload and download path.
Asset Pipeline: New diagnostic setting to enable writing of asset database events to Logs/AssetDatabase.log. This log file can assist when troubleshooting asset importing.
Asset Pipeline: Reduced import overhead for small files by 65%.
Audio: DSPGraph: Changed mixer thread scripting runtime attachment assertion to a warning, to better reflect the intent of the message.
Build Pipeline: iOS and tvOS now use the new incremental build pipeline.
Build Pipeline: Made copying of assemblies part of the incremental player to save time on subsequent builds.
Build Pipeline: Make error messages about microphone or camera usage more visible.
Build Pipeline: Reference documentation improvements in area of Build Pipeline.
Documentation: Improved Scripting API docs page for RayTracingAccelerationStructure. Added See Also section.
Editor: (Dynamic Hints) If the target window of a Dynamic Hint is available but unfocused, it becomes focused before the Dynamic Hint is shown.
Editor: Added GameObject pings in the Hierarchy window to more errors, when clicking on console messages.
Editor: EditorStyles.iconButton is now public so custom editor windows can implement help, settings and other icon buttons.
Editor: Greatly reduced time taken up by static batching when entering playmode or making a build.
Editor: Improved Editor responsiveness when a large number of textures are selected in the Project Browser.
Editor: Improved mac editor process guard in order to catch all types of exceptions and early handle cases where the ADB process might have already shut down.
Editor: Improved performance of AssetDatabase.GetAllLabels.
Editor: Improved performance of scrolling the scene hierarchy with large numbers of game objects when some objects are hidden or unpickable.
Editor: Improved performance when creating a new asset (especially in a large project).
Editor: Improved scene saving performance. (1185953)
Editor: Make rotation angles editable individually when multiple GameObjects are selected. (1298482)
Editor: Now Console window shows a clear message if no search result found.
Editor: Now shaders will have SHADER_API_(DESKTOP|MOBILE) define set according to the target build platform.
Editor: Optimized AddComponent menu for projects with large amount of scripts.
Editor: Optimized calculating the size of Undo operations, making many changes to GameObjects should now be cheaper to add to the Undo system.
Editor: Optimized GameObjectInspector.CalculatePrefabStatus which could result up to a 3X speedup for complex prefabs.
Editor: Optimized Inspector.InitOrRebuild - shaves several seconds when working with large selections in large scene.
Editor: Optimized SavePrefab_Internal, cutting time in this code for a large prefab from 20 seconds to 20 milliseconds.
Editor: Optimized StripPrefabObjectsWhichAreNotUsed, representing up to a 28% speedup for large scenes.
Editor: Project opening can now be cancelled while loading.
Editor: Reduced overhead of property editor when changing objects in the editor with an inspector window open.
Editor: Refactored the Background task window for better performance and support multiple nested levels of progress.
Editor: The IMGUI TreeView control now has support for rendering hover effect on row items as well as rendering row contents greyed out based on the GUI.enabled flag.
Editor: UnityEvent callbacks can be reordered.
Editor: Updated the Unity logo in anticipation of the brand identity refresh scheduled for October 5th.
Editor: When a prefab is larger than 8MB, show a static preview image to save the time of loading animations etc.
GI: Bake performance section shows "Infinity mrays/sec" when baking the first lightmap on macOS.
GI: Expose number of Enlighten worker threads to the command line. Example: Use enlighten-job-worker-count 16
to force 16 threads for Enlighten.
GI: Multiple Importance Sampling naming was misleading.
GI: Performance improvement when mesh renderers do not have their light probe property set to 'none' and there are no light probes in the scene. (1310218)
GI: The Radeon denoiser will now use fp16 during progressive updates to conserve memory when supported hardware is available (AMD Radeon Vega and later GPUs).
GI: UI change consolidating min bounces and max bounces into single row.
Graphics: - MaterialEditor - Remove context menu for "Double Sided Global Illumination".
Graphics: Added a warning when a texture has no mip maps and exceeds device texture size limits to inform a default texture will be used instead.
Graphics: Added an error when DrawTexture() is used with Virtual Texturing.
Graphics: Bind last frame's vertex buffer of Skinned Mesh Renderers to ray tracing shaders in order to support motion vector calculation.
Graphics: Changed the Gear Icon for a Burger Menu for the Asset Settings Providers.
Graphics: Changing the version of a TexturePostProcessor script now only reimports the affected texture shapes.
Graphics: Clarified the warning message shown when setting msaa texture as a camera target texture.
Graphics: Exposed SystemInfo.supportsIndirectArgumentsBuffer to check if the indirect arguments buffer is supported.
Graphics: Improved CPU performance of the main thread when using ray tracing effects.
Graphics: Improved DX12 constant binding performance.
Graphics: Improved error messages in the Console Window when building a RayTracingAccelerationStructure and using invalid Mesh data.
Graphics: LightProbe Group UX improvements
Graphics: LineRenderer and TrailRenderer gain support for Sprite Masks.
Graphics: Optimized GfxDeviceD3D12.SetRayTracingInstanceShaders performance on the render thread (almost 2x faster).
Graphics: Reduced main thread hitching caused by Shader loading.
Graphics: Refactor VFX graph update to run VisualEffect updates in different threads.
Graphics: Set name of Vulkan VkRenderPass objects when using external debugging tool.
Graphics: Support linear color space in LineRenderer, TrailRenderer and ParticleSystem trails. (1339154)
Graphics: Translate HLSL printf to debugPrintfEXT that is implemented in Vulkan validation layers and RenderDoc.
Graphics: Upgraded astc encoder to latest bugfix release of version 2.5.
HDRP: Fixed the FreeCamera and SimpleCameraController mouse rotation unusable at low framerate.
HDRP: Minor UX improvements on Quality Settings Panel.
IL2CPP: Added full support for System.Reflection.MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributesData.
IL2CPP: Fixed issue that could cause finally blocks to run more than once.
IL2CPP: Fixed possible deadlock on player shutdown.
IL2CPP: Improved Span Indexer performance. Added an intrinsic for Span get_Item/indexer to improve performance when accessing a large number of Span items.
IL2CPP: Improved the performance of invoking delegates.
IL2CPP: Reduced executable size by reducing generic metadata output.
IL2CPP: Switch IL2CPP densehash map and set to sparsehash map and set for lower runtime memory usage.
Linux: Default texture compression for EmbeddedLinux is now configurable from the player settings.
macOS: Minimum supported macOS version can now be set.
Mono: Removed extra uneeded library from editor build.
Networking: Player loop callback was optimized for server builds.
Networking: Player loop callback was optimized for server builds.
Package: - Support of Editor Play mode (Uses IAP products defined locally; UDP methods are stubbed: Purchase and Consume will always be successful; Editor console outputs)
Package: Updated Addressables to 1.18.13.
Package: Updated Addressables to 1.18.15.
Package: Updated Addressables to 1.18.9 and SBP to 1.19.0.
Package: Updated com.unity.formats.alembic@2.2.0.
Package: Upgraded FBX Exporter and FBX SDK to 4.1.1.
Package: Upgraded udp to 2.2.2.
Package Manager: Added Package Name as a selectable label to Package Details in Package Manager Window.
Package Manager: Improved the wording on the warning message when a user is using a different version of a package than the recommended version.
Package Manager: Include Sign In hint in startup error dialog when Package Manager resolution fails due to missing authentication information.
Package Manager: Log package entitlement check failures in Unity editor console.
Package Manager: Package manager toolbar is now always kept active during refresh operations.
Package Manager: Small tweaks to Package Manager scripting reference documentation.
Package Manager: Terrain Tools package is now included in the Worldbuilding 3D feature set.
Particles: Added a ping back to Hierarchy view Game Object, when selecting relevant Particle System profile markers.
Particles: Moved Particle System Prewarming to worker threads.
Particles: Particle Systems can now choose whether the Gravity Modifier applies 2D or 3D Physics System gravity.
Physics: Improved the Physics Visualiser layout and moved the Rigidbody and Articulation Body Info panels to the Physics Visualiser.
Physics: Optimise Rigidbody interpolation so that it doesn't require excess syncing of transforms internally, it is about 20% faster base line, but can be much faster if there were transform changes made from scripts.
Physics: Updated ArticulationBody.AddForce and other related method Scripting API documentation with information about current PhysX limitations.
Physics: Updated RaycastCommand's Scripting API to mention that it won't return more than one hit.
Physics: Updated the Collider.ClosestPoint Scripting API to mention that the input position will be returned if the Collider is disabled.
Profiler: Added icons for File Access and Asset Loading Profiler Modules.
Profiler: Released com.unity.performance.profile-analyzer@1.1.0 with a series of fixed and improvements. More details at
Scene/Game View: Greatly reduced overhead of OnSceneGUI callback when multi-editing many objects.
Scene/Game View: Improved Gizmo rebuild performance.
Scene/Game View: Improved outline rendering performance in the editor.
Scene/Game View: Improved performance for Handles.DrawWireCube.
Scene/Game View: Improved performance of selecting many objects.
Scene/Game View: Reduced Gizmo rendering overhead in large scenes with many Gizmos.
Scripting: Added EditorApplication.projectWindowItemInstanceOnGUI that is similar to projectWindowItemOnGUI but can also be used to customize sub-assets. (1182858)
Scripting: Added GameObject link to Warning message: "SendMessage cannot be called during Awake, CheckConsistency, or OnValidate.".
Scripting: Allow user code to build against .NET Standard 2.1 and .NET Framework 4.8.
Scripting: Display dialog that informs user that it is now safe to attach a managed debugger now displays the port that the debugger is waiting for a connection on.
Scripting: Improved AssemblyUpdater to not try to connect to VCS unless there assemblies under VCS that needs updating.
Scripting: Include Roslyn Analyzer diagnostics for "EnableDomainReloadTimings" diagnostic switch.
Scripting: Introduced a cache to speed up look up of ApiUpdater configurations.
Scripting: Rename ".NET Standard" to ".NET Standard 2.1" in the Api Compatibility Level options to be more precise.
Scripting: Switched CSharpCompiler utility to use roslyn instead of legacy mcs compilation.
Scripting: The Managed Stripping Level for new projects when targeting the IL2CPP backend will be Minimal.
Serialization: Added more reference documentation and examples for SerializedObject and SerializedProperty.
Serialization: Improved performance of StreamedBinaryWrite in specific scenarios.
Serialization: Improved the use of SerializationCache.
Shaders: Some GLSL reserved words are now usable in shaders. (937467)
UI Toolkit: Clarified the message displayed to the user when deleting a style sheet that is being used in the UI Builder. (1354492)
UI Toolkit: Fixed list view preview size in UI Builder. (1349018)
UI Toolkit: Fixed selectors quick sheet styling in UI Builder. (1352270)
UI Toolkit: Improved in-place editing of a Label to match the underlying style (UI Builder). (1354493)
UI Toolkit: Removed unnecessary calls to HandleEvent when no associated callbacks are present for the corresponding event.
UI Toolkit: TransitionEvents are now collapsed when relevant.
UI Toolkit: TransitionEvents reentrance is properly handled.
UI Toolkit: Using a Texture with invalid settings as a Cursor will now log a warning. (1340519)
Version Control: - Stability and performance improvements.
Version Control: Added Checkin and Update confirmation notification.
Version Control: Improved load time performance.
VFX Graph: Improved the following issues with the Bounds recording in the VFX Graph
Virtual Texturing: Tile requests are now returned via PopRequests
more frequently.
Virtual Texturing: InvalidateRegion
calls now generate new tile requests in their "importance" order. The importance is defined as a combination of the tile's screen space size and the the number of frames since the tile has been requested. This makes completing tile requests contribute more to the rendering result when InvalidateRegion
is called continuously.
WebGL: Enabled Play Mode tests for WebGL platform.
Windows: Alt + Enter now defaults to native resolution rather than the resolution that the window was in windowed mode. This makes the image more crisp and reduces the chance of letterboxing.
Android: Added: New APIs to manage fast-follow and on-demand delivered asset packs. The APIs wrap Google's PlayCore functionality.
Android: Changed: UnityPlayer Java class now explicitly requires Activity instead of Context in constructors.
Animation: Deprecated: Deprecated the Play function in the AnimationPlayableUtilities API to prevent potential issues when passing Timeline Playables into the function. (1279412)
Asset Import: Added: ModelImporter setting to enable FBX relaxed checks. (1360524)
Build Pipeline: Deprecated: UnityLinkerBuildPipelineData.inputDirectory is obsolete, as we no longer take input assemblies for builds all from a single directory.
Core: Changed: Moved ProfilerStartFrame within scriptable player loop from EarlyUpdate to TimeUpdate for profiler consistency. (1332845)
Editor: Added: A method to be able to draw the cookie widget providing your own Property, GUIContent and LightType.
GI: Added: Eliminate breaking change in LightingExplorerTab constructor by reintroducing the previous constructor. (1348261)
GI: Added: LightingSettings.lightmapCompression has been added and determines the quality of compression used for lightmaps.
GI: Deprecated: LightmapSettings.textureCompression has been deprecated in favor of LightingSettings.lightmapCompression.
Graphics: Added: A class for drawing shadow cascades UnityEditor.Rendering.ShadowCascadeGUI.DrawShadowCascades
Graphics: Added: A field to the CullingParameters structure to allow for adjustment to the near clipping plane for shadow clipping - this is independent of the rendering camera near clipping plane.
Graphics: Added: A new API to replace the use cases of the ShadowAuto, DepthAuto and VideoAuto GraphicsFormat enum members (which will be deprecated in the future).
Graphics: Added: A new Handles.DrawOutline API that allows drawing an outline in the Scene View around specified Game Objects.
