Released: 6. September 2022
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2D: [Lost Crypt] Unable to find URP 12.1.0 package error when importing Lost Crypt (1388129)
Android: Fix incorrect aspect ration when phone is landscape mode, "Apply display rotation during rendering" is enabled and URP post processing is used with Vulkan
Fixed in 2023.1.0a10.
Asset - Database: Crash when opening Project Settings window (UUM-11898)
Asset - Database: Infinite import on opening project (related to prefabs) (1411189)
Editor: Fixed crash when entering playmode with an asset in a property window.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
Fixed in 2023.1.0a10.
Editor: Tooltips no longer prevent keyboard shortcuts
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
Fixed in 2023.1.0a10.
GI: Fix a crash in the GPU lightmapper because of a null pointer dereference during compositing.
First seen in 2023.1.0a6.
Fixed in 2023.1.0a11.
IL2CPP: Linux IL2CPP builds fail with "BuildFailedException: Incremental Player build failed!" (1427577)
MacOS: [Mac] Editor performance drops on macOS when clicking and dragging on Position, Rotation and Scale values in Transform component (UUM-7457)
Package Manager: Fixed a regression where operations would fail when the project path contained quotes.
First seen in 2023.1.0a2.
Fixed in 2023.1.0a11.
Profiling: Profiler Modules submenu and window is missing Titles of Modules and Counters (1419236)
RP Workflow: [HDRP] Standalone Profiler throws "HDRP Material Upgrade" pop-up and crashes after pressing "Ok" (1422062)
Scene Management: Undo crashes Unity with segmentation violation SIGSEGV (1385565)
Scene Management: [Undo] Additional GameObjects and a Console error after Undoing and Redoing a Paste As Child (UUM-9278)
Scripting: Some Native libraries was not loaded with platform specific extensions
First seen in 2023.1.0a3.
Fixed in 2023.1.0a10.
Shader System: Shader variant build preparation does not scale (UUM-3711)
Shaders: Fixed "State comes from an incompatible keyword space" assertion firing sometimes when building asset bundles.
Fixed in 2023.1.0a10.
Video: Unity freeze/becomes unresponsive when multiple videos are playing in Play mode (UUM-13294)
2D: Added preference option to Tile Palette Preferences for users to choose where they would want to position their mouse cursor when painting on Tilemaps with Z Position.
Graphics: Added mipmap limit groups for more fine-grained configurability over the single value that applies to all mipmapped texture2Ds.
Graphics: Added the ability in the Texture2D importer and constructor to add the texture to a project-defined mipmap limit group for more fine-grained control of how texture quality gets affected per quality level.
Graphics: Added the ability in the Texture2D importer and constructor to exclude the texture from mipmap limits, ensuring that all mips can get uploaded regardless of the quality settings.
Graphics: Added the runtime-modifiable Texture2D property to toggle excluding the texture from mipmap limits (only for readable Texture2Ds).
HDRP: Added Generic Rendering Layer mode support.
HDRP: Specular color on HDRP/Lit and HDRP/StackLit below 2% can be used to suppress specular lighting completely when "Specular Fade" is enabled.
Kernel: Added functionality to control player connection listen port.
Shaders: Added standardized shader variant keywords for wave operations.
URP: Added Custom Post Processing (zero code path) feature in URP. [RND-177/URP-60].
Android: Improved an error message in a corner case when tyring to build Android app after removing valid NDK tools.
Android: Improved AndroidJavaObject calls with a lot of object parameters or returns (like arrays of strings), now they are a bit faster.
Build Pipeline: Fixed build player pipeline not correctly retrieving symbol defines for subtarget specified in BuildPlayerOptions. (UUM-712)
Documentation: Added a summary and code example for IJobParallelForTransform.
Editor: Improved console allocation performance for external processes on Windows.
Editor: Improved performance of selecting large numbers of objects in the editor.
GI: Replaced the "New Lighting Settings" button in the Lighting window with 2 new buttons, labelled "New" and "Clone". One creates a Lighting Settings asset with default settings, while the other bases them off the current settings.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
Graphics: Added new RayTracingAccelerationStructure.UpdateInstanceID and RayTracingAccelerationStructure.UpdateInstanceMask C# API signatures to take the handle that was returned by RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstance as argument.
First seen in 2023.1.0.
Graphics: Changed the scope of Frame Timing Manager FrameTime.GPU on Dx11.
Graphics: Improved render thread performance (15% lower CPU cost) when dispatching ray tracing shaders on PC (DX12) and Xbox Series.
HDRP: Added more options to run TAA Sharpening.
HDRP: Allowed non square reflection probe atlas sizes.
HDRP: Enabled Progressive Exposure Adaptation in scene view.
Kernel: Added logging when reporting temp memory leaks.
License: Upgraded Licensing Client to 1.11.2, which depends on dotnet-6, to ensure compatibility with Ubuntu 22.04.
Scene Manager: Speed up for saving multiple scenes (around 2.5x faster in a real world project).
Scripting: Improved pop-up error messages for when attaching scripts to GameObjects.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Shaders: Added an editor only option to disable shader optimizations for reduced compile times.
Undo System: The Undo history now records the name of changed properties ("Modified Intensity") instead of just showing "Modified Property".
Android: Changed: Updated SupportsAccelerometer() API to return whether a device has an accelerometer sensor or not.
Asset Import: Added: Added AssetDatabase.AssetEditingScope().
Core: Added: Added BuildCustomSphereMesh() to DebugShapes.
Editor: Added: Added GameObjectUtility.DuplicateGameObject(GameObject gameObject) (SMT-206).
Editor: Added: Added respectSceneVisibilityWhenBakingGI property to LightSettings for offline baking configuration.
Editor: Added: Exposed Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(Color[] colors, Vector3[] points) and Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(float width, Color[] colors, Vector3[] points).
Editor: Added: Made EditorSceneManager.OpenPreviewScene public API.
Editor: Changed: Lightmapping.SetAdditionalBakedProbes now accepts a boolean value to indicate if probes should be deringed.
Graphics: Added: Added CommandBuffer API to pass flags to our native plugin callback managing code to perform device state invalidation if needed. [Torch-1611].
Scripting: Added: Added new UnsafeUtility.MemSwap function which can be used to swap two memory blocks of the same size.
Services: Obsoleted: Made UserInfo APIs as obsolete.
Input: Changed Input System gamepad from XInput to Windows.Gaming.Input on Windows.
Windows: Split Unity.exe into two binaries: Unity.exe and Unity.dll. Almost entirety of what was in Unity.exe is now in Unity.dll.
XR: Updated the AR Foundation related packages to 5.0.0-pre.13.
2D: Fixed an issue when a recursive depth from instantiating GameObjects using a Tilemap Tile reaches a threshold, an error message is logged and the recursive loop is stopped in the Editor or in Development Players.
First seen in 2023.1.0a2.
Android: Fixed an issue that Unity warns cmdline-tools version being 0.0 when the component is actually installed.
Android: Fixed Android Build Settings window on OSX when Unity doesn't have access permissions to SDK directory.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
Android: Fixed Android mono audio output.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
Android: Fixed orientation issues in laptop mode and tablet mode on Chromebooks. (UUM-782)
Animation: Fixed 'NullReferenceException' when Animator "Any State" transition arrow is selected.
First seen in 2023.1.0a2.
Animation: Fixed AnimationStream.SetGlobalRotation() that was numerically instable and storing non-normalized quaternions in the internal stream. (ARB-13)
Animation: Fixed issue where, for some playable graphs, the animated displacement of the animated game object would keep accumulating when the game object was disabled and enabled. The original behaviour can be restored with the keepAnimatorStateOnDisable variable. (UUM-3486)
Asset Import: Added a tag no longer causes issues when running off of the main thread.
Asset Import: Fixed localPagePos <= page.allocatedSize assert sometimes triggered during imports.
Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue that the asset preview thumbnails in the Editor's project window would sometimes be missing reflection probe lighting, this has been fixed and re-baking reflection probes (after making some change, such as to the material) will update thumbnails.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
Asset Pipeline: Fixed spritesheet and other previews not being updated in project browser sometimes. (UUM-2811)
Asset Pipeline: Improved file change detection by including file size in the detection logic. (1382697)
Asset Pipeline: Removed logged error if a preview is requested for an asset that references a deleted asset. (UUM-6963)
Audio: Fixed doc for GamepadSpeakerOutputType to be used exclusively for playstation 4, playstation 5 platforms and editor platforms only. (UUM-407)
Build System: Fixed an issue of the exitcode not being set correctly by when compilation fails.
