The Unity 5.5.4 public release brings you a few improvements and a large number of fixes. Read the release notes below for details.
For more information about the previous main release, see the Unity 5.5.3 Release Notes.
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returns null instead of throwing exceptions on functions which return an object, class or array. (839005)UnityWebStreams
not getting cleaned up properly. (867508)WebCamTexture
crash with denied permissions. (877837)SoftInput
input field being hidden under keyboard when translucent flag is set.Animator.Speed
during an animation transition now correctly affects the cross-fade speed. (898504)PrepareFrame
that occurred due to Animator being Deactivated in Script (896659)queueDebuggingEnabled
is now included. (908965)OnWillRenderObject
. (873206)Texture.GetPixels
or Texture.SetPixels
is used with invalid input parameters. (771031)GetBuildUsageTagFromAssets
that was triggered by project that had ShaderVariants. (889138)GenerateCombinedDynamicVisibleListJob
). (882704)LightEvent.AfterShadowMap
. (880716)UnusedBytecodeStripper2
which could occur in some projects: "Member 'System.Type' was declared in another module and needed to be imported.” (894071)RegionInfo
. (891471)Social.localUser.Authenticate
when the error parameter was read. (868697)ReplayKit
framework in plugins. (882013)DuplicateTransaction
failure for all non-consumable purchases when initialized. (889321)CanvasRenderer.OnTransformChanged
when the canvas is set to ScreenSpace.Camera
render mode, and the Camera’s Transform is changed. (886258)UnityWebRequest.GetTexture()
. (876648)OnMouseDown
was defined in a non-monobehaviour class. (869168)SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync
on .NET scripting backend with .NET native enabled. (869407)System.TypeInitializationException
on startup, which occurred with .NET scripting backend when a nested class was derived from a non-nested class and was overriding one of its methods. (872058)Screen.SetResolution
not accounting for DPI settings. (875849)Revision: 8ffd0efd98b1
Changeset: 8ffd0efd98b1