Unity 4.6.1

The Unity 4.6.1 release brings you some improvements and fixes. Read the release notes below for details.

For more information about the previous main release, see the Unity 4.6 Release Notes.

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Release notes


  • WebPlayer: Added support for 64 bit Mac OS X browsers.


  • AssetBundles: Added additional information about WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.
  • Graphics: Improved performance when allocating memory for large numbers of temporary objects.
  • Graphics: Optimized culling of lights in a mostly deferred scene with a few forward-rendered objects.
  • Physics 2D: Added 'Static Collider Shapes' to profiler for 2D physics.
  • Physics 2D: Renamed Physics2D.deleteStopsCallbacks to Physics.changeStopsCallbacks to better represent its purpose (old property is now obsolete).
  • Serialization: Randomize fileIDs for objects in prefabs to lower the chance of merge conflicts.
  • UI: Encapsulate children mesh bounds when calculating Root Bounds. Also cache the value so we don't calculate every time we draw.
  • UI: Performance optimizations. Optimized UI batching, text rendering and reduced amount of editor-only allocations.
  • UI: Standalone input module now leaves keyboard selected object selected. Mouse and Keyboard input are now orthogonal. Clicking with the mouse will move selection to the clicked element.
  • Windows Phone/Store Apps: Profiler shows managed memory usage.
  • Windows Phone/Store Apps: Provide ArrayList.BinarySearch implementation.
  • Windows Standalone: You can now embed windows standalone player into another application, simply pass -parentHWND and windows standalone application's window will be created with specified parent. See Command line arguments documentation for more information.


  • Documentation: Styling changed to match website design, switch links between Manual and Script Reference are working now.
  • Windows Phone: Disabled shadows on Adreno 305 devices due to driver issues.