First seen in 2023.1.0a6.
Burst: Fixed a crash when calling Debug.Log from Burst code in a standalone player.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
Core: Fixed crash that could happen on some platforms (e.g. WebGL) when scheduling a non-parallel job due to ABI differences.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Documentation: Fixed Scripting API descriptions of two RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstance functions that were inverted.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
DX12: Fixed broken vsync in editor game window. (UUM-2873)
Editor: Fixed an issue that the Dedicated Server target is now visibly enabled only if the module is installed.
Editor: Fixed an issue with Mac standalone builds where the generated Xcode project did reference .bundle plugins as a single plugin. (UUM-11278)
Editor: Fixed assembly load order affected the deserilization ordering of animation graphs. This ensures that assembly ordering is kept intact during the assembly redirect and filtering progress. (UUM-8052)
Editor: Fixed case where Editor would crash when a selected renderer was deleted. (UUM-3249)
Editor: Fixed crash in LightProbe Gizmo Rendering.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
Editor: Fixed hang when dragging first root GameObject below itself in the Hierarchy.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
Editor: Fixed inconsistent allowed characters in different operating systems while creating ShortcutManager profiles.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
Editor: Fixed sampler error messages and crash when re-initializing the D3D12 graphics backend.
Editor: Fixed tracking of leaks in thread safe linear allocator.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten RTGI schedules material updates indefinitely when animating the emission color of an emissive mesh renderer. (UUM-10037)
GI: Fixed an issue where the Lighting Window wasn't being closed after pressing the quick button at the bottom of the editor window.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
Graphics: Fixed new XR Display headers breaking Oculus App Spacewarp (ASW) due to a problem in back-compat code path. Fix for Vulkan validation error when GFR is disabled. (UUM-7369, UUM-9583)
Graphics: Fixed sporadic freeze in mesh upload.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Graphics: Fixed typo in error message on SkinnedMeshRenderer.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
HDRP: Fixed a null ref exception when destroying a used decal material.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
HDRP: Fixed an issue that the Shaders now correctly fallback to error shader. (UUM-1417)
HDRP: Fixed an issue to initialize DLSS at loading of HDRP asset. Previously intialization was too late (ad HDRP pipeline constructor). Moved initialization to OnEnable of SRP asset. (UUM-5928)
HDRP: Fixed an issue to initialize Volume before diffusion profile list. (UUM-7729)
HDRP: Fixed bad undo behaviour with light layers and shadows. (UUM-5701)
HDRP: Fixed broken denoiser for ray traced shadows in HDRP. (UUM-2140)
HDRP: Fixed color grading issue when multiple cameras have same volume properties but different frame settings. (UUM-3314)
HDRP: Fixed Depth Of Field compute shader warnings on metal. (UUM-7783)
HDRP: Fixed discrepency in the fog in RT reflections and RTGI between perf and quality.
First seen in 2023.1.0a2.
HDRP: Fixed Geometric AA tooltip.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
HDRP: Fixed HDR Output behaviour when platform doesn't give back properly detected data. (UUM-6400)
HDRP: Fixed history transform management not being properly handeled for ray traced area shadows.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
HDRP: Fixed RTHandle sampling out of bounds on previous frame pyramid color. This causes sometimes bad pixel values to be reflected.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
HDRP: Fixed scalarization not scalarizing properly. (UUM-6360)
HDRP: Fixed shadow dimmer not affecting screen space shadows. (UUM-6512)
HDRP: Fixed sky rendering in the first frame of path tracing. This also fixes issues with auto-exposure.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
HDRP: Fixed tessellation in XR. (UUM-3338)
HDRP: Fixed the error message saying the HDRP is not supported on a certain platform.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
HDRP: Fixed the majority of GCAllocs with realtime planar probes and on demand update of reflection probes. (UUM-3327)
HDRP: Fixed the material rendering pass not correctly changed with multi-selection. (UUM-2236)
HDRP: Fixed the ray traced ambient occlusion not rejecting the history when it should leading to severe ghosting.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
HDRP: Fixed tonemapping not being applied when using the Show Cascades debug view. (UUM-3942)
HDRP: Fixed transmission for box lights. (UUM-8765)
HDRP: Fixed upperHemisphereLuxValue when changing HDRI Sky.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
HDRP: Fixed volumetric clouds fog history issue that leads to severe ghosting.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
HDRP: Removed "Sprite Mask" from scene view draw modes as it is not supported by HDRP.
First seen in 2023.1.0a3.
IL2CPP: Corrected layout structures in memory with an explicit layout and a size parameter. (UUM-9100)
IL2CPP: Fixed a crash in the IL2CPP runtime when the GUID property of a type is obtained for a type with a StructLayout attribute but without a Guid attribute. (UUM-10859)
IL2CPP: Fixed a crash when using GetFiles multiple times for directories with many files on iOS. (UUM-8885)
IL2CPP: Fixed an intermittent crash on shutdown when many threads are waiting on a Monitor object inside for a C# lock statement. (UUM-10374)
iOS: Fixed an issue that Touch.rawPosition stops changing position when touch is dragged.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
iOS: Fixed crash on warming up shader variants with procedural instancing. (UUM-10114)
iOS: Fixed unity view behavior when in "split view". (UUM-9081)
Linux: Fixed dragging prefab with ctrl key down not working. (UUM-1601)
Linux: Fixed second cursor appearing when toggling between hardware and software cursor modes on Standalone player and Game View on Editor.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Linux: Fixed the warning message generated by linux test.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Mono: Fixed Interlocked.CompareExchange float on M1. (UUM-9159)
Profiler: Fixed failures in opening local documentation files from Editor on macOS.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Scene/Game View: Fixed crash in particular cases when trying to render BRG objects selection outline. (UUM-11676)
Scene/Game View: Fixed Gizmos.GizmoPickingTests.ClickThroughCanvase tests.
First seen in 2023.1.0a2.
Scripting: Fixed an issue when using Reflection.Emit a Component type, and calling AddComponent, will fail after a domain reload.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Scripting: Fixed an issue where adding a component declared in a nested class could end up adding the wrong component type.
First seen in 2023.1.0a3.
Scripting: Fixed Unity sometimes not referencing .winmd files when compiling scripts for the player.
Shaders: Fixed being able to use SetVector on integer types in compute shaders. (UUM-5760)
Shaders: Fixed SetGlobalInteger not working in compute shaders.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Terrain: Fixed an issue that URP fails to render grass Terrain details.
First seen in 2023.1.0a3.
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue with numeric fields where entering negative value would yield incorrect values.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
UI Toolkit: Fixed arc glitches at certain angles when using the vector API.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
UI Toolkit: Fixed BezierCurveTo() glitch when the control points are very close together.
First seen in 2023.1.0a2.
UI Toolkit: Fixed caret in disappearing depending on Reference DPI. (UUM-2348)
UI Toolkit: Fixed last character of wrapped line not selected in text field. (UUM-7592)
UI Toolkit: Fixed null-ref exception in UXML preview generation when closing UI Builder.
First seen in 2023.1.0a6.
UI Toolkit: Fixed PropertyField not properly refreshing when SerializedReference type changes. (UUM-4159)
UI Toolkit: Fixed shift+tab not working on Mac. (UUM-5098)
UI Toolkit: Fixed UxmlValueBounds setting invalid facet value for undefined bound.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
UI Toolkit: Fixed vertical scroll bar not working with text fields.
First seen in 2023.1.0a2.
UI Toolkit: Improved performance of layout update in display:none cases. (UUM-9694)
Undo System: Fixed an issue to correctly handle additional changes when entering and exiting playmode.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed IL2CPP failing to initialize when called from Windows Runtime component.
URP: Added force depth prepass option when requesting the Depth Texture.
First seen in 2023.1.0a3.
URP: Fixed an issue that the Shaders now correctly fallback to error shader. (UUM-1417)
URP: Fixed memory leak issue in URP deferred when resizing preview camera window.
First seen in 2023.1.0a5.
