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Asset Bundles: Textures are not compressed when building bundles (1412557)
Graphics Device Features: Random-write to UAV texture from shadowcaster shader causes GPU hang when filtering Scene Hierarchy objects (1417589)
HD RP: [HDRP][DXR] Temporal denoising is broken up to 2021.3 in punctuals raytraced shadows (UUM-2140)
IL2CPP: [Mobile] [IL2CPP] Build fails when using custom script and target architecture ARM64 is selected (1420369)
IMGUI: Impossible to change the Gradient's location value in the Visual Effects Graph when using the keyboard (1420954)
Kernel: Unity crashes on StackWalker::GetCurrentCallstack when rest-certificate.pem is corrupted (1423569)
Linux: PC doesn't sleep when the Editor is open (1418023)
Metal: Consistent EditorLoop 5-10ms spikes when using Metal API (1378985)
Mono: Editor crashes intermittently on mono_object_isinst when closing it in batch mode or when building (1418292)
Package: Empty "StreamingAssets" folder gets created after building an empty project (1423325)
Physics: Crash on internalABP::ABP_PairManager::addPair when switching to ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint during runtime (1418715)
Progressive Lightmapper: [GPU PLM] Fallback to CPU PLM in CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT after switching light color only and rebaking GI (1356714)
Progressive Lightmapper: [LightProbes] Probes lose their lighting data after entering Play mode when Baked and Realtime GI are enabled (1052045)
Quality of Life: [Mac] ShortcutManager ignores Shift modifier (1424655)
Scene/Game View: Game View is not displayed after setting language pack in Editor (1420291)
Shadows/Lights: Scene is brighter in Standalone player if it was open in the Editor at build time (1375015)
uGUI: Child Canvas Transform values are not saved when editing them in Prefab Mode (1413565)
uGUI: Immutable Package errors are thrown when selecting a Prefab containing Canvas Component (1388532)
Android: Allow 2 segment package names. (1425979)
Android: Fixed Screen.resolutions to return all supported refresh rates, not only 60Hz. (1426366)
Editor: Fixed IMGUI state being reset when a EditorUtility.DisplayDialog was opened. (1380288)
GI: Strip shader variants with DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED keyword enabled when both LIGHTMAP_ON or DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON are disabled when building the player. Directional lightmap logic is always enclosed in the more general baked or dynamic lightmap blocks. (1307896)
Linux: Fixed input system package drop down is a blank square issue. (1391850)
Project Browser: Fixed context menu does not appear when holding Ctrl and pressing left mouse button in the Project window on Mac. (1390296)
Shaders: Editor in -no graphics mode does not support compute shaders. (1410540)
UI Toolkit: Fixed ArcTo() gap when using very small inflexion angle. (1421790)
URP: Backported RTHandles load/store actions fixes.
URP: Fixed smooth material lighting banding issues on mobile platforms. (1375791)
Packages added
Changeset: 1cedbfe38737