Core: Added Resources.LoadAsync() to asynchronously load assets from the Resources folders (Pro only).
Editor: Added iOS support for Unity Remote 4 on Windows.
Graphics: Added support for the -nographics command line argument in OS X.
Windows Phone: Unity now supports building native Windows Phone 8.1 applications.
Windows Store / Phone: Unity now supports building “Universal” Windows Store/Phone applications.
Windows Player: Added ability to select target monitor in the resolution dialog, including devices like Oculus Rift.
Windows Player: Added option to run in either exclusive full-screen mode or windowed full-screen mode with DirectX 9. DirectX 11 always runs in “windowed fullscreen” mode now. This fixes Alt-Tab issues and “run in background” functionality, among other things.
2D: Reduced Sprite Packer memory requirements.
2D: Sprite Packer will write atlases to cache earlier in the packing process. Now they can be recovered after cancelling packing or in case of a crash.
2D: Sprite.packed will return the correct value if a packed sprite is loaded from an asset bundle in the editor.
2D: Fixed vertex snapping of sprites with non-default pivots.
2D: SpriteEditor will not throw exceptions when a cubemap/reflection texture is selected.
Android: Fixed ANR when the application is paused with an active touch.
Android: Fixed OnApplicationFocus event.
Android: Fixed possible crash when calling Application.Quit in OnApplicationPause().
Animation: Fixed an issue whereby playing a full-body additive animation caused the character to slide around the scene wildly.
Animation: Fixed crash when previewing a transition.
Animation: Fixed getting invalid rotation when animating some specific transform hierarchy.
Audio: Fix for audio streaming from WWW objects.
Editor: Fixed freeze on printing long strings to console log (limited single entry length to 16k characters).
Editor: Pressing the down arrow in the hierarchy window's search box now immediately jumps to first result.
Editor: Fixed regression of importing scripts when running editor in batch mode.
Editor: Spawned child processes will no longer inherit files opened by the Editor on Windows. Fixes issues with VCS or shader compiler processes holding locks to files.
iOS: Correctly receive input events when VoiceOver is enabled.
iOS: Fixed script AOT compiler out of memory crash.
iOS: Fixed Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie on iOS8.
iOS: Fixed touch coordinates being wrong under interface rotation.
iOS: Warn Pro users about missing splash screen images in release builds.
iOS: Fixed app home directory that now points to the permitted path of Documents.
iOS: Added support for files with multiple fonts when building dynamic font metadata cache.
iOS: Combined splash screen warnings into one.
iOS: Added Xcode 6 "Build and Run" support.
iOS: Made non-readable meshes to take less memory.
iOS: Fixed Video Playback issues in case of plugging/unplugging headphones.
Mobile Rendering: Fixed multi-threaded rendering issues with picking wrong format for RenderTextures used in Image Effects.
Mobile Rendering: Fixed native rendering plugins in OnPreRender breaking rendering.
Mobile Rendering: Fixed multi-threaded rendering issues with dynamic meshes on OpenGL ES 2.0.
Mobile Rendering: Fixed image effects in case of MSAA on OpenGL ES 3.0.
Networking: Fixed a leak of 256k per WWW instance, when loading uncompressed AssetBundles from disk.
Physics 2D: Added ability to select whether deleting a 2D collider or rigid body during a collision callback stops remaining callbacks or not.
Physics 2D: Fixed regression where 2D colliders didn't update when animated.
Physics 2D: Fixed crash when Rigidbody2D component is destroyed during contact callback.
Physics 2D: Ensure that the lower/upper translation limits on JointTranslationLimit2D are correct with respect to each other (used on SliderJoint2D).
Physics 2D: Stop interpolation/extrapolation from being halted during next physics update when a new Rigidbody2D is added.
Shaders: Fixed more cases of errors in shaders not being reported on correct line numbers (for GLSL platforms).
Shaders: Fixed wrong HLSL-to-GLSL translation of clip() with a vector argument.
Shuriken: Fix for re-enabled particle system which was disabled before it has finished.
Substance: Normal maps are correctly displayed now in the Editor when targeting GL platforms.
Substance: Thumbnails for normal maps are now generated correctly instead of being displayed in grayscale.
Substance: Fixed crash when baking a ProceduralTexture without mipmaps to a compressed format.
Substance: Fixed ProceduralMaterials looking black after disabling the ProceduralMaterialInspector.
Version Control: Adding files in perforce would escape special characters such as '@' into '%40'. This issue has been fixed.
Windows Phone: Fixed an issue which caused serialization weaver to crash sometimes when processing methods that return IEnumerable.
Windows Phone: Winmd plugins are now correctly handled.
Windows Phone: Editor reports if arrays with generic element types that can cause crash at runtime are used.
Windows Phone / Store: Enum.ToObject now works with all primitive types.
Windows Phone / Store: Methods returning boolean values are now correctly handled.
Windows Phone / Store: Plugins that are signed with strong name now work properly.
Windows Phone / Store: When compiling JS/Boo files, debugging information will be added only when Development checkbox is on, previous behavior was debugging information was always being added.
Windows Phone / Store: Fixed an issue which caused private members are not initialized in serializable class.
Windows Phone / Store: Structs are always serialized correctly.
Windows Player: Fixed Alt-Tab in DirectX 11 full-screen mode freezing the application.
Windows Player: Run in Background now works properly in DirectX 9 fullscreen mode.
Windows Player: Performance improvements including lower latency in DirectX 11 mode.
Windows Player: The default full-screen mode no longer changes the desktop resolution, so things like IME text input work.
Windows Player: Hint to NVIDIA driver that it should use the discrete GPU in Optimus chipsets.
Windows Store Apps: Added support for TouchScreenKeyboard.text property.
Windows Store Apps: Portable class libraries can now successful use methods like Type.GetFields or Type.GetProperties.
Windows Store Apps: Show keyboard when TouchScreenKeyboard.Open() is called, no need to manually set active to true.
Windows Store Apps: Added support for key modifiers in GUI events.
Windows Store Apps: Fixed the return value of SystemInfo.supportsLocationService.