VFX Graph: Fixed position where VFX are created when VFX asset is dragged to Scene View.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
WebGL: Added fallback configuration for company name, product name and product version to ensure the web cache is always enabled.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
WebGL: Fixed a division by zero error when calling AudioSource.time.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
WebGL: Fixed playback of audio clips on timeline.
First seen in 2023.1.0a1.
Windows: Fixed a crash on startup when Vjoy HID device is connected to a computer. (UUM-8786)
Windows: Fixed an Editor issue where entering an IP address for profiling would crash the Editor.
First seen in 2023.1.0a3.
Windows: Fixed an issue that the UnityPlayer.dll properties sheet is now more complete. (UUM-10370)
Windows: Fixed executable PDB name when using "Generate Visual Studio" solution build option.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
Windows: Fixed incorrect scan codes that are exposed through KeyControl.scanCode of New Input System. (UUM-9029)
Windows: Fixed some Unity APIs treating relative paths using the wrong working directory.
First seen in 2023.1.0a4.
com.unity.recorder: 4.0.0-pre.5 → 4.0.0
com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config: 15.0.0 → 15.0.1
com.unity.xr.arcore: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.xr.arfoundation: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.xr.arkit: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.xr.arkit-face-tracking: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.xr.arsubsystems: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
Packages added
2D: Added preference option to Tile Palette Preferences for users to choose where they would want to position their mouse cursor when painting on Tilemaps with Z Position.
2D: Added Sprite/SpriteShape/TilemapRenderer as mask sources for SpriteMask.
Asset Pipeline: Implemented accessor for saving data to .meta files.
Editor: Added 'focusedWindowChanged' callback to EditorWindow class.
Editor: Added editor analytics event tracking for "Refresh access" and "New link..." button click.
Editor: Added Helper Bar that shows useful shortcuts.
Editor: Added optional priority argument to Shortcut and ClutchShortcut attributes.
Editor: Added rebindable shortcut possibility for GameView Stats button.
Editor: Added the possibility of running tests in a specified order from a test list.
Editor: ShortcutManager can bind shortcuts to mouse wheel turns.
Graphics: Added mipmap limit groups for more fine-grained configurability over the single value that applies to all mipmapped texture2Ds.
Graphics: Added new RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstance signature that allows adding Mesh instances into the acceleration structure for GPU ray tracing. This is the equivalent of Graphics.RenderMesh from rasterization pipeline.
Graphics: Added the ability in the Texture2D importer and constructor to add the texture to a project-defined mipmap limit group for more fine-grained control of how texture quality gets affected per quality level.
Graphics: Added the ability in the Texture2D importer and constructor to exclude the texture from mipmap limits, ensuring that all mips can get uploaded regardless of the quality settings.
Graphics: Added the runtime-modifiable Texture2D property to toggle excluding the texture from mipmap limits (only for readable Texture2Ds).
Graphics: Enabled Ray Tracing Support in Terrain settings by default for new Terrains.
Graphics: Shader Warmup can now compile pipeline state objects asynchronously.
HDRP: Added Generic Rendering Layer mode support.
HDRP: Added Ray Tracing Terrain support for HDRP.
HDRP: Path Tracer now makes use of the Ray Tracing Light Cluster.
HDRP: Specular color on HDRP/Lit and HDRP/StackLit below 2% can be used to suppress specular lighting completely when "Specular Fade" is enabled.
HDRP: Volumetric material support for local volumetric fog volumes.
Kernel: Added functionality to control player connection listen port.
Shaders: Added standardized shader variant keywords for wave operations.
Terrain: Added Quality Settings for being able to control various Terrain settings at different quality levels.
UI Toolkit: Added space-evenly to Justify Content property.
UI Toolkit: Added Vertex Buffer size configuration.
URP: Added Custom Post Processing (zero code path) feature in URP. [RND-177/URP-60].
URP: Added RenderGraph support to URP postFX.
URP: SSAO: AO Method dropdown added to select between Interleaved Gradient Noise and Blue Noise.
URP: SSAO: Blur Quality dropdown added to select between: High (Bilateral), Medium (Gaussian) and Low (Single-Pass Kawase).
URP: SSAO: Falloff field added to control the distance from the camera the AO should affect.
Version Control: Added changelist related options to pending changes context menu.
Version Control: Added option to enable changelists and display them in pending changes tab.
VFX Graph: VFX Instancing to optimize both CPU and GPU VFX runtime.
Video: PS4 and PS5 now support VideoPlayer time update mode.
Android: Improved an error message in a corner case when tyring to build Android app after removing valid NDK tools.
Android: Improved AndroidJavaObject calls with a lot of object parameters or returns (like arrays of strings), now they are a bit faster.
Build Pipeline: Fixed build player pipeline not correctly retrieving symbol defines for subtarget specified in BuildPlayerOptions. (UUM-712)
Build Pipeline: Improved error handling for builds to show less redundant error messages.
Build Pipeline: Updated progress bar with more descriptive labels.
Burst: Used explicit namespace for UnityEditor.PackageManager.Events to avoid conflicts.
Documentation: Added a summary and code example for IJobParallelForTransform.
Documentation: Added scripting example for ObjectChangeEvents.
Documentation: Removed legacy command line argument 'vrmode' from documentation.
DX12: Improved visuals by setting swapchain background color to make resize more pleasing and disable scaling in resize. (UUM-2444)
DX12: Optimize D3D12 sampler access by removing unnecessary locking and map finds.
Editor: Console messages logged from Burst code now have clickable stacktraces.
Editor: Improved console allocation performance for external processes on Windows.
Editor: Improved CustomAxis display in GraphicsSettings.
Editor: Improved layout of Quality settings table, to avoid cropping of the labels.
Editor: Improved performance of ActiveEditorTracker.
Editor: Improved performance of selecting large numbers of objects in the editor.
Editor: Improved performance of Selection APIs with large numbers of objects selected.
GI: Changed gaussian filter slider to move in 0.1 increments. In the C# API, int LightingSettings.filteringGauss* properties are replaced by float LightingSettings.filteringGaussian*. (UUM-9703)
GI: Improved error messages when exceeding max allocation size for transmission texture when baking with the GPU lightmapper.
GI: Made minor refactorings which pave the road for new and improved features.
GI: Updated to the Lightmap Parameters Custom UI to make it easy to understand what each parameter should affect.
Graphics: Avoid redundant render target attachment stores for read-only attachments when using Vulkan.
Graphics: Changed the scope of Frame Timing Manager FrameTime.GPU on Dx11.
Graphics: Defaulting color space to Linear in the com.unity.template.3d.
Graphics: Improved render thread performance (15% lower CPU cost) when dispatching ray tracing shaders on PC (DX12) and Xbox Series.
Graphics: Registration of the Shader.globalRenderpipeline is done internaly and using the renderPipelineShaderTag from the RenderPipelineAsset that is currently in use.
HDRP: Added more options to run TAA Sharpening.
HDRP: Allowed non square reflection probe atlas sizes.
HDRP: Changed ACES luminance fit to allow pure whites.
HDRP: Enabled multi-editing for Diffusion Profiles.
HDRP: Enabled Progressive Exposure Adaptation in scene view.
HDRP: Improved rendering by adding caustics support for cinematic eye shader in HDRP material samples eye graph.
HDRP: New iteration on the water system.
HDRP: Removed diffusion profiles from global settings.
HDRP: Tooltips improvement.
IL2CPP: Fixed missing static initialization calls in static constructors on generic instances that reference different instances of the same generic type.
IL2CPP: Removed boxing for more cases of comparisons to null in value type generic instances.
IL2CPP: Removed the null check before constructor calls.
Kernel: Added logging when reporting temp memory leaks.
License: Refactored the license notifications and made it more robust.
License: Upgraded Licensing Client to 1.11.2, which depends on dotnet-6, to ensure compatibility with Ubuntu 22.04.
Networking: Clarified an error message in the logs when attempting to build a dedicated server player without having that platform's corresponding Dedicated Server Build support module installed.
Physics: Added a field in the PhysicsManager inspector that exposes the number of 16kb chunks used by PhysX's temporary scratch buffer, the default number of chunks is 4 with a total of 64kb of memory allocated. The scratch buffer size can be seen inside the memory profiler as an allocation root.
Physics: Added a temporary scratch buffer to the Physics simulation, in order to improve performance by avoiding going to the main allocator for small temporary allocations.
Prefabs: Users can now see that an overridden property value is identical to that of its source on the Property context menu item for 'Revert'. [].