Graphics: Added: Added AMD FidelityFX shaders which were originally in HDRP.
Graphics: Added: Added new RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances Scripting API for populating acceleration structures.
Graphics: Added: Allowing Rendering Layer Names to not collide in UI. Includes a new API RenderPipelineAsset.prefixedRenderingLayerMaskNames to fetch a unique list of rendering layer mask names for UI needs.
Graphics: Added: An option to change the visibilty of the Volumes Gizmos (Solid, Wireframe, Everything), available at Preferences > Core Render Pipeline.
Graphics: Added: API function inside DynamicResolutionHandler and new settings in GlobalDynamicResolutionSettings to control low res transparency thresholds. This should help visuals when the screen percentage is too low.
Graphics: Added: Helper for Volumes (Enable All Overrides, Disable All Overrides, Remove All Overrides).
Graphics: Added: IndentLevelScope (for VolumeComponentEditor child class only) to handle indentation of the field and the checkbox.
Graphics: Added: New API to customize the rtHandleProperties of a particular RTHandle. This is a temporary work around to assist with viewport setup of Custom post process when dealing with DLSS or TAAU.
Graphics: Added: New IVolumeDebugSettings interface and VolumeDebugSettings<T> class that stores the information for the Volumes Debug Panel.
Graphics: Added: OverridablePropertyScope (for VolumeComponentEditor child class only) to handle the Additional Property, the override checkbox and disable display and decorator attributes in one scope.
Graphics: Added: SystemInfo.computeSubGroupSize API, allows users to query the size of the compute thread group that supports efficient memory sharing on the GPU.
Graphics: Added: SystemInfo.maxTexture3DSize API, allows users to query the largest 3D Texture size that the graphics hardware supports.
Graphics: Added: SystemInfo.maxTextureArraySlices API, allows users to query the maximum number of slices in a Texture array that the graphics hardware supports.
Graphics: Added: SystemInfo.supportsMultisampleStencilResolve API.
Graphics: Added: UNITY_PREV_MATRIX_M and UNITY_PREV_MATRIX_I_M shader macros to support instanced motion vector rendering.
Graphics: Added: VolumeComponentMenuForRenderPipelineAttribute to specify a volume component only for certain RenderPipelines.
Graphics: Changed: Fixed backwards compatibility issue introduced by #116845 (Allow the default specular reflection cubemap to be a RenderTexture (with dimensions CUBE)).
Graphics: Deprecated: ShadowAuto, DepthAuto and VideoAuto graphics formats and introduce a new alternative api. (See the Upgrade Guide for details.).
Graphics: Removed: Removed GraphicsFormatUtility.GetDepthStencilFormat(int) after being public for two alpha releases.
HDRP: Added: A built-in custom pass to draw object IDs.
HDRP: Added: A custom post process injection point AfterPostProcessBlurs executing after depth of field and motion blur.
HDRP: Added: A dialog box when you import a Material that has a diffusion profile to add the diffusion profile to global settings.
HDRP: Added: A minimum motion vector length to the motion vector debug view.
HDRP: Added: A property to control the fallback of the last bounce of a RTGI, RTR, RR ray to keep a previously existing side effect on user demand.
HDRP: Added: A rendering feature flag to disable LightProbeGroup editor when an alternative to standard probe is provided by the SRP.
HDRP: Added: Better support for LODs in the ray tracing acceleration structure.
HDRP: Added: Dependency to mathematics and burst, HDRP now will utilize this to improve on CPU cost. First implementation of burstified decal projector is here.
HDRP: Added: Info box when low resolution transparency is selected, but its not enabled in the HDRP settings. This will help new users find the correct knob in the HDRP Asset.
HDRP: Added: Shortcut to HDRP Wizard documentation.
HDRP: Added: Slider that controls how much the volumetric clouds erosion value affects the ambient occlusion term.
HDRP: Added: Slides to control the shape noise offset.
HDRP: Added: Support for internal plugin materials and HDSubTarget with their versioning system.
HDRP: Added: Support for the camera bridge in the graphics compositor.
HDRP: Added: Support of motion vector buffer in custom postprocess.
HDRP: Added: Three animation curves to control the density, erosion, and ambient occlusion in the custom submode of the simple controls.
HDRP: Added: Tooltips for content inside the Rendering Debugger window.
HDRP: Added: ValidateMaterial callbacks to ShaderGUI.
HDRP: Added: Volumetric clouds support for baked and realtime reflection probes.
HDRP: Added: Warning for when a light is not fitting in the cached shadow atlas and added option to set maximum resolution that would fit.
iOS: Obsoleted: PlayerSettings.iOS.allowHTTPDownload replaced by cross platform setting PlayerSettings.insecureHttpOption.
Particles: Added: Added ParticleSystem.totalTime API, to return the playback time plus any start delay.
Physics: Added: All the physics batch queries can now run in physics scenes other than default (see an extra RaycastCommand constructor that has physics scene as the first argument for instance).
Physics: Added: Expose linear and angular velocity of both of the bodies in a contact modification pair (see ModifiableContactPair.bodyLinearVelocity for example).
Physics: Added: Exposed per-point collision impulse (see ContactPoint.impulse).
Physics: Added: Exposed the forces applied to the articulation body by the articulation drives.
Physics: Added: Exposed the Rigidbody.maxLinearVelocity property.
Physics: Added: Rigidbody.Move method for moving and rotating a kinematic Rigidbody at the same time.
Profiler: Added: StackedArea to ProfilerModuleChartType for displaying a stacked area chart with non-time-based units.
Scene/Game View: Added: GizmoUtility class for accessing gizmo and icon visibility per component type.
Scene/Game View: Added: ObjectFactory.PlaceGameObject, which provides a method for placing instantiated GameObjects in the scene with the same preferences that default GameObjects are created with.
Scene/Game View: Obsoleted: Moved UnityEditor.Overlays.EditorToolbarDropdownToggle to UnityEditor.Toolbars.EditorToolbarDropdownToggle. (1346398)
Serialization: Added: Added SerializedProperty.gradientValue to the public API.
Serialization: Added: SerializedProperty has a new read only property "contentHash" to better track changes to the SerializedProperty's data.
Serialization: Added: SerializedProperty.numericType that exposes the precise type of a numeric property (for example float versus double).
Serialization: Added: UintValue and ulongValue to SerializedProperty API.
Services: Added: A new package that is used for common behaviour of Game Service packages.
Shadergraph: Added: A Tessellation Option to PositionNode settings, to provide access to the pre-displaced tessellated position.
Shadergraph: Added: A Sprite
option to Main Preview, which is similar to Quad
but does not allow rotation. Sprite
is used as the default preview for URP Sprite shaders.
Shadergraph: Added: Added control of anisotropic settings on inline Sampler state nodes in ShaderGraph.
Shadergraph: Added: Custom interpolator documentation.
Shadergraph: Added: Information about selecting and unselecting items to the Blackboard article.
Shadergraph: Added: Many node synonyms for the Create Node search so that it's easier to find nodes.
Shadergraph: Added: Selection highlight and picking shader passes for URP target.
Shadergraph: Added: ShaderGraph animated preview framerate throttle.
Shadergraph: Added: Visible errors for invalid stage capability connections to shader graph.
Shaders: Added: It is now possible to query tags on each subshader and pass. (1363534)
UI Toolkit: Added: Exposed ProgressBar.lowValue and ProgressBar.highValue.
UI Toolkit: Changed: DropdownField now derives from PopupField. BasePopupField, PopupField, EnumField are moved to UnityEngine. (1308473)
URP: Added: GetUniversalAdditionalLightData, a method that returns the additional data component for a given light or create one if it doesn't exist yet.
URP: Added: Help button on material editor to show the shader documentation page.
URP: Added: Lights 2D to the Light Explorer window.
URP: Added: Motion Vector render pass for URP.
URP: Added: Render Settings Converter to the Render Pipeline Converter, this tool creates and assigns URP Assets based off rendering settings of a Builtin project.
URP: Added: Support for default sprite mask shaders for the 2D Renderer in URP.
URP: Added: Terrain grass shader alpha changed to always write 1 to alpha. Enabled alpha channel write mask.
URP: Added: Two new URP specific scene templates, Basic which has a camera and directional light, then Standard which has the addition of a global volume with basic post effects setup.
URP: Added: URP global setting for stripping off shader variants.
URP: Added: URP global setting for stripping post processing shader variants.
URP: Added: VFX: Fix light cookies integration.
URP: Added: XR: Added Late Latching support to reduce VR latency (Quest).
URP: Changed: Fixed incorrect shadow fade in deferred rendering mode.
VFX Graph: Added: An 'Is Inside' subgraph into VFX Graph additions package.
VFX Graph: Added: HDRP Decal output context.
VFX Graph: Added: Motion vectors enabled for particle strips.
VFX Graph: Added: Provide explicit access to spawnCount in graph.
VFX Graph: Added: Structured Graphics Buffer support as exposed type.
VFX Graph: Added: Support of direct link event to initialize context (which support several event within the same frame).
VFX Graph: Added: The VFX editor will now automatically attach to the current selection if the selected gameobject uses the currently edited VFX asset.
VFX Graph: Added: Two new buttons are available in the editor's tool bar. One will display a popup panel to handle attachement and the other to lock/unlock the current attachment.
2D: Allow non-public fields with the SerializeField attribute as custom fields for RuleTile.
2D: Changed some of PSDImporter settings to use checkboxes instead of drop down.
2D: Replace usage of Triangle.Net with in house tessellation solution.
Android: Allow Android Player to use Vulkan on GPUs that are currently unknown to Unity on Android 11 or newer.
Android: Android Gradle Plugin version upgraded from 3.6.0 to 4.0.1.
Android: Gradle version upgraded from 5.6.4 to 6.1.1.
Android: Pdb files in development builds will now be stored along with the main apk file or main asset pack.
Animation: Added a warning to the user in case a transition that is smaller than a fixed update with root motion and non looping clip is made. (1336151)
Animation: Updated Animation Rigging package to version 1.1.1.
Build Pipeline: Enabling or disabling modules will now cause a data rebuild in the incremental build pipeline.
Build Pipeline: It is no longer possible to build a player when a script reload is pending. (1325753)
Editor: Contextual shortcuts are now preferred over global ones and no longer cause conflicts in ShortcutManager.
Editor: EditorGUI.MaskField now uses the same dropdown UI style as the EditorGUI.LayerMaskField.
Editor: Excluded Mesh, Texture2D and Texture2dArray from Presets. (1325555)
Editor: Script names will be displayed together with their namespaces in the Add Component search results. (1264749)
Editor: UI widget used for Light Cookies from the standard Property Field to the ObjectField that provides texture preview and asset directory search capabilities, across HDRP and built-in.
Editor: Updated com.unity.cinemachine to 2.8.0.
Editor: Use order_preserving_vector_set_hashed to store gameobjects, filtered and transform (same data structure as Selection.objects). This ensures assigning to the selection preserve order of the items. (915931)
Editor: When a Mask Field contains mixed values it will now show a list of the values in the label. The label will revert back to showing "Mixed..." when there is not enough space to show the list. (1266226)
Graph Tool Foundation: Graph Tools Foundation edges drawing was changed from Bezier curves to Z-lines.
Graphics: Creating a RenderTexture with no depth bits specified will now fail instead of continuing with a warning. (1348764)
Graphics: Cubemap pixel access functions (GetPixel/GetPixels/GetPixels32/GetPixelData & SetPixel/SetPixels/SetPixels32/SetPixelData) now throw an ArgumentException when encountering an error.
Graphics: CubemapArray pixel access functions (GetPixel/GetPixels/GetPixels32/GetPixelData & SetPixel/SetPixels/SetPixels32/SetPixelData) now throw an ArgumentException when encountering an error.
Graphics: DynamicResolutionHandler.GetScaledSize function now clamps, and will never allow to return a size greater than its input.
Graphics: Improved IntegrateLDCharlie() to use uniform stratified sampling for faster convergence towards the ground truth.
Graphics: Improved the warning messages for Volumes and their Colliders.
Graphics: LensFlare (SRP) can be now disabled per element.
Graphics: LensFlare (SRP) tooltips now refer to meters.
Graphics: LensFlare Element editor now have Thumbnail preview.
Graphics: Removed DYNAMIC_RESOLUTION snippet on lens flare common shader. Its not necessary any more on HDRP, which simplifies the shader.
Graphics: Serialize the Probe Volume asset as binary to improve footprint on disk and loading speed.
Graphics: Texture2DArray pixel access functions (GetPixel/GetPixels/GetPixels32/GetPixelData & SetPixel/SetPixels/SetPixels32/SetPixelData) now throw an ArgumentException when encountering an error.
Graphics: Texture3D pixel access functions (GetPixel/GetPixels/GetPixels32/GetPixelData & SetPixel/SetPixels/SetPixels32/SetPixelData) now throw an ArgumentException when encountering an error.
Graphics: Uniformize the names in ReflectionProbes along render pipelines.
Graphics: Updated icon for IES, LightAnchor and LensFlare.
Graphics: WebCamTexture pixel access functions (GetPixel/GetPixels/GetPixels32) now throw an ArgumentException when encountering an error. Calling these functions before the first frame update will throw an exception instead of returning blank data.
HDRP: Changed light reset to preserve type.
HDRP: Changed the Channel Mixer Volume Component UI.Showing all the channels.
HDRP: Changed the debug panel mip bias functions from public to internal.
HDRP: Changed the NVIDIA install button to the standard FixMeButton.
HDRP: Changed the storage format of volumetric clouds presets for easier editing.
