Unity 4.6.8

The Unity 4.6.8 release brings you a feature, couple of improvements and several fixes. Read the release notes below for details.

For more information about the previous main release, see the Unity 4.6 Release Notes.

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Release notes


  • VR Oculus: Use DXGI 1.1 if possible.


  • Animation: Group material color channel curves. Removing one curve will automatically remove other channel curves of the same color property.
  • Editor: Informative message will be shown in the material inspector when the material property block values are used.


  • (none) - Android: Audio - Fixed CPU consumption by FMODAudioDevice thread on GearVR.
  • (699455) - Android: On some devices Screen.dpi returns more accurate values.
  • (701438) - Animation: Animating properties of the material with the custom shader does not cause error on the first play in editor.
  • (665246) - Animation: Remove relative material property blocks when the animator component is being removed.
  • (694896) - Console: Fixed an issue whereby Unity editor froze when a long string was about to be printed to the console.
  • (703886) - Fonts: Fixed an issue where Dynamic Fonts would have missing characters when the Font was rebuilt. Font.textureRebuildCallback has been deprecated, you should now use Font.textureRebuilt instead.
  • (695642) - GearVR: Fixed sound issues when using fast mixer.
  • (691217) - GLES: Fixed crash on Vivante GPUs when using binary shaders.
  • (697178) - Input / OSX standalone: Mouse buttons are registered when configuring input settings.
  • (701951) - iOS: Added support for Xcode 6.4.0.
  • (704644) - iOS: Fixed plugin support in simulator.
  • (none) - iOS: Fixed running of iOS project via xcodebuild test
  • (708506) - iOS: Work around mod_pbxproj.py issues with Xcode projects generated by Unity.
  • (674706) - iOS/IL2CPP: Allow GetCurrentProcess to work.
  • (702684) - iOS/IL2CPP: Allow il2cpp.exe to run when its installation path includes a '#' character followed by a space character.
  • (702684) - iOS/IL2CPP: Allow il2cpp.exe to work if a '#' character is in the installation path.
  • (705724) - iOS/IL2CPP: Allow Type.GetType(string) to return a proper value on 32-bit ARMv7 builds.
  • (705724) - iOS/IL2CPP: Allow Type.GetType(string) to return a proper value on 32-bit ARMv7 builds.
  • (708137) - iOS/IL2CPP: Avoid boxing of value types during null checks in generic code.
  • (710153) - iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected a C++ compiler error in generated code: "No matching function for call to 'il2cpp_codegen_raise_exception'".
  • (690171) - iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected a KeyNotFoundException during code generation in the VTableBuilder.GetVirtualMethodTargetMethod method of il2cpp.exe.
  • (689976) - iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected an intermittent hang which can occur in the garbage collector.
  • (709995) - iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected be problem with the generated C++ code which causes the C++ compiler error: "Member reference base type 'intptr_t' (aka 'long') is not a structure or union" when unsafe C# code is used to index into an array of pointers to structures.
  • (712470) - iOS/IL2CPP: Corrected Marshal.OffsetOf when using enums fields with FieldOffsetAttribute.
  • (717058) - iOS/Il2CPP: Corrected the behavior of Marshal.OffsetOf for structures with explicit packing.
  • (712713) - iOS/IL2CPP: Ensure methods needed for enum arrays are converted.
  • (706613) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed a crash related to use of delegates in Boo/UnityScript.
  • (704205) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed alphanumerical string sorting in cases where unicode comparison table was required.
  • (704205) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed alphanumerical string sorting in cases where unicode comparison table was required.
  • (708876) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed binary operations using mixed integer types.
  • (770440) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed bug in Boo script related to generic interface methods.
  • (697860) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed codegen issue when using a field type a struct that had no instance fields.
  • (699644) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed compilation of lambda statements returning 'void'.
  • (704205) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed embedded resources.
  • (none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Fixed marshaling code for IntPtr parameters marked with [Out] attribute.