Profiler: Released Memory Profiler version 1.0.0-pre.3. See for more information.
Scene Manager: Speed up for saving multiple scenes (around 2.5x faster in a real world project).
Scripting: When using ObjectFactory.CreateInstance with a custom type deriving directly from UnityEngine.Object, a clearer exception message is thrown. (UUM-7896)
Serialization: Improved performance for cases where endianness needs to be swapped during (de)serialization.
Shadergraph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a shader graph asset is imported.
Shaders: Added an editor only option to disable shader optimizations for reduced compile times.
SRP Core: Tooltips improvement across SRPs.
Undo System: The Undo history now records the name of changed properties ("Modified Intensity") instead of just showing "Modified Property".
URP: Downsampling will now not only affect the AO pass but also the blur passes.
URP: Improved Depth test to avoid incorrectly adding AO in places where two objects are far away from one another.
URP: Tooltips improvement.
VFX Graph: Reduced time taken by code generation when a VFX asset is imported.
XR: Improved GLES3 multiview rendering performance. (1374693)
Android: Changed: Updated SupportsAccelerometer() API to return whether a device has an accelerometer sensor or not.
Android: Obsoleted: PlayerSettings.Android.minifyWithR8 is obsolete now. Setting it has no effect and it always returns true.
Asset Import: Added: Added AssetDatabase.AssetEditingScope().
Build Pipeline: Obsoleted: BuildPipelineExperimental
is now deprecated.
Core: Added: A new event Application.memoryUsageChanged, that is fired when applications memory usage changes significantly (for example goes critically low).
Core: Added: Added BuildCustomSphereMesh() to DebugShapes.
Editor: Added: Added Core SRP editor API to add custom Burger Menu items. This functionality is also added to FoldoutGroup and AdditionalPropertiesFoldoutGroup.
Editor: Added: Added GameObjectUtility.DuplicateGameObject(GameObject gameObject) (SMT-206).
Editor: Added: Added respectSceneVisibilityWhenBakingGI property to LightSettings for offline baking configuration.
Editor: Added: Exposed Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(Color[] colors, Vector3[] points) and Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(float width, Color[] colors, Vector3[] points).
Editor: Added: Made EditorSceneManager.OpenPreviewScene public API.
Editor: Changed: Lightmapping.SetAdditionalBakedProbes now accepts a boolean value to indicate if probes should be deringed.
Editor: Obsoleted: PlayerSettings API using BuildTargetGroup is now obsolete, use it with NamedBuildTarget instead.
Editor: Removed: Removed internal method MonoImporter.CopyMonoScriptIconToImporters (deprecated in 2021.2). See API docs for EditorGUIUtility.SetIconForObject for examples that achieve the same result using public APIs.
Graphics: Added: Added CommandBuffer API to pass flags to our native plugin callback managing code to perform device state invalidation if needed. [Torch-1611].
Graphics: Added: Added overridable property renderPipelineShaderTag on the RenderPipelineAsset.
Graphics: Added: Introduces Native Renderpass API on CommandBuffer.
Graphics: Added: Material.GetBufferHandle to get the GraphicsBufferHandle in a material property sheet.
Graphics: Added: Material.GetPropertyNames(<PropertyType>) to query the property sheet names in a material based on a given property type.
Graphics: Added: New Foveated Rendering API on the command buffer interface.
Graphics: Added: New overload for CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParam, which allows binding a resource with GraphicsBufferHandle.
Graphics: Added: RenderPipeline.IsRenderRequestSupported. Protected method, render pipelines can override this to specify their support for RequestData types.
Graphics: Added: RenderPipeline.ProcessRenderRequest. Protected method, render pipelines can override this to implement the rendering logic for RenderRequests.
Graphics: Added: RenderPipeline.StandardRequest. Use this as the RequestData parameter in SubmitRenderRequest to trigger a default srp render on the specified camera.
Graphics: Added: RenderPipeline.SubmitRenderRequest. Triggers a render with the active render pipeline according to the passed in RequestData.
Graphics: Added: RenderPipeline.SupportsRenderRequest. Checks the active pipeline whether the given RequestData type is supported.
Graphics: Deprecated: Deprecation of the various DrawX functions on the ScriptableRenderContext in favor of the RendererList API.
License: Added: Added GetEntitlementDetails.
Scene/Game View: Added: Added Handles.elementColor
to the public API, allowing user defined EditorToolContext
to have consistent default coloring for Edit Mode objects.
Scripting: Added: Added new UnsafeUtility.MemSwap function which can be used to swap two memory blocks of the same size.
Services: Obsoleted: Made UserInfo APIs as obsolete.
Shaders: Added: Added API ShaderVariantCollection.WarmUpProgressively that allows users to timeslice shader warmup across multiple frames.
SRP Core: Added: Added new XRSystem API to allow SRPs override the XR built-in stereo matrices.
SRP Core: Added: An extension method to fetch the Render Pipeline assets from a BuildTarget.
UI Toolkit: Added: Added the necessary Experimental APIs to interact with subsections of the Text. (UUM-4313)
Universal RP: Added: UniversalRenderPipeline.SingleCameraRequest. Use this as the RequestData parameter in SubmitRenderRequest to render a single camera.
URP: Added: Added light cookies stripping.
URP: Added: Exposed xrPass to public so that URP users could leverage Core XRSystem API to script XR rendering.
URP: Obsoleted: RenderSingleCamera is now obsolete. Please use RenderPipeline.SubmitRenderRequest with RequestData of the SingleCameraRequest type.
Graphics: Camera.SubmitRenderRequests is now obsolete. Please use RenderPipeline.SubmitRenderRequest with RequestData of a supported type such as RenderPipeline.StandardRequest.
Android: Android SDK must have cmdline-tools component installed now. Unity will ignore tools component.
Android: Default gradle templates have changed significantly with new Gradle and AGP versions. Gradle templates in existing projects will have to be recreated based on new default templates when upgrading projects created with previous Unity versions.
Android: JDK 11 is required now to build Android apps.
Android: Removed editor UI option which allowed to choose between R8 and Proguard tools to minify code. New AGP version doesn't have an option to minify using proguard. Instead R8 is always used.
Android: Unity Now uses Android Gradle Plugin 7.1.2 by default.
Android: Unity Now uses Gradle 7.2 by default.
Animation: Added support for Physics SimulationMode and Physics2D SimulationMode2D in the Animator and Animation component.
Apple TV: Changed the minimum supported OS version to tvOS13.
Asset Bundles: When the Asset Bundle cache layout was changed in 2017, an automatic migration codepath was added to check for asset bundles in the old cache location and move them into the new cache, so that end users would not need to re-download the bundles just because the cache layout changed. As 5 years have now passed, it is unlikely that this automatic migration still has any value, so the behavior has been removed.
HDRP: Changed DiffusionProfileOverride so that now it accumulates profiles instead of replacing when interpolating at runtime.
Input: Changed Input System gamepad from XInput to Windows.Gaming.Input on Windows.
iOS: Changed the minimum supported OS version to iOS13.
macOS: MacOS Player now requires macos 10.14+.
UI Toolkit: Added an initial integration between the Properties and UI Toolkit modules and created property bags for, VisualElement.resolvedStyle and all style properties.
UI Toolkit: ColorField is now UI Toolkit based and does not rely on an IMGUIContainer.
UI Toolkit: Escape sequences are no longer interpreted by default.
UI Toolkit: UI Toolkit Event Debugger is now Experimental. [POI: RND-502: UI-15 / UIT-1705].
UI Toolkit: Window/UIToolkit/UI Toolkit Event Debugger menu item is now only visible when its Project Settings is enabled. [POI: RND-502: UI-15 / UIT-1705].
URP: Changed light and decal layers to rendering layers.
URP: Changed the samples field to a dropdown: High (12 samples), Medium (8 samples) and Low (4 samples).
URP: Changed the the final After Opaque passes to be merged with the last blur pass.
URP: Foveated Rendering is now integrated in URP for supported platforms.
URP: Improved motion vector pass. It should now use the same matrices as the Lit shader.
Windows: Split Unity.exe into two binaries: Unity.exe and Unity.dll. Almost entirety of what was in Unity.exe is now in Unity.dll.
XR: Removed deprecated package com.unity.xr.arkit-face-tracking
from AR Feature Set. The APIs from ARKit Face Tracking package has been moved to ARKit package.
