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AI Navigation Core: NavMesh::Raycast freezes the whole editor in an infinite loop on Application.UpdateScene (UUM-2496)
Linux: [Backport] [Linux] Editor crashes at "GfxDeviceGLES::DrawBuffersBatchMode" when entering Play Mode in the LEGO tutorial (UUM-971)
MacOS: [Mac] Editor performance drops on macOS when clicking and dragging on Position, Rotation and Scale values in Transform component (UUM-7457)
Scene Management: Scene causes Editor crash when specific Lighting Data Asset is used (UUM-9319)
Scene/Game View: Game View is not displayed after setting language pack in Editor (1420291)
Shader System: Editor crashes when building if calling "ShaderKeyword" methods in "IPreprocessShaders" classes (UUM-2536)
uGUI: Broken mouse pointer input coordinates in GraphicRaycaster for certain window sizes in Build when run in windowed mode (UUM-7893)
Universal RP: Lights appear significantly brighter when using the Simple Lit shader (UUM-7851)
Universal RP: Materials scale incorrectly when changing the render scale in UniversalRenderPipelineAsset (UUM-9865)
Universal RP: [URP] "Attempting to get Camera relative temporary RenderTexture" is thrown when stacking Camera with different renderers (UUM-2383)
Android: Fixed crash with Vulkan when putting app into background during startup. (UUM-915)
Graphics: 2D Textures with multiple faces or images now correctly update their hash values when any face/image is changed and not just the first one. (UUM-2506)
Changeset: 09bebd6e9324