Unity 5.5.2

The Unity 5.5.2 public release brings you a few improvements and a large number of fixes. Read the release notes below for details.

For more information about the previous main release, see the Unity 5.5.1 Release Notes.

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Release notes


  • Android: Gradle export now supports custom templates, and improved troubleshooting of export process.
  • Asset Bundles: Improved load asset performance by up to 25% for standard (non-streamed) asset bundles.
  • Asset Bundles: ShaderVariantCollection assets included into bundles now cause shaders to include the referenced keyword variants.
  • Asset Importing: Performance improvements to DXT1, DXT5, BC4 and BC5 texture compressor.
  • Audio: Add support for streaming Ogg Vorbis on Android, iOS and tvOS.
  • Graphics: Added Mesh.GetIndexStart and Mesh.GetIndexCount APIs.
  • Graphics: Added non-allocating accessors to Mesh, that write into user-specified List: GetBindposes, GetBoneWeights, GetColors, GetIndices, GetNormals, GetTangents, GetTriangles, GetVertices.
  • Tizen: Added a button to the deployment target window to refresh the target list.
  • Virtual Reality: Updated to Oculus runtime version 1.11.
  • Windows Store: introduced the ability to select which Universal Windows Platform SDK Unity should target when building the application.


  • Tizen: Remove the Tizen 2.3 minimum OS option. 2.4 is now the only accepted OS version. Users must update their devices to Tizen OS 2.4.