XR: Updated the AR Foundation related packages to 5.0.0-pre.13.
XR: Updated
to 1.0.1.
2D: Fixed a case where Asset Preview window does not update when packing preview after modifying objects for packing or packing settings. (UUM-6642)
2D: Fixed an asset previews Tilemap Prefabs not being generated due to Grid Components being stripped away during this process. (UUM-2503)
2D: Fixed an issue where Fill and Erase extents were not added to user preferences when showing a Flood Fill preview while painting with Tilemaps.
2D: Fixed case where Sprite Atlas shows only first page in Preview within Inspector. (1427632)
2D: Fixed duplicate instantiated GameObjects from Tiles on Tilemap Prefabs when instantiating the Tilemap Prefabs. (UUM-1671)
Android: Fix Screen.safeArea calculations (UUM-3972)
Android: Fixed a bug when building with IL2CPP and scaler types getting stripped out.
Android: Fixed a bug with manual lifetime tests failing occasionally.
Android: Fixed a bug with scaler not being initialized with settings from the Editor UI properly when using profiles.
Android: Fixed a bug with test provider and settings showing up in Project Settings.
Android: Fixed a performance issue caused by redundant depth/stencil stores on some Adreno OpenGL ES drivers. (1429210)
Android: Fixed a possible crash on many PowerVR based devices. (UUM-7782)
Android: Fixed an Android audio crash when targeting API Level 31 and running on an Android 12 device. Also fixed an AudioManager.GetStreamVolume exception when targeting API Level 29 or later, which caused the AudioSettings.Mobile.stopAudioOutputOnMute feature to not work correctly, if enabled. (UUM-5652)
Android: Fixed an issue that Unity warns cmdline-tools version being 0.0 when the component is actually installed.
Android: Fixed an issue where executing Android SDK tool command would fail with missing java error. For ex., "Unable to locate a Java Runtime". Even though everything is set correctly in Preferences->External Tools->JDK. Also during the failure, Unity will now print environment variables thus helping identifying such issues in the future. (UUM-2106)
Android: Fixed an overhead of memory allocations in the Vulkan backend issue for allocation sizes between 128kB and 1024kB. (UUM-5966)
Android: Fixed crash during low memory kill. (1423456)
Android: Fixed crash when creating pipeline objects for some URP Lit shader on some older Adreno drivers. (UUM-3650)
Android: Fixed orientation issues in laptop mode and tablet mode on Chromebooks. (UUM-782)
Android: Fixed Patch (/And Run) failing on some Android 12 devices with "Permission Denied" or "No such file or directory". (1422895)
Android: Fixed regression where TouchScreenKeyboard.Open() was not opening. (UUM-2112)
Animation: Fixed a invalid breadcrumb in Animator Window when undoing nested BlendTree creation.. (1417429)
Animation: Fixed a missing controller reference issue in the undo/redo of Animation Window. (1417425)
Animation: Fixed an undo/redo of an entry state transition in the state machine issue. (1417428)
Animation: Fixed AnimationStream.SetGlobalRotation() that was numerically instable and storing non-normalized quaternions in the internal stream. (ARB-13)
Animation: Fixed AnimationWindow throwing InvalidOperationException in some cases after performing Undo. (UUM-1438)
Animation: Fixed dragging sprite keyframes in the animation window resulting in a NullReferenceException. (UUM-8049)
Animation: Fixed issue where, for some playable graphs, the animated displacement of the animated game object would keep accumulating when the game object was disabled and enabled. The original behaviour can be restored with the keepAnimatorStateOnDisable variable. (UUM-3486)
Asset Import: Added a tag no longer causes issues when running off of the main thread.
Asset Import: Fixed import of some meshes with Blend Shape Normals set to Calculate. (UUM-7867)
Asset Import: Fixed localPagePos <= page.allocatedSize assert sometimes triggered during imports.
Asset Import: Fixed out of bounds exception on empty array access when importing SpeedTree billboards with no mesh data. (1428865)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed a race condition where an asset preview might fail to become available in specific timing circumstances.
Asset Pipeline: Fixed spritesheet and other previews not being updated in project browser sometimes. (UUM-2811)
Asset Pipeline: Fixed to enable LogAsserts when working with the out of process importer.
Asset Pipeline: Improved file change detection by including file size in the detection logic. (1382697)
Asset Pipeline: Removed logged error if a preview is requested for an asset that references a deleted asset. (UUM-6963)
Audio: Fixed an issue where Audio Clip Import Settings were not getting saved when the "Override for Dedicated Server" setting was enabled. (UUM-399)
Audio: Fixed audio mixer groups not visible from the packages. (UUM-369)
Audio: Fixed doc for GamepadSpeakerOutputType to be used exclusively for playstation 4, playstation 5 platforms and editor platforms only. (UUM-407)
Audio: Fixed unexpected output from OnAudioFilterRead when the audio source was stopped and the 'spatialize' property is enabled. (UUM-6318)
Build Pipeline: Fixed a bug where the player data cache would not distinguish between server builds and normal standalone players, which could cause the wrong data ending up in players.
Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where clean builds did not remember state about the built files, thus files in a build could not be deleted in subsequent builds.
Build Pipeline: Fixed PlayerBuildInterface.ExtraTypesProvider
API not working.
Build System: Fixed an issue where thes splashscreen logo could not be removed when it was included in a previous build. (1400086)
Burst: Fixed an issue that whitespace changes in ILPP'd assemblies would not be detected.
Burst: Fixed some ARM branch instructions not being processed as such.
Core: Fixed alignment issues in ujobs when using memset on Release builds. (UUM-9178)
Core: Fixed Asset import workers to not inherit open handles from the main editor causing trouble rebinding network sockets. (1418567)
DX12: Fixed broken vsync in editor game window. (UUM-2873)
DX12: Fixed to Allow releasing memory with GL.Flush() within a single frame. (1400617)
Editor: -Fixed [UIToolkit] Reorderables reset array count to 0 when multi selecting objects that have arrays with more than 64 elements. (1417862)
Editor: Fixed a crash when loading TIFFs with bad thumbnail tags. (UUM-3783)
Editor: Fixed a crash when there was a corrupt PrefabInstance. (UUM-1926)
Editor: Fixed a crashes in batch mode when using -vcsMode Perforce.
Editor: Fixed an issue with Windows Standalone play started on the wrong screen. (1423262)
Editor: Fixed an issue that the Dedicated Server target is now visibly enabled only if the module is installed.
Editor: Fixed an issue that warning messages are no longer displayed when selecting the color picker after selecting the object picker when editing materials. (UUM-647)
Editor: Fixed an issue to make sure Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate and Object.DestroyImmediate has the same behaviour. (1393800)
Editor: Fixed an issue where certain properties could not be excluded in the TextureImporterInspector. (UUM-3787)
Editor: Fixed an issue where FBX files with custom property animations where considered as not having animation data at all. (1427122)
Editor: Fixed an issue where GameObjectChangeTracker was not able to detect GameObject sibling order change.
Editor: Fixed an issue where LODGroup editor was not updating immediately when there were changes. (UUM-5815)
Editor: Fixed an issue where ObjectField failed to continue to process ObjectSelector events when it was not in focused. (1415249)
Editor: Fixed an issue where th About window failed to show the full version after pressing "Option" (Alt on Windows) key. (UUM-7697)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the New launch screen did not bring notification dialogs to front. (UUM-6395)
Editor: Fixed an issue where there was a missing Edit button for Light Probe UI. (UUM-919)
Editor: Fixed an issue with Mac standalone builds where the generated Xcode project did reference .bundle plugins as a single plugin. (UUM-11278)
Editor: Fixed assembly load order affected the deserilization ordering of animation graphs. This ensures that assembly ordering is kept intact during the assembly redirect and filtering progress. (UUM-8052)
Editor: Fixed case where Editor would crash when a selected renderer was deleted. (UUM-3249)
Editor: Fixed CharacterController component colliding with multiple Trigger colliders stacked in a small space. (1419316)
Editor: Fixed contents of GridSelection in the Inspector window, when the Select Tool is used while the Inspector and Tile Palette are docked in the same window. (UUM-7857)
Editor: Fixed crash when opening scenes in builds that had missing Prefab sources. (UUM-2546)
Editor: Fixed Edit button status of Tile Palette when editing a GridSelection. (UUM-7857)
Editor: Fixed Folders with the already existing name are moved properly. (1389121)
Editor: Fixed InvalidOperationException when closing OpenFolderPanel. (1394298)
Editor: Fixed mouse offset for dragging elements to the inspector on Linux. (UUM-1568)
Editor: Fixed not being able to summon context menu issue when SceneView was active. (1423212)
Editor: Fixed performance issue for looping small clip with root motion extraction. (1428866)
Editor: Fixed sampler error messages and crash when re-initializing the D3D12 graphics backend.