HDRP: Display an info box and disable MSAA asset entry when ray tracing is enabled.
HDRP: Fixed minor readability issues in the ray tracing code.
HDRP: Hair uses GGX LTC for area light specular.
HDRP: Ignore hybrid duplicated reflection probes during light baking.
HDRP: Improved a bit the area cookie behavior for higher smoothness values to reduce artifacts.
HDRP: Improved sampling of overlapping point/area lights in path-traced volumetric scattering. (1358777)
HDRP: Improved the DynamicArray class by adding several utility APIs.
HDRP: Improved the fly through ghosting artifacts in the volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Improved to the RTGI denoising.
HDRP: Improved volumetric clouds (added new noise for erosion, reduced ghosting while flying through, altitude distortion, ghosting when changing from local to distant clouds, fix issue in wind distortion along the Z axis).
HDRP: Increased the minimal density of the volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Make LitTessellation and LayeredLitTessellation fallback on Lit and LayeredLit respectively in DXR.
HDRP: Moved AMD FidelityFX shaders to core.
HDRP: Moved invariants outside of loop for a minor CPU speedup in the light loop code.
HDRP: Moved supportRuntimeDebugDisplay option from HDRPAsset to HDRPGlobalSettings.
HDRP: Path-traced volumetric scattering now takes fog color into account, adding scattered contribution on top of the non-scattered result (case 1346105, 1358783). (1346105, 1358783)
HDRP: Reduced the maximum distance per ray step of volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Removed Bilinear and Lanczos upscale filter.
HDRP: Removed redundant Show Inactive Objects and Isolate Selection checkboxes from the Emissive Materials tab of the Light Explorer.
HDRP: Renaming Decal Projector to HDRP Decal Projector.
HDRP: Replaced the context menu by a search window when adding custom pass.
HDRP: Restore old version of the RendererList structs/api for compatibility.
HDRP: Surface ReflectionTypeLoadExceptions in HDUtils.GetRenderPipelineMaterialList(). Without surfacing these exceptions, developers cannot act on any underlying reflection errors in the HDRP assembly.
HDRP: TAA jitter is disabled while using Frame Debugger now.
HDRP: The HDRP Render Graph now uses the new RendererList API for rendering and (optional) pass culling.
HDRP: Updated the recursive rendering documentation.
HDRP: Various improvements to the volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Visual Environment ambient mode is now set to Dynamic by default.
HDRP: When a ray hits the sky in the ray marching part of mixed ray tracing, it is considered a miss.
Input System: Updated Input System package to 1.1.1 with many fixes and improvements.
iOS: IOS 12 is now minimum supported iOS version.
Networking: UnityWebRequest by default is HTTPS only now. Plain text HTTP can be enabled in Player Settings.
Package: (Recorder) Prevent invalid GPU callback data from being written to a frame: this change skips the problematic frame and logs an error message.
Package: Added the Code Coverage package to the Engineering feature set.
Package: Com.unity.purchasing updated to 4.0.0. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
Package: ProBuilder 5.0.4.
Package: Released Localization package 1.0.3.
Package: Updated Addressables to 1.19.6.
Package: Updated Code Coverage package to v1.0.1. This version includes improvements and fixes.
Package: Updated Code Coverage package to v1.1.0. This version adds code coverage session events, path stripping, support for Test Framework v1.2 and other improvements and fixes.
Package: Updated com.unity.formats.alembic@2.2.1.
Package: Updated com.unity.formats.alembic@2.2.2.
Package: Updated com.unity.formats.alembic@2.3.0-pre.1.
Package: Updated com.unity.recorder@4.0.0-pre.1.
Package: Updated FBX Exporter package to 4.1.0:
Package: Updated nodejs ini package to fix vulnerability issue. (1345229)
Package: Updated package 1.0.1-pre.465 package to 1.0.1.
Package: Updated package com.unity.purchasing to 4.0.3. Please refer to the package changelog online here:
Package: Updated packages Addressables to 1.19.4 and SBP to 1.19.2.
Package: Updated Sequences (com.unity.sequences) to 1.0.0.
Package: Updated Sequences to 1.0.2.
Package: Updated Sequences to 1.0.3.
Package: Updated Tutorial Authoring Tools to 1.0.0.
Package: Updated Tutorial Framework to 2.0.0.
Package: Visual Scripting
Package Manager: Changed error and warning box to look like the info box.
Package Manager: The Git LFS cache enabled by setting the UPM_ENABLE_GIT_LFS_CACHE
environment variable is now always located under the global cache root, even when the cache root location is customized.
Package Manager: We are no longer using SCSS files, only USS from now on.
Package Manager: We now cache whether each asset version is a full project or not after clicking Import on it for the first time.
Profiler: The command-line argument "-profiler-log-file" now not only sets profiler target file but also activates profiler. (1339129)
Profiler: Updated com.unity.profiling.core@1.0.0. The package enables advanced markup for Unity Profiler markers and counters. See more details at
Scene/Game View: Removed Component Tools Overlay, these tools are now available in the regular Tools Overlay.
Scene/Game View: Unavailable tools are now hidden rather than disabled in the Scene View Tools Overlay.
Search: Improved asset indexer performances and index size. (1343812)
Shadergraph: Adjusted Blackboard article to clarify multi-select functionality.
Shadergraph: Changed "Create Node" action in ShaderGraph stack separator context menu to "Add Block Node" and added it to main stack context menu.
Shadergraph: Only ShaderGraph keywords count towards the shader permutation variant limit, SubGraph keywords do not.
Shadergraph: ShaderGraph SubGraphs will now report errors and warnings in a condensed single error.
Timeline: Updated Timeline package version to 1.6.1.
uGUI: Removed the HideFlags.HideAndDontSave on the mesh inside Graphics for it to get properly cleaned up on both managed and native side. (1319556)
uGUI: Updated the context menu order and grouped all non-TMP game objects and components under legacy.
UI Toolkit: Marked the com.unity.ui package, which is incompatible with 21.2 and above, as deprecated.
URP: 2D Lights now inherit from Light2DBase.
URP: Changed the default name when a new urp asset is created.
URP: Refactored some of the array resizing code around decal projector rendering to use the new APIs in render core.
URP: Removed experimental tile deferred code.
URP: Stripping shader variants per renderer features instead of combined renderer features.
URP: The behavior of setting a camera's Background Type to "Dont Care" has changed on mobile. Previously, "Dont Care" would behave identically to "Solid Color" on mobile. Now, "Dont Care" corresponds to the render target being filled with arbitrary data at the beginning of the frame, which may be faster in some situations. Note that there are no guarantees for the exact content of the render target, so projects should use "Dont care" only if they are guaranteed to render to, or otherwise write every pixel every frame.
URP: UniversalRendererData and ForwardRendererData GUIDs have been reversed so that users coming from 2019LTS, 2020LTS and 2021.1 have a smooth upgrade path. For 2021.2 Alpha/Beta users, you may encounter issues and are strongly recommended to start with a fresh library if initial upgrade fails.
URP: URP Asset Inspector - Advanced settings have been reordered under Show Additional Properties
in each section.
URP: URP Asset Inspector - General
section has been renamed to Rendering
URP: VFX: New shadergraph support directly on Universal target.
URP: When MSAA is enabled and a depth texture is required, the opaque pass depth will be copied instead of scheduling a depth prepass.
Version Control: ### Changed
Version Control: Migration tests
Improved usage analytics around Editor and Plugin version
Workspace Migration Adjustments.
Version Control: Removed the unneeded refresh button from History Tab
Moved search bar to the top right global icon section in all tabs
Updated capitalization of options in the Settings context menu
Updated tab button styling to be consistent with Unity Editor conventions
Status bar visible across all tabs
Moved refresh button to the toolbar at the top right corner of the window
Moved changesets time period selector to the right corner of the window
Removed "Changes of changeset" header on the Changesets tab
Moved number of selected items next to "Item" metadata title on the Pending Changes tab
Improved refresh icon resolution
Changed changesets detail to appear in vertical column
Reduced default number of columns in changesets tab
The number of changesets is no longer displayed in changesets tab
Changed Launch branch explorer into an icon with tooltip
Removed the hide changes button in changesets tab
Moved incoming change prompt and button into a status bar
Changed "Launch Plastic" to "Launch Plastic SCM" in options menu
Wording change for plastic installation
Updated file status icons.
Version Control: Simplified UI: decluttered UI.
VFX Graph: Transform integrated to VFXTypes : Circle, ArcCircle, Sphere, ArcSphere, Torus, ArcTorus, Cone, ArcCone.
Virtual Texturing: Now PopRequests
allows the destination list to have a different size than the texture stack's maxActiveRequests
XR: The Oculus XR Plugin package has been updated to 1.10.0.
XR: Updated OpenXR Package to 1.2.8.
XR: Updated the verified AR Foundation related packages to 4.2.0-pre.12. Please see the AR Foundation package changelog for details.
XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to 1.0.0-pre.5.
XR: Updated XR Legacy Input Helpers to 2.1.8.
2D: A non-descriptive error is thrown when building with a Texture that has it's rectangle out of bounds. (1300130)
2D: Activated Tile Palette Tool is now deactivated when Tool is removed from Default Tools. (1342201)
2D: Atlas Cache is inconsistent after disabling Sprite Packer and deleting atlases outside Unity Editor. (1335900)
2D: Fixed editor crash when calling SpriteAtlasUtility.PackAtlases. (1353609)
2D: Fixed exception when adding a new Rule when no Rule is selected.
2D: Fixed issue where a scriptedTile without LockTransform set but has a transform matrix in GetTileData is dropped onto the Tile Palette, the Tile on the Tile Palette does not match the transform matrix as defined in GetTileData. (1341938)
2D: Fixed Sprite Editor Window does not show texture preview with the correct filtering mode. (1350446)
2D: Fixed Sprite Editor Window to be disabled when readonly assets are selected. (1343237)
2D: Fixed Sprite Frame module inspector size jitters in certain occasions.
2D: Fixed Tile Palette window incorrectly preventing selection in Scene View when Tilemap Tools are inactive. (1365564)
2D: Fixed upgrade issue when atlas v1 to v2 causes objects in folders to become ungrouped. (1354054)
2D: Secondary Texture AssetImporter reference error when using same texture as Main Texture in Sprite Editor. (1331542)
2D: Validate and refresh Tilemap when loaded from a separate scene. (1344979)
AI: Fixed crash caused by the Navigation system on editor shutdown. (1367374)
AI: Fixed crashes from building the NavMesh from meshes without valid vertex data. (1315584)
AI: Fixed how the NavMesh is computed in some situations where multiple ledges in the environment form a steep slope (e.g. computing NavMesh on a narrow stair which has hand rails). (1074084)
Android: Compass.headingAccuracy will report one of predefined values giving some indication on accuracy. (1304067)
Android: Fixed a bug related to using a touchpad with Unity UI scroll rects. Touchpad scrolling is much more sensitive now on Android and Chrome OS. (1364582)
Android: Fixed an issue where AMD drivers on Chrome OS have a faulty EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace implementation, sRGB will be disabled in that case. (1359181)
Android: Fixed baking reflectionprobes with Vulkan Editor and build target Android. (1344866)
Android: Fixed bug where Display.systemWidth, Display.systemHeight and Screen.resolutions[] is not updated when folding/unfolding a Galaxy Fold device. (1345508)
Android: Fixed crash when using Application.Quit with Optimized Frame Pacing. (1341467)
Android: Fixed performance regression when using MSAA backbuffer with Vulkan. (1351579)
Android: Further improved build times when a sequential build is done with no changes in project. Previously Unity was moving apk/aab from gradle project to final location, thus forcing the gradle to rebuild apk/aab on sequential builds. Unity will perform a copy instead now. Our tests show that sequential build times improved by 50% (ie. dropping from 12 seconds to 5 seconds). (1361602)
Android: Gradle template placeholder DIR_UNITYPROJECT works again. (1346794)
Android: Il2cpp resources will be extracted during player launch only when needed, for ex., changes in scripts. Previously they would be extracted each time you make a new build from Unity.
Android: In the new input system, the search, call, endcall, camera, focus, and headsethook keys were all mapped to various function keys. These mappings are not helpful on any current platforms, and in the case of the search key, this mapping is wrong on Chrome OS keyboards which have separate search and F2 keys. (1343608)
Android: Resource.Load now works when running universal.apk created from AAB which was built with Split Application Binary option enabled. Note: In universal.apk, Bundletool includes only install-time delivered asset packs, so resource loading can still fail if Unity creates fast-follow delivered core data asset pack. (1363907)
Android: Stylus input is now treated as a touch rather than mouse in the older input system. (1246579)
Android: Toggling Build App Bundle in the Build Player Window will now prompt for a save location rather than attempting to use the last build location which would have been the incorrect type of package. (1329922)
Animation: Animation Clip Preview Window's component stripping strips away all required components but the last batch. (1306349)
Animation: Fixed an issue where large int would lose precision in the animation clip. (1278866)
Animation: Fixed an issue where the animation blend would not occur when interrupting an empty state transition. (1204145)
Animation: Fixed Animation component not releasing shader property blocks when disabled. (1293179)
Animation: Fixed Animation window property selection from displaying duplicate Components when one Component type derives from another. (1248925)
Animation: Fixed error message spam "BlendTreeWorkspace is NULL" when saving the scene when an animation preview is active. (1343833)
Animation: Fixed grid in Animator window to always correctly cover the entire graph area. (1337632)
Animation: Fixed HumanPoseHandler to no longer crash when calling the SetHumanPose function with a destroyed Root Transform. (1351876)
Animation: Fixed keyframing of the "Active" property in constraint components. (1317876)
Animation: Fixed UndoPropertyModification currentValue returning null when changing Material's properties in the Inspector while keyframing. (1343018)
Animation: GameObject is not animated when the Animator Component is enabled during Play Mode and Culling Mode is set to "Cull Completely". (1263490)
Animation: Updated sort method for animation clips in animation window using alphanum/natural sort. (1261365)
Animation: [Avatar] AvatarBuilder.BuildHumanAvatar sets NaN positions with some avatars. (1200354)
Apple TV: Fixed Game Center's dashboard opening instead of achievements screen when using UnityEngnine.Social.ShowAchievementsUI(). (1341949)
Asset Bundles: - Improved performance of AssetBundle.UnloadAsync.