  • Android: Fixed a crash when doing simultaneous SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync and Resources.Load. - (782183)
  • Android: Fixed a player crash when using Location services. - (866556)
  • Android: Fixed an incorrect behaviour with Application.persistentDataPath. - (854214)
  • Android: Fixed readback from float RenderTexture into half -float Texture.
  • Android: Fixed splash screen flicker and artifacts. - (863528)
  • Android: Gradle export -; Ffixed colliding package name for unity-android-resources. - (854535)
  • Android: Gradle export should now work with SDK version > 6.0. - (856650)
  • Android: Identified unaccounted spikes in profiler. - (836697)
  • Android: Improved asynchronous loading time when showing splash screen.
  • Android: Play audio from background applications at the original volume when it is not muted.
  • Android/IL2CPP: Prevent a crash which can occur with the use of OnAudioFilterRead callbacks on kKrait CPUs. - (852307)
  • Android/MetroWindowsStore: Fixed the issues preventing the Application.Unload API from functioning correctly.
  • Animation: Fixed a bug that was preventing AnimationEvents that were added to legacy AnimationClips during runtime from being called. - (877033)
  • Animation: Fixed a crash when setting Animator.updateMode when no AnimatorController is set. - (869582)
  • Animation: Fixed crash in animation window when starting playback on invalid optimized game object - (865057)
  • Animation: Fixed edit key overriding key frames in curve editor. - (860366)
  • Animation: Fixed vertical and horizontal flips using Box Tool with tangents set to Infinity. - (849656)
  • Asset and Scene ManagementAsset Importing: Fixed a crash while importing an FBX where individual component X/Y/Z curves had different frame ranges. - (845966)
  • Asset Bundles: Fixed a crash when loading a scene with occlusion culling from an asset bundle in editor play mode. - (846853)
  • Asset Bundles: Fixed loading asset by file name and extension to work identical to loading by file name. - (845762, 841092)
  • Asset Bundles: Fixwsed intermittent freeze that could occur when calling AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync multiple times in a single frame. - (862004)
  • Asset Importing: Significant performance improvements to DXT1, DXT5, BC4 and BC5 texture compressor, resulting in faster asset imports.
  • Audio: Fixed a WACK certification failure in UWP player builds using the Microsoft HRTF audio spatializer. - (865507)
  • Cache Server: Can now handle paths with spaces on Mac when calling RunOSX.command with the --path argument. Paths with spaces must be within quotes. - (874677)
  • Cache Server: Displays a warning in the Cache Server Editor Preferences when the Local Cache Server location cannot be reached (e.g. on a disconnected disk). - (858923)
  • Cache Server: Fixed an issue when building,; an unreachable cache server was reported as a warning not an error and did not cause the build to fail. - (840009)
  • Cache Server: Fixed the custom port missing for the remote option. - (871730)
  • Cloudbuild Analytics: Fix for iOS and Android crash when all services are OFF.
  • Deployment Management: Corrected the behaviour on Windows where using -logfile on batch mode with an emptry string would cause output to go to stdout, consistent with all other platforms. - (857206)
  • DX11: Fixed D3D11 Device creation failures on Windows Vista and Windows 7 systems without DX11.1 runtimeupdate. - (877407, 867093, 877210)
  • Editor: Disallow setting DontSave on a tTransform unless it is already set on the GameObject. - (857507)
  • Editor: Fixed a crash for D3D platforms if shader compilation did not return any compiled shader data ie, a shader contained #error pre-processor directive. - (824020)
  • Editor: Fixed a crash whilst reloading scene(s) after using version control merge and resolve operations. - (876733)
  • Editor: Fixed a rare issue where building the player and saving the project later could cause the Editor to lock up. - (857117)
  • Editor: Fixed an issue whereby new installed Unity would report timeout error in commandline activation. - (790345)
  • Editor: Fixed light probe rendering in LookDev HDRIs. Previously it could go wrong depending on the lighting panel parameters set for the project.
  • Global Illumination: Fixed a rare issue where spawning external processes (such as GI Baking) could fail or cause a deadlock. - (799748)
  • Graphics: Don't render the screencamera depth texture space depth buffer if nothing requires it i.e. screenspace shadows are disabled. - (836737)
  • Graphics: DrawProcedural draws geometry only in the left eye when Single Pass VR is enabled - (859819)
  • Graphics: Fixed a crash in some circumstances if object disabled renderer when culling updated the visibility. - (849079)
  • Graphics: Fixed a crash that occurred when loading models from AssetBundles with Tangents set to Calculate Legacy. - (861445)
  • Graphics: Fixed crash in occlusion culling when loading multiple scenes. - (862005)
  • Graphics: Fixed large objects lit by a directional light self shadowing in editor when player was set to aAndroid. - (866230)
  • Graphics: Line Renderer; fixed gaps when values are repeated - (861293)
  • Graphics: LineRenderer; fixed issue where setting endColor failed if using different number of color/alpha keys - (864043)