Editor: Fixed selection cycling regression. (UUM-9561)
Editor: Fixed UI error when using graphics volume context menu. (UUM-3911)
Editor: Launch screen scaling issues resolved.
Editor: Updated app toolbar styles to global variables. (1357986)
EmbeddedLinux: Auto-detects the PluginImporter settings of native plugins placed within Assets/Plugins/EmbeddedLinux
of a project.
EmbeddedLinux: Fixed build failures when building a project from the command-line for the first time.
EmbeddedLinux: Fixed Query EGL to get the correct max supported VSync value.
GI: -Fixed [GPU PLM] OpenCL shader loading time in new projects has become significantly slower. Fixed regression by speeding up OpenCL shader loading stage by caching binaries in the GICache. (UUM-1350)
GI: Changed GPU lightmapper device selection from emitting a Warning to emitting a Log message to not confuse users when requirements are not met.
GI: Fixed an issue where Enlighten RTGI schedules material updates indefinitely when animating the emission color of an emissive mesh renderer. (UUM-10037)
GI: Fixed an issue where scene objects would lose their lighting data when they are packed into or unpacked from a prefab, and playmode is entered without first saving the scene. (1393020)
GI: Fixed baking stall occuring when baking terrain with holes. (1408533)
GI: Fixed regression introduced by fix for baked probes that were sometimes black. The regression caused a crash during a bake on MacOS. (UUM-1207)
Graphics: BatchRendererGroup: Remove asset subscribers from Mesh & Materials upon deletion.
Graphics: Fixed an issue in RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances when SkinnedMeshRenderers and CPU Skinning are used, preventing skinned geometries to be added into the acceleration structure. (UUM-4798)
Graphics: Fixed an issue that SkinnedMeshRenderer and MeshRenderer are now in the same SRP Batch during shadow pass. (UUM-4336)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where 2D Textures with multiple faces or images did correctly update their hash values when any face/image was changed and not just the first one. (UUM-2506)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where Crunched textures appeared too bright in projects in linear color space. (UUM-3200)
Graphics: Fixed an issue where Mesh.GetBlendShapeBuffer would cause stalls when called with PerVertex layout.
Graphics: Fixed code generation for signed bitfieldExtract for OpenGL ES 3 shaders. (UUM-476)
Graphics: Fixed crash in RecalculateBounds when called on the mesh with unloaded vertices/indices. (UUM-7712)
Graphics: Fixed crash in ScriptableBatchRenderer::ApplyShaderPass when switching between URP and HDRP.
Graphics: Fixed Graphics.CopyBuffer and GetData/SetData for non-compute targets when using Vulkan. (UUM-3674)
Graphics: Fixed new XR Display headers breaking Oculus App Spacewarp (ASW) due to a problem in back-compat code path. Fix for Vulkan validation error when GFR is disabled. (UUM-7369, UUM-9583)
Graphics: Fixed shader warning not being displayed in the Ray Tracing Shader inspector. (UUM-8054)
HDRP: Added async compute support doc. (UUM-6183)
HDRP: Added missing using statements in one of the example scripts in the documentation for the accumulation API. (UUM-3224)
HDRP: Disabled Volumetric Clouds for Default Sky Volumes. (UUM-6185)
HDRP: Fixed a discrepency between recursive rendering and path tracing for refraction models. (UUM-6179)
HDRP: Fixed a NullReferenceException when importing empty material.
HDRP: Fixed a render graph error when rendering a scene with no opaque objects in forward. (UUM-6189)
HDRP: Fixed a rounding issue in ray traced reflections at half resolution. (UUM-6177)
HDRP: Fixed an issue that Data Driven Lens Flare are not occluded with the volumetric clouds. (1421739)
HDRP: Fixed an issue that the Shaders now correctly fallback to error shader. (UUM-1417)
HDRP: Fixed an issue to initialize DLSS at loading of HDRP asset. Previously intialization was too late (ad HDRP pipeline constructor). Moved initialization to OnEnable of SRP asset. (UUM-5928)
HDRP: Fixed an issue to initialize Volume before diffusion profile list. (UUM-7729)
HDRP: Fixed an issue where Shadow near plane could not be set to 0, and clamped to 0.01 can only occur on Cone, Pyramid and Point Lights.
HDRP: Fixed an issue where the HDRP Wizzard showed up when opening the Standalone Profiler.
HDRP: Fixed an issue where the SRP Lens flares occlusion did not work as well as it should. (UUM-11771)
HDRP: Fixed an issue with DOTS and Look Dev tool causing entities in the tool to be drawn in the game view. (UUM-6188)
HDRP: Fixed artifacts on PBR DOF camera cuts such as the COC sticking around with blurry values. (UUM-6187)
HDRP: Fixed artifacts on quarter and half res depth of field when dynamic resolution jumps between resolutions. (UUM-6184)
HDRP: Fixed bad undo behaviour with light layers and shadows. (UUM-5701)
HDRP: Fixed blending artifacts with physically based DoF. (1375978)
HDRP: Fixed blinking Ray traced reflection with dynamic resolution. (UUM-6180)
HDRP: Fixed blinking SSGI with dynamic resolution. (UUM-6181)
HDRP: Fixed broken denoiser for ray traced shadows in HDRP. (UUM-2140)
HDRP: Fixed color grading issue when multiple cameras have same volume properties but different frame settings. (UUM-3314)
HDRP: Fixed cull mode toggle in transparent material inspector shifting the UI. (UUM-6186)
HDRP: Fixed Decal Layer Texture lifetime in rendergraph. (UUM-6664)
HDRP: Fixed Depth Of Field compute shader warnings on metal. (UUM-7783)
HDRP: Fixed duplicated code sample in the custom pass documentation. (UUM-6173)
HDRP: Fixed grey out profile list button instead of throwing error. (UUM-6174)
HDRP: Fixed hard eges on volumetric clouds. (UUM-3153)
HDRP: Fixed HDR Output behaviour when platform doesn't give back properly detected data. (UUM-6400)
HDRP: Fixed incorrect distortion when hardware DRS is enabled. (UUM-3322)
HDRP: Fixed incorrect false positives in shadow culling. (UUM-1294)
HDRP: Fixed isssue with up direction of the light anchor tool sometime getting wrong. (UUM-6190)
HDRP: Fixed leaks in ray tracing effects due to missing ambient probe for ray tracing effects. (UUM-589)
HDRP: Fixed motion vector debug visualization suite to provide a way to visualize intensities. (1430303)
HDRP: Fixed quad artifacts on TAA and fixed an issue on bicubic filtering. (UUM-6205)
HDRP: Fixed re-ordering issue in the custom pass list. (UUM-6176)
HDRP: Fixed reflection issue upon scene filtering. (UUM-6514)
HDRP: Fixed scalarization not scalarizing properly. (UUM-6360)
HDRP: Fixed shadow dimmer not affecting screen space shadows. (UUM-6512)
HDRP: Fixed specular occlusion fallback on normal when bent normal is not available. (UUM-6662)
HDRP: Fixed SSGI using garbage outside the frustum. (UUM-6175)
HDRP: Fixed tessellation in XR. (UUM-3338)
HDRP: Fixed the clamp happening on the sum of ray tracing samples instead of per sample. (UUM-6513)
HDRP: Fixed the default DXR volume not having any DXR effects enabled. (UUM-6182)
HDRP: Fixed the majority of GCAllocs with realtime planar probes and on demand update of reflection probes. (UUM-3327)
HDRP: Fixed the material rendering pass not correctly changed with multi-selection. (UUM-2236)
HDRP: Fixed tiling artifacts with physically based DoF. (1413534)
HDRP: Fixed tonemapping not being applied when using the Show Cascades debug view. (UUM-3942)
HDRP: Fixed transmission for box lights. (UUM-8765)
HDRP: Fixed Virtual texturing streaming loading to be no longer hindered by transparent materials. Transparent materials, depending on their transmitance or alpha, will let the VT streaming system requests textures appropiately. (1423890)
HDRP: Fixed [HDRP] Noisy top shadows when using 'High' Filtering Quality with Tesselated Meshes (Lit Tesselation). (UUM-3341)
HDRP: Updated misleading tooltip in the environment lighting in HDRP. (UUM-6178)
IL2CPP: Corrected layout structures in memory with an explicit layout and a size parameter. (UUM-9100)
IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of Ping on Windows platforms. (UUM-8801)
IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of RuntimeInformation.OSDescription on WebGL. (UUM-1144)
IL2CPP: Fixe a memory corruption that could happen when the "Faster (smaller) builds" option was used with generic types that had a generic base class with no fields, and a different base class with at least one generic field. (UUM-3066)
IL2CPP: Fixed crash when a Unity player is unloaded and reloaded. (UUM-2660)
IL2CPP: Fixed a crash in il2cpp memory allocator. (UUM-4708)
IL2CPP: Fixed a crash in the IL2CPP runtime when the GUID property of a type is obtained for a type with a StructLayout attribute but without a Guid attribute. (UUM-10859)
IL2CPP: Fixed a crash when using GetFiles multiple times for directories with many files on iOS. (UUM-8885)
IL2CPP: Fixed a stack overflow during code conversion when an attribute constructor uses the attribute itself. (UUM-3907)
IL2CPP: Fixed a throw exception from Buffer.BlockCopy when the destination array had a non-primitive element type. (UUM-3302)
IL2CPP: Fixed a thrown managed exception when CreateDelegate was called with a delegate type that was not generated ahead of time. (UUM-817)
IL2CPP: Fixed an intermittent crash on shutdown when many threads are waiting on a Monitor object inside for a C# lock statement. (UUM-10374)
IL2CPP: Fixed an issue to allow breakpoints to be set in managed code in private and internal types. (UUM-9132)
IL2CPP: Fixed Cache shared code used by il2cpp between projects for faster initial compiles.
IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build failure when using Unbox instruction with generic by reference return type. (UUM-5942)
IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect code generation for references to void* pointers. (UUM-4299)
IL2CPP: Fixed leak of internal thread objects that could manifest in a pause on player exit (UUM-607)
IL2CPP: Fixed performance issues in metadata access with thread contention. (UUM-609)
IL2CPP: Fixed performance regression in regular expressions. (UUM-590)
IL2CPP: Updated zlib to version 1.2.12 for CVE-2018-25032. (UUM-599)
IMGUI: Fixed EndGUIcontainer issue when an exception was caught to avoid guidepth increase to unwanted value. (1357154)
iOS: Fixed a forcing jobified metal rendering issue where it was disregarding player settings. (UUM-7195)
iOS: Fixed crash on warming up shader variants with procedural instancing. (UUM-10114)
iOS: Fixed embedded frameworks loosing "sign on copy". (UUM-7653)
iOS: Fixed unity view behavior when in "split view". (UUM-9081)
Linux: Fixed Aux drop down window will close when it's main container window is closed. (UUM-1574)
Linux: Fixed dragging prefab with ctrl key down not working. (UUM-1601)
Linux: Fixed nullpointer exception for rapidly open and close selection icon dropdown. (UUM-1572)
Linux: Fixed print stack trace frequently crashing. (UUM-1595)
Linux: Fixed the issue that packmanager add by git url dropdown could appear at a unwanted position. (1396573)
Linux: Fixed two mouse move events in one single frame by removing one pushed from gtk callback. (UUM-1905)
macOS: Fixed the issue of the appearance of multiple "Unsaved Changes Detected" reports. (1369562)
macOS: Fixed an issue with exposing profiler markers in non-development players. (UUM-2990)
Mono: Fixed a crash during stack trace construction if a this object is null. (UUM-611)
Mono: Fixed a crash when passing a generic class to a function pointer. (UUM-603)
Mono: Fixed Interlocked.CompareExchange float on M1. (UUM-9159)
Package: Fixed errors when inspecting tutorial pages on Unity 2021 or later.
Package Manager: Feature's reset button behaviour has been fixed for custom packages. (UUM-6410)
Package Manager: Fixed an issue where Package Manager Window would throw an error when a package url links was not available and now are disabled.
Package Manager: Fixed an Keyboard navigation issue in the package manager. We can now properly use up/down, page up/down with optional shift key in asset tab. (UUM-6478)
Package Manager: Fixed Package Tag text in details header is not visible. (1420347)
Package Manager: Updated package count in "My Assets" when current number of packages is larger than total number. (1431169)
Particles: Fixed an issue where disabling VR head roll when rendering particles from a command buffer was not supported.
Particles: Skip draw call for gpu instanced mesh particle trails if using same material as particles. (UUM-7071)
Physics: Fixed an issue where rotating a GameObject hierarchy with a Rigidbody at it's root, would recompute the body's mass properties for each child collider present in the hierarchy. (1318791)
Physics: Fixed Articulation Bodies accepting drives with non-finite values as input. (1429317)
Physics: Improved and jobified Physics.SyncTransforms in order to providing up to 70% speed up in general.
Player: Fixed splash landscape background using the wrong uv's when a portrait background was included. (1418161)
Player: Fixed Unity splash screen logo not including mipmaps which would reduce quality of the logos appearance.
Prefabs: Fixed Events prefabInstanceReverting and prefabInstanceReverted which are now automatically raised upon any revert operation, whether full or partial. (1409546)
Prefabs: Fixed Handle ManagedReferences that cannot be applied or reverted. Also made sure the root of the Managed Reference can be applied to apply sub fields that are overriden. (1409175)
Prefabs: Fixed the canvas layout order in the prafab's context and isolation mode. (UUM-3458)
Profiler: Fixed an issue that taking a memory capture no longer logs a message to the console displaying the temporary file location.
Profiler: Fixed crash in Linux Editor when toggling Standalone Profiler recording on and off. (UUM-7877)
Profiler: Fixed Standalone Profiler recording Play mode data while Editor is in Edit mode. (UUM-2160)
Profiler: Remove deprecated functionality in the Memory Module, which is replaced by the Memory Profiler package. (UUM-6732)
Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where activeLayout property for Overlays were not exposed (1419915)
Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where gizmos with bounds near the camera were incorrectly culled. (1429779)
Scene/Game View: Fixed case where Overlays placed partially outside of a view would reset their position. (1422226)
Scene/Game View: Fixed crash in particular cases when trying to render BRG objects selection outline. (UUM-11676)
Scene/Game View: Fixed Overlay popups not clipping to window size. (1419903)
Scripting: Fixed a validate assemblies issue after build target was changed. (UUM-3562)
Scripting: Fixed an issue where Application.logMessageReceived can be called from a job, when the job is scheduled on the main thread. (UUM-3085)
Scripting: Fixed an issue where assembly validation errors disappear when clearing console messages. (UUM-3087)
Scripting: Fixed Assemblies without any class or structs produces warnings. (UUM-4342)
Scripting: Fixed broken performance test.
Scripting: Fixed case when trying to serialize generics with generic fields of types from different assemblies. (UUM-8844)
Scripting: Fixed Disabled Plugin Assembly validation not working on startup. (UUM-4560)
Scripting: Fixed Unity sometimes not referencing .winmd files when compiling scripts for the player.
Scripting: Improved diagnostic message and do not enter in safe-mode on some unsupported ApiUpdater scenarios involving .asmref adding code into .asmdef. (1406100)
Serialization: Avoid crash and log error message when boxedValue is set to null for non nullable property types. (UUM-658)
Serialization: Fixed Issue when performing an undo on an object that uses SerializeReference reuse existing C# objects, instead of recreating them. (UUM-651)
Services: Fixed issue that would make it so that services could not be used after computer returned from sleep.
