Physics: Show inspector warning when a 2D collider removes generated collision shape(s) because they fail verification. This supplements the existing warning when no collision shapes are present.
Shaders: Improved performance of importing complex surface shaders (with many multi_compile directives).
Shaders: Improved performance of shader compilation for OpenGL platforms.
Android: Android TV - Fixed uses-feature attribute in manifest that could require touchscreen.
Android: Fixed delay when resuming game from paused state.
Android: Fixed flickering screen on resume.
Android: Added missing implementation of UnityMemoryBarrier()
Android: Fixed crash on application resume on Adreno devices with Android 4.1.1 or 4.1.2.
Android: Preventing black frame to be displayed when on-screen keyboard appears/disappears.
Android: Export now works for projects that use UnityPlayerActivity or UnityPlayerProxyActivity.
Asset Import: Recompile scripts synchronously when the -buildTarget parameter is used.
Core: Fixed the "Failed to initialize unity graphics" error when using the -no-graphics flag in OS X
Direct3D 11: Unity will now correctly fall back to no MSAA depth textures if the GPU does not support ones with MSAA.
Documentation: Fixed rendering for richText.
Editor: Fixed word wrapping in the detail area of the console.
Editor: Handle an intermittent failure in CoCreateInstance during the Visual Studio launch process.
Editor: Open a script in the correct version of Visual Studio when the script is already open in a different version.
Editor: Fixed selected wireframe not rendered if object's shader has GrabPass as the first pass.
Editor: Use External Editor argument expansion in undocumented API.
Editor: Fixed an issue whereby dragging a prefab into hierarchy from project view was not selected automatically.
Editor: Don't pass out incorrect PropertyHandler on first call to GetHandler.
Flash : Empty project no longer has (harmless) errors in the log.
OpenGL ES 2: Fixed issues with native plugin called in OnPreRender .
Graphics: Send kGfxDeviceEventInitialize to native plugins if renderer changes.
Graphics: Fixed light culling with custom projection matrix.
Image Effects: Fixed Image filters targeting a render texture when a camera doesn't clear the color buffer.
Image Effects: Fixed Fast Bloom rendering upside down on Direct3D when anti-aliasing was used (reimport Image Effects package to get the fix).
iOS: Adaptively increase AOT build timeout to fix builds on large projects.
iOS: Do not run excessive number of mono AOT compiler instances.
iOS: Fixed Xcode 6 GM build & run support.
iOS: Fixed Xcode 6 GM Simulator support.
License: Give permissions to Users group on Windows to modify/write the license .ulf file, after Unity was activated by an administrator.
Linux: When using "Default is fullscreen" and "Default is native resolution" on a multidisplay system, store the resolution pref from the actual window size instead of the full desktop resolution.
Manual: Update documentation for player command line arguments.
Mecanim: Fixed trigger parameter consumption when used by multiple layers.
OSX: Now GameKit is loaded dynamically, it should help with Mac App Store submissions for games, which are not using Game Center.
OSX: Application.persistentDataPath changed from ~/Library/Caches/ to ~/Library/Application Support/
Physics: 'OnMouseDown' and 'OnMouseUp' callbacks for 3D physics now don't take priority over 2D physics, they can run simultaneously.
Physics: 'OnMouseDown' and 'OnMouseUp' callbacks for both 2D and 3D colliders now correctly use camera near/far plane distance.
Scripting: Properly validate class constraint on generics with reference type constraint.
Shaders: Fixed #include processing that are nested in #ifdef blocks in surface shaders.
Shaders: Fixed faceforward() for OpenGL platforms.
Shaders: VFACE pixel shader semantic translates more properly to OpenGL platforms now (values of -1 or 1, not 0 or 1 like before).
Substance: Fixed regression where valid runtime cache data would not be used and ProceduralTextures would be needlessly recomputed.
Substance: ProceduralTextures are no longer corrupted when switching color space in the editor.
Substance: ProceduralTextures are no longer corrupted when switching the masterTextureLimit in the editor.
Substance: Textures generated from a cloned ProceduralMaterial now have the proper alpha channel.
Terrain: Now tree imposter image will render in correct color space.
Version Control: Disallowing moving/renaming version controlled files that are changed/checked out remote.
WebCamTexture: Uses the first webcam device by default on all platforms.
WebPlayer: Fixed WebPlayer Loading failure when UNITY_DISABLE_PLUGIN_UPDATES = yes.
Windows Phone 8.0: Fixed an issue which caused rendering from scripts not to work the same frame that back button was pressed on certain devices.
Windows Phone 8.0: Using image effects no longer distorts the image resolution.
Windows Phone 8.1: Fixed copying of 240% sized wide tile to final VS solution.
Windows Phone 8.1: TouchScreenKeyboard.visible no longer throws an exception if called before creating an actual keyboard.
Windows Phone 8.1: Unity no longer overrides 106x106 icon in final VS solution when a custom icon is placed there.
Windows Player: Fixed blank window appearing briefly before entering fullscreen mode.
Windows Store Apps: Fixed an issue which caused C# scripts to sometimes be included to wrong assemblies if "Debugging C# projects" checkbox was checked when building the project.
Windows Store Apps: C++ plugins are now correctly copied to output directory when using C++ project type.
Windows Store Apps: Unprocessed plugins are no longer included in Visual Studio pre-build event.
Windows Store Apps: Unity C# projects are referenced by project references instead of assembly references.
Windows Store Apps / Windows Phone: Fixed an issue which caused methods of WebHeaderCollection class throw exceptions
Windows Store Apps / Windows Phone 8.1: Fixed Screen.dpi to return physical screen DPI, instead of logical DPI.
Windows Store Apps / Windows Phone 8.1: Significantly reduces memory used by compressed audio.