Asset Import: Default Presets are applied correctly to ScriptableObjects created using the CreateAssetMenu. (1343776)
Asset Import: Fixed for Failing Importer Performance Tests on Linux. (1364226)
Asset Import: Large SpeedTree imports. (1364523)
Asset Pipeline: Added Editor Preference to make Bump Map check optional. (1345444)
Asset Pipeline: AssetModificationProcessor.OnWillDeleteAsset is called when deleting an orphaned meta file. (1326312)
Asset Pipeline: Blender and Maya files now import at the correct scale. (1320649)
Asset Pipeline: Call to AssetDatabase.ForceReserializeAssets() throws exception, if being called from callback, while scene is also being modified. It is recommended to call AssetDatabase.ForceReserializeAssets() from menu item style entry point. (1089842)
Asset Pipeline: Calling CreateAsset twice on the same location with the same asset didn't update ProjectBrowser. (1345123)
Asset Pipeline: Calling CreateAsset with a path that is an existing folder now generates an error. (1344954)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an infinite import loop that could occur on case-sensitive file systems if similarly named meta files were encountered. (1345905)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where Importer/Rig Update button does not update. (1324031)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where it was possible invalid and unusable Presets without any errors. The Preset constructor now throws an exception when doing so. (1348271)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where Model Importer Rig Tab Update button doesn't work properly with multi-selection. (1330281)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where MonoScripts in plugins that were dependent on plugins in other folders could fail to import when reimporting all assets. (1345854)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where NullReferenceException is thrown when assigning a duplicated Avatar to an Animation Source. (1274098)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where renaming an asset in the Project Browser could cause the selection highlight to disappear. (1351301)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the Model Importer Rig Tab's Avatar Source doesn't refresh. (1330278)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where user fields in assets containing 'guid' could cause incorrect asset dependencies to be shown. (1363953)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed crash when opening project with asset that a broken reference to mono script. (1351825)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed exception that Rider would catch when Disposing instances of the ArtifactInfo class. (1359723)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed race condition triggering an assert when downloading from cache server and not refreshing.
Asset Pipeline: Reloading Arrays are kept in Sync. (1327830)
Asset Pipeline: Tags can now be deleted from the TagManager Presets. (1317709)
Audio: Fixed calculation of channel audibility such that a signal which is branched off via send/receive effects in a mixer group and fully attenuated after the branching correctly retain the audibility contributed by the send-receive connection. (1309971)
Audio: Fixed exposed send levels in the audio mixer not working correctly. Note: previously created mixers with exposed send levels will cause a warning to be logged on editor startup and the send levels will have to be re-exposed. (1285638)
Audio: Fixed performance impact on SaveAndReimport when AudioMixer window is shown. (1327645)
Audio: Fixed rare access violation crash in audio update of main thread. (1352816)
Audio: For complex send-receive configurations branching the signals between two mixer groups an order-dependent buffering delay was introduced that caused flange-like effects. The correct evaluation order of all effects is now enforced to prevent this. (1309970)
Build Pipeline: Errors from catastrophically failing incremental build pipeline steps are now clearer.
Build Pipeline: Fixed a bug where data builds would unnecessarily rerun in incremental player builds if the project contained editor resources.
Build Pipeline: Fixed a bug where UnityLinker would unnecessarily rerun without changes in incremental player builds.
Build Pipeline: Fixed a potential file name issue on windows in incremental player builds.
Build Pipeline: The build subtarget is now adjusted to kStandaloneBuildSubtargetServer when BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer is called with the deprecated option BuildOptions.EnableHeadlessMode set to true so the scripted build pipeline remains backward compatible until the option is effectively removed. (1354146)
Burst: Fixed an issue where Debug.LogError logs from Bursted code would be treated as compiler errors.
Core: Fixed bug where shadows disappear in the frustum corners from false positives in the shadow culling. (1153151)
Core: Fixed bug with shadow fade where the shadows will be culled with a hard line across the fade and also stretches the fade beyond the projected shadow.
Core: Fixed incorrect handling of C#'s readonly
keyword in the JobsDebugger.
Documentation: Fixed incorrect measurement units for ArticulationDrive.forceLimit.
DX12: Fixed crash copying block compressed textures. (1360034)
Editor: (Dynamic Hints) Fixed: NullReferenceException when a prefab with a missing script is hovered in the ProjectBrowser.
Editor: Added additional diacritics support to the Linux Editor for multi-key characters. (1344560)
Editor: Added information entry when player data is rebuilt with Development checkbox off, the message will be 'Rebuilding Data files because BuildOptions.Development is not set.'. (1364982)
Editor: Added pen delta calculation for the new input system. (1168556)
Editor: Added progress scopes for shader compilation and scene opening. (1331846)
Editor: Added support for GameCoreXboxOne
and GameCoreXboxSeries
reduced location path length.
Editor: Advanced Drop-down now calculates the initially needed size correctly, avoiding scrollbars if the size fits into view or the defined max size of the window. (1335631)
Editor: Allow DragAndDrop custom handler to override Drop on the scene view. (1351057)
Editor: Copy Path property' in transform inspector now returns the correct property when constrain proportions are disabled. (1365045)
Editor: Ensure current Settings Provider gets Activated if NotifySettingsProvider change is called. (1343598)
Editor: Ensure no SearchReportWindow are created when using old OverlayPresets.asset. (1368837)
Editor: Ensured compact mode works fine with Asset store provider. (1357617)
Editor: Ensured that when creating a new scene through the scene template mechanism the EditorSceneManager.newScene event has the proper arguments and all the defaults objects are properly created according to the type of builtin template. (1347256)
Editor: Ensured the tips section doesn't wordwrap as this cause resizing problem at scaling 125%. (1345630)
Editor: Enums in the inspector can now be sorted in alphabetical order by using [InspectorOrder] attribute.
Editor: Fixed a bug regarding repeat command for integration tests (DSTP-562).
Editor: Fixed Advanced Dropdown (Add Component Menu) to allow mouse interactions in the search text field. (1352677)
Editor: Fixed an issue to set correct EnumFlagsFields for sbyte, byte, short and ushort. (1337072)
Editor: Fixed an issue where console errors are thrown when terrain inspector is shrunk. (1305724)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the cursor would flicker between different cursors near resize panes. (1333668)
Editor: Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException when interacting with Scene Hierarchy window after exiting playmode. (1351981)
Editor: Fixed assert throwing when instantiating a new scene from a modal window. (1355520)
Editor: Fixed broken normal map previews. (1339051)
Editor: Fixed build and run menu and its shortcut still working when build and run is disabled by Editor extension. (1345699)
Editor: Fixed Console Window log hyperlinks cursor hovering.
Editor: Fixed crash when calling GUIClip.SetMatrix early in the domain reload. (1332043)
Editor: Fixed crash when entering Play Mode if a ScriptableObject Resource is loaded and unloaded while being displayed in the Inspector. (1359247)
Editor: Fixed editor crash when accessing properties on canvas in some cases. (1340354)
Editor: Fixed editor freezes for a moment when moved from one screen to another with different resolution scale. (1322959)
Editor: Fixed empty reason on passed tests results xml (DSTR-63).
Editor: Fixed EnumMaskField showing "Mixed.." when the value was non-zero but none of the actual flags were set.
Editor: Fixed EnumMaskField showing the label "Mixed.." when all flags were set but the mask value was not set to the everything value. This will now also handle cases where obsolete enum values were present in the enum but not set or displayed.
Editor: Fixed erroneous "Unfreed allocations" error messages in the console. (1346970)
Editor: Fixed error messages overflowing on new versions of macOS. (1312314)
Editor: Fixed floating window behavior for mac editor fullscreen so that windows remain on the desktop when the editor enters or exits fullscreen on a second monitor. (1321315)
Editor: Fixed for Scroll bars scrolling up and down when holding down the left mouse button on the left edge of the scroll bar area. (1347294)
Editor: Fixed game view maximizing instead of tab being switched when clicking on a tab docked in the same window as the Game View window while in playmode in the Linux Editor. (1350901)
Editor: Fixed glitching when resizing editor windows with a popup open in the Windows editor. (1333410)
Editor: Fixed GUIClip errors are shown after deleting all objects from multiple loaded Scenes in the Hierarchy. (1363623)
Editor: Fixed incorrect OnApplicationPause pauseStatus after losing focus on macOS. (1344918)
Editor: Fixed incorrect primitive counts for meshes with multiple sub meshes in the LOD Inspector. (1349756)
Editor: Fixed issue when .
suffix was applied to BuildTargets without extension.
Editor: Fixed issue where Console Log is selected but no info is shown when selecting a log, entering and exiting Play Mode. (1341773)
Editor: Fixed launching a Linux standalone player whose folder is in $PATH. (1339398)
Editor: Fixed Linux Editor not reporting scroll values with new input system. (1354498)
Editor: Fixed Mac Editor crash that happened in multi-scene builds that were using BuildOptions.DetailedBuildReport.
Editor: Fixed missing labels for properties. (1332116)
Editor: Fixed Project Browser ping effect is misaligned in grid view. (1367601)
Editor: Fixed Repeat and Retry attribute for UnityTest in PlayMode (DSTR-237).
Editor: Fixed repeat functionality for native test runner(DSTP-668).
Editor: Fixed scene template instantiate when no cloneable dependency. (1354371)
Editor: Fixed so that dialogs displayed with EditorUtility.DisplayDialog open in front of other windows in the macOS Editor. (1350447)
Editor: Fixed the platform string. A proper platform string is now returned for server platforms (windows, linux and OSX). (1360107)
Editor: Fixed tooltips staying open in the macOS editor when space changes or a window is minimized. Also fixes "ghost" tooltips in dual monitor set-up with multiple spaces. (1295787)
Editor: Fixed Transform Component update with HideFlags.DontSave objects. (1091293)
Editor: Fixed unicode input in Windows Editor modal windows so that non-Latin characters can be entered. (1297206)
Editor: Inspector correctly refreshes after adding the CanEditMultipleObjects attibute to an inspector. (1348788)
Editor: Installing Linux mono and IL2CPP support on mac will no longer keep only the most recently installed of the two. (1331946)
Editor: New parent is now placed properly if default parent is set. (1324389)
Editor: Number fields will revert to zero after becoming empty. (1349798)
Editor: On macOS, fixed an issue where clicking on the game view in play mode would cause unexpected mouse delta data. (1343436)
Editor: Prevent context menus near the edge of the screen from popping far away from the context-click on macOS. (1339181)
Editor: Properly restore Settings Window splitter position when domain reload happens. (1359479)
Editor: Reduced the autocomplete popup width and trimmed the search item label to support long search terms. (1348672)
Editor: Removed XDK Xbox One platform after Unity 2020.3.
Editor: SerializedProperty.tooltip now contains Tooltip attribute values when available. (1359356)
Editor: Shader search window will now display results based on whether the search string matches any part of the full Shader path. (1334043)
Editor: Unified the il2cpp default order for managed stripping levels in the Player Settings drop-down menu to the one of Mono (Minimal > Low > Medium > High).
Editor: Updating EditorScript behavior in SceneView based on Inspector visibility (1340534)
GI: Added test is disabled on all Editor platforms. (1361081)
GI: Avoid falling back to CPU Lightmapper in scenes with only black direct lights. (1356606)
GI: Black light probes after duplicating baked geometry during the bake with CPU Lightmapper. (1332156)
GI: Environment lighting should no longer be affected by the Cast Shadows flag on the Mesh Renderer. (1348581)
GI: Exposed API for environmentMIS property in LightingSettings. (1338804)
GI: Fixed a crash occurring while sculpting terrain and baking. (1266511)
GI: Fixed a small offset in GPULM light cookie textures. (1333945)
GI: Fixed an issue to prevent the GPULM from falling back to CPULM when toggling lights during a bake. (1343313)
GI: Fixed an issue where it was possible to set the value of maxBounces to less than that of minBounces when setting these values via the API. (1350279)
GI: Fixed an issue where setting baked light probe coefficients to an empty array causes a crash. (1342068)
GI: Fixed case where the Enlighten Realtime GI charting visualization would not work. (1353283)
GI: Fixed corruption in Probe baking when lightmap UVs are not provided. (1337226)
GI: Fixed crash when baking 4K lightmap with maximum AA setting. (1318800)
GI: Fixed denoising issues with OIDN and OptiX denoisers on GPULM when using different values for direct lighting sample count and indirect lighting sample count. (1337396)
GI: Fixed issue where error messages from baking cannot be cleared when clearing lighting from the lighting panel. (1323367)
GI: Fixed issue where lightmaps would be lost when loading a scene additively when the main scene uses realtime GI and is baked with auto mode. (1346566)
GI: Fixed issue with GPU Lightmapper falling back to CPU Lightmapper upon a rebake. (1356714)
GI: Fixed issue with the Lightmap Exposure value getting lost when entering and exiting Playmode. (1362687)
GI: Fixed light reset, remove any cookie that might be attached to the light. (1335363)
GI: Fixed NullReferenceException when viewing the reflection probe inspector while a custom editor for Cubemap exists. (1341400)
GI: Fixed regression where the GPU Lightmapper hangs when exporting training data in a scene with no active lights. (1350077)
GI: Normalized normals in the meshes is now passed to the progressive lightmappers. (1356670)
Graphics: Added rendering layer support to instanced terrain details. (1334605)
Graphics: Attempting to draw with disposed argument buffer with DrawProceduralNow functions now issues an error to the log instead of a crash. (1356448)
Graphics: Crunch compression properly handles uncompressed formats (even if not 32-bit RGBA) without flipping color channels or getting data corruption. (1340715)
Graphics: Disabled Built-in renderer Lens Flares in Scene View for projects that use a Scriptable Render Pipeline. (1346881)
Graphics: EditorUtility.Compress to crunch fails without crashing when providing invalid texture sizes. (1331258)
Graphics: Enabled Depth Sharing in Vulkan.