  • HoloLens: Fixed a crash that occurs on device when downloading files with WWW. - (860775)
  • HoloLens: Fixed an issue with InputField automatically getting activated for text entry as soon as you gaze at it. - (850327, 851586)
  • HoloLens: Prevented a potential memory stomps in very rare repro cases when resuming from suspend.
  • IL2CPP: Allow the build to succeed when the .NET 4 TargetFrameworkAttribute attribute is used in an assembly. - (867606)
  • IL2CPP: Allow the Unity Ads engine integration to work properly on iOS builds that are archived and uploaded to TestFlight. - (874227)
  • IL2CPP: Correct an error in UnusedBytecodeStripper2 related to UnityEngine.RenderTexture that can occur during some project builds. - (863806)
  • IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly on platforms that did not support stack walking properly. - (871948)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed a compile error related to missing header when compiling code using SizeOf IL opcode. - (874838)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed a rare crash in IL2CPP on some Visual Studio installation setups with message "Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Builder is unable to build using selected toolchain (MsvcDesktopToolChain) or architecture (Unity.IL2CPP.Building.x64Architecture)!"
  • IL2CPP: Fixed an issue with race condition of the monitor implementation of IL2CPP that could cause a crash. - (870810)
  • IL2CPP: Fixed System.IO.WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions class not being present in System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.dll.
  • IL2CPP: Prevented an error during code generation when IL code had a try/finally as the last block in a method. - (872641)
  • IL2CPP: Prevented an ExecutionEngineException from being thrown at run time when a virtual generic method was called via a delegate. - (869676)
  • iOS: Added missing icon slots for Spotlight and Settings. (815299)
  • iOS: Don't indicate that microphone and camera is used when it isn't. - (869099)
  • iOS: Don't strip alpha channel out of launch screens textures. - (847494)
  • iOS: Fixed a bug that would prevent the text field input caret from updating when the virtual left and right arrow keys were pressed. - (850430)
  • iOS: Fixed a crash with advertisingIdentifier in iOS Simulator. - (869305)
  • iOS: Fixed an exception when disposed ODR object was collected by GC. - (850619)
  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the ReplayKit API might be reported as available on unsupported devices - (828288)
  • iOS: Fixed Application.isShowingSplashScreen to return the correct state and deprecated it in favour of SplashScreen.isFinished. - (824499)
  • iOS: Fixed inability to change Launch Screen Mode in Player Settings. - (869283)
  • iOS: Fixed orientation requests from the app getting out of sync with iOS orientation. - (796649)
  • iOS: Fixed UnityRepaint crash due to internal inconsistency error. - (862754)
  • iOS: Hide the status bar while playing movies with CancelOnInput or Hidden modes. - (871989)
  • iOS: Internal profiler reports non-sensical CPU time values in pretty much all cases.. - (843172)
  • iOS: UnityEngine.iOS.Device.SetNoBackupFlag can now be called from background threads. - (851113)
  • iOS: Warn when CameraDepthTexture uses wrong Metal sampler type. - (786455)
  • iOS: Warn when SV_POSITION is used as input in vertex shader. - (809737)
  • Kernel: Fixed an issue when undoing the reverting of a prefab which added components with dependencies (such as ConfigurableJoint depending on RigidBody existing). - (870498)
  • Kernel: JsonJSON serialisation now supports correct parsing of NaN and +/-Inf. - (829753)
  • Lighting: Fixed baked light map visualisation shading mode in the Editor.
  • LineRenderer: fixed gaps when values are repeated - (861293)
  • LineRenderer: Fixed issue where setting endColor failed if using different number of color/alpha keys - (864043)
  • macOS: Added a fix to hide the 'Picture in Picture' button in the movie player when played using Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie. - (739557)
  • Metal: Fixed lack of support for the Hidden/FastBloom shader on Metal devices. - (876956)
  • Mono: Correct an invalid C# compiler error with generic types in compiler generated code (like lambdas and enumerators). The error from the C# compiler often includes this text: "There is no boxing or type parameter conversion from..." - (847798)
  • Networking: Fixed issue where unspawn handler was not properly invoked during object cleanup (like in NetworkManager.StopClient()) - (836770)
  • OS X: Added a fix to hide the 'Picture in Picture' button in the movie player when played using Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie. - (739557)
  • Particles: Fixed "TLS ALLOCATOR ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD" error messages - (864122)
  • Particles: Fixed an issue whereby animation curves causing assert errors when using scripted emission. - (865738)
  • Particles: Fixed an issue whereby lights were not cleared when Stop() and Clear() were called. - (869710)
  • Particles: Fixed an issue whereby particle trails were reusing old position data when emitted by script. - (858243)
  • Particles: Fixed an issue with allowing circular references in sub emitters. - (853996, 845817)