  • (696745) - iOS/IL2CPP: Generate correct C++ code for the IL add opcode with pointers in unsafe C# code.
  • (696745) - iOS/IL2CPP: Generate correct C++ code for the IL add opcode with pointers in unsafe C# code.
  • (699644) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle 'void' type parameter.
  • (706613) - iOS/IL2CPP: Handle invalid IL generated by UnityScript compiler for delegates.
  • (708527) - iOS/IL2CPP: If "Fast but no Exceptions" is selected, any managed exception which escapes out of managed code will cause the AppDomain.UnhandledException event to be executed and application will abort (this is the same behavior as the Mono scripting backend).
  • (661630), (690171) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented the CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes methods for attributes with a default constructor.
  • (676797) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented the IsTransparentProxy icall, which always returned false.
  • (705751) - iOS/IL2CPP: Implemented the previously unsupported AppDomain::InternalGetDefaultContext and AppDomain::InternalGetContext icalls.
  • (none) - iOS/IL2CPP: Improved performance of 'is' operator, 'as' operator, and casting in some cases.
  • (708137), (709313), (708937) - iOS/IL2CPP: Optimize virtual calls to generic types; avoid boxing and allocating when possible.
  • (702203) - iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent a C++ compiler error in generated code which happens when a pointer is assigned a value which is a uintptr_t in converted unsafe C# code.
  • (702203) - iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent a C++ compiler error in generated code which happens when a pointer is assigned a value which is a uintptr_t in converted unsafe C# code.
  • (710797), (705882) - iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent a type T from being stripping if it is used an GenericClass field in a MonoBehavior or ScriptableObject that is already being preserved.
  • (693259) - iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent AES encryption types from being incorrectly stripped when they are used.
  • (693259) - iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent AES encryption types from being incorrectly stripped when they are used.
  • (695319) - iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent an intermittent crash on ARM64 when an live object is incorrectly reclaimed but the garbage collector.
  • (695319) - iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent an intermittent crash on ARM64 when an live object is incorrectly reclaimed but the garbage collector.
  • (706446) - iOS/IL2CPP: Prevent the exception "ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range." during a call to the JoinMulticastGroup method.
  • (708137) - iOS/IL2CPP: Speed up generic method calls on value types.
  • (none) - iOS/IL2CPP: The Preserve attribute can now be used in the managed code for an assembly to preserve all of the code in an assembly.
  • (705860) - iOS/IL2CPP: The Preserve attribute can now be used in the managed code for an assembly to preserve all of the code in an assembly.
  • (705860) - iOS/IL2CPP: The preserve attribute can now be used with the assembly element in a link.xml file to preserve all of the code in an assembly.
  • (705860) - iOS/IL2CPP: The preserve attribute can now be used with the assembly element in a link.xml file to preserve all of the code in an assembly.
  • (705982) - iOS/Metal: Fixed artefacts appearing with skinning
  • (660196) - Linux: Fixed button down reports when querying any joystick and multiple joysticks are connected.
  • (650630) - Mac OS X Standalone: Fixed stripping of debug symbols in release player builds.
  • (none) - Mono: Double traverse object count to avoid stack overflow when freeing huge amounts of objects.
  • (none) - Mono: Fixed monotonic timer overflow to allow usage of timing functions like those in System.Threading with extended uptime.
  • (673868) - MonoDevelop: Fixed Unity crash when inspecting enum value in MonoDevelop debugger.
  • (699556) - MonoDevelop: Fixed Unity crash when using the debugger to inspect a property that only has a getter that returns a struct. E.g. Sprite.bounds.
  • (706330) - OSX standalone: Fixed mouse input and rendering issues after the application is moved to a different screen and is made fullscreen.
  • (none) - Script Editors: Generate and open solution when External Script Editor is set to Xamarin Studio.
  • (none) - WebGL: Prevent a runtime error due to the NetworkManager and MasterServerInterface not being correctly stripped

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