  • Android: Added splitting of level files in APK to fix slow loading problem.
  • Android: Avoid reading expensive metrics in DisplayInfo more than once per frame.
  • Android: Fixed crash on certain Adreno HW with OS version 4.4.2 or more recent 4.4.x.
  • Android: Fixed crash on XPeria Play.
  • Android: Fixed forwarding of input events to Java when Unity is paused but activity is still running.
  • Android: Fixed frame rate on Tegra devices when doing GPU profiling.
  • Android: Workaround for corrupted font textures on older Adreno drivers.
  • Android: Fixed a crash in glDrawElements() on some devices.
  • Android: Fixed an issue with ProGuard when obfuscating an exported project.
  • Android: Fixed build-tools version check.
  • Android: Fixed erratic touch input when not using NativeActivity.
  • Android: Fixed NEON detection on 64 bit Android.
  • Android: Fixed Unity UI ScrollView/Mask on PowerVR SGX.
  • Android: Joystick input optimization; fixed slowdown on some older devices.
  • Android: Support for xxxhdpi icons.
  • Android: Updated SDK and JDK requirements to match Android 5.0.
  • Android: Added additional fallback font "DroidSansFallback" (but also keeping "Droid Sans Fallback") to fix for e.g. Korean font on older Android devices. Asian fonts are still not working on many - Android 5 devices.
  • Asset Loading: Fixed performance regression when loading scene in the Editor.
  • Audio: Not streamed VBR audio files loaded with WWW.GetAudioClip now play and loop correctly.
  • Core: Fixed undoing Add/Remove RectTransform and will no long break the scene gizmos.
  • Core: Fixed bug in anchoredPosition3D property on RectTransform that caused coordinates to be swapped.
  • Debugger: Fixed crash when stepping into a breakpoint on 64-bit OSX standalone player.
  • DX9: Add black bars in fullscreen mode to maintain aspect ratio.
  • DX11: Fixed GPU video memory detection on some GPUs. Was wrongly disabling shadows & deferred on some Intel ones, for example.
  • Editor: Fixed asset bundle building stealing window focus when Editor is in the background.
  • Editor: Fixed version control plugin and shader compiler sometimes stopping prematurely.
  • Editor: Fixed crash on scene load when prefabs have unsaved child objects.
  • Editor: Add support for importing .DDS cubemaps.
  • Editor: Fixed selection change being undone if click also initiates a drag (Windows only).
  • Editor: Corrected a problem launching MonoDevelop and moving to the proper line of a script file on OSX.
  • Editor: Fixed the error thrown when closing asset label list with escape key.
  • Editor: Reduced memory usage of streamed audio clips.
  • Editor: Fixed AssetModificationProcessor.OnWillSaveAssets checking out files that were not Saved and OnWillDeleteAssets always marking assets for delete.
  • Editor: Fixed Canvas editor for nested Canvas showing UI as if it were a root Canvas if the GameObject was inactive.
  • Editor: Fixed Canvas editor which was not working well with multi-object editing.
  • Editor: Sprite asset inspector in single mode now shows correct values.
  • OpenGL ES :Changed default PlayerSettings Graphics Level to Auto for all platforms using OpenGL ES (was Force OpenGL ES 2).
  • OpenGL ES: Sphere map texture coordinate generation fixes.
  • Graphics: Fixed custom cursors when hovering over black bars in fullscreen mode.
  • Graphics: Fixed incorrect sprite tangent handling on ARM NEON capable devices.
  • Graphics: Fixed occasional crashes when switching the graphics device. Happens in editor when toggling between DX9 and DX11, or on Windows Phone when resuming the app.
  • GUI: Fixed vertical position of text cursor.
  • Inspector: Fixed bool properties with DecoratorDrawers not reserving space for them correctly.
  • Inspector: Disable the asset label editor UI if any of the selected assets are not open for edit.
  • iOS: Add player setting to target iOS 8.0 and 8.1.
  • iOS: Disable tree billboard mipmaps; mipmap generation was causing hiccups.
  • iOS: Do not use AVAudioSessionRouteChangeNotification on pre-iOS6 devices.
  • iOS: Fixed a memory leak in QueryADID().
  • iOS: Fixed visual issues when setting screen orientation via Screen.orientation.
  • iOS: Added support for iPad Mini 3 and iPad Air 2.
  • iOS: Fixed splash screen issues on iPhone 6+, and frame buffer resolution issues.
  • iOS: Fixed crash in Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets after GameCenter login.
  • iOS: Removed unnecessary error messages in GameCenter API.
  • iOS: Don't count the size of the executable twice in the detailed profiler memory snapshot.
  • iOS: Fixed player remaining paused after interstitial ads in certain cases.
  • iOS: Fixed click-through in on-screen keyboard.
  • iOS: Fixed crash when Game Controller gets attached on iOS 8.
  • iOS: Fixed debug log spam in Social API.
  • iOS: Fixed iAD Show method crash when calling it while Ad is not yet loaded.
  • iOS: Fixed WWW crash.
  • iOS: Xcode 6 fixes - OSX no longer have BGRA_EXT; allow iOS8 sdk.
  • iOS: Added support for iPhone 6 icons.
  • iOS: Fixed a crash when a broken socket is written into.
  • iOS: Fixed DPI estimation for newer devices.
  • iOS: Fixed location support on iOS 8.
  • iOS: Fixed memory leak in WWW class.
  • iOS: Report size of assemblies after bytecode stripping to reduce ambiguity.
  • iOS: Work around an Xcode splash screen bug in iOS 8 landscape iPhone apps.
  • iOS: Added OnApplicationFocus() support.
  • iOS: Fixed a linker issue breaking simulator builds.
  • iOS: Fixed a crash in when closing Game Center leaderboard under specific conditions.
  • iOS: Use new font file location on iOS 8.2.
  • License: Activation on OS X 10.10 Yosemite failed on some older hardware.
  • Linux: Fixed incorrect behaviour on large XFS filesystems.
  • Linux: Don't report button/axis data when input field has focus.
  • Linux: Fixed numeric keypad input.
  • Mac OS X Standalone player: Use old location for Application.persistentDataPath if it exists.
  • Mac OS X: Fixed File limits not being set to Maximum amount and Defaulting to 256 open files.
  • Mac OS X: Bring back GPU profiler for NVIDIA GPUs on 10.9 and newer versions.
  • Mecanim: Fixed AnimatorController not being built properly when used in prefabs.
  • Mecanim: Fixed AnyState transitions disappearing in some specific cases.
  • Mecanim: Fixed transitions being duplicated when dragging StateMachines into StateMachines.
  • Mecanim: Show an error when transitions to state that doesn't exist are found.