Graphics: Enabled support for dynamic resolution when using Vulkan on Windows and Linux. (1337161)
Graphics: Encoding R8, R16, RFloat and RHalf to EXR now encodes to a grayscale image. (1343287)
Graphics: Fixed 16bpc to 8bpc quantizing bug in the texture importer for type Sprite. (1303552)
Graphics: Fixed a case where resource fence was decreased instead of increased. (1359177)
Graphics: Fixed a crash in ray tracing shaders when different ray payload structures are used throughout shaders that are used in a ray tracing dispatch. (1351293)
Graphics: Fixed a large, visible stretch ratio in a LensFlare Image thumbnail.
Graphics: Fixed alignment in Volume Components.
Graphics: Fixed alpha dilation filtering when a 16 bit-per-component texture with transparent pixels is imported. (1355265)
Graphics: Fixed an incorrect preprocessor define causing ImageConversion.EncodeArrayToTGA (and overloads) to always fail. (1340467)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where Texture.CreateExternalTexture was not detecting the native texture format on DirectX12. (1343696)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where Texture2D.UpdateExternalTexture did not work on vulkan. (1355632)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where TexturesD3D11Base::RegisterNativeTexture ignored format from UnityEngine.Cubemap.CreateExternalTexture when creating the SRV. (1281016)
Graphics: Fixed artifacts when calling ReflectionProbe.BlendCubemap(). (1360030)
Graphics: Fixed black pixel issue in AMD FidelityFX RCAS implementation.
Graphics: Fixed black RenderTarget/CustomRenderTarget thumbnails when changing Color/Depth formats. (1340733)
Graphics: Fixed corrupt mipmap calculations during RG32 and RGB48 texture importing. (1340126)
Graphics: Fixed crash when creating a RenderTexture with dimensions exceeding the capabilities of the current graphics device. (1313675)
Graphics: Fixed cropped thumbnail for Image with non-uniform scale and rotation.
Graphics: Fixed decompressing BC4 and BC5 to RGBA initializing alpha to 0 instead of 1, for example, when using GetPixels(). (1341470)
Graphics: Fixed IES Importer related to new API on core.
Graphics: Fixed incorrect compression of 8k ETC textures using the Crunch compressor. (1346908)
Graphics: Fixed incorrect NativeArray de-allocation error when using the results of Texture2D.GetPixelData in multiple jobs per frame. (1359263)
Graphics: Fixed incorrect rendering result when HDR rendering support is disabled in GraphicsSettings but HDR output is enabled in PlayerSettings. (1363703)
Graphics: Fixed incorrect rendering when having object with negative scale. (1280030)
Graphics: Fixed issue where memory would leak from mesh due to mismatching memory labels. (1362505)
Graphics: Fixed issue with resolution change when using renderFrameInterval. (1355972)
Graphics: Fixed leftover memory when switching scenes when using Vulkan. (1293458)
Graphics: Fixed Lens Flare 'radialScreenAttenuationCurve invisible'.
Graphics: Fixed Lens Flare rotation for Curve Distribution.
Graphics: Fixed Lens Flare Thumbnails.
Graphics: Fixed library function SurfaceGradientFromTriplanarProjection to match the mapping convention used in SampleUVMappingNormalInternal.hlsl and fix its description.
Graphics: Fixed LightAnchor too much error message, became a HelpBox on the Inspector.
Graphics: Fixed Mac Metal player so red edges no longer appear when dragging resizable windows. (1298578)
Graphics: Fixed memory leak when changing SRP pipeline settings, and having the player in pause mode.
Graphics: Fixed memory leak when using Vulkan GraphicsJobs. (1333454)
Graphics: Fixed Mesh.AddBlendShapeFrame not properly updating mesh layout to be compatible with GPU blend shapes. (1312251)
Graphics: Fixed overlay camera stacking is not working on MacOS when using OpenGLCore with MSAA. (1250331)
Graphics: Fixed potential for LineRenderer.BakeMesh and TrailRenderer.BakeMesh to fail with invalid AABB error messages. (1349946)
Graphics: Fixed ProBuilder mesh's texture disappearing after enabling Path Tracing. This happened when the vertex color channel was not set. (1348821)
Graphics: Fixed read/write access on NativeArray after an AsyncGPUReadback request is fulfilled. (1295472)
Graphics: Fixed realtime GI when using OpenGL. (1339133)
Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture with randomWrite (UAV) that has dynamic resolution enabled with Vulkan. (1366269)
Graphics: Fixed reported out-of-memory error on Scarlett devices when trying to create 96bpp textures.
Graphics: Fixed small inconsistencies between the various ImageConvertion.EncodeArrayToEXR (and overload) functions. (1340476)
Graphics: Fixed SRP batcher initialization when modifiying a Shader Graph with multiple SRP as a targets. (1307728)
Graphics: Fixed Undo from script refreshing thumbnail.
Graphics: Fixed Volume Gizmo size when rescaling parent GameObject.
Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when creating a 3D RenderTexture with mip maps. (1367999)
Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when using dynamic resolution with Vulkan on some drivers. (1367535)
Graphics: Fixed Vulkan validation error when using texelFetch with images that don't support linear filtering. (1367541)
Graphics: GrabIntoRenderTexture uses invalid viewport with UTR on D3D11 when formats not compatible. (1325579)
Graphics: Help boxes with fix buttons do not crop the label.
Graphics: LODGroup.lastLODBillboard is now exposed to C# API. (1325954)
Graphics: Mesh.SetVertexBufferParams prints a warning if input mesh layout has skinning data but is not compatible with Unity in how vertex streams are laid out. (1320869)
Graphics: Metal editor on OSX now uses CVDisplayLink to time frame presents; this fixes the unstable frame rate on some Macs in Play Mode. (1297470)
Graphics: Methods with DrawGizmo appear can now be disabled by the AnnotationManager. (1354816)
Graphics: Mipchains with external Texture3D no longer cause a crash in Vulkan. (1344019)
Graphics: Reset asset now works on RenderTexture and CustomRenderTexture assets. (1285064)
Graphics: StoreAndResolve actions are now overridden by Resolve actions if needed on Metal.
Graphics: SUCCEEDED(hr) error is thrown when the project's Shadows Filtering Quality is set to High or Very High. (1340115)
Graphics: Unwrapping.GenerateSecondaryUVSet now returns a bool value indicating success or failure. (1289982)
Graphics: VFX - Removed an unecessary call to ApplyShader with sleeping VFX systems. (1346028)
Graphics: Virtual Texturing fallback texture sampling code correctly honors the enableGlobalMipBias when virtual texturing is disabled.
Graphics: Vulkan no longer uses a secondary command buffer for a single clear call. We also no longer attempt to execute empty command buffers. (1333723)
Graphics: When adding Overrides to the Volume Profile, only show Volume Components from the current Pipeline.
Graphics: Workaround for immediate vertices getting split up. (1353549)
Graphics: [DX12] Fixed a crash when TexturesD3D12::RegisterNativeTexture was called with resource that has *_TYPELESS format. (1343602)
Graphics: [FrameDebugger] Fix incorrect ColorMask shown. (1360825)
Graphics: [Vulkan] Fixed an issue where the texture memory in Memory Profiler Module was not updated when profiling a Vulkan build. (1320962)
HDRP: Added support for negative wind speed parameter.
HDRP: Added Undo Support for HDRP Global Settings asset assignation.
HDRP: Fixed a compilation issue for AxF carpaints on Vulkan.
HDRP: Fixed a divide-by-zero warning for anisotropic shaders (Fabric, Lit).
HDRP: Fixed a lack of syncronization between the camera and the planar camera for volumetric cloud animation data.
HDRP: Fixed a memory leak related to not disposing of the RTAS at the end HDRP's lifecycle.
HDRP: Fixed a null ref exception when adding a new environment to the Look Dev library.
HDRP: Fixed a null ref exception when no opaque objects are rendered.
HDRP: Fixed a nullref when binding a RTHandle allocated from a RenderTextureIdentifier with CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget.
HDRP: Fixed a warning when enabling tile/cluster debug.
HDRP: Fixed access to main directional light from script.
HDRP: Fixed Additional Velocity for Alembic not taking correctly into account vertex animation.
HDRP: Fixed an incompatibility between MSAA and Volumetric Clouds.
HDRP: Fixed an inconsistency between perf mode and quality mode for material simplification in RTGI.
HDRP: Fixed an inconsistency between perf mode and quality mode for sky lighting.
HDRP: Fixed an issue that made camera motion vectors unavailable in custom passes.
HDRP: Fixed an issue that made Custom Pass buffers inaccessible in ShaderGraph.
HDRP: Fixed an issue where disabled reflection probes were still sent into the the ray tracing light cluster.
HDRP: Fixed an issue with reflection probe normalization via APV when no probes are in scene.
HDRP: Fixed an issue with resolution dependence for physically based depth of field.
HDRP: Fixed an issue with surface gradient based normal blending for decals (volume gradients weren't converted to SG before resolving in some cases).
HDRP: Fixed an issue with TAA causing objects not to render at extremely high far flip plane values.
HDRP: Fixed artifacts in volumetric cloud shadows.
HDRP: Fixed assert failure when enabling the probe volume system for the first time.
HDRP: Fixed bad feedback loop occuring when auto exposure adaptation time was too small.
HDRP: Fixed cases in which object and camera motion vectors would cancel out, but didn't.
HDRP: Fixed conflicting runtime debug menu command with an option to disable runtime debug window hotkey.
HDRP: Fixed contact shadow debug views not displaying correctly upon resizing of view.
HDRP: Fixed CPU performance of decal projectors, by a factor of %100 (walltime) on HDRP PS4, by burstifying decal projectors CPU processing.
HDRP: Fixed CPU performance on DLSS, avoiding to recreate state whenever a target can fall into the safe min/max resolution specified by the system.
HDRP: Fixed crash on SubSurfaceScattering Editor when the selected pipeline is not HDRP.
HDRP: Fixed custom pass volume not executed in scene view because of the volume culling mask.
HDRP: Fixed custom pass workflow for single camera effects.
HDRP: Fixed custom post process name not displayed correctly in GPU markers.
HDRP: Fixed custom post process template not working with Blit method.
HDRP: Fixed CustomPassUtils.Copy function not working on depth buffers.
HDRP: Fixed diffusion profile being reset to default on SpeedTree8 materials with subsurface scattering enabled during import.
HDRP: Fixed diffusion profile displayed in the inspector.
HDRP: Fixed disabled menu item for volume additional properties.
HDRP: Fixed double camera preview.
HDRP: Fixed edge bleeding when rendering volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Fixed EmissiveLighting Debug Light mode not managing correctly emissive for unlit.
HDRP: Fixed enabling a lensflare in playmode.
HDRP: Fixed error when disabling opaque objects on a camera with MSAA.
HDRP: Fixed error with motion blur and small render targets.
HDRP: Fixed exposure issues with volumetric clouds on planar reflection.
HDRP: Fixed fabric IBL (Charlie) pre-convolution performance and accuracy (uses 1000x less samples and is closer match with the ground truth).
HDRP: Fixed failures on platforms that do not support ray tracing due to an engine behavior change.
HDRP: Fixed for allowing to change dynamic resolution upscale filter via script.
HDRP: Fixed for discrepancies in intensity and saturation between screen space refraction and probe refraction.
HDRP: Fixed for wrong cached area light initialization.
HDRP: Fixed gbuffer depth debug mode for materials not rendered during the prepass.
HDRP: Fixed ghosting issues if the exposure changed too much (RTGI).
HDRP: Fixed HDRP's ShaderGraphVersion migration management which was broken.
HDRP: Fixed impossibility to release the cursor in the template.
HDRP: Fixed incorrect RTHandle scale in DoF when TAA is enabled.
HDRP: Fixed invalid pass index 1 in DrawProcedural error.
HDRP: Fixed issue with a compute dispatch being with 0 threads on extremely small resolutions.
HDRP: Fixed issue with change in lens model (perfect or imperfect) wouldn't be taken into account unless the HDRP asset was rebuilt.
HDRP: Fixed issue with depth slope scale depth bias when a material uses depth offset.
HDRP: Fixed issue with fading in SSR applying fade factor twice, resulting in darkening of the image in the transition areas.
HDRP: Fixed issue with hierarchy object filtering.
HDRP: Fixed issue with on-demand directional shadow maps looking broken when a reflection probe is updated at the same time.
HDRP: Fixed issue with vertex color defaulting to 0.0 when not defined, in ray/path tracing.
HDRP: Fixed lens flare not rendering correctly with TAAU or DLSS.