  • Particles: Fixed crash in LightsModule when destroying systems - (862777)
  • Particles: Fixed crash in ParticleSystem.Emit() - (862897)
  • Particles: Fixed issue where distance-based emission was not working - (856842)
  • Particles: Fixed issue where particle bounding boxes could become corrupted, resulting in "Invalid AABB" messages - (862352)
  • Particles: Fixed issue where sub-emitters were causing memory leaks - (861347, 863060 )
  • Particles: Fixed issue where switching Render Mode could cause rendering artifacts - (862976)
  • Particles: Fixed rare crash when using the Trail Renderer and Multithreaded Rendering is enabled. - (868648)
  • Particles: Fixed rotation bug with mesh particles - (862921)
  • Particles: Fixed the issue of color not being updated correctly when material properties were changed when using shape module. - (778213)
  • Particles: Fixed the issue of distance emission not working when scale was not 1 and using hierarchy scaling mode. - (844815)
  • Particles: Fixed TrailModule crash when enabling trails and using ParticleSystem.SetParticles - (864208)
  • Particles: Particles Anim Shader now works when using mesh render mode. - (869386)
  • Particles: Stretched billboards could apply scale twice if using Speed Scale - (861409)
  • Particles: Texture Animation could skip frames and display invalid data - (859436v
  • Physics 2D: Ensure all 2D physics profile items provide an object reference.
  • Physics 2D: Ensure that a PhysicsMaterial2D can be reassigned to a Collider2D.
  • Physics 2D: Fixed an issue of rendering CapsuleCollider2D with very small sizes. - (863939)
  • Physics 2D: Optimize the CapsuleCollider2D component intersection tests for speed and accuracy.
  • Physics 2D: When turning on Rigidbody2D.simulated, the body position/rotation should be synchronized to the current Transform. - (871727)
  • Physics: Fixed a crash when applying prefab changes in the editor when a component contains a Rigidbody2D. - (878576)
  • Playables: Fixed blending of AnimatorControllerPlayable not working properly. - (873587)
  • Prefabs: Fixed Editor crash when trying to connect a prefab to an instance marked with DontSave. - (866855)
  • Purchasing: Fixed a bug where a duplicate transaction could fail without calling the failure callback.
  • SceneManagement: Fixed unloading Scene using Scene as parameter. - (860750, 871607)
  • Scripting: Added the following non-allocating accessors to Mesh. These accessors write into a user-specified List. The accessors are GetBindposes, GetBoneWeights, GetColors, GetIndices, GetNormals, GetTangents, GetTriangles, and GetVertices.
  • Scripting: Allow serialization of classes extending Dictionary. - (699250)
  • Scripting: Fixed a deadlock when debugging in MonoDevelop. - (819887)
  • Scripting: Fixed a rare failure when building players. - (852993)
  • Scripting: Fixed an issue with StopCoroutine not stopping IEnumerator and CustomYieldInstruction based coroutines. - (852360)
  • Scripting: Fixed RequireComponent not working with nested namespaces. - (856277)
  • Shaders: Fixed shader compilation error when compiling certain surface shaders using WorldNormalVector from INTERNAL_DATA e.g. shadow pass variations. - (856507)
  • Splash Screen: Fixed an issue where the splash could be truncated by a first scene taking a long time to load - (810571)
  • Tizen: Change the minimum API level to Tizen 2.4 in PlayerSettings. - (872286)
  • Tizen: Fix a NULLnull dereferencinge while exiting the game. - (869995)
  • Tizen: Improve error when failing to discover a deployment target. - (834785)
  • Tizen: Improvements to emulator deployment.
  • Tizen: SystemInfo.processorFrequency now returns proper values.
  • TrailRenderer: Fixed visual artifacts when manually enabled during Play mode - (869964)
  • UI: Fixed miscoloured mesh when this was created with CanvasRenderer.SetMesh, passing an array of Color objects to Mesh.colors. - (857087)
  • UnityWebRequest: fix proxy support, so that debuggers like Fiddler work. - (861828)
  • UnityWebRequest: Fixed an issue with redirect in editor when not in play mode. - (878300)
  • Virtual Reality: Fixed inconsistency in game view between Singlepass Stereo and Multi Pass when using Split Stereo Diplay. - (814290)
  • Virtual Reality: Fixed incorrect culling in Split Stereo Display. - (830612)
  • Virtual Reality: Fixed incorrect eye view in Split Stereo Display. - (832185)
  • Virtual Reality: Fixed incorrect viewport bounds in Singlepass Stereo. - (832283)
  • Windows Store: Fixed build & run failing on windows phone 10 with IL2CPP scripting backend. - (862914)
  • Windows Store: Fixed building Windows Store player against Windows 10 "Creators Update" SDK. - (876078)
  • Windows Store: Fixed IL2CPP not finding tools from Windows SDK directory in some installation setups.
  • Windows Store: Fixed player pref corruption on power loss. - (855595)
  • Windows Store: Fixed the folder Structure missing from Assembly-CSharp.csproj. - (858579)
  • Windows: When standalone player is embedded into other window, Alt+Enter shortcut for full screen is disabled.

Known Issues

  • Android: Build fails when the latest Android SDK Tools 25.3.1 version is used. (888859)
  • Windows Store: Player prefs might get corrupted on Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 SDKs when forcefully closing the application right after saving them.

Revision: 3829d7f588f3

Changeset: 3829d7f588f3