  • Mono: Fixed issue with System.Console.InputEncoding and System.Console.OutputEncoding not changing the encoding when set.
  • OpenGL: Fixed fullscreen rendering on Windows.
  • Physics 2D: Added Physics2D.minPenetrationForPenalty property to control the penetration radius allowed before any separation impulse for is applied.
  • Physics 2D: Changing 2D collider state between trigger and non-trigger modes now maintains contact state (enter/stay/exit callbacks are correct).
  • Physics 2D: CircleCollider2D editing handles now show in the correct location when X/Y rotation is involved.
  • Physics 2D: Provide option to turn on/off the ability to detect a collider that overlaps the start of any 2D line/ray cast
  • Physics 2D: RaycastHit2D distance is now correctly calculated.
  • Physics 2D: ReferenceAngle for both HingeJoint2D and SliderJoint2D are now maintained when the components are disabled then re-enabled.
  • Physics 2D: Rigidody2D.MovePosition() no longer causes gravity to be ignored when in constant use.
  • Physics 2D: PhysicsMaterial2D bounciness now has an upper limit of 100000 rather than 1.
  • Physics 2D: Ensure that Physics2D.Raycast(all) does not produce an infinite end-point resulting in nothing being hit.
  • Physics 2D: Fixed bad Rigidbody2D interpolation when changing body position via a Transform component change.
  • Physics 2D: 2D physics colliders now correctly transform under full 3D rotation.
  • Scripting: Fixed stack overflow in class loader.
  • Scripting: Fixed Win32_IN6_ADDR.
  • Shaders: Fixed support for more than 16 textures on D3D11.
  • Shaders: Fixed view*projection matrix (UNITY_MATRIX_VP) sometimes getting out of sync.
  • Shaders: Fixed wrong OpenGL ES 3.0 shader code generation in some cases of tangents and glsl_no_auto_normalization being used simultaneously.
  • Standalone: Fixed random crash in 64-bit standalone players.
  • Standalone: Don't force-reload textures/shaders on resolution change, meaning AssetBundle.Unload(false) works as expected again.
  • Substance: Empty image inputs slots are now treated as transparent black.
  • Substance: Fixed "ThreadedObjectActivationQueue not empty" assert.
  • Substance: Some output computations would sometimes not take place when the content of image inputs had changed programmatically.
  • TouchInput: Switched timestamps from ms to us internally, to avoid 0-length delta times.
  • UI: Fixed an issue with some UI shaders not 1/2 texel offsetting correctly on DX9.
  • UI: Disabled layout components are now disregarded from layout calculations.
  • UI: Fixed memory leak in material when reloading assemblies in the editor.
  • UI: Fixed bug where Slider would snap handle to center around cursor when dragging handle instead of retaining the position of the cursor inside the handle.
  • UI: Fixed crash when stripping was enabled.
  • UI: Fixed error message when prefab was loaded that contained a input field.
  • UI: Fixed InputField bug that text did not visibly update when the text property was set from scripting.
  • UI: Fixed InputField OnValueChange not being called when setting InputField.text from script.
  • UI: Fixed issue in GridLayoutGroup that would cause elements to sometimes be offset wrong depending on what startCorner mode was used.
  • UI: fixed issue where input field would not be activated properly if navigation was None.
  • UI: Fixed logic for getting or creating Canvas when creating UI element, which sometimes failed to create a Canvas. -UI: Fixed Selectable logic to find adjacent Selectable in a given direction, which was applying the rotation twice in the logic, producing incorrect results for objects with rotation.
  • UI: InputField now calls UpdateLabel when textComponent get a SetLayoutDirty.
  • UI: Make sure we only notify children of mask state change after we have disabled the parent. This means that the children will be able to correctly examine the mask state.
  • UI: Make the canvas group a behaviour so it can be enabled / disabled. Updated code that uses this group to properly handle disabled groups, and not change the values when enabling or disabling.
  • UI: Only send end drag events when we end dragging, not on all pointer up events.
  • UI: Fixed issue where sort overridden canvas wouldn't get their depth set and therefore no events.
  • UI: Fixed issue where return on touch keyboard would not submit even if MultiLineSubmit was selected.
  • UnityEvents: Fixed an issue where modifying a unity event during invoke could lead to corruption of the UnityEvent, and events not being called properly.
  • UnityEvents: Fixed an issue with code stripping on iOS which was causing some UnityEvent calls to throw a null reference exception.
  • Version Control: Removed warning when saving scene and Perforce integration was enabled.
  • Version Control: Allow changing credentials and reconnect even when a connection is already being established.
  • Version Control: Get rid of double messages in the console windows from a range of VCS commands.
  • Version Control: Fixed plugin stop when reading a recent deleted file.
  • Version Control: Removed out-of-sync state when file is deleted on server.
  • Version Control: Revert recursively.
  • Video: Non Unity-encoded video no longer has a duration of -1.
  • WebPlayer: Mac x86_64 web plugin loads proper x86_64 Mono bundles.
  • WebPlayer: Fixed a security issue.
  • Windows Phone: Texture.ReadPixels works correctly in landscape modes.
  • Windows Phone/Store Apps: Fixed crash that sometimes happened on Application.LoadLevelAsync.
  • Windows Phone/Store Apps: Fixed an issue which caused UnityScript methods that return an IEnumerator but that do not yield throw exception on execution.
  • Windows Phone/Store Apps: Referencing generic methods in scripts no longer crashes the build.
  • Windows Phone/Store Apps: Fixed a memory leak and in rare cases a crash when doing a lot of async loading.
  • Windows Phone: Fixed touchscreen keyboard reappearing after pressing back button while GUI.TextArea has focus (WP8.1 apps only).
  • Windows Phone: Fixed an issue which caused Lumia 530 devices to freeze with black screen (WP8.1 apps only).
  • Windows Player: Fixed custom cursors not showing up correctly in fullscreen mode.
  • Windows Player: Fixed window being always on top after switching from DX9 fullscreen to desktop windowed mode.
  • Windows Store Apps: Using Winmd C++ plugins should work correctly now.
  • Windows Store Apps: It is now possible to launch Unity WSA player on-demand.