HDRP: Fixed material inspector that allowed setting intensity to an infinite value.
HDRP: Fixed memory leak with XR combined occlusion meshes.
HDRP: Fixed misc TAA issue: Slightly improved TAA flickering, Reduced ringing of TAA sharpening, tweak TAA High quality central color filtering.
HDRP: Fixed missing API documentation for LTC area light code.
HDRP: Fixed missing global wind parameters in the visual environment.
HDRP: Fixed motion vector for custom meshes loaded from compute buffer in shader graph (like Hair).
HDRP: Fixed nullref when enabling fullscreen passthrough in HDRP Camera.
HDRP: Fixed object outline flickering with TAA.
HDRP: Fixed off by 1 error when calculating the depth pyramid texture size when DRS is on.
HDRP: Fixed override camera rendering custom pass API aspect ratio issue when rendering to a render texture.
HDRP: Fixed parameter ranges in HDRP Asset settings.
HDRP: Fixed Pixel Displacement that could be set on tessellation shader while it's not supported.
HDRP: Fixed possible QNANS during first frame of SSGI, caused by uninitialized first frame data.
HDRP: Fixed Realtime lightmap not working correctly in player with various lit shader.
HDRP: Fixed regression in the ambient probe intensity for volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Fixed regression in the clouds presets.
HDRP: Fixed remapping of depth pyramid debug view.
HDRP: Fixed remove of the Additional Camera Data when removing the Camera Component.
HDRP: Fixed remove of the Additional Light Data when removing the Light Component.
HDRP: Fixed Render Graph Debug UI not refreshing correctly in the Rendering Debugger.
HDRP: Fixed rendering of objects just after the TAA pass (before post process injection point).
HDRP: Fixed rounding issue when accessing the color buffer in the DoF shader.
HDRP: Fixed sceneview debug mode rendering.
HDRP: Fixed Shader advanced options for lit shaders.
HDRP: Fixed shadow sampling artifact when using the spot light shadow option 'custom spot angle'.
HDRP: Fixed shadowmask editable when not supported.
HDRP: Fixed some aliasing ussues with the volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Fixed some depth comparison instabilities with volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Fixed some of the extreme ghosting in DLSS by using a bit mask to bias the color of particles. VFX tagged as Exclude from TAA will be on this pass.
HDRP: Fixed sorting for mesh decals.
HDRP: Fixed specular anti aliasing for layeredlit shader.
HDRP: Fixed specular occlusion sharpness and over darkening at grazing angles.
HDRP: Fixed support for instanced motion vector rendering.
HDRP: Fixed support of directional light coloring from physical sky in path tracing.
HDRP: Fixed support of Distortion with MSAA.
HDRP: Fixed support of multi-editing on custom pass volumes.
HDRP: Fixed TAA upsampling algorithm, now work properly.
HDRP: Fixed TAA upsampling algorithm, now work properly.
HDRP: Fixed tessellation displacement with planar mapping.
HDRP: Fixed texture fields for volume parameters accepting textures with wrong dimensions.
HDRP: Fixed the APV UI loosing focus when the helpbox about baking appears in the probe volume.
HDRP: Fixed the clouds missing in the ambient probe and in the static and dynamic sky.
HDRP: Fixed the emissive being overriden by ray traced sub-surface scattering.
HDRP: Fixed the incorrect value written to the VT feedback buffer when VT is not used.
HDRP: Fixed the performance of the volumetric clouds in non-local mode when large occluders are on screen.
HDRP: Fixed the possibility to hide custom pass from the create menu with the HideInInspector attribute.
HDRP: Fixed the RTAO debug view being broken.
HDRP: Fixed the sun leaking from behind fully opaque clouds.
HDRP: Fixed the volumetric clouds cloud map not being centered over the world origin.
HDRP: Fixed the way we are handling emissive for SSGI/RTGI/Mixed and APV and remove ForceForwardEmissive code.
HDRP: Fixed tiled artifacts in refraction at borders between two reflection probes.
HDRP: Fixed undo on light anchor.
HDRP: Fixed Vertex Color Mode documentation for layered lit shader.
HDRP: Fixed VFX flag "Exclude From TAA" not working for some particle types.
HDRP: Fixed VfX lit particle AOV output color space.
HDRP: Fixed volume interpolation issue with ScalableSettingLevelParameter.
HDRP: Fixed Volumetric Clouds not updated when using RenderTexture as input for cloud maps.
HDRP: Fixed volumetric fog in planar reflections.
HDRP: Fixed warning "Releasing render texture that is set to be!" on pipeline disposal / hdrp live editing.
HDRP: Fixed white flash when camera is reset and SSR Accumulation mode is on.
HDRP: Fixed white flashes when history is reset due to changes on type of upsampler.
HDRP: Fixed wobbling/tearing-like artifacts with SSAO.
HDRP: Fixed wrong LUT initialization in Wireframe mode.
HDRP: Fixed wrong ordering in FrameSettings (Normalize Reflection Probes).
HDRP: HDRP Wizard can still be opened from Windows > Rendering, if the project is not using a Render Pipeline.
HDRP: Indentation of the HDRenderPipelineAsset inspector UI for quality.
HDRP: Prevent user from spamming and corrupting installation of nvidia package.
HDRP: Reduced the number shader variants for the volumetric clouds.
HDRP: Significantly improved performance of APV probe debug.
HDRP: The HDRP Wizard is only opened when a SRP in use is of type HDRenderPipeline.
HDRP: When the HDProjectSettings was being loaded on some cases the load of the ScriptableObject was calling the method Reset
from the HDProjectSettings, simply rename the method to avoid an error log from the loading.
IL2CPP: Added missing facade dlls (System.Memory System.Buffers...) to the Unity 4.8 reference profile. (1367105)
IL2CPP: Fixed crash in player when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled. (1365032)
IL2CPP: Fixed parsing of --custom-step command line argument to UnityLinker. (1351726)
IMGUI: Fixed an issue where FoldoutHeader group does not show error when they are nested. (1344968)
IMGUI: Fixed an issue where the gradient color fields gets dark in Playmode. (803349)
IMGUI: Fixed GameObject and Folder icons become pixelated when Quality Levels are deleted and Texture Quality is set to Eight Res. (1249745)
IMGUI: Fixed incorrect calculation of Handles when drawn in the Editor Window. (1338039)
IMGUI: Fixed Lighting window label is clipped when there is plenty space. (1342233)
IMGUI: Fixed memory leak when continuously calling Repaint inside OnGUI after GUI.Window. (1347653)
IMGUI: Fixed the Preview window does not open when Ctrl+Clicked on object field icon. (1353928)
IMGUI: When reordering an item in a ReorderableList, keep the expanded state of the item and its children. (1335323)
Input System: Fixed incorrect Windows input event timestamps. (1284586)
Installer: Removed unnecessary data from templates installed by the editor installer, making Unity installs smaller by over 800MB.
iOS: Fixed a crash when the iPhone 12 family were forced to portrait upside down. (1357577)
iOS: Fixed graphics memory not being freed on unity unload. (1348481)
iOS: Metal: fixed disabling stencil completely in case of Comparison Function being Disabled, as the "write only" is perfectly valid stencil state (case 1345523). (1345523)
iOS: UnityWebRequest: Fixed upload with automatic authorization. (1341009)
Kernel: Fixed an issue where Boot.config was not written when there was no data in the file.
Kernel: Registering undo operations that don't affect the scene will no longer mark the scene as dirty. (1306519)
License: Fixed Licensing Client signature check in the Editor.
Linux: Fixed an issue where the Assets menu might be disabled after using the right-click context menu.
Linux: Fixed undocking editor windows from causing the entire main window to scroll on Linux. (1359135)
Linux: Fixed versioned Linux libraries are ignored by the Editor when they are imported. (1345105)
Linux: Like on Windows, mouse movement will now wrap around the screen edges for certain GUI elements that rely on mouse deltas (i.e. Rotate tool). (1156952)
Linux: Prevent crash when closing the standalone profiler on Linux. (1343811)
Linux: Unity splash screen now responds to resize events. (1360542)
macOS: Fixed InputFields share composition string on macOS builds when using IME. (1345917)
macOS: Fixed invalid generated xcode projects when the product name has non-ascii characters. (1347730)
macOS: Fixed mouse delta values are generated after mouse click while the cursor is motionless. (1194673)
macOS: Force to use GPU Lightmapper instead of CPU Lightmapper on Apple silicon. (1341489)
macOS: Maintain previous window position when reopening player on MacOS. (1333806)
Mobile: Updated the Xcode version used to build the PhysX libraries in order to fix the "Ignoring invalid debug info" warnings when archiving a Unity project in Xcode. (1233645)
Mono: Added missing facade dlls for Unity profiles. (1367105)
Mono: Fixed a crash that would occur when a recursive struct was used in user code. (1248911)
Mono: Fixed issue where the timeout of a HttpClient handler was not being used for requests. (1365107)
Multiplayer: Marked uNET HLAPI as deprecated.
N/A (internal): Fixed build for embeddedlinnux
Port fixes from 2020.3 for embedded linux to trunk.
N/A (internal): Fixed exception caused by EmbeddedLinuxPreProcessor, by only executing checks when EmbeddedLinux platform is selected
Fixes the removal of unneeded EmbeddedLinux support files (e.g. unstripped debug symbols), to minimize the resulting archive size.
N/A (internal): Re-enabled ShaderImporterTest ImportShader_FromEmbeddedPackage_WithInclude_InRelativeDirectory_IsImported. (1278035)
N/A (internal): Test no longer rely on ordering of merging prefabs when loading a scene. (1349135)
Networking: Fixed crash when a dedicated server tries to load an audio clip on startup. (1354359)
Package: (Recorder) Do not perform the color space conversion from linear to sRGB for RenderTextures that are already sRGB.
Package: (Recorder) Ensure that the color space conversion from sRGB to linear is performed when required for EXR files.
Package: (Recorder) Fixed an exception that occurred when sending a RenderTexture to a Recorder before creating this RenderTexture.
Package: (Recorder) Fixed issues with the Recorder samples about synchronizing multiple recordings and resetting the Game view resolution.
Package: Bug that causes searcher window to prioritize categories over node entries of the same name. (1304055)
Package: Fixed bug that causes searcher window to be offset too far when accounting for host window boundaries.
Package: [Recorder] Fix vertically flipped outputs on OpenGL hardware.
Package: [Recorder] Perform the appropriate color space conversion for Texture Sampling sources when required.
Package: [Visual Scripting] Fixed an issue where uncaught exceptions were thrown in Debug builds of the Windows editor. Fixed custom units not appearing in the finder.
Package Manager: Added a limit to the description for Asset store packages in the editor. (1346719)
Package Manager: Added info box informing users that an Asset is hidden when viewing it in My Assets.
Package Manager: An info icon will warn users when the package version they are using is not recommended for their Unity version.
Package Manager: Dependency packages are no longer missing from the Feature dependencies list. (1341060)
Package Manager: Errors are now automatically refreshed once packages are updated to fix the issue. (1342141)
Package Manager: Fixed bug where having a package which can't be found shows it as a Unity Technologies package available in the Unity Registry. (1348573)
Package Manager: Fixed issue where package actions remain disabled if installing a package and going to play mode right after. (1341873)
Package Manager: Fixed issue where Package Manager GIT URL entry does not strip leading/trailing spaces. (1322420)
Package Manager: Fixed issue where Package Manager UI goes all black for a brief moment after an UPM resolve operation,. (1365389)
Package Manager: Fixed the issue where copy paste keyboard shortcut does not work in the search box on My Assets
Package Manager: Fixed the issue where the search bar in the Package Manager window gets out of focus frequently when user type slowly. (1348902)
Package Manager: Null Exception thrown when an Asset had an update available is fixed. (1357085)
Package Manager: Package installed checkmark hardly noticeable in Light theme. (1348248)
Package Manager: Packages in error no longer disappear from list on resolve. (1343734)
Package Manager: Refreshed package version list when enabling pre-release packages in use or when updating package version.
Package Manager: Removed update button to the Unity Registry version of a package if this package is embedded or locally installed. (1354198)
Particles: A warning will now be shown when attempting to assign a ParticleSystem as a sub-emitter when it is not a child and is part of a Prefab hierarchy. (1306311)
Particles: Added sub-frame emission precision for Bursts. (1352736)
Particles: Fixed crashes if accessing specific properties in uninitialized Collision and Trigger modules from script.
Particles: Fixed cycles and frame over time to work together correctly in the Texture Sheet Animation module. (1338814)
Particles: Fixed particle face-culling when rendering into Cubemaps. (1340494)
Physics: Anchored prismatic limit handles in screen space to avoid them occluding small Articulation Body links.
Physics: Character controller will no longer snap downwards when hitting a step wall that is just outside of the step offset reach. (1256900)
Physics: Clamped the Articulation body drive lower and upper limits to each other. (1310004)
Physics: Enabled loading the baked physx meshes from disk while running in Editor (before this change an expensive bake operation was required). (1104237)
Physics: Fixed a crash that happened when resetting the mass properties of a disabled articulation body. (1346489)
Physics: Fixed a rare crash when setting Improved Patch Friction for materials. (1355518)
Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody.SetJointPositions and similar setter using List.Capacity instead of List.Count to determine the element count and throwing errors because of that. (1347970)
Physics: Fixed capsule overlaps missing low resolution heightmaps. (1263649)
Physics: Fixed Hinge Joint ignoring break force and break torque after using useSpring or useMotor. (1364352)
Physics: Fixed Hinge Joints not breaking after calling useSpring or useMotor on the Joint. (1361452)
Physics: Fixed invalid Collider parameters causing crashes in PhysX. (1340746)
Physics: Fixed the Articulation Drive not affecting the joint in Articulation Body when the collider volume is very small. (1330968)
Physics: Fixed undefined behaviour when calling Physics.OverlapCapsule over Terrain holes.