Shadergraph: Fixed a compilation bug in BiRP Target in some variants with lightmaps. (UUM-7354)
Shaders: Changed texture declaration macros in HLSLSupport.cginc and SRP core package to use explicitly typed texture declaration so that the precision information will propagate properly on mobile shader targets. (1363451)
Shaders: Fixed a crash when calling GetShaderKeywords on a user-constructed ShaderKeywordSet. (UUM-2536)
Shaders: Fixed being able to use SetVector on integer types in compute shaders. (UUM-5760)
SRP Core: Fixed a null reference exception when settings null Render Pipeline Global settings on the Settings provider. (1423712)
SRP Core: Fixed a serialization error when Recovering Default Volume Profile after it was deleted from the project folder. (1423734)
SRP Core: Fixed a SerializedObjectNotCreatableException on Volume Component Editors. (1423153)
SRP Core: Fixed a swaping Volume Component issue in a Volume profile when there was mixed pipeline Volume Components did not override correctly. (1427585)
SRP Core: Fixed a Volume Component Editor issue where Foldouts states were stored by position instead of state. (1422120)
SRP Core: Fixed an issue where Asset Icons and MonoBehaviour for SRP's where not unified.
Terrain: Fixed the following error that was thrown: "EndLayoutGroup: BeginLayoutGroup must be called first" when selecting a .raw file to import as a Heightmap due to an error with IMGUI.
Text: Fixed an issue where unselecting, double clicking and triple clicking text fields did not produces reliable and expected behaviour.
Text: Fixed Text component not rendering elements with floating point coordinates correctly on machines with locale set to one that uses commas as decimal separators. (UUM-868)
TLS: TLS: Underlying TLS implementation updated to address CVE-2021-44732 and CVE-2021-45450. (UUM-3245)
uGUI: Fixed calculation of pointer position when running in multiple display mode and the main display was fullscreen with a non-native aspect ratio. (UUM-7893)
uGUI: Fixed incorrect scroll bar handle calculations when clicking inside a scroll container that had a smaller handle rect. (1415690)
UI Toolkit: Added formatting issues in UI Toolkit and Properties scripting reference. (UUM-4154)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an invalid vertex count shown for UIToolkit draw calls in the frame debugger and the game view statistics. (UUM-2725)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where an alternate row background would disappearing after a refresh.
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where newline caused incorrect text size rounding error. (UUM-4169)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the expanded state of the ListView would not be serialized across selections. (UUM-1461)
UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the VisualElement's uxml attributes would not get properly cleared after calling "Unset" or "Unset All". (UI Builder). (1385056)
UI Toolkit: Fixed bind/unbind discrepancies with items in ListView/TreeViews controls.
UI Toolkit: Fixed caret in disappearing depending on Reference DPI. (UUM-2348)
UI Toolkit: Fixed dynamic height caching and reordering issues on ListView/TreeView controls.
UI Toolkit: Fixed last character of wrapped line not selected in text field. (UUM-7592)
UI Toolkit: Fixed NullReferenceException followed by ArgumentException when removing an element from its panel during a style transition. (1413513)
UI Toolkit: Fixed PropertyField not properly refreshing when SerializedReference type changes. (UUM-4159)
UI Toolkit: Fixed rendering glitch on circles caused by incorrect geometry. (1357998)
UI Toolkit: Fixed shift+tab not working on Mac. (UUM-5098)
UI Toolkit: Fixed some Layout Update Struggling issues related to ScrollViews. (1417765)
UI Toolkit: Fixed the position of the drag element of slider not being updated when resizing the label element. (1422677)
UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit runtime panels sometimes ignoring clicks in a build. (1419208)
UI Toolkit: Fixed visual artifact when border width is larger than border radius. (1420601)
UI Toolkit: Fixed VisualElements change scaling when mouse moves over a different window on a higher DPI display. (UUM-7260)
UI Toolkit: Improved performance of layout update in display:none cases. (UUM-9694)
Universal RP: Fixed depth pre-pass being always executed on GLES devices. (UUM-8381)
Universal RP: Fixed incorrect light brightness when using SimpleLit shader. (UUM-7851)
Universal RP: Fixed specular highlight edges on Android. (UUM-7654)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed a crash when entering a composition string longer than 64 characters into the IME. (UUM-928)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Application.OpenURL asserting due to not freeing temporary memory. (UUM-2205)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Build & Run picking the wrong instance of Visual Studio which potentially doesn't have required components installed to deploy the application. (UUM-931)
Universal Windows Platform: Fixed IL2CPP failing to initialize when called from Windows Runtime component.
URP: Fixed a Gizmo and grid artifact in the editor view. (UUM-2299)
URP: Fixed a wireframe view issue in URP. (UUM-2548)
URP: Fixed alpha discard on Unlit Sprite targets for Shadergraph. (UUM-6998)
URP: Fixed an issue that the Shaders now correctly fallback to error shader. (UUM-1417)
URP: Fixed an issue where camera UI inspector's clearFlag was not respected. (1422234)
URP: Fixed an issue where the material upgrader was showing up when the URP package was being installed. (UUM-2434)
URP: Fixed an issue with 2D Spot Light artifacts in light. (UUM-7839)
URP: Fixed Gizmos in Game View when using Viewports. (UUM-7069)
URP: Fixed missing Depth Copy texture in Scene view. (1431872)
URP: Fixed URP 2D - Fix Light2D upgrading issue with m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap property. (UUM-1845)
URP: Fixed URP 2D - incorrect output when post process is enabled. (UUM-5871)
URP: Fixed URP 2D - vertex color for sprite shapes. (UUM-1921)
VFX Graph: Error thrown when entering a subgraph that is already opened. (1425836)
VFX Graph: Fixed an isse where the mirrored curve presets to match Shuriken curve editor was missing. (1411514)
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue were Alpha Clipping have unexpected behavior in editor when used in MaterialOverride with SG integration, . (UUM-552)
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue when motion vector is applied on line using targetOffset
, the VFXLoadParameter was missing.
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where Position ArcSphere was failing with BlendDirection. (UUM-1295)
VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where VFX shadows were rendering when VFX was disabled in Scene View visibility menu. (UUM-4752)
VFX Graph: Fixed unexpected assert when capacity is really high. (UUM-534)
VFX Graph: Make collision with SDF more robust to bad inputs. (1406977)
Video: "Can't play movie" error is thrown when setting VideoPlayer.url to an invalid url through a script. (1388735)
Video: Fixed an issue where Audio channel order from the VideoPlayer was not matching what FMOD expects for 5.1/7.1 on Android, both with Vorbis and AAC audio codecs.
Video: Fixed an issue where Vorbis audio tracks created by MediaEncoder and VideoClipImporter had missing samples at the end. (1417269)
WebGL: Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard had incorrect formatting leading to excess whitespace. (UUM-1161)
WebGL: Fixed an issue where the soft keyboard would leave whitespace at the bottom of the page after being dismissed. (UUM-1159)
WebGL: Fixed bug where the rendering canvas wasn't resizing when changing orientation. (UUM-1135)
WebGL: Fixed connection issue between the WebGL player and the profiler. (UUM-798)
Windows: Fixed "Failed to determine current display mode, falling back to main display mode." error getting spammed in certain RDP scenarios. (UUM-3700)
Windows: Fixed a crash on startup when Vjoy HID device is connected to a computer. (UUM-8786)
Windows: Fixed an issue that the UnityPlayer.dll properties sheet is now more complete. (UUM-10370)
Windows: Fixed incorrect scan codes that are exposed through KeyControl.scanCode of New Input System. (UUM-9029)
Windows: Fixed resolution misdetection on vertical displays, which caused APIs like Screen.currentResolution or Screen.GetDisplayLayout() return wrong data and the player contain letterboxing when it shouldn't. (UUM-7552)
Windows: Restored the display enumeration behaviour back to Unity 2021.1 and earlier: the primary display will always be treated as display 1.
XR: Fixed XR devices not following RunInBackground setting in Player Setting on PC standalone and playmode in Editor.
com.unity.2d.animation: 9.0.0-pre.1 → 9.0.0-pre.3
com.unity.2d.common: 8.0.0-pre.1 → 8.0.0-pre.2
com.unity.2d.psdimporter: 8.0.0-pre.1 → 8.0.0-pre.3 4.0.0 → 4.0.1
com.unity.recorder: 4.0.0-pre.5 → 4.0.0
com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config: 14.0.3 → 15.0.1
com.unity.xr.arcore: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.xr.arfoundation: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.xr.arkit: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.xr.arkit-face-tracking: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.xr.arsubsystems: 5.0.0-pre.12 → 5.0.0-pre.13
com.unity.netcode.gameobjects: 1.0.0-pre.9 → 1.0.0 1.0.0-pre.7 → 1.0.0
Packages added