Release notes

Known Issues in 2022.1.22f1

  • Asset - Database: Folder name is truncated when dot is used in the name (UUM-7046)

  • Audio: Audio starts playing from the beginning when Undo/Redo Audio Source changes in Play Mode (UUM-18551)

  • Optimization: [Mac] Editor performance drops on macOS when clicking and dragging on Position, Rotation and Scale values in Transform component (UUM-7457)

  • Physics: [2022.1] Crash on SetupAxes when duplicating two or more GameObjects at a time (UUM-13136)

  • Scene Management: Undoing prefab instancing leaves ghost objects in scene that throw ArgumentNullExceptions and crash editor when dragged to project view (UUM-16824)

  • Shader System: "Assertion failed on expression: 'm_BuffersToBind[shaderType][bind].buffer == NULL'" is thrown when entering the play mode (UUM-17421)

  • Shader System: Shader variant build preparation does not scale (UUM-3711)

  • ShaderGraph: [Shader Graph] Shader instance property gets added to CBUFFER, which causes GPU instancing with instanced properties to not work (SGB-343)

  • Universal RP: Materials scale incorrectly when changing the render scale in UniversalRenderPipelineAsset (UUM-9865)

  • Universal RP: Shader compilation time is higher in 2021.3 than in 2020.3 (UUM-17405)

  • Web Platform: Project fails with "UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException" when building for the WebGL platform (UUM-17658)

2022.1.22f1 Release Notes


  • Editor: Reduced the time taken by AssetDatabase.FindAssets when used with a custom filter, speeding up domain reloads and other editor operations that made the poor choice of calling this function in the first place.

  • Graphics: Improved AlphaIsTransparency API docs and tooltip. (UUM-2364)


  • 2D: Fixed Sprite Editor causes error when editing sprites in playmode. (UUM-12181)

  • Android: Fixed crash if Java proxy is invoked at the same time as Unity is quit. (UUM-15968)

  • Audio: Fixed audio mixer groups not visible from the packages. (UUM-369)

  • Editor: Fixed for unity crash when asset matching in done in preview thread. The problem is that preview thread isn't attached scripting domain. Asset matching is using scripting domain for script type dependencies. When generating script type hash, scripting_custom_attrs_construct can get getting called (if field has FormerlySerializedAs attribute) and will cause a crash if calling thread isn't attached to scripting domain. (UUM-11627)

  • Editor: Fixed gizmo rendering of a selected area in a Hexagonal Grid with a non-zero Z position. (UUM-11308)

  • GI: Added proper clamping of Lightmap Streaming Priority in Player Settings window. (UUM-10016)

  • GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten RTGI schedules material updates indefinitely when animating the emission color of an emissive mesh renderer. (UUM-10037)

  • iOS: Fixed orientation handling on startup (when the phone is rotated between starting up and showing unity itself). (UUM-7461)

  • Linux: Fixed "ExternalProcess::OnExitedMainThread" logged in the Console window when closing Profiler (Standalone Process) window. (UUM-5888)

  • Package Manager: Fixed an issue where .unitypackage dependencies exported from an older editor were not updated when importing in a newer editor. (UUM-15081)

  • Physics: Fixed Physics.CapsuleCast extremely rarely finding a false hit against a non-convex mesh. (UUM-7402)

  • Serialization: Prevent "Objects are trying to be loaded during a domain backup. This is not allowed as it will lead to undefined behaviour!" from occuring on DomainReload when SerializeReference instance contained a Unity.Object reference to an already unloaded asset. (UUM-2116)

  • UI Toolkit: Fixed a bug in play mode where ScrollView offset would reset to zero when doing drag operations on controls inside it. (UUM-10441)

  • Universal RP: Fixed issue where FinalBlit always executed, even when using the fast-path with no passes in "AfterRendering". (UUM-4991)

  • Universal RP: Fixed light banding artifacts on normal maps. (UUM-11325)

  • URP: Fixed texture creation failed when creating URP Lit Shader Graph if "Opaque Texture" is enabled. (UUM-15441)

  • Web: Added FMOD audibility stubs for WebGL. (UUM-15263)

  • WebGL: Fixed brotli compressed webgl builds on Mac/Linux editors. (UUM-1145)

  • Windows: Windows player executable no longer contains "Unity playback engine" text in its property sheets. (UUM-15330)

Package changes in 2022.1.22f1

Packages updated

Pre-release packages added

Changeset: 6b6e9fc2adda