Physics: Unity will no longer crash when multiple overlapping rigidbodies are creating over 65 thousand interaction elements. (1328426)
Player: Fixed the player outputing "CreateDirectory '' failed: The system cannot find the path specified." error to stdout when using "-logfile" command line parameter with a relative path. (1343466)
Prefabs: "Prefab Import Error: Assertion failed on expression: 'm_InstanceID != InstanceID_None'" caused by dangling pointers in broken scenes. (1340955)
Prefabs: Catch and handle exception if creating a prefab from Asset Menu fails. (1333618)
Prefabs: Fixed an issue where all descendants on the Prefab Variant would get destroyed after adding the 'Rect Transform' component to the Prefab root. (1340595)
Prefabs: Fixed Base Prefab is referenced in Unity Event when making specific revert on Prefab Variant. (1287926)
Prefabs: Fixed broken scene paths in EditorBuildSettings. (1035848)
Prefabs: Fixed crash with broken scenes where Transform has a PrefabInstance, but the containing GameObject doesn't have one
Fixed instability caused by non deterministic order of stripped components.
(1325967, 1353816)
Prefabs: Fixed empty error logs when importing Trees. (1354333)
Prefabs: Fixed exception appears while Prefab Asset replaced by its child. (1055879)
Prefabs: Fixed memory gets allocated for GC each frame when using PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage(). (1343935)
Prefabs: Fixed missing required component causing import loop and log spamming. (1319932)
Prefabs: Fixed Prefab mode saving too many objects if there are missing nested prefabs. (1339328)
Prefabs: Fixed Rect tool is enabled for root Prefab in Context mode. Now it behaves similar to the other Transform tools. (1367665)
Prefabs: Fixed Revert option is not available when right-clicking on the component's 'Enable' checkmark. (1364181)
Prefabs: Fixed that HideFlags are not preserved on dynamically created GameObjects from legacy Prefabs when opened in Prefab Mode. (1151418)
Prefabs: Fixed undo across Prefab Mode : Child GameObject turned into a prefab on completely unpacking the root prefab. (1150192)
Prefabs: Prevent AddComponent to replace the transform object when called in a callback fired within SetParent. (1135408)
Prefabs: The prefab overrides window now has hover effect on items in the TreeView. Also, all items that doesn't have any overrides are now rendered greyed out in order for the items that have have overrides to stand out. (1365985)
Profiler: Custom Profiler counters using a custom category or a category of Audio or Video now display correctly in the chart view. (1365365)
Profiler: Fixed an issue where Mesh cpu data was counted twice. (1339862)
Profiler: Fixed Command line diagnostic switch configurations are not passed on to Profiler (Standalone Process) started from the Editor. (1348776)
Profiler: Fixed fade for non-current samples on Timeline view. (1350111)
Profiler: Fixed failing ProfilerRecorder test on Android. (1320036)
Profiler: Fixed incorrect frame boundary location when profiling standalone builds. (1332845)
Profiler: Fixed invalid time reported by ProlfierRecorder for Main Thread root marker. (1337020)
Profiler: Fixed issue where the CPU chart tooltips could be incorrectly calculated. (1341423)
Profiler: Fixed Mesh buffers debug markup availability on vulkan.
Profiler: Fixed native plugins API create category function to return a new category. (1338385)
Profiler: Fixed player name label width in Player Connection dropdown to accommodate long strings. Fixed player name reported in Console window on connection to be consistent with Player Connection dropdown. Values in columns will now truncate with elipses if they are too large too fit in the column. When a player is selected the dropdown will now close to mimic the old dropdown behaviour.
Profiler: Fixed ProfilerRecorder GPU capture on DirectX 12 always returns zeroes. (1345021)
Profiler: Prevent an ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurring in the Module Editor when enabling deep profiling after deleting a module. (1335309)
Profiler: Removed Gfx Used and Reserved Memory from counters available in release players. The underlying code in memory manager which counts the value is compiled out due to performance reasons and the counter value can not be set. (1339707)
Profiler: The profiler will no longer disconnect when the last connected IP is clicked on a second time. (1322548)
Project Browser: Fixed an issue where sort order of assets in Project Browser is different from Asset picker. (1328148)
Project Browser: Fixed text alignment in Delete assets dialog. (1296099)
Project Browser: Project Browser slider is correctly restored when clearing the search field after selecting a favorite filter. (1348825)
Scene Manager: Aligned scene and instantiation behavior when loading a new scene between Editor and Build. (1046181)
Scene Manager: Fixed an issue where -openscene command line argument didn't open scenes when using -batchmode. (1249100)
Scene Manager: Fixed argument exception is thrown when double-clicking on the DontDestroyOnLoad scene. (1283407)
Scene Manager: Fixed parenting isn't displayed in the Hierarchy after loading a specific custom layout. (1346524)
Scene Manager: Fixed performance regression in SetByInstanceID. (1353323)
Scene Manager: Fixed that loading multiple scenes additively via "Assets/Open Scene Additive" menu item loaded them in random order than as seen in the Project Window. (1323868)
Scene Manager: Fixed that moving a GameObject to a unloading scene on the 'sceneUnloaded' event is possible, and leaves the object without valid scene. An exception is now thrown. (923322)
Scene Manager: OpenScene invoked within a SceneClosed or SceneClosing callback, on the same scene that is being closed, will return error. (902638)
Scene Manager: Removed duplicate adjacent separators in scene paths before building player. (1250807)
Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where moving cursor off-screen while translating an object will result in the object being offset from the cursor. (1360113)
Scene/Game View: Fixed errors when exiting play mode with a tool for a non-serialized component active. (1322944)
Scene/Game View: Fixed extraneous EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged
callbacks when setting EditorApplication.isPlaying
to false in an ExitEditMode
state change callback.
Scene/Game View: Fixed GameView update with HideFlags.DontSave objects. (1351075)
Scene/Game View: Fixed Increment Snapping linked property not working. (1351800)
Scene/Game View: Fixed input field expanding to fit more digits and creating overflow in the snapping overlays. (1361083)
Scene/Game View: Fixed issue where new Scene View windows will open in default overlay layout ignoring any previous layout customization. (1336748)
Scene/Game View: Fixed locked Inspector causing duplicate tool buttons to appear in component tool toolbars. (1338708)
Scene/Game View: Fixed tool settings overlay not updating contents when active tool editor does not support current container layout. (1348529)
Scripting: Fixed an issue causing Editor to lock-up or crash when creating a ScriptableObject that instantiates a new ScriptableObject in OnEnable method. (1332971)
Scripting: Fixed an issue that caused a performance regression which was due to a race condition fix when accessing the mono wrapper of a native object. (1353355)
Scripting: Fixed case where Define Constraints did not work properly for precompiled assemblies. (1327988)
Scripting: Fixed errors appearing in console when using UI Toolkit package and opening Profiler (Standalone Process). (1346850)
Scripting: Fixed issue where precompiled DLL with define constraints was not being included in a build when passing extra define constraints. (1330363)
Scripting: Fixed Plane.SetNormalAndPosition behaviour when passing a non-normalized normal vector. (1346589)
Scripting: Fixed Quaternion.ToAngleAxis() returning NaN for quaternion(0,0,0,-1). (1348545)
Scripting: Project generation will get updated PlayerSettings for writing csproj files. (1336737)
Scripting: SemVersionParser.TryParse and UnityVersionParser.TryParse don't throw first chance exceptions anymore. (1340457)
Scripting: When switching to UWP it doesn't add NET_STANDARD_2_0 define, it adds NET_4_6 instead. (1334636)
Scripting: [InitializeOnLoad]
classes are now initialized in a defined order based on assembly references, such that if Assembly B depends on Assembly A, all [InitializeOnLoad]
classes in Assembly A are guaranteed to be initialized prior to any [InitializeOnLoad]
classes in Assembly B.
Search: Fixed Out of memory crash when using the search picker to pick a large set of texture and/or sprites View on Crashes HQ. (1362804)
Search: Fixed search by type tags are not adapted for use with the Quick Search engine. (1334338)
Search: Fixed text in the search field of the Search window doesn't get selected after focusing the window and clicking on the field once. (1338063)
Serialization: Changed the internal behavior of the SerializedProperty.propertyPath eliminating unnecessary string allocations on every call.
Serialization: Fixed an issue where Unity could crash when recursively calling methods that invoke serialization. (1227302)
Serialization: Fixed cancel case when deleting an array element with multiple objects selected. (1305941)
Serialization: Fixed for SerializedObject to retain individual object array content, when multiple objects selected and the last element is added or removed. (1277419)
Serialization: Fixed SerializeReference object missing in certain situation.
Serialization: In addition to SerializeReference, class referred by value will also be considered and added to the list of classes not to be stripped when performing a Player Build / Asset Bundle Build / Addressable Build. (1296195)
Shadergraph: Fixed a serialization bug wrt PVT property flags when using subgraphs. This fixes SRP batcher compatibility.
Shadergraph: Fixed a ShaderGraph issue where a material inspector could contain an extra set of render queue, GPU instancing, and double-sided GI controls.
Shadergraph: Fixed a warning in ShaderGraph about BuiltIn Shader Library assembly having no scripts.
Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where ShaderGraph 'view shader' commands were opening in individual windows, and blocking Unity from closing.
Shadergraph: Fixed compilation problems on preview shader when using hybrid renderer v2 and property desc override Hybrid Per Instance.
Shadergraph: Fixed incorrect warning while using VFXTarget.
Shadergraph: Fixed loading all materials from project when saving a ShaderGraph.
Shadergraph: Fixed noise nodes to use a deterministic integer hash, instead of platform dependent floating point hashes. (1156544)
Shadergraph: Fixed ShaderGraph BuiltIn target shader GUI to allow the same render queue control available on URP with the changes for case.
Shadergraph: Fixed ShaderGraph HDRP master preview disappearing for a few seconds when graph is modified.
Shadergraph: Fixed ShaderGraph isNaN node, which was always returning false on Vulkan and Metal platforms.
Shadergraph: Fixed the incorrect value written to the VT feedback buffer when VT is not used.
Shadergraph: Fixed the wrong scaling of the main preview window. (1356719)
Shadergraph: Improved screenspace position accuracy in the fragment shader by using VPOS. (1352662)
Shadergraph: Updated the ShaderGraph searcher package dependency to be in sync with the latest searcher package version i.e. 4.8.0.
Shaders: Bumped material property blocks array size limit from 1023 to 1048575. (1358444)
Shaders: Fixed a crash when loading shaders with complex fallbacks that contain GrabPasses. (1360664)
Shaders: Fixed an issue that caused shader cache to grow infinitely. Shader cache is now organized into per asset folders. (1339314)
Shaders: Fixed an issue whereby the built-in shaders zip package no longer contains a bunch of empty folders.
Shaders: Fixed incorrect casts in Metal shaders when a reinterpret cast was intended. (1331056)
Shaders: Metal shaders that use 'pragma only_renderers framebufferfetch' are now correctly reported as unsupported on MacOS. Shaders that use 'pragma require framebufferfetch' are no longer reported as unsupported on platforms that support framebuffer fetch. (1288056)
Shaders: Updated DXC libraries to fix a regression with DXIL validation for shaders that use barycentrics and possibly other newer features. (1349629)
Terrain: User can no longer create brushes so huge that the editor emits an error about not being able to create a RenderTexture that large. (1321932)
Text: Fixed an issue where Sprite Asset sprite glyph scale was not affecting the scale of sprites in UI Toolkit. (1364241)
uGUI: Added a new data unavailable message to the UI Profiler for when this is not attached to the editor. (1251139)
uGUI: Added a NullReferenceException when selecting a Dropdown Component override in the prefab overrides menu for the second time. (1308539)
uGUI: Added a switch to Canvas to allow the user to determine if the canvas should resize on manual Camera.Render calls.
