Editor: Added Android 5.0 and 5.1 to "Minimum API Level" list.
iOS/IL2CPP: Decrease IL2CPP memory usage by making metadata structures const.
iOS/IL2CPP: Enable generic sharing for types and methods whose generic parameters have constraints.
iOS/IL2CPP: Enable MakeGenericType and MakeGenericMethod for types and methods whose generic parameters have constraints.
iSO/IL2CPP: Improve conversion time of il2cpp, especially in generics heavy code.
iOS/IL2CPP: Thumb instructions enabled for IL2CPP ARMv7 architecture, should improve ARMv7 code segment size.
iOS/Metal: Better support for native rendering plugins when using Metal.
Terrain: Performance improved when tree imposters are to be updated due to camera movement.
Android: Fixed player crash when audio is disabled.
Android: Fixed sound glitches when using FastMixer audio on GearVR.
Animation: Fixed a memory leak when "Optimize Game Objects" was used without a skeleton.
Editor: Android - Fixed updating SDK on x86 Java on Windows.
Graphics: Fix for a crash when swapping skinned meshes under GLES3.
Graphics: Fixed inaccurate screenspace scissoring of lights with large range.
Input: Input.GetJoystickNames() no longer returns a single blank entry when no joysticks are attached.
Input: Update mouse position when it is outside of rendered area in Windows standalone.
Input: Update rect used to clip Input.mousePosition when Windows Standalone window is resized.
iOS: Allow to append builds made with different scripting backend.
iOS: Correctly set 5.1.1 SDK according to user prefs.
iOS: Fixed crash on A7 devices when locking the screen.
iOS: Fixed memory leak in iOS WebCamTexture.GetPixels().
iOS: Fixed Xcode 6.3 Build & Run.
iOS: Fixed Xcode project supported platforms and SDKs settings.
iOS/IL2CPP: Added support for string.Normalize.
iOS/IL2CPP: Correct code generation for a generic type with another generic type as a constraint when the generic parameter for the constraint is a value type.
iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected the implementation of the ldvirtftn opcode for types using a constrained generic generic parameter.
iOS/IL2CPP: Correctly invoke an action pointing to an extension method.
iOS/IL2CPP: Correctly lazy initialize the type information when Type.GetDeclaringType is called.
iOS/IL2CPP: Emit memory barriers to ensure the correct acquire and release semantics are enforced for loads and stores of volatile fields.
iOS/IL2CPP: Ensure that background threads which are not explicitly joined have their resources freed so that the runtime does not leak thread handles.
iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed a case where static constructor would not be called if an object is constructed within Unity internally.
iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed a code generation issue when using static constructors in base generic classes.
iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed a crash which occurred during a call to Socket.SetSocketOption with the AddMembership or DropMembership names.
iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed code generation for binary comparisons containing expressions
iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed memory leak when using audio callbacks.
iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed System.Environment.TickCount on iOS.
iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed WebClient requests using a timeout.
iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed WWWForm.data property getter being extremely slow on IL2CPP.
iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented embedded resources for IL2CPP.
iOS/IL2CPP: Optimized code generation for exception handling and finally statements.
iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent a crash when a thread with a name is finalized.
iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent IL2CPP from throwing an exception at conversion time for a generic type deriving from a generic interface.
iOS/IL2CPP: Static constructor of base type now gets correctly called if a derived class does not have one when creating an object of a derived type.
iOS/IL2CPP: Treat the [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] like a by reference parameter by marshaling it as a pointer.
iOS/IL2CPP: Using AudioSettings.Reset() no longer crashes on IL2CPP.
iOS/IL2CPP:Avoid adding includes and methods (for method declaration includes) for types generated to terminate generic type recursion.
Linux: Fixed applying vsync and antialiasing changes without changing quality level.
Linux: Fixed cursor visibility regression when cursor is locked.
Linux: Support more standard screen resolutions.
MonoDevelop: Fixed issue with Attach to Process dialog making MonoDevelop unresponsive on OSX.
MonoDevelop: Fixed issue with file tabs being unresponsive after using auto-hide of panels.
OpenGL: Re-enable various graphics features (shadows etc.) on newer Intel drivers on Windows.
Physics 2D: Don't suppress gravity when a Rigidbody2D.MovePosition is taking place.
Physics 2D: Ensure that 2D Box/Circle cast methods support shape being overlapped initially (case 692409).
Physics 2D: Ensure that a 2D joint created from script is correctly enabled.
Physics 2D: Setting center-of-mass on a Rigidbody2D now doesn't result in bad rotational inertia.
Scripting: Fixed a deadlock in the editor that could happen when pressing the play button while a debugger was still attached.
Scripting: Fixed debugger deadlock on OSX.
Scripting: Fixed MonoDevelop incorrectly stepping over recursive methods.
Scripting: Fixed Unity crash when using newer versions of the soft debugger client in MonoDevelop
UI: Correctly populate PointerEventData.worldPosition and PointerEventData.worldNormal for right-mouse-button and middle-mouse-button events.
UI: Fixed UI elements failing to render in Scene View.
UnityObject: Handle Chrome (v42) that might have NPAPI plugin support disabled.
WebPlugin: Fixed cross-domain policy bypass issue (reported by Jouko Pynnonen of Klikki Oy).
Windows Phone/Store: Fixed assembly converter crashing when a type generic class derives from a generic class which has a generic parameter that is array of generic parameters of the derived class (e. g. class Derived : MyBase).
Windows Standalone: Added hint to AMD driver that it should use the discrete GPU rather than integrated GPU if available.
Windows Standalone: Filter device notifications to HID-class devices only, resolving spurious RID.Hid warnings
Windows Store Apps/Windows Phone 8.1: Unity will correctly hide password when using GUI*.PasswordField on touch based devices.