uGUI: Changed the calculations to take in consideration images that may be smaller than their RecTransform. Fixes the raycasting on those images. (1341107)
uGUI: Fixed an issue to force update the Canvas RectTransform on load from disk, so that Override nested Canvas can still get a proper world transform for rendering. (1322784)
uGUI: Fixed the canvas size not having the correct values when reopening the project. (1342677)
uGUI: Fixed the formula in GridLayout to make sure the constraint column/row amount is always respected. (1345471)
uGUI: Fixed the SliderEditor's slider handler disappearing when setting a min value greater than the value on a Slider preset. (1337860)
uGUI: Fixed the way the raycast 2D is calculated to take in account the Z position of the sprite. (1340417)
uGUI: Fixed UI Components causing GC Allocation when enabled. (1299752)
uGUI: Makes sure no call to the ReadPixels is made while using a crunch compression on an image. (1341100)
uGUI: Removed the allocation caused by the GetComponent in the layout when scrolling. (1343656)
uGUI: Updated the Raycast Target property at runtime even if started as disabled. (1341044)
UI Toolkit: Added more asset conversion types to the Package Asset Converter tool. (1366279)
UI Toolkit: Ensured that invalid uxml and uss files cannot be opened nor can be added to an existing document. (1333514)
UI Toolkit: Fixed a couple of issues with the UI of Transform in UI Builder. (1342227)
UI Toolkit: Fixed a few USS style settings to match IMGUI inspectors and a wrong check for property fields in inspector elements. (1320031)
UI Toolkit: Fixed absolute child element ignore padding of the parent. (1348644)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue causing ListView's reordering to stop working after docking its parent window to a new pane. (1345142)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue when a modal window is opened, the UI Elements property animations, as well as scheduled items, asynchronous tasks and Update() callbacks are now updated as expected. (1333331)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where externally editing a UI document would open the UI Builder window. (1365403)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where setting the same StyleKeyword to a style property would dirty the panel. (1356202)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with the search completion where a variable set to color name was treated as an enum variable rather than a color variable. (1359230)
UI Toolkit: Fixed checker pattern background no longer visible. (1340240)
UI Toolkit: Fixed default.tss.asset failing to load while the UI Toolkit package is being imported. (1362005)
UI Toolkit: Fixed dynamic atlas not being regenerated after downloading a texture from the cache server. (1333693)
UI Toolkit: Fixed DynamicTransform elements disappearing when assigning a Vector2 scale factor. (1341601)
UI Toolkit: Fixed editor window creation menu references. Now created files can be renamed. (1347331)
UI Toolkit: Fixed element sometimes entering hover state when window is resized. (1290545)
UI Toolkit: Fixed element under pointer not updated when pointer position varies very slowly (subpixel amounts on each update). (1356041)
UI Toolkit: Fixed exception in ListView when pressing page up key after hitting navigation keys. (1324806)
UI Toolkit: Fixed exceptions being thrown when setting the value of an EnumField inside the UI Builder. (1331021)
UI Toolkit: Fixed hardcoded paths in editor window creation menu. (1317521)
UI Toolkit: Fixed hover state not updated properly on Button when using touch-based pointer events to activate it. (1353921)
UI Toolkit: Fixed Image class alignment issue on non-standard DPIs. (1330817)
UI Toolkit: Fixed incorrect pointer enter events and pointer leave events in playmode using the DefaultEventSystem. (1313220)
UI Toolkit: Fixed issue where the UI Builder would not suggest variables defined in a uss attached to a theme. (1369386)
UI Toolkit: Fixed missing Length conversions for style transitions between px and % units. (1348296)
UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceException thrown when calling GetWindow<>() inside ShowWindow() when called from [InitializeOnLoad] class. (1325267)
UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceException when clicking the Settings button in the UI Builder window. (1340230)
UI Toolkit: Fixed object selection not working when clicking on the object in a disabled UI Toolkit ObjectField. (1355709)
UI Toolkit: Fixed pointer events not working correctly when multiple UI Documents have different Screen Match values. (1341135)
UI Toolkit: Fixed right-click menu not appearing on Foldout header for hierarchical PropertyFields. (1306190)
UI Toolkit: Fixed selection on pointer up on mobile to allow touch scrolling. (1312139)
UI Toolkit: Fixed slow color changes on labels. (1337368)
UI Toolkit: Fixed TextCore outline/shadow color in editor. (1341868)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the color and style of the title text in the UI Toolkit debugger. (1344018)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the EnumField's type and value incorrectly fetching data from the UXML document inside the UI Builder.
Improved the EnumField and ObjectField type input to display an auto-complete popup inside the UI Builder.
Fixed the value input of an EnumField to use an EnumField instead of TextField inside the UI Builder.
Fixed the value input of an TagField to use an TagField instead of TextField inside the UI Builder.
Fixed the value input of an LayerField to use an LayerField instead of TextField inside the UI Builder.
Fixed the value input of an LayerMaskField to use an LayerMaskField instead of LayerMaskField inside the UI Builder.
UI Toolkit: Fixed the EnumField's value from being cleared while saving a UXML document inside the UI Builder. (1330802)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the issue that Text Settings can not be created in a local package when right-clicking the local package folder. (1327812)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the issue that UI Document created in a local package appeared in the Assets folder, with incorrect default file name. (1327810)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the lack of feedback to users about problems with the UIDocument and PanelSettings inspectors. (1351792)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the UI Builder and the UI Toolkit Debugger displaying duplicates in the matching selector sections. (1347536)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the UI Toolkit PropertyField not tracking the underlying value properly when [SerializeReference] is used on a field. (1216937)
UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit events not working after script recompilation during Play mode when using the EventSystem component as the source of events. (1324337)
UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit Live Reload errors on Editor Window after modifying uxml file and returning to Editor and the window is docked. (1329767)
UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit throwing InvalidOperationExceptions when Input Manager isn't accessible. (1336180)
UI Toolkit: Fixed uxml files not being re-imported after changes in the uxml importer. (1343398)
UI Toolkit: In the UI Builder, the user can no longer use the inspector on a style selector and rename the selector to an empty name (UI Builder). (1342352)
UI Toolkit: Submit event on a ListView focuses in the content to allow keyboard navigation. (1311688)
UI Toolkit: TemplateContainer has its own icon and no longer shows the custom control icon when is nested in another template (UI Builder). (1340837)
UI Toolkit: The IMGUIContainer control will now be available as an editor-only control from the UI Builder. (1354419)
UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit: Fixes the content of the transition properties dropdown being appended instead of recreated when opening the UI Builder window. (1343063)
UI Toolkit: UXML factory types are now preserved automatically. (1336612)
UI Toolkit: VisualElement's editor data bindings can not bind SerializedProperty of type "ulong" to "long" fields. (1303154)
UI Toolkit: When loading a project that contains a dialog that is embedded in the editor, the dialog's CreateGUI callback is invoked after the Awake and OnEnable callbacks. (1326173)
Undo System: Added warning for large actions which overflow the undo stack. (1204737)
Undo System: Fixed an issue where script's icon does not change back on Undo in the Project window. (1331877)
Undo System: Fixed undo/redo of adding objects to scriptable objects. (1294434)
Undo System: Improved performance when overwriting the redo stack.
Undo System: Redo stack is now restored upon exiting playmode. (1336257)
URP: Added 'Conservative Enclosing Sphere' setting to fix shadow frustum culling issue where shadows are erroneously culled in corners of cascades. (1153151)
URP: Added Undo support for URP Global Settings asset assignation.
URP: Added warning for lit shader detailed abledo, if texture is not linear. (1342011)
URP: Fixed an issue in where the current open scene didn't load after running the converters. (1365101)
URP: Fixed an issue where shadow artefacts appeared between cascades on Terrain Detail objects.
URP: Fixed an issue where ShadowCasters were sometimes being rendered twice in the editor while in playmode.
URP: Fixed an issue where Sprite type Light2Ds were missing a default sprite.
URP: Fixed an issue where Sprite type Light2Ds would throw an exeception if missing a sprite.
URP: Fixed an issue where the 2D Renderer was not rendering depth and stencil in the normal rendering pass.
URP: Fixed an issue where _AfterPostProcessTexture was no longer being assigned in UniversalRenderer.
URP: Fixed CopyDepthPass incorrectly always enqueued when deferred rendering mode was enabled when it should depends on the pipeline asset settings.
URP: Fixed graphical artefact when terrain height map is used with rendering layer mask for lighting.
URP: Fixed indentation of Emission map on material editor.
URP: Fixed lit detail correctly upgraded from standard shader. (1323725)
URP: Fixed memory leak with XR combined occlusion meshes.
URP: Fixed sceneview debug mode rendering.
URP: Fixed shaderGraph shaders to render into correct depthNormals passes when deferred rendering mode and SSAO are enabled.
URP: Fixed soft shadows shader variants not set to multi_compile_fragment on some shaders (gbuffer pass, speedtree shaders, WavingGrass shader).
URP: MotionVector fix when using Native RenderPass. (1348528)
Version Control: Fixed a bug where the Texture2D error would pop up after downloading a project
Fixed a bug when context menu would sometimes disappear
Fixed small textbox on checkin dialog when launched from context menu
Fixed a workspace NullReferenceException bug
Fixed notification icon not showing on Plastic window
Fixed auto login errors not showing up for users
Fixed unexpected error message after user switched workspace to a label.
Version Control: Fixed contextual menu not showing up in project view.
Version Control: Fixed some namespace collisions with Antlr3.
Version Control: Fixed SSO renew token after password change.
Version Control: Fixed view not switching to workspace after creating an Enterprise Gluon workspace.
Version Control: Renamed the CoreServices namespace so it doesn't conflict
Fixed some situations where the history window would be blank
Fixed missing Enterprise login link
Fixed low resolution icons in light theme.
Version Control: The problem to display Checkout button for package.json files is solved. (1332659)
VFX Graph: Added a missing paste option in the context menu for VFX contexts. Also the paste options is now disabled when uneffective.
VFX Graph: Blackboard fields can now be duplicated either with a shortcut (Ctrl+D) or with a contextual menu option.
VFX Graph: Enabled an optimization for motion vectors, storing projected positions for vertices instead of the transform matrix.
VFX Graph: Exposed Parameter placement can now be moved after sanitize.
VFX Graph: Fixed a compilation issue when a normal is used in shadergraph for opacity with unlit output.
VFX Graph: Fixed a GPU hang on some initialize dispatch during dichotomy (platform specific).
VFX Graph: Fixed a vector truncation error in HDRP Decal template.
VFX Graph: Fixed an exception thrown when using WorldToLocal/LocalToWorld operators. (1335940)
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue in the Gradient editor, Undo will now properly refresh the gradient preview (color swatches).
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where the Eye dropper in the color fields kept updating after pressing the Esc key.
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where Zoom and warning icons were blurry in the "Play Controls" and "Visual Effect Model" scene overlays.
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with Eye dropper in the color fields updating after pressing the Esc key.
VFX Graph: Fixed collision with depth buffer when using a physical camera. (1344733)
VFX Graph: Fixed Collision with Depth Buffer when using Orthographic camera.
VFX Graph: Fixed incorrect buffer type for strips.
VFX Graph: Fixed IsFrontFace shader graph node for VFX.
VFX Graph: Fixed out of sync serialization of VFX assets that could cause the asset to be dirtied for no reason.
VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected Spawn context execution ordering.
VFX Graph: Inspector group headers now have a better indentation and alignment.
VFX Graph: Minor : Static Analysis issue. (1336647)
VFX Graph: Prevent VFX Graph compilation each time a property's min/max value is changed.
VFX Graph: Prevent VFX re-compilation in some cases when a value has not changed.
VFX Graph: Properties labels do not overlap anymore.
VFX Graph: Sticky notes can now be deleted through contextual manual menu.
VFX Graph: VFX Graph operators keep the same width when expanded or collpased so that the button does not change position.
VFX Graph: Visual Effect inspector input fields no longer lose focus anymore while typing (Random seed).
VFX Graph: When adding a new node/operator in the graph editor and using the search field, the search results are sorted in a smarter way.
Video: Fixed an exploit found in the libvpx. (1345217)
Video: Fixed an issue where VideoPlayer.width and height returned 0 instead of expected values. (1339883)
Video: Fixed crash when aspect ratio is too big. (1347100)
Video: Fixed importing unsupported video frame size crashing the Editor. (1340340)
Video: Reenabled VideoPlaybackPlayAllFramesWithLooping test case on UWP. (1171545)
Virtual Texturing: Completed requests now won't be incorrectly canceled if the last InvalidateRegion
call is made before PopRequests
Virtual Texturing: Fixed issue where VT-only textures were rendered as default color in the Player when VT was disabled. (1280281)
WebGL: Added workaround for audio distortion bug in Safari. (1350204)
WebGL: Fixed a regression that prevented users from building .jspre plugins in Release mode. (1369085)
WebGL: Fixed a regression with building WebGL on Windows 7. (1340260)
WebGL: Fixed clearing of user template variables when template is switched. (1328657)
WebGL: Fixed for URP being washed out when Size Code Optimization is used in the Build Settings. (1309878)
WebGL: Fixed fullscreen mode on Safari. (1347304)
WebGL: Fixed iOS touch events crashing UI Toolkit. (1365436)
WebGL: Fixed the denoising of shadowmask with the GPULM. (1361651)
WebGL: Implemented UnityWebRequest redirectLimit for WebGL platform. (1352501)
WebGL: Removed 255 character limit for audio file urls. (1327368)
WebGL: Removed guarding of "User-Agent" header in UnityWebRequest API. (1287962)
WebGL: Removed the assertion with touch events that assumes that browser would create new Touch event objects for each generated touch event. This does not hold at least for Firefox for Android. This fix takes into account that TouchEvent.changedTouches and TouchEvent.targetTouches are not subsets of the "full" TouchEvent.touches array in Firefox when updating the touch list. (1354245)
WebGL: Updated Firefox used by test runner to 78.9.0esr. (1328942)
Windows: Added error messaging when we cannot create an Editor Window and prevented extra background task windows from opening during import. (1257717)
Windows: Fixed mouse position being off-by-1 pixel when rendering at lower than native resolution in certain cases.
Windows: Fixed resolution resetting to native resolution on primary window when trying to move the secondary window use Display.SetParams.
Windows: Fixed UnityWebRequest does not respect auto proxy settings. (1309324)
Windows: UnityCrashHandler.exe will no longer inherit all Windows handles from the editor/player when launched, which should eliminate some problems with it causing files to be locked unnecessarily.
XR: Fixed crash in AddLateLatchControllerLocation with normal non-XR rendering. (1339831)
XR: Fixed depth/stencil discards not working on Quest GLES. (1350657)
XR: Splash screen now sends correct zNear and zFar values to XRDisplaySystem.
XR: Updated OpenXR package to 1.2.3.
XR: Updated the verified AR Foundation related packages to 4.2.0-pre.9. Please see the AR Foundation package changelog for details.
XR: Updated the verified AR Foundation related packages to 4.2.0. Please see the AR Foundation package